Goa quest: troubling Activities.



I have done this quest 2 times.
The first time I talked with all the mobs. I got a 47 mil xp bonus twice and a final bonus of 127 mil xp.
The quest ended at step 5, saying I alone wasn't enough to go after The big Bad mob. He dropped a clue that this mob could be at the graveyard near the apk in emain.
The second time I killed both the mobs you had to talk to, after I talked to them. I got the same 47 mil xp bonus twice, an extra 15 mil xp bonus for killing the 2nd mob but only a 63 mil xp final reward. The quest again ended at step 5.
The final speech I got was quite different from my first attempt however.
In neither instance did I receive any item reward.

The mobs/npc's I talked to both times were Erhy, Taciturn night bird, Arn Tepen, Milwn Solef and Nina.
Has anyone had any other results, talked with other npc's and gotten answers/clues?



I did it twice.
Didnt find out anything more than you really (in fact less).

The first time I did it with Boni style and just bolted ms nightbird on sight then went straight to moher and bolted stuff there, returned for 64 Mil and a bit of a ticking off for not really working out much.

Second time I got a bit more info out of ms nightbird then talked to the dude in tnn, then moher, then back. Slightly more exp but same end message of having been a great help an all that but not really working it all out..


Isn't it that finishing a quest doesn't necessarily render a (good) drop?


Ehry is at the tree house on the road to Innis Carthaig.

The 2nd time I did this quest, I was grouped for step 4.
A groupmember talked to Nina first, when the other groupmember and me tried to talk to Nina as well we found we had advanced to step 5 together with the first that talked to Nina.
This might have been a one time fluke, but I reported it to Rightnow nonethelesss.
Btw Melyarn is indeed at the graveyard at apk, purple con to 50 and bafs the whole graveyard.



Rumor goes that u can get some kinda totem with which you can summon a level0 pet with. Just a rumor and sounds quite useless (unless it looks like a player) but could be funny I guess



I have completed the GOA quest 'free the souls' which involved killing Meylrn in the graveyard.

I got this quest ages ago on my bard, and couldnt ever be arsed to go there and kill him. Did it tonight.

I got 'free the souls' after talking to Milwn Solef in TNN, and I think the keyword I told her was either 'yes' or 'no' (was a long time ago). I think you have to have completed troubling activites first.

My reward was a blue con staff, with no class restrction, a white glow, claw on the end, oh and 1x152 "health transfer" charge - costs 3gp to recharge.

Sweet reward, now my hero has a glowing staff to pretend to be a mage, and can heal people (even though the staff says the charge has a power requirement).

So ... first healing hero in hibernia?


aye give info, let the questzerg start in emain :)


All the info i can remember is up there. First quests starts with the littel range outside the treehouse on the way to innis. Second part in TNN in the druids grove.


Couldn't seem to advance with the quest with just talking to the Nightbird, so killed her. Same with Nani, since he was surrounded by lots of aggro. Anyone got some keywords for the first conversation ?
Also i can't seem to get that guy in TNN to talk to start the 2nd quest :/


Originally posted by <Harle>
Couldn't seem to advance with the quest with just talking to the Nightbird, so killed her. Same with Nani, since he was surrounded by lots of aggro. Anyone got some keywords for the first conversation ?
Also i can't seem to get that guy in TNN to talk to start the 2nd quest :/

You have to complete the first quest 'well' to be able to take the second. Killing Nightbird or possibly Nani means you cant do the second part ... i think.

Things to say to Nightbird are "night" and then look for phrases in her dialogue to repeat back to her, with all the npcs in this quest the phrases are usualy in their dialogue, just not highlighted like in a normal conversation.

Keep talking to her and trying stuff till she breaks down and tells you about how Melyarn stole her soul. Sorry I cant remember the exact words.

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