GOA Sucks Ass - Do you agree?



Sorry, another E&E putting in his 2p here.

GOA are reacting to a possible threat, they had to take some action. Yet another post like this is fairly meaningless unless you have suggestions that will help. Flaming them acheives nothing except endless drivel. Try and think of constructive things to say rather than ranting all the time.

OK, so I pose these questions to you, no flaming required, just positive answers:

1) How do GOA improve their CS, taking into account their lack of emplyees and funding?
GOA pay both Mythic, France Telecomm and Wanadoo out of their subs, unlike the US

2) If not GOA, who or how should the servers and subs systems be run?
UK for the English servers, Germany etc etc? Remember the more ppl on the servers = more subs = better employment of CS

3) Patching issues - Translations slow down the process, how would you improve this?
Sharing the translations with German and French servers slows it down, is it fair to say English servers should just get straight patches?

4) In game CSR? How would you fund it? What alternatives are there? (eg using the E&E or other volunteers?)
At present GOA have limited resources with regards to employees, so do they put up the subs? ppl whined about paying VAT let alone an increase on GOAs part

5) Passwords - is there a better system that will adhere to the CoC and EULA, and be less prone to hacker attempts?
Perhaps user changable passwords and account details, or even in game changes?

6) Feedback from GOA - just how much should we or do we need to know?
Admitting a flaw in the system security is never good, it opens up the thoughts to other hackers, but should we have better info flowing from GOA?

Perhaps you should also look at Tilda's poll on the general forum before making new ones.

Just because we are E&E does not mean we dont understand ppls problems, we do symapthise with ppl who have not received their passwords, or have got incorrect ones. However all too many ppl here are in the categiroies that have not changed their email addy on their account, have lost their details for rightnow and the subs pages or have bought an account from ebay and do not have access to the emails, for whom get no sympathy at all.

If you dont update your details, its your fault not GOA's.


Been playing DAoC since beta and NEVER had a single problem with GOA's service, NEVER even had to use Rightnow as i've never had a single problem. Got my password straight away with no problems what so ever.

But please explain to me how it's GOA's fault if YOU did not change you e-mail address on your subs info? ;/


GOA only suck ass if you bend over and present...


Originally posted by mehuge
I mean, this password and no active support lark is a bloody joke. I got my passwords for both my accounts, but I feel really really really really sorry for those who have not.

GOA get your freaking act together and get our buddies back online!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agree 150% 50 % over cause i h8 goa


Originally posted by Restart
Been playing DAoC since beta and NEVER had a single problem with GOA's service, NEVER even had to use Rightnow as i've never had a single problem. Got my password straight away with no problems what so ever.

But please explain to me how it's GOA's fault if YOU did not change you e-mail address on your subs info? ;/

Ive pld since the start as well m8 and i never recived the info for my password:( goa seem to have sum problem about sending my stuff to me ever .. there just nubs tbh

<edit> My email address is correct and it is possible for me to be sent mail btw:p


I dont have a problem with GOA's running of the game as ive never had to deal with them regarding anything, however I am sick of hearing of the people who have there passwords telling the people that have not to stop whining!!!!!

It is easy to make these comments when you yourself have you passwords because there is no need for you to then try and make contact with them!!!!! I have not recieved a password.

* My email address is fine.
* I did not buy from E-Bay

I have also not recieved 1 reply from a number of emails I have sent regarding the current situation. Also taking into account that there so called News board will now be back to its once every Friday reports. I just have to sit and wait till they actually do something. It has been 1 whole week now without word, and as far as I am concerned bad customer service. Short of funds or employees is irrelevant I am paying for a service I am not receiving. And the time its taking you would think they had 1 employee working 9-5, any organised company would have a back-up plan for this kind of situation!!!

And From what I can see is if you as a company annoy a few ppl chances are that one of those few will take it out on your company by what ever means possible.

I know this is a long thought but i would be happy if they where putting a message on there news board twice a day just to inform the few that dont have passwords that things are progressing. This inturn would stop these silly threads about customer service because we would then have no need to complain..


