God you GOTTA love the BS :)



I *bet* you clicked here thinking I was going to rant on about some god forsaken game, Tribe member, or other miscreant eh?

Well, you are wrong

You know, I'm gonna take a moment to reflect here. Just a moment, then its back to the Vodka (which, I *deserve* btw, so no alky references or I will personally ensure you never have kids.. whole

I was playing Quake when a goodly few of you were still learning how to operate your first childproof asprin bottle. I watched the community grow from a few geeky students (yeah, whatever
) who were sucked in from a world that previously only consisted of crappy re-textured DOOM levels, and the guy who knew what a MUD was.

Quake was amazing. It was NEW. It was, and lets be frank here, the dogs bollox. I remember sitting there with my P100 (which was at the time, THE machine to have, knocking aside those piss ant 486 SX's with relish) and playing on an 8 player 'server', and later JANET.

And the community grew, and it went from 'a few geeks playing a shit coloured computer game' into something approaching a computer revolution. People started to band together, and the idea of a Clan was borne, fresh from iD's greasy loins, and crying to be let loose on the newly accessible internet.

Anyhow, things moved along quite nicely. I can clearly remember when there were only four Clans in the *entire* UK worth being in: MW, QL, DoM, and some other bunch called McM
-- now don't bother sending me flames about 'other clans' because frankly, I couldn't give a rats ass. These were the big four, the 'Grand Daddy's' if you will, and like all old folks, they eventually lost bladder control, and leaked all over the carpet

However, during my Quaking time (I played as SalsaDip.DoM) when my ping was a most satisfactory 50 or so (on a bad day) I experienced the 'other' side of the community, the side where even Darth would fear to tread without knowing his rape alarm was safely ensconced in his Super-Utility-Belt.

I watched (sometimes with dismay, often with humour bordering on hysteria) as people launched scathing, personal attacks on other 'community' members, over what essentially amounts to a few pixels dancing round a screen. I watched message boards soar to new levels (and this was in the days well before UBB) as arguments went back and forth, left and right, up and down.. and they all amounted to utter bullshit
(see, a reference to the topic!)

I eventually got very, very bored with two things. Firstly, the lack of respect for other people (I'm very old fashioned in many respects, and that really grates) - and secondly the game itself. Students in their first year, like myself, spent 90% of their time online (for academic purposes you understand.. I should have done my thesis on BigandBusty.com, I'd have got a first
) and frankly, Quake gets extremely boring after a while!

Anyhow, let us zip forward a number of years. And here I am, working for El Governmente, and running a site called Planet3dfx.com - with an American friend of mine. Very big, very labour intensive.. and I hear about this Tribes malarky. This grabs my attention completely (Quake is in my humble opinion still infested with stuck up peeps who have obviously been to the Mussolini School of Social Interaction
) and so we begin the journey to the site that is Planet-Tribes.com

Please bear with me, I'll get to the point (said the actress to the bishop). The point is this: I am sitting here, again in the unique position of being 'one of the first' UK people to be directly involved in the Tribes community in a Big Way(TM). And, I am watching the same disease that attacked the once fabulous Quake community, attack the still growing Tribes one. It saddens me to think that at some point soon, I may well indeed restrict my Tribes community involvement to running websites.. (mind you at 5 cents a page impression..

Guys, Gals, and other people, I implore you to do/remember a few points. :

1) Tribes is a GAME. No MORE.
2) We live in the 20th century, racist comments are WELL out of bounds, and I can't believe that supposedly 'mature' individuals stoop to use them. So DON'T.
3) Enjoy Life.

I for one have two distinct hats (well, ones that I can wear in public without getting arrested). One is my [EM] hat. The other one is my Mr.Website.Person hat. These are completely different, and I hope you can see that.

I, like any normal non-drug-influenced person with a stressful job, gets het (is that a word?) up and pissed off sometimes, all I can do is ask that you forgive these little failings, and join me in actively working to promote and consolidate our fledgling community, and eventually get pissed

So, with that, I sign off. Jerry can't be here for his final word so I'll do it instead;

Remember folks, that no matter the trials and tribulations you face in your daily lifes, there is always people less well off than you. For instance, Marmite Flange

Later all - wh00p!



I agree with ur point Brit.

