GOA Sucks Ass - Do you agree?



I mean, this password and no active support lark is a bloody joke. I got my passwords for both my accounts, but I feel really really really really sorry for those who have not.

GOA get your freaking act together and get our buddies back online!!!!!!!!!!!!


Constructive thread...
..really :sleeping:


Agreed 100%.

GOA's customer service is fucking appalling.


Oh look another GOA password whine thread, how original.


Tbh I think it's nice of GOA not to fix the sub pages...it shows that they are simply incompetent, not that they are just greedy, bloodsucking money-makers only fixing what gives them cash :)

Georg Granfeldt

Originally posted by Thorarin
Constructive thread...
..really :sleeping:

hm that is a E&E soo he cant say any else :)

hm would be nice to use a better language in the post but.

Wouldnt be nice to hear from GOA today but not a single
line :(

owell back to work.. I sure hope GOA work now

Maybe I go and see if the light are on :)


Originally posted by Georg Granfeldt
hm that is a E&E soo he cant say any else :)
Ah but thats how they select E&Es.

The ability to ignore GOAs endless failings seems to be the only requirement ;)


Originally posted by Hatt
Hmm i think they do all they can.
Probably, which is pretty scary if theyre really that bad.

If they were just lazy it'd be almost understandable :p


dumb asses nothing more they are, can't play since 2 weeks haha


Only thing i can complain about is their customer service, asking a question then getting a reply 3 weeks later written in english that i could hardly understand, looked like a 12 year old spanish kid wrote it.

Everything else is ok tho ;)


Originally posted by Thorarin
Constructive thread...
..really :sleeping:

I agree with Thorarin

GOA has good arguments to act like this, you in contrary haven't given even a simple reason why GOA "sucks", would you rather have your account hacked or something?

And Draylor, just shut up, please, thanks. I'd agree with whoever made this post if he'd be able to persuade me why GOA isnt handling this properly in a constructive way instead of just spamming random insults, even as an E&E.


Adari your acc working well? i cant play since 2weeks and they closed abo site... THEN went to games convention (sure nothing to do at home just some stupid customers that cant play haha) came back, needed 3days for a damn news post... wanted to fix everything this week (ok they dont work at the weekend nevermind, noone would like to) but now on Monday they can't even post some news?

they suck cause... sparely informating customers about the current situation and taking to much time to solve problems with sub site and rightnow support... they got hacked ok but that should be a professional company, which is paid, so they should be able to solve such problems in less then 2weeks or more

dunno if that are arguments for u but for me it's reason enough to think they suck...


Originally posted by Restart
Oh look another GOA password whine thread, how original.
About as original as your reply :D


Originally posted by Thorarin
Constructive thread...
..really :sleeping:
Uh? Where does it say I need to make constructive posts?


Originally posted by adari
I agree with Thorarin

GOA has good arguments to act like this, you in contrary haven't given even a simple reason why GOA "sucks", would you rather have your account hacked or something?
Have you not read other posts about this then?

If you have the you must have seen that there is a complete lack of feedback users are getting from support about the state of their logins and their accounts? This is not good to the point that it sucks.

I thought it was obvious where the failings were and didn't feel it necessary to reiterate them.

GOA's support sucks, it always has. This is just another example of their crap support. They have other failing too, most notably being not able to provide enough hardware to do the job, both network and servers, although regarding network, these usually have been sorted out fairly rapidly which is good.

I simply felt like airing my opinion of goa and seeing if people agree or not and expressing sympothy for those affected.

BTW u got ur passwords ok right?


Originally posted by adari
I agree with Thorarin

GOA has good arguments to act like this, you in contrary haven't given even a simple reason why GOA "sucks", would you rather have your account hacked or something?

And Draylor, just shut up, please, thanks. I'd agree with whoever made this post if he'd be able to persuade me why GOA isnt handling this properly in a constructive way instead of just spamming random insults, even as an E&E.

haha u still got your pwd? pls don't talk about this easyly.Hope u ll lost your pwd .


Agree that the customer service isnt the best but they probably have to sift through all the 'omfg you w***er un1337 unc007 f004z04z, wtf my pw is gone irl' and all the proper requests. Thus people asking politely get missed.