Originally posted by adari
The other posts contain as much assumptions and bullshit as this one.
Assumptions? Bullshit?
Originally posted by adari
I disagree with them not telling you enough about the state of our accounts.
Originally posted by adari
1. You got new passwords because GOA was hacked.
Ok, GOA's security was not adequate, a failing on GOA's part
Originally posted by adari
2. You will get new subs passwords because GOA was hacked.
Seems some will, some wont, more failings on GOA's parts (yes I know in some/many cases its poorly maintained acc details causing the problem, but in some/many cases it is GOA's fault or just maybe goa can get away with blaming the mail providers but from what ive seen posted about this email if flowing just fine). People are receiving passwords for accounts they never had. How the hell can that be anything but GOA's problem???
Originally posted by adari
3. If your account hasn't got a valid e-mail adress you have to mail them back when subscription@goa.com is up again.
Enter the black hole of no feedback, another GOA failing
Originally posted by adari
I don't see anything that's hard to understand, I don't see why this has to be told over and over again, I don't see why you don't know what's up with your account. It is working, you just don't have the pass and you will have to wait till you can mail them.
Not sure where I said I didnt understand this. I read the GOA news items about it
Originally posted by adari
Now, was that hard to understand? No.
Not for me it wasnt, and never was
Originally posted by adari
I do think you are just spamming every random line of BS you can come up with because you're mad.
Im not at all mad, I have my passwords. Maybe you should re-read my posts and start again.

Humm... every random line of BS... that would be quite a long post
Originally posted by adari
Keep in mind GOA has to deal with a lot people like you, and that can get very tiring and stressfull.
You mean people who are not prepared to put up with crap service they are paying for?
Originally posted by adari
Other than that I don't think you should spam about hardware issues or software failings if you do not have a clue about how they handle things.
And you say I dont have a clue.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
If you dont update your details, its your fault not GOA's.

Indeed. Unfortunatly some with correct details and working emails are also affected.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Sorry, another E&E putting in his 2p here.

GOA are reacting to a possible threat, they had to take some action. Yet another post like this is fairly meaningless unless you have suggestions that will help. Flaming them acheives nothing except endless drivel. Try and think of constructive things to say rather than ranting all the time.

OK, so I pose these questions to you, no flaming required, just positive answers:

1) How do GOA improve their CS, taking into account their lack of emplyees and funding?
GOA pay both Mythic, France Telecomm and Wanadoo out of their subs, unlike the US

2) If not GOA, who or how should the servers and subs systems be run?
UK for the English servers, Germany etc etc? Remember the more ppl on the servers = more subs = better employment of CS

3) Patching issues - Translations slow down the process, how would you improve this?
Sharing the translations with German and French servers slows it down, is it fair to say English servers should just get straight patches?

4) In game CSR? How would you fund it? What alternatives are there? (eg using the E&E or other volunteers?)
At present GOA have limited resources with regards to employees, so do they put up the subs? ppl whined about paying VAT let alone an increase on GOAs part

5) Passwords - is there a better system that will adhere to the CoC and EULA, and be less prone to hacker attempts?
Perhaps user changable passwords and account details, or even in game changes?

6) Feedback from GOA - just how much should we or do we need to know?
Admitting a flaw in the system security is never good, it opens up the thoughts to other hackers, but should we have better info flowing from GOA?

Good set of questions but maybe better suited to it's own post.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
1) How do GOA improve their CS, taking into account their lack of emplyees and funding?
GOA pay both Mythic, France Telecomm and Wanadoo out of their subs, unlike the US

Tbh i dont pay to discuss if they have the money to pay to keep this service up. i pay to play this game. GOA r not allowing us to play this game the way we want to with the poor support. Wish i pld us :(


Im one of those who didnt update e-mail adress. Ok I can agree that it is my own fault, but I have a hard time understanding why:

It has taken (sofar) 2+ weeks to sort this hacker issue. ( I have worked at companies who have been severly hacked and with specialists working on it it has taken 2 days tops to sort it)

Goa is sending sub passes by mail: (more expensive and time-consuming then email)

It is impossible to contact goa via mail: ( If I were goa I would use another adress for customersupport atm so ppl atleast can get in contact with them)

+ You cannot trust your customers to do everything 100% right. Anyone who has worked with customersupport knows this. To me it doesn't seem like they have a plan for situations like this and with daoc as goa's main source of income ( I think?) I find this strange.

just my thoughts


Once again you are all missing the point, flaming here gets you nowhere, take the hint. Sarcasm is also the least likely way to draw attention to youre plight, in fact if anyone sent u mails of the same nature, youde file it accordingly without reading its contents.

To all those who have their correct email addys and have not "aquired" their accounts, this is truely wrong on GOAs part. However, Im sure GOA are doing all they can.

I agree something here is drastically wrong, I too have m8s in game who cannot access the game, and my sympathy goes to them, but theres little flaming here unconstructively will acheive.

Now try to answer my questions, or are you not able to think anything other than shat?