I have not played games for 1,000,000 years. Tribes is my first and only on line game. My first ever lan was the tribes launch party on TPF, my first ever competitive computer game was that first friendly against BR ect. I am a newbie, abiet one with a massive gob......

I have gotten pissed off to fuk with everything, I do not have fun anymore, to the point where, as my team mates know, I very rarely play as vaggabond anymore. Only at EM stuff, once in blue moon on public servers(quick start
). I prefer to be mister nobody, ignored by tagged players, helping new ppl and killing the odd tagged player and flooding the channels with random drivel

Whatever way this EM -v- TD thing started, I am not really sure, it does not look like ending. But it seems that they dislike us quite a lot, messing is messing, and we have a good laugh, and will continue to do so in IRC I hope but as brit says its only a game.

We need to cop on, there are few enough ppl playing tribes as it is without us killing each other all the time and making ppl go away


BTW Brit - u are sooooo full of shit its not even funny

[This message has been edited by [EM]vaggabond (edited 06 July 1999).]


I will refrain from naming all the people I hate, all the things, places and games which I hate.

Just because my eyes hurt after reading that long post, Brit



If *anyone* can tell me why I joined [EM] then please, for the love of god, let me know



I said I'd kick your ass, remember?



Hey Brit,

I agree with a lot of the points that you have made. Although probably not as crusty as u, have have been playing games for some time.

Online started for me, a year ago, on Air Attack on Wireplay. I have since become the Club captain for that game, and it frequently depresses me to see ppl getting hot under the collar about all sorts of things.

Some ppl do seem to think that anonomity (Spelling?) of the net gives them the right to do and say wotever they want.

I am not privvy (no toilet humour pls) to all the details about the disagreements between EM and TD, but it strikes me as being ultimately pointless.

There is nothing that will be achieved by this, newbies will stop coming to the game, and Tribes will die. None of us want to see this occur, and should make every effort to ensure it does not.

As CC of Air Attack, I have been asked to solve disputes between ppl. Its hard to do, cos you have to be seen to be fair to both parties. But the dispute needs to be solved, before it engulfs the Tribes community entirely.

Comments are welcome, abuse is not. No-one should be abused, just cos you (not aimed at anyone!) do not agree with their opinion or actions.



[WTc] Chadman
Attack Womble



I think you will find (if you look beyond the petty bickering and insult exchanges that you seem to have been caught up in lately) that there are a good number of tribes out there who are fun to play with or against, who enjoy it as a game and who genuinely try to promote the community aspect of clans and tribes.

This is not a *rant* or bullshit. This is an honest observation from watching things grow and progress since January (when I became involved). You just need to step back a little, stop getting so caught up in the exchanges that slide down into personal insults and personality swaps, and remember why you played this game and joind a tribe in the first place.

European Ambassador
Starslayer Tribe http://starslayer.gibbed.com/starslayer.htm

"Abandon All Hope!"


As a Welshman I recieve countless racist comments. They don't bother me, just another form of crap mickey taking, and I'm proud of my nationality so people pointing it out can only be good


Pass me the sick bag...group hug anyone?

seriously though - good posts here and I will keep mine brief cos I realised I have a job to go to and I am late hehe
Hopefully people can look past the recent bickering. We are in this for fun yes?
Lets help the game grow - in-fighting will drag ANY scene down - whether its games or music sub-cultures (punk etc) whatever...
For the record Brit...
I am an old get too..
I used to laugh at the whole Spectrum vs. Commodore 64 debate...!
not cos I felt superior but cos my Dad made me stik with my ZX81 - ram pack wobble anyone? lol
Cheers all


I`ll be Mr Obstinate and say that DoM and McM are newbie clans when compared to Clan Pendragon and QPD. Just had to cast that up and I didn`t agree with Brits "The 4 Ancient Clans" list.

The Skiing tank!



Well, I agree with The Quake Police Department being put on that Big Ancient Clans list, but Pendragon came along a while after I think (or at least, weren't so big



He's just sore cos CP were one of the clan's DoM whooped in it's short life



Nah, CP were around long before even the QPD were formed. And can I have that hook back once yer finished chewin on it?

Crunchy on the outside,
Chewy on the inside.