I understand it's frustrating, I understand the entire thing sucks but tbh, I'd rather not be able to log in for a couple of weeks rather then go to the subscription page as it was, with the knowledge that it was unsafe and potentially hackers could obtain your password and get your credit card information.

If you can't get in, stop whining, just go and do somethingelse for a few days; go out with mates, play another game or .....


or maybe even go see some SUNLIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

Just as long as this damn whining stops.


I've been waiting a long time too for the sub pages to come up....but no luck yet :-(
I do believe they suck, but i got no idea how serious their problems are. I would like some news from time to time....even thou its bad new, just so i know they at least are active.

Instead i just hope the sub page is coming up this week....cause im getting very addictive atm! :)


Get rid of GOA imo! Find a decent company! Not like they dont earn enough! The money goes on improveing the game they say! If people cant play it in the first place theres no frikkin point!


Well I'm still waiting for my password!!

And I know my email works as I received a subscription renewal email 1 week ago and foolishly renewed for another 3 months.

Now I can't get into the game, can't contact Goa or check what my password should be and I'm paying money for this.

I can take not being able to play, what I hate is that they don't update the news often enough so we have no idea what is happening, that's where all the frustration comes from - please Goa learn from this.

I've really enjoyed playing DAOC but when it comes time to move on to something new (hoping WOW is gonna be good!) I won't be sad to leave Goa behind.

Krysta. 50 SB


Originally posted by shayala
Adari your acc working well? i cant play since 2weeks and they closed abo site... THEN went to games convention (sure nothing to do at home just some stupid customers that cant play haha) came back, needed 3days for a damn news post... wanted to fix everything this week (ok they dont work at the weekend nevermind, noone would like to) but now on Monday they can't even post some news?

they suck cause... sparely informating customers about the current situation and taking to much time to solve problems with sub site and rightnow support... they got hacked ok but that should be a professional company, which is paid, so they should be able to solve such problems in less then 2weeks or more

dunno if that are arguments for u but for me it's reason enough to think they suck...

They might be slow, but what could they post apart from that they're working on it. Apart from that, I don't think you have any clue about how easy or hard this is to fix this, so I don't think you should spam crap about that.


Originally posted by mehuge
Have you not read other posts about this then?

If you have the you must have seen that there is a complete lack of feedback users are getting from support about the state of their logins and their accounts? This is not good to the point that it sucks.

I thought it was obvious where the failings were and didn't feel it necessary to reiterate them.

GOA's support sucks, it always has. This is just another example of their crap support. They have other failing too, most notably being not able to provide enough hardware to do the job, both network and servers, although regarding network, these usually have been sorted out fairly rapidly which is good.

I simply felt like airing my opinion of goa and seeing if people agree or not and expressing sympothy for those affected.

BTW u got ur passwords ok right?

The other posts contain as much assumptions and bullshit as this one.

I disagree with you about them not telling you enough about the state of our accounts.

1. You got new passwords because GOA was hacked.

2. You will get new subs passwords because GOA was hacked.

3. If your account hasn't got a valid e-mail adress you have to mail them back when subscription@goa.com is up again.

I don't see anything that's hard to understand, I don't see why this has to be told over and over again, I don't see why you don't know what's up with your account. It is working, you just don't have the pass and you will have to wait till you can mail them.

Now, was that hard to understand? No.

I do think you are just spamming every random line of BS you can come up with because you're mad.

Keep in mind GOA has to deal with a lot people like you, and that can get very tiring and stressfull.

Other than that I don't think you should spam about hardware issues or software failings if you do not have a clue about how they handle things.


Originally posted by injustice
haha u still got your pwd? pls don't talk about this easyly.Hope u ll lost your pwd .

Yes, I however didn't trade my accounts or wasn't stupid enough to forget updating my e-mail addy ;)


yes i agree cs is rather on the lame side, but until they send out sub passwords i guess the site will remain closed ,yes i have my password but cant get on to renew sub which does suk abit
the best thing to do imo (im sure someones gonna moan at this)
is to write (not email but put pen to paper) to goa and complain about the service and if lots of ppl do this (5.000 letters is rather a large load) they have to sit up and take notice
they will never come here and read threads so will never know what ppl think of them
so write to em (no i have no idea what there address is )
btw mythic dont give a hoot about whats happening here ther reply is goa run the european side of daoc contact them

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