GOA too harsh on emote spamming?

Are GOA too harsh suspending players for emote spamming?

  • Yes - Let players /ignore instead

    Votes: 154 57.0%
  • No - I'd rather see players suspended for emote spamming

    Votes: 116 43.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 25, 2004
Firstly...How do you know they aren't banning for it in the US? Lots of servers over there I'm sure it happens. Plus I would imagine the Americans are much more reserved and wouldn't go to such extremes as often.

Although I do think reporting it is rather petty, I do agree with the CoC, as it is annoying and if people are spamming excessive emotes they probably should get a slap on the wrist for it.

They can't exactly stop banning for it now anyway, the can of worms has been opened.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Not in the least bit to harsh.

Ban the anti-social scum, maybe it will teach them to grow up a bit.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 16, 2004
If GOA could suspend my friend account only cos he hitted GOLM mob 1 sec later than anyone else, not for another reason !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , then imo they are so stupid to bann someone for spamming 5 emotes. :twak:
Some ppl have you think about the things they do.

I wont say word if someone will spam 20 or more emotes, thats real spamming nor will complain if someone will come to artefact mob when it has 10% HP and when the mob die he will loot it from group, that is real thief wich have to be banned. But bann fair and nice ppl is imo stupid and only will angry their customers.

The ppl who agree with bann for 5 spamm thei must be realy crazy :(


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Katzz said:
If GOA could suspend my friend account only cos he hitted GOLM mob 1 sec later than anyone else, not for another reason !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , then imo they are so stupid to bann someone for spamming 5 emotes. :twak:
Some ppl have you think about the things they do.

I wont say word if someone will spam 20 or more emotes, thats real spamming nor will complain if someone will come to artefact mob when it has 10% HP and when the mob die he will loot it from group, that is real thief wich have to be banned. But bann fair and nice ppl is imo stupid and only will angry their customers.

The ppl who agree with bann for 5 spamm thei must be realy crazy :(

As has been said above many times - its not 3 or 5 emotes.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Zedenz said:
Firstly...How do you know they aren't banning for it in the US? Lots of servers over there I'm sure it happens. Plus I would imagine the Americans are much more reserved and wouldn't go to such extremes as often.


Americans are worse.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Well TBH, the only emote you should be giving them after you kill someone is a friendly one, why use /rude?

I have used the negative emotes very occassionally in the past when I have been frustrated by adds during a fight, but not afterwards.

I think it's when you get zerged solo by 4 or more skill-less wonders who then spam /laugh or /rude that it makes your blood boil (or mine anyway).

People like that should get banned IMHO - be content with your RPs, /bow and move along.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
i use /laugh every now and again when someone adds and dies, because thats exactly what i am doing irl... There is no need to spam it though imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Just a thought - saw in poll that /ignore can be used to block emoters - never tried but can you /ignore ppl from another realm?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Raven said:
i use /laugh every now and again when someone adds and dies, because thats exactly what i am doing irl... There is no need to spam it though imo.

I disagree, if you get added on and the fight is still going on the emotes have a good chance of getting drowned in combat msgs etc, so sometimes there can be a need for spamming at least 10+ emotes, but I do agree that tons (50) can be annoying, but I don't think banning someone for it is fair or the right thing to do - you can always turn emote msgs off or ignore someone...


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
I can understand that people can get pissed off at each other, and that they need to deliver some sort of 'message'.. But we have to draw a line. In my head, there is an 'unwritten law' which stops me from emoting when I reach the 2nd [shift]+[forward]. Thats when I get to the point when I feel the person im emoting has caught my message. /hug /hug /hug

Some people seem to lack this ability however.. and keeps spamming 20,25,30,50 /rude, and more and more and more. The message has already been given.. the work is done .. but they keep going ... and going...and....../rude............................/rude......................................................................./rude................................. /rude * 50.

They spam this as much as they can until you "/release from you misery". It is incredible how many emotes these people can fit into 20 secs. Sometimes they even get a buddy to help them.

My point is, that when it reaches a certain amount of emotes, they are not trying to deliver a message anymore, but to annoy ( that would be my guess atleast ).

So, imo this can be compared to poking someone.. If you poke em twice, its ok and even funny, but if you keep poking, and poking and poking :touch: :touch: :touch: ...etc. Well, you get the point =)

Personally I would'nt report it because I don't let myself get pissed off by it,
but if you ask me if I think its too harsh to suspend them, I probably would go something like: "Naaah, 3 days vacation will only do em good =)".

As for the; "They should use their time on finding radaring meights!!!111! Or catch abusers!11!", im sure they still find the time =)

So there you go =)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
DocWolfe said:
to be honest, its the game thats at fault, if its a bannable offense, like exploiting them surely there should be some kinf of game mechanic to stop someone doing like 5 emotes in a row at the same person.

Overdriven said:
They should of known this was going to happen, their fault. Use what's given to you.

Aye, I agree with you guys to a certain level. One can spam emotes, 'cause of the way the game was made. And if someone comes up with a nice idea on how to "limit" the emotes, without "ruining" them when they are used in a correct way, it would probably solve the problem.