I've seen accusations of racist abuse flying around in many of these threads, and mentioned again here. And yet I haven't seen any actual racism whatsoever.
I think some people are confusing abuse on the grounds of race, with abuse on the grounds of nationality, which is a different thing all together. Racism is, quite rightly, abhorrent. Taking the piss out of someone because they're Irish, French, English or whatever is just not the same thing. And don't try and tell me you don't do it- I've never met anyone who doesn't occasionally have a laugh at the Welsh, the Scottish and so on. And, quite frankly, it's a bit lame and archaic to get so offended if someone insults your nation- we live in a post-national corporate world now, and have done for years. People taking the outdated concept of nationality too seriously is what has been responsible for the nightmare in Northern Ireland for the last 2 centuries.
In a post PC (thats Politically Correct) age, it's the easiest thing in the world to accuse someone of one of the worst "-isms", thereby lowering respect for them in the eyes of the world. But frequently, as in this case, it just isn't accurate.
Please be careful with such accusations- most of you seem to be/have been students, you really should know the difference between race and nationality.



It's not so long ago that the Irish were seen as a different race. The days of "No Blacks or Irish" may be gone, but we are still quite sensitive to that kind of abuse.

No-one has been 'taking the piss' lately - there have been insulting comments made that were meant as such, not in a light hearted manner (apart from ru's comments with "*joke*" - and even then nationality shouldn't have come into it).

Basically any argument may break down into name calling, that's something that always happens, especially on the 'net - but insulting someone based on race, nationality, religion etc is always going too far, and always unacceptable.


old.BR Cuba

Im welsh too and get loads a "racist jokes"
i also get FATIST jokes to but do i care, NO

on tuesday night in #uktl i must of had 10 peoples poking fun at me

as to its only a game i toally agree

but how interesting would these boards be with out bantor of one kind or another

ALL celts shagg sheep thats my belief

even u irish people

[This message has been edited by BR Cuba (edited 15 July 1999).]


First of all, an introduction, I am hol, you may have rarely seen me on Tribes servers, Im a Q2 lmctf player, or was anyway, all I can do for you all is share my experience of this, not as extensive as Brits, but just as incisive and poignant Im sure, basiccly, I just quit Q2, for similar reasons to what Brit is feeling right now, I could go into EXTREME detail of what the problem is with online gaming and exactly why it has gone the way it has, I could make point after point of total mind blowing 'oh shit yeah!' truth, [no I dont have an ego Im just good at observation], but if you want to hear it you willl have to come and find me, try IRC in #accademy, at the end of the day the simple explanation is human nature and personality, it is both the beauty and agony of the internet, no one has much control over youre actions or what you can or cant do, basiccly you are free agents, IMO, people arent actually inteligent enough to realise this IN GENERAL I might add, and dont even realise they have a choice, some of these are just naturally good people and arent bastards, others are idiots by nature, the sort of activity these sort of people get up to are reflected in every online game everywhere, as I said its based on human nature and in paticular personality and therefore EGO, what these so good people dont realise is that
A:They are good at something that at the end of the day will get them nothing.
B:They will only be good for so long, the time they devote to a game which almost doesnt exist in reality is actually based entirely upon fixed rules [see the matrix film], as Morpheus says, some can be bent others can be broken, they will resolve to any advantage just to make themeselves look good to thier peers, again thsi is human nature, a translation is these people will use anything other than actuall skill and what the game was intended to do to WIN.
C:You are actually only as good at any game with fixed rules as you are SAD, eg:knowing exactly where all the best ski-ing places are
I mean who takes the time to do this stuff FFS? Its a game isnt it? It isnt actually real is it? There really is utterly no point in taking the game to those extremes, all you get from that is a false sense that you are actually good, by playing against players who by virtue of the fact that they arent as sad as others are getting beaten by people who have more knowledge rather than skill, ok is that such a bad thing? I think it is, it will get taken to such FAR extremes, mark these words, it probably allready has.
The saddest thing is that it WILL get worse, why did you join a clan Brit? Well like minded people and people with a sense of humor provide us all with a false sense of reality and security, usually things we cant get from real life [dunno if this is true of you or not] Another simplification of it all is we are online becasue of the feeling we get out of it, my personal feeling is that I cant abide selfishness, this is why I left clans and Q2, its been around so long that everyone has grown spitefull and fat and ignorant on what they think they are getting out of it, if you wish for a better dose of reality, give me an irc channel to find you on, Im sure I can find something intresting to talk about, oh and BTW tell [EM]quik to visit this BBS, cos hes one of me best mates IRL and Id like to see him about more and talk to him a bit

hol-one fudged up little cracker, also to see my views on Q2 goto http://www.hexus.com/plans.shtml?column=HOL
[blatant plug]


*note to self*
Ditch that cheap foreign beer stuff you were drinking last night


Lol hol!

