Good, fun Mid classes?



Re: Re: Good, fun Mid classes?

Originally posted by svartalf
They're all fun in PvE. Just don't expect to be able to do anything at L50 without being in one of the uberl337 and ignorant guilds who want nothing to do with the riffraff of the realm; Warders, BaF, B.O., Maelstrom to name but a few. They are one of the main reasons Midgard currently suffers constantly at the hands of the Albion zergh.

You're quite full of it aren't you svartalf, those guilds have lots to do with the other guilds of midgard, helping out in defending keeps in our own frontier and claiming keeps in enemy frontiers as well.


Its so easy to say shit like that svartalf, but where are the facts? why do these guilds ruin midgard, id love to know to be honest, and how would midgard do without them? im sure they would be a lot worse off.

I never see sons of nidhug (svartalfs guild) do jack shit to help the realm, i dont even see them rvr as a guild atall. In maelstrom we reguarly take keeps to open up DF, and help in the retaking of midgard frontier keeps.


Re: Re: Good, fun Mid classes?

Originally posted by svartalf
They're all fun in PvE. Just don't expect to be able to do anything at L50 without being in one of the uberl337 and ignorant guilds who want nothing to do with the riffraff of the realm; Warders, BaF, B.O., Maelstrom to name but a few. They are one of the main reasons Midgard currently suffers constantly at the hands of the Albion zergh.

That's a pretty sad attitude imo, some of the nicest and most fun ppl to play with are in the above guilds and are definately not part of the 'uber1337' crew.

Ever consider some guilds are made by people to make it easier for them to play together more frequently than if they just happened to join a random mixed group? that's pretty much what the above guilds do...what's the problem with it?

I 'socialise' with a quite large number of players from all of the above guilds and I'm not in any of them.


It's so easy to jump to conclusions. Please read my post carefully.

Nowhere do I state that, "These guilds ruin Midgard". I think they they have the potential for forming a great backbone for the realm.

I merely state that unless you are in one of those guilds you will not be capable of doing anything useful in RvR, as you so helpfully emphasise in your post, Sinister.

I state that the guilds are ignorant, because for the most part Midgard groups are guild-only oriented, which I feel does not bode well for realm success. I state that they are uberl337 because from my experience, I see lots of guild groups each wanting to be the next SotL zerg.


I merely state that unless you are in one of those guilds you will not be capable of doing anything useful in RvR, as you so helpfully emphasise in your post, Sinister.

Is it our fault that you cannot get organised to get an rvr group together? (you as in the general you) . Are we "uber1337" because we like a balanced team? Are we ignorant because we like players from our guild in our group prior to anyone else?

I play this game for two things

- the community. I think i have lots of people i like to call friends ( and i , believe it or not, am a totally different person in game)
- I play to win. I'm a very sore loser.

I try to keep these things strictly divided.

As for you, i think we allways got along quite well together, so this is hard for me. However, i value my guild very high and i will jump at every accusation, taunt or whatever targetting it.


Originally posted by svartalf
I state that the guilds are ignorant, because for the most part Midgard groups are guild-only oriented, which I feel does not bode well for realm success. I state that they are uberl337 because from my experience, I see lots of guild groups each wanting to be the next SotL zerg.

Well there's nothing wrong with having guildgroups, only builds up your teamspirit and lets you get to know eachothers playstyle, not everyone likes to team with johndoemid, cause then they don't know what to except from that player. And there're not many things that will get you more upset than an ae-nuker when the healer wasted that precious AE instamez or that SB who just happened to hide and fade away as you passed that MG etc ;)

If people took a little extra time and effort when they go out to rvr and build up a suitable group that has the 3 keyelements in it first then they will be a lot more succesfull and don't have to gloat about "guildonly" groups any more :)

1. Seer (healer and/or shaman)
2. PBT (you get a pbt and nuker for that heavydmg, tadaa)
3. Skald (really need mach5 nowadays)

If you make sure that these 3 points are taken care of before you head out, then you can fill up the rest of the slots with any L50 class and prolly be able to take on a FG of anything, except those uberleet guildonly groups maybe ;)

So instead of yelling lfg at the PK, do a /who <needed class> and build a nice lil'ole team.


Originally posted by svartalf

I state that the guilds are ignorant, because for the most part Midgard groups are guild-only oriented

hmm well lets see.. to my right i have a guildie that i know well and played alot with and to my left i got another person that i have no idea what so ever who it is.. who to invite to the group??

Blue Ix

Re: Re: Good, fun Mid classes?

So much hatred!

Originally posted by svartalf
They're all fun in PvE. Just don't expect to be able to do anything at L50 without being in one of the uberl337 and ignorant guilds who want nothing to do with the riffraff of the realm; Warders, BaF, B.O., Maelstrom to name but a few. They are one of the main reasons Midgard currently suffers constantly at the hands of the Albion zergh.


I think it's a shame that people are left behind when there's spots in guild groups. It doesn't help Midgard at all.

I'm trying to point out to a new guy that it's vital to get into one of your guilds if you want to have any success in RvR.

Blue Ix

Commitment is vital, beeing a member of a RvR guild is not.

Originally posted by svartalf
I think it's a shame that people are left behind when there's spots in guild groups. It doesn't help Midgard at all.

I'm trying to point out to a new guy that it's vital to get into one of your guilds if you want to have any success in RvR.


Welln sure form your guild hunt groups. But what i dont understand some people, they rather run around with 4 chars in group than invite that solo guy they are running past.

And then you have theese "uber1337" people who dont care what they do to other people. You get invited to a group run with it for an hour, then one member decides to log. The group invite another player not from the same guild. The player who logged decides to come back after 2 min, just to find the group full. Ohhhh lets kill the thane and get the healer back in. 3 healers are always good in a group. Is there any slim chance i will help theese people out??? Nope.

Yes i like to win. But i dont want to do it at any cost.

Blue Ix

Three healers, in the same guild, online all at once?!?!
When we invite people to a guildteam - or when people ask if they can join, we make sure they know that it will be temporary.

Originally posted by Fafnir
Welln sure form your guild hunt groups. But what i dont understand some people, they rather run around with 4 chars in group than invite that solo guy they are running past.

And then you have theese "uber1337" people who dont care what they do to other people. You get invited to a group run with it for an hour, then one member decides to log. The group invite another player not from the same guild. The player who logged decides to come back after 2 min, just to find the group full. Ohhhh lets kill the thane and get the healer back in. 3 healers are always good in a group. Is there any slim chance i will help theese people out??? Nope.

Yes i like to win. But i dont want to do it at any cost.


No 2 healers from the same guild, the 3rd was from another guild.


Your a bunch of condascending plebs...well - the 5 people Ive met - oh and the ones who post on here quite ofetn.

Ive had 3 episodes with you lot - I can assure you there wont be any others :)

Reminded me of some alb/excal guilds tbh.


Originally posted by klavrynd
i see you changed your sig.

Might i remind you that after i gave you tons of help , be it in normal thread and pm's with sites to read etc .
After, i saw you insisted in spamming threads about every possible class showing you ignored my -back then friendly- words.

what's the point of helping you out every time if you insist on being blatantly ignorant anyhow?

right on man!


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