I completely agree with hrun... I didn't update my email either... I did try a couple of times but the sub page was down. I can't honestly see why they can't update their website with an email address specifically for people who are still waiting for their PWs or people who haven't updated, so this can be resolved as quickly as possible. My guess is that they are assuming that regardless of how inefficient and unprofessional they act, players will still renew theirs subs due to the time spent making their characters... which I guess is a fairly safe bet.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD

OK, so I pose these questions to you, no flaming required, just positive answers:

1) How do GOA improve their CS, taking into account their lack of emplyees and funding?
GOA pay both Mythic, France Telecomm and Wanadoo out of their subs, unlike the US

Well tbh I dont know anything about GOA the company. How many ppl work there? What do they do? how much money do they make? And how do you know they lack employees and funding? Do they have 1 person working only with cs or do they share the cs work between them? This isn't something we can or should solve. What we can do is explain to them that we find their cs inadequate and let them do something about it, or let them explain why they cant. But tbh I dont think the cost of hiring another cs worker (if that's what they need to do) compares to the cost of ppl leaving the game because of this. Most of us are somewhat addicted to this game and therefor ppl wont leave even if the cs is crap.

I dont think In game csr, patsching issues etc is a problem. Only the way Goa deals with problems like this

6) Feedback from GOA - just how much should we or do we need to know?
Admitting a flaw in the system security is never good, it opens up the thoughts to other hackers, but should we have better info flowing from GOA?

Well I dont need to know exactly whats happened. But I need to know approximately when I'll be able to play again. With the information currently on the website I cant. I dont like the term "as soon as possible" It doesn't really mean anything. Sure Goa has a clue when they will reopen cs and when they will send sub-passes, and that is info Id like to know.

Sorry for my english

And Whoodoo.. your questions are hard to answer because we (I) dont really know anything about the company.


Originally posted by mehuge

My bad, stupid typo of me, forgot to edit out. :p

Originally posted by mehuge
Ok, GOA's security was not adequate, a failing on GOA's part

Which can happen anytime, to any company whatever security system you have, it's the way GOA handled it that matters, not the fact they got hacked alone. In my opinion GOA did well in shutting down the servers and giving out new passwords. And I'm sure they learned from it and are redoing their security.

Originally posted by mehuge
Seems some will, some wont, more failings on GOA's parts (yes I know in some/many cases its poorly maintained acc details causing the problem, but in some/many cases it is GOA's fault or just maybe goa can get away with blaming the mail providers but from what ive seen posted about this email if flowing just fine). People are receiving passwords for accounts they never had. How the hell can that be anything but GOA's problem???

I have never heard of people recieving passwords for accounts they never had. And the argument about mail providers is valid, for one, my ISP had to fix their problems because of these worms before I was able to recieve mail, it is not some sort of weird accusation they use to not get blamed, it is a valid argument and a valid reason of mail not being recieved.

Originally posted by mehuge
Enter the black hole of no feedback, another GOA failing

It isn't up yet.

Originally posted by mehuge
Not sure where I said I didnt understand this. I read the GOA news items about it

Then what the hell did you mean with..

Originally posted by mehuge
If you have the you must have seen that there is a complete lack of feedback users are getting from support about the state of their logins and their accounts?

How can you complain about users not getting feedback about the state of their login while it is so damn clear what state their logins are in, at least, for most of us it is ;)

Originally posted by mehuge
You mean people who are not prepared to put up with crap service they are paying for?

No, I mean people who spit out whatever they assume and blame GOA('s remarks) without verifying what's true, and what's not.

Originally posted by mehuge
And you say I dont have a clue.

At least you got that right ;)


Originally posted by Restart
Been playing DAoC since beta and NEVER had a single problem with GOA's service, NEVER even had to use Rightnow as i've never had a single problem. Got my password straight away with no problems what so ever.

But please explain to me how it's GOA's fault if YOU did not change you e-mail address on your subs info? ;/

I HAVE MY GAME PW, but subs are down so i cant pay for my acc..


goa are total crap, they are just lazy,incompotent,and a bunch of retards , in other words,,,, they are just french=)


Give better forum editor :eek7:

Originally posted by adari
My bad, stupid typo ...
Close call, nearly agreed on something :lol:

Originally posted by adari
Which can happen anytime, to any company ...
Inadequate security can and does happen to other companies, some easier than others (and I bet GOA are at the was easy end of the scale). Does not excuse it happening. It happened, it should not have happened. I would rather more effort be put into security in the first place than have to whitness their (less than perfect) proceedure for dealing with it. I know enough about how companies work to know that level of security employed will have been offset against cost and profit being the major determining factor leading to minimum cost minimum security, and GOA obviously got the balance wrong. But at the cost of reduced quality of service and the hidden cost of discgruntled customers.

Originally posted by adari
I have never heard of people recieving passwords for accounts they never had...
Some people with two accounts received three separate emails with three separate passwords. Something screwed somewhere.

