GOA Inconsistancy


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
As Icebreaker says, I spoke to him in game because he requested an explanation as to why we weren't going to restore loot in these situations.
I'll repeat here why this has become necessary.
Firstly I understand that people are unhappy and I sympathise, really I do however it comes down to a question of finite resources.
Initially we started getting reports of loot either not dropping, or dropping but being untargettable. We investigated, found nothing immediately visible in the code that could cause such a problem and wrote it off to a random glitch. We restored the loot in all these instances.
Suddenly the incidence of these reports rose sharply and it became clear that these weren't isolated issues, it was something that could be caused by a very common situation. On monday I personally restored loot for 8 different raids (Dragon raids, artifact raids and ML raids) that occurred over the course of the weekend.
We had to take a decision whether we were going to continue restoring loot - a process that takes a lot of time or focus our efforts on fixing the problem at source.
Obviously this isn't going to be a popular decision and we do understand the disappointment that people will feel as a result of this however we hope that you will understand the reasons behind it. In the meantime I would recommend that you take regular melee characters on raids to avoid the problem of misplaced aggro or bugged drops. From our tests so far it appears that the problem is caused when pets do the majority of damage to a mob. In this case 'loot rights' can be assigned to the pets rather than the characters. Our tests are continuing however and we hope to have a fix for it very soon.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Requiel said:
From our tests so far it appears that the problem is caused when pets do the majority of damage to a mob
Hundreds of players could have told you that. Its a very well known problem.

Theres 2 separate issues here:

1. Pets causing mobs not to drop. Well known problem.
2. The dragons being badly bugged with items failing to drop (or being impossible to target/pickup) on a regular basis even when pets are not being used.

I assume GOA will continue restoring missing drops when pets are not being used?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 31, 2003
Draylor said:
I assume GOA will continue restoring missing drops when pets are not being used?

Not until they fixed my account they wont! :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Amuse said:
ok.. to say what elewyth said in a bether way..

GoA has bigger problems, such as the server updates, the closed accounts, the sub pages and all the engry ppl with closed accounts mailing them to handle at the moment..

i dont thik it is right that you dont get the loot, and the reply from GoA was terible, but since i am one of the persons with a closed account, i cant help feeling this "screw you not geting loot, i cant play" way atm..

you may think i am an idiot for thinking like that, but if you had your accound closed, for no reason at all, even though you payed, you would feel the exact same way,

I sympathise with you and hope the sub problems get sorted asap.

This is not, and was not ever about loot, it was about a Customer Service response, that has been clarified a lot by Requiel. Unfortunately for me their is still a very glaring issue.

We have a class that is designed from the ground up to cast multiple instances of a 'pet'. That there is a bug whereby pets can do more damage than players is not the animists or the players fault, yet it seems we can be penalised for animists playing their class the way it was designed. Design flaw, absolutely, but what happens on ML raids?

Do we tell animists they can't go, in case this 'bug' rears it's ugly head once more and takes away credit?

Do we run the risk on ML10 of using them, crossing our fingers and hope that we don't get 'bugged'?

Do we take along animists and tell them not to cast any pets?


Loyal Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
Requiel said:
In the meantime I would recommend that you take regular melee characters on raids to avoid the problem of misplaced aggro or bugged drops.

Hibernia is the 'magic realm', meaning that their melee characters kind of suck, compared to their magic characters. Asking a realm to ignore the characters where its strength lies and instead go to kill a very hard epic mob with its 'weakest' characters... well.
I realise there's little GOA can do about it codewise, since the game is Mythic's baby and GOA are just the providers, but a lot of people are going to find that recommendation a bit offensive.

Let's just hope Mythic gets their fingers out and start addressing the bug - and yes, it definitely is a bug - soon.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
For me is very nice compared with 1 or 2 years ago to see Requiel here explaining what`s the situation. Very understable what he/she says.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Margaret said:
Hibernia is the 'magic realm', meaning that their melee characters kind of suck, compared to their magic characters. Asking a realm to ignore the characters where its strength lies and instead go to kill a very hard epic mob with its 'weakest' characters... well.

What Requiel really means is that if we go and Raid Dragon with 8 animists we have the risk of getting the loot bugged.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
I know ill be flamed.
I know this is totally Off Topic.
But sometime (often tbh ;) ) I need to post something stupid.

I am Hibernian.
I have a lot of animist friends.
For most of my Arti/MLs I have to thank animists.

.... but I really start to see them as wierd chars and I am not so sure they are working in PvE as intended.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
Sabu said:
What Requiel really means is that if we go and Raid Dragon with 8 animists we have the risk of getting the loot bugged.

But what it sounded like he was saying is 'Don't use any magic characters at all to kill the dragon'. Which is what I was reacting to. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
If this was a bug that resulted in too much loot dropping from a mob when killed by pets what would happen? I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be written off as taking too many resources to fix until a proper resolution is found.

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