Still I think that; "Just because someone gave you a torch, it does not mean you have to lit everything on fire" :p

Vilje said:
As for the; "They should use their time on finding radaring meights!!!111! Or catch abusers!11!", im sure they still find the time =)

Patch edit time :p Someone spoke of this in another thread, and I mixed that together with this one =(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
LawBringer said:
Just a thought - saw in poll that /ignore can be used to block emoters - never tried but can you /ignore ppl from another realm?

ofc you can! check this ancient pic where i did it to the one-armed-four-broken-finger puppy when he was 'attempting' to ruin a lotto :p


or just make every emote translate to "xxxxxx sticks his finger up his own arse" to the other realm and problem solved....


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Just so you know, if the information provided is full and includes everything they need to know (Your character, reported character, time (+time zone) date and possibly location) as well as a screenshot then the suspension can be put inplace inside a couple of hours of the report being made.

So basically, it take only a few minutes of them looking at the report, pulling up server log, checking the account of person reported for previous warnings and then sending the warning or suspension message to them. Not really wasting much time for them


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
I find i amusing on the whole when someone emote spams me - especially after they zerged me (pretty common) , unless im in a shitty mood i dont bother/contemplate reporting.

Plenty of saved up screenies with three figure total emote spams from various enemy groups though...Could be fun on a bad day...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
It's like, I bang and such on my friends, wtf is this crap?

requiel, FIX FIX. :<


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

Yes it's silly, maybe use ur time to investigate crimes that the community really cares about :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Tareregion said:
Yes it's silly, maybe use ur time to investigate crimes that the community really cares about :p

Well looking at the poll it looks like a large part of the community actually do care about this. I would say over 20% and that would be enough to make it acceptable for GoA to do it, but as it stands it over 44% so it rather evenly split. More chance of people leaving if they get upset over continuous spam then people leaving as they or a friend got a 3day ban


Dec 22, 2003
Corran said:
More chance of people leaving if they get upset over continuous spam then people leaving as they or a friend got a 3day ban

Thats simply not true, I considered canceling my 4 euro accounts for this ban, I have never considered quitting because some cock emote spammed me.


Dec 22, 2003
Also this is the kind of offence GOA should give a warning too before suspending an account. People using vulgar language in a public channel get a warning message, people who Emote spam get an instant 3 day ban.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Corran: let me explain the question from a different perspective, and this is what you forget about: Ignore is client side, it doesn't mean your client doesn't get, or doesn't have to process it. It also floods the daoc servers. As you see, there are several reasons for a ban, that isn't mentioned.

Some say, others should sacrifice the normal use of a feature because some kids want to abuse it? Imho ban is the better option.


Dec 22, 2003
Oh yes those 10 lines of text make the servers explode in activity.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
say 30 players/groups do this, and each time there is 30 players in zone who get the packet, and they spam 100 lines: That is 90.000 packets sent with info, and 3000 packets received with it. If a packet is 256 bytes with headers, commands, everything, it means 22.5 megabytes up, and about 750k down. In zerg, more players will be in zone receiving the commands, and sometimes you have such long spams. They have to keep logs of everything, so it also increases the costs for storage, etc. :)


Dec 22, 2003
Esselinithia said:
say 30 players/groups do this, and each time there is 30 players in zone who get the packet, and they spam 100 lines: That is 90.000 packets sent with info, and 3000 packets received with it. If a packet is 256 bytes with headers, commands, everything, it means 22.5 megabytes up, and about 750k down. In zerg, more players will be in zone receiving the commands, and sometimes you have such long spams. They have to keep logs of everything, so it also increases the costs for storage, etc. :)

22meg up 750k down is absolulty nothing, for a company that uses terrabtyes.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
To be really honest I can't see the problem in Emoting.
If say someone kills you and you are sat there thinking doh I know who that is,and they are emoting you and rude spam surely the obvious thing is to just release.
Now I know some people are more sensitive than others and some folks take the game a bit more seriously than others,but I'm sure it was put there for a funny eliment of the game not some roleplaying shite.
I.E say for instance Gamah kills me on banshee and emotes a load of times.....
Am I gonna sit there thinking that guy is being so offensive and really wants to hate me irl?
No am I fuck cos it's a game and what it's all about if you ask me,I know he's laughing (or whoever) at there keyboard so what difference does an emote make?
Let the ingame GM's do there real jobs and give them a break in my opinion.


Jun 22, 2005
Give titles for spammers
For the worst cases have it as Complete NoOb Emoter/Radar User, and curses to go with the titles such as half hp in rvr/pve half gold drops in rvr/pve half realm points/exp

And for none spammers/radar users reward them with hidden clues as to the whereabouts of the spammers in the frontiers and big red arrows if they are stealthed with top titles showing the exact whereabouts of spammers/radar users and bonus rp/gold/exp for killing them

Also when killing them in rvr each title should allow a different emote such as Ha U NoOb Get A Life/I Seen u Coming So i Got My Staff Of NoOb Killing Out/Being Dbl damaged suxx So Don`t Cheat NoOb/Nice MP Armor Shame It`s Only Useful For A Thid Character
and so on :)


It's my birthday today!
Apr 25, 2005
imo game shud have a filter to try and prevent spam but you cant really but excessive spam is not on but you do get the odd few NooBs that enjoy doin it so a rezz sick for 3 days sounds good fun but a ban is harsh but i cant say really not for me to decide.

ok thats my 2 cents worth put in to this :touch:

but just read up half life for RvR with arrow above his head sounds like easy kill really nice thought

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