Originally posted by adari
Then what the hell did you mean with...
I meant that people who had emailed subscriptions@... have had nothing back to say if their query has been received, when it is likely to looked at and havnt received any postal mail either etc... they are just left in the dark hence the black hole. The website news is out of date. GOA should do daily news status updates of where they are at to keep people informed.

This is Poor customer service. Plain and Simple.

Originally posted by adari
No, I mean people who spit out whatever they assume and blame GOA('s remarks) without verifying what's true, and what's not.
If GOA gave adequate feedback I/we would not have to "assume" anything would we. Besides, I dont have to assume lack of good service, I can sense that just fine by using it (or in this case listening to people who have had to use it in this instance).


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD

OK, so I pose these questions to you, no flaming required, just positive answers:
1) Not our problem.

2) Err... Not our problem.

3) Err... Not our problem.

4) Humm... Not our problem.

5) Passwords are fine, maybe allow new a/c passwords to be generated on request. Never allow passwords to be chosen by users (which they currently arnt which is good).

6) Regular (more than once a week) updates. Daily where there is a major issue affecting many customers and other forms of communication are not available.


Originally posted by mehuge
Inadequate security can and does happen to other companies, some easier than others (and I bet GOA are at the was easy end of the scale). Does not excuse it happening. It happened, it should not have happened. I would rather more effort be put into security in the first place than have to whitness their (less than perfect) proceedure for dealing with it. I know enough about how companies work to know that level of security employed will have been offset against cost and profit being the major determining factor leading to minimum cost minimum security, and GOA obviously got the balance wrong. But at the cost of reduced quality of service and the hidden cost of discgruntled customers.
No matter what security measures you take it will never be safe. There will always be someone out there attempting to hack it, and they will succeed. It can't be stopped. They did the right thing in closing everything down, best to be safe.
Originally posted by Coim-
Cry more.


ofc closing down the system was the right action. but most organisations would not take a whole fokin week (maybe weeks???) to get it back up.

fkin lamers imo

also the people defending GOA are just being ass's - if they found themselves in same situation as many of us are they would also be bitching so just stfu and stop only thinking of urselves


Yeh Goa suck.
I Still without password.
They said....22.00 pm bla bla bla we have sended all the passwords.if u havent receive urs is cause...(stupid things), false u know i REALLY want to know where the f.. they sended my password, cause the guy who be suposed to receive it dont have it.
And also 1 week later of sending em the email with personal information(i just send it once), i still without answer paying the months and cant still playing.
Or the just Hate me ¬¬
Or they just hate SB´s.<<<<<<<<<<<<


Originally posted by Coim-
No matter what security measures you take it will never be safe. There will always be someone out there attempting to hack it, and they will succeed. It can't be stopped. They did the right thing in closing everything down, best to be safe.
Ofc that is true that nothing is completely safe, but if better security had been in there in the first place I bet this hack would likely not have happened.

I sure dont think GOA's implementation of DAoC is uber secure and it was unlucky that an uber hacker decided to try and hack it. It is more likely that security is not uber and an mr average hacker using standard techniques walked right in.

And yes, I am supposing here.

Have US servers been hacked like this? I understood that it was GOA's extra bits/dev access tools that opened this security hole and allowed the hacker in.

I have no problem with the action to shut down being taken, I do have a problem with the lack of info about the current status given the length of time it is taking and apparent disregard for those people having password problems... and the fact that it happened in the first place.


Originally posted by mehuge
Perhaps the lack of any further info since the 28th is that there has been no evolution or planned actions in the 5 days. Humm...

no theyve been planning their next excuse :C


Originally posted by Stormm
ofc closing down the system was the right action. but most organisations would not take a whole fokin week (maybe weeks???) to get it back up.

fkin lamers imo

also the people defending GOA are just being ass's - if they found themselves in same situation as many of us are they would also be bitching so just stfu and stop only thinking of urselves
I am in the same situation. They did the right thing. So what if it takes a week? Ye gods! A week without DAoC. Whatever shall we do? Get out, do something else. I just can't help quoting myself again...
Originally posted by Coim-
Cry more.


Originally posted by Stormm
also the people defending GOA are just being ass's - if they found themselves in same situation as many of us are they would also be bitching so just stfu and stop only thinking of urselves

I would accept the fact they had to close down everything and I woldn't mind waiting if that owuld keep my account safe. Besides, all this whining hasn't got a purpose anyway, but keep on crying.


They say no news is good news, in this case thats crap. The last hint of whats going on was on the 28/8, i think as the paying customer, thats right PAYING, we desrve to be told what they are actually playing at.


FFS! still no update to the website. If they are having such major problems putting up an email contact address that's working, why not put up an address to write to in the meantime or even a fax number. Snail mail has got to be better than this farce.

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