GOA charge your creditcard without your confirmation?



Just an update

I finally got an aswer from GOA about this.. it only took them between 1-2 month.. yay way to go GOA!!

Basicly what they said was that since i hade 2 acc on same email adress it was my fault that tis happend(where do they state that u cant have 2 acc on same emailadress? and why would this affect the payments?)
Then they stated that it was up to me to check 1 week before subs runs out to be sure that my acc is set on autorenewal off. Again where do they state this in the eula? and how are u gonna be able to do this when subs are down and to acc that u havent recived new passwords 2?
And finally a big lie about that my acc was set on autorenewal from 03 of aug ie before they had the hack incident..

Now this clearly shows that GOA is not only running the service in a shitty way they will also not confess to errors on their part but will insted make up lies about it to cover it up..

Sure shit happens when u run a big company but when u do something as wrong as this the least u can do is do what is right.. refund ppl and do a public apolagize(?)

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