Someone wrote something about alias`s... or being anonymous.

Just recently i got invovled with an anonymous RA2 clan... I dont mean i cant tell you whom the clan was.. just the fact that everyplayer was givern a number.

No one knew who each person was, even thier names, except for the clan leader.

The reasoning behind this was thus, and has a lot to do with online gaming. too many egos too many attitudes. No Name, No attitude. The clan rules were based on being quiet. No spamming "I ROCK!"
Only clan stuff like " Trap set at %l"

A little story....

About a year ago i think, i saw a guy playing on the LMCTF servers... we were both on the same losing team... and for some reason we had a synogy (sp) about the defence.... if he was on one side, i would be on the other... if an attack came in, i would jump up onto the roof and fire like buggery, he would lead them into my shots. at first i thought it was a fluke, it was the best game of LM i have ever played. BTW we won that game against all odds.

I played again on the server and along pops this guy, and again the Synogy thing started to happen. I instantly spoke to him, and my clan snapped him up. Now everything was great. No Problems what so ever. Then i introduced this Guy to "Gibstats" and the player listing thingy (cant remeber its name)

Within a period of 2 weeks he turned from a good player into " I am the best player of all time" and consequently left our clan, cause WE WERENOT GOOD ENOUGH.

He said he was in a different league. Well fuck me with a fish fork and call me susan.

Since then i have noticed this happening all over the place, in every type of On-line Game. ( i even know of people finding where someone lives and going round and kicking the shit out of the computer, connection ) i mean FFS. Yes its in our nature to be competative... but to this level?! i think not.

Some times i think Computer Gaming SHOULD be a sport, simply due to the fact it has become so competative, if for nothing else!

Hol is my brother, and while i take the piss outta him, cause ive been on the net for 5 years, and he couldnt hack it for 1, i think he has definatly done the rite thing. Maybe you should just take a break brit. Im thinking about it. Who knows tho.

Thanks for listing

"chink chink" My 2 cents


I couldn't agree more.

For a game like Tribes, where teamplay is paramount, these "Player Ratings" systems are a complete waste of time.

For example, a team with a good set of defenders will have one man on Genny or Flag D (deep in the base) who will, if the rest of his teammates are any good, never see the enemy. And if he is good enough, and guarding one of many possible routes, again, he won't see the enemy because they will avoid him ... he is just too damn good. His turrets wont earn him kills, not will his prompt repairs to base equipment, nor his teaamwork in spotting and informing his mates on where the enemy is.

Midfielders working as decoys dont get kills either ... they are just trying to annoy the hell out of the enemy and get them to chase them.

Attackers hitting base defences dont get kills ... they are just helping the rest of their team to cap the flag.

A dedicated flag grabber (who brings the flag out then drops hit for an ally) doesn't get kills. If he is any good he tries NOT to engage the enemy.

You get the idea? A low score on "Player Ratings" doesn't mean anything. Just because you are not high in the ratings doesn't mean you are not a good player.

Ratings are for glory hunters, not Team-players.



Susan ? that you Susan ?? blimey, it is! now, where I put that fish fork..



Lemming your summary of Tribes is excellent, it kinda makes you feel better when you know other people are on your wave length.

I have been playing online for many years now and that is one of the best discriptions of team play i have heard. In a way I wish there was a way of at least showing what the whole team has acheived rather than the just the peeps who cap the flag etc.

QWCTF has a great system showing all the stats etc etc it really does praise the "behind the scenes" team players out there.

Does anyone else think the same?

HAH u missed me.. *BLAM* DOH!

old.BR Cuba

Yeh im lucky if i see more than 2 people in 45 mins at flag but its my job to stay there regardless of score

Its a trust thing in tribes u goto trust ur team m8's to be doing what their meant too

Tribes has to be the best team game around !

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