Good luck...



Originally posted by mank!
Science - D D

You got a Bra size in Science?

Not mocking...............

...........honest :)


Seems so :)

Joking aside, they mark it extraodinarily strangely. I don't get it, but then we've gathered I'm fick.


Bah I only got got 5 C grades and above 4 years ago.

Possibly cos I revised for a full 45mins the entire time.

It was all I needed for my College subject so it was fine for me.


Originally posted by Grandadwrinkle

I feel young again:clap:

Heh Me too

Thanks Yuck - was starting to feel old. Now I realise im not THAT old (I was a young student - honest)


Did my O levels 17 years ago... I'm with the crowd that's happy Yuck is older than us :D

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by ~Lazarus~

Some say that the English Language is the 2nd hardest in the world to master (behind Chinese)

The same word in chinese can mean 7 or 8 different things dependant on the tone you use when you say it. Additionaly, the spoken word is totally different from the written.

I think the German's have something crazy like 16 different way's of saying 'the'. :m00:

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by ~Lazarus~

Some say that the English Language is the 2nd hardest in the world to master (behind Chinese)

The same word in chinese can mean 7 or 8 different things dependant on the tone you use when you say it. Additionaly, the spoken word is totally different from the written.

Back to English, I cant understand how, as part of the Interpretation test, the examiners can give anything less than 100% to EVERYONE. After all, it is the person's interpertation that they are asking for - that should always be correct. No?

The only difficulty with English is the irregular verbs, and frankly that's just a matter of bothering to learn them. The fact that we don't use gender in reference to nouns removes a major stumbling block language learners face, along with the generally logical sentence structure. English is truly a beautiful language and it's depressing to see it's corruption and bastardisation by people with no respect for it.

Onto the interpretation bit, you loose points for not backing up your interpretations. If you can literately explain your interpretation then you'll get close enough to 100% to receive an a/a*.

For the record I did English Lit A-Level and found it incredibly easy, since the subject was basically; Read this text and write about it.


Originally posted by ~YuckFou~
[Embattle] Easy [/Embattle] :)

It's odd how these really young kids always seem to do IT.

Probably because the exams are a piece of piss and your parents can all but do the coursework for you.

Not that I'm cynical or anything...


Originally posted by Daffeh
isnt GCSE IT how to use MS Word?

Something like that. The exam also has questions like "Name 2 input devices"...


Originally posted by Daffeh
isnt GCSE IT how to use MS Word?

I doubt it, seing as most GCSE's have no relevance to most things in the real world it would more likely be a course where you must make it out of Granny's Garden to complete the course :rolleyes:


GCSE IT is the biggest load of shite.. ever.

It's just bollox that is very little use to anyone.

Scooba Da Bass

Much like every GCSE in that respect then?

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by mank!
Business Studies - D
German - D
English - BB
English Literature - C
Geography - F
History - E (Despite getting A*'s for both pieces of coursework)
Maths - D
Science - D D
Graphic Products - E

Feel free to mock me. I probably couldn't feel much worse.

It might be mockable if they were actually worth anything. Your GCSE grades will affect virtually nothing from now till you die. I fucked up virtually every GCSE because I needed them for nothing, my sixth form college accepted me for every course I chose regardless of my final grade, I went on to get 5 As at A-Level (looking back it was a waste of time and work as I skipped uni). So basically don't worry.


Originally posted by Testin da Cable
a couple of months ago Anita got me to toss ... Before I dumped ... in the aged, stained, yellowed paper.

I enjoyed editing that one. :)


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
English is truly a beautiful language and it's depressing to see it's corruption and bastardisation by people with no respect for it.




Originally posted by furofknight
Now thats hardly fair, i happen to be from the guinea pig year. when they introduced those crappy AS levels. The teachers had no idea what was going on and set prep (aka homework) as though we were only doing 3 subjects instead of four, thus we got overworked, it was a nightmare. My year group was on the verge of collapse!

Same here but i had to contend with my school being re-opened in Y11 with a bunch of teachers who knew nothing about what we were doing, who gave us coursework at the worst time possible, add to that the poor quality and lessez-faire attitude of some of the senior membors of staff and you have a 100 strong year group with only 11 people who got 5 or more A - C's

Its shit being us


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
Onto the interpretation bit, you loose points

That's "lose" points there Prof. ;)

And I know exactly what you mean. I fear for the future of the English language, when the majority of people leaving schools nowadays can only write their own language in stunted phone text style.

I read on the BBC webby that a large number of A-Level students actually wrote out their entire papers in that style of "writing".

"2 b or not 2 b, that's teh Q."

Oh deary me.



Originally posted by FatBusinessman
And I'm going to enjoy this:


I'll let you off because you're young. But please, try to add something to threads instead of your constant :twak:ing :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass

It might be mockable if they were actually worth anything. Your GCSE grades will affect virtually nothing from now till you die. I fucked up virtually every GCSE because I needed them for nothing, my sixth form college accepted me for every course I chose regardless of my final grade, I went on to get 5 As at A-Level (looking back it was a waste of time and work as I skipped uni). So basically don't worry.

The man is right, GCSE grades are highly over-rated.

Schools make them seem a lot more important than what they actually are, just retake them at college if you really want too...or any time in your life ;)


2 Years ago i got:

Computers - B
Maths - C
Science - CC
English Language - C
Eng. Lit - D
French - F.

pretty cack. did a levels and got the third best in the year, (except art students), and best in business studies.

BBE in my a levels.

GCSE's mean fuck all really, only to yourself really. go to college and they mean jack shit.


What makes that scary is being third best in year means there are people out there even more retarded than Slic4r.

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