

Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Been on Glastonbury. First time. Started off in Tir Na Nog Adventurers (public starter guild). I understood that English was supposed to be the language of the server, alas, 85% of the chat was in French.

I have nothing against French being used on French-speaking servers. I'm English but when Pryd-Excal was down I played on a French-speaking server and out of courtesy spoke French there. No probs. So why can't our French-speaking friends use English on the English-speaking server as a courtesy ?

Am I asking too much ?

In the end I got so fed up I quit the starter guild.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Why you would even want to stay in a starter guild is beyond me.
First thing I do when I make a new character is /gc quit, no matter what (type of) server.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2005
Give WWIII, and Germany: do it right this time, do it oldschool.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2005
Skirne said:
Give WWIII, and Germany: do it right this time, do it oldschool.

Posts like these make me glad we have a "Report Bad Post"-function.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Skirne said:
Give WWIII, and Germany: do it right this time, do it oldschool.
Thats gotta be one of the most distasteful posts Ive seen :wanker:


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Played Glastonbury for a week now, only once have I run into a French player would spoke no English at all. They have been polite even when I accidently got one of them exp killed, whe n he pm'ed me in French to ask why I did what I did I just said 'sorry I don't speak French' and he pm'ed right back in English. Of couse I apologised and he seemed pretty cool with that. All in all I have had no bad experiences with the French players and hopefully I would hope that I have treated them as well as they have treated me. As for speaking French in public channels, well you really can't expect all French people to understand English and of couse if someone asks a question in French then thier fellow countrymen will answer in French, it doesn't mean they are being ignorrant or trying to annoy anyone, they are just doing what is most comfortable for them.

At the end of the day we have to share the server and play together, lets not make it any harder than it has to be by squabbling over petty differences of opinion.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Skirne said:
Give WWIII, and Germany: do it right this time, do it oldschool.
Jeezus fking christ.. ur just asking for a ban aint ya ?
I smell booze ye ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I haven't found a problem - the odd bit of french in crafting/broadcast channels, but nothing that GCSE French coudln't help out with, and everyone that has spoken to me in French has always switched to English when they realised I wasn't French.
Play on the WoW servers, now there's some language problems.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
when i played wow on Ravenchrest i saw maybe 1 a week speaking other than english, here its seems like 80% french ppl. Just wait till gms come back from holiday, report them for speaking it public channels with french, they will get warnings>suspension>perma ban, cant se what else to do. I find it very anoying that they invadeded our server speaking french, its fine they are here, as theres no french server but for god sake atleast speak english then.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
we should be happy they made a english classic server in the first place.
as most of you say 80% of the chat is in french might allso mean 80% of server pop is french ppl.
why just not cope with it and learn french?
i found camlann to be much worse then the classic servers languange wise.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Every single french/italian/spanish person I have encountered so far have been very polite
Higher level chars from all nationalities have stopped my char and gave me aurulite gear they no longer need

They only thing that annoyed me about starter guild chat was the
"OMFG SPEEK ENGLISH U FAGS" spam by some people when they couldnt work out how to disable the french chat in the officer channel


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2005
I have nothing against people using there native language as long as they keep it in PMs or personal chats.

When I join ie. a TD group its anoying that everyone just keep spamming french up my face even tho I have tried to politely ask them to speak english for the non french people.

Another thing that anoys me is when I get a pm saying something like "MON OUI OUI AUSI DS GROUP????". At least say initiating pm in english, this is a english server after all.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
Fizzl said:
<snip>At least say initiating pm in english, this is a english server after all.
So basically the French people aren't allowed to speak their own language
because GoA indirectly says so by not making a french classic server?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
Aiteal said:
Every single french/italian/spanish person I have encountered so far have been very polite
Higher level chars from all nationalities have stopped my char and gave me aurulite gear they no longer need

They only thing that annoyed me about starter guild chat was the
"OMFG SPEEK ENGLISH U FAGS" spam by some people when they couldnt work out how to disable the french chat in the officer channel

yes they are anoying but most 13 year old is so no change there.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Wazkyr said:
when i played wow on Ravenchrest i saw maybe 1 a week speaking other than english, here its seems like 80% french ppl. Just wait till gms come back from holiday, report them for speaking it public channels with french, they will get warnings>suspension>perma ban, cant se what else to do. I find it very anoying that they invadeded our server speaking french, its fine they are here, as theres no french server but for god sake atleast speak english then.

as if GOA was going to ban 80% of the server :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2005
Thornar said:
So basically the French people aren't allowed to speak their own language
because GoA indirectly says so by not making a french classic server?

Please read my post if your going to quote it. :p
I said I dont mind them speaking there own language, as long as they dont go bla bla bla right up my face, it IS an english server, goa made that and that should be respected. As I said, they can speak french in there private chats all they want for what I care, but its comon sense and respect for your fellow people.

Should be easy for anyone to see.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
Fizzl said:
Please read my post if your going to quote it. :p
I said I dont mind them speaking there own language, as long as they dont go bla bla bla right up my face, it IS an english server, goa made that and that should be respected. As I said, they can speak french in there private chats all they want for what I care, but its comon sense and respect for your fellow people.

Should be easy for anyone to see.
What would you do if GoA only made a French and German classic server? Not speak English in general chats?


Loyal Freddie
Dec 5, 2004
Most of the french on clasic speak english but they dont even bother to use that they prefer to speak french coze they french and yeah they French lol


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
My Experience with Classic server so far as been good with other nationalities that play it BUT that Changed other day while levelling when A Certain French Person decided that he wanted my Leveling place even tho he was 50 and decided to just take over it as he was PL a character.

I know there no rule about camping areas but he could of least had decency to let me level up but when asking nicely if he would mind moving all I got was No English / Don't understand.He broke no CoC in pulling the mobs but as he was Chain pulling he took whatever mobs that I was going to do making it a wasting my time in arguing with this person.

This is my only Downsight while playing Classic hope no one has same experience with our Bretheren but I do wish they respect that.By being Dumb towards english speakers only will cause conflict.



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Soulja_IA_ said:
My Experience with Classic server so far as been good with other nationalities that play it BUT that Changed other day while levelling when A Certain French Person decided that he wanted my Leveling place even tho he was 50 and decided to just take over it as he was PL a character.

I know there no rule about camping areas but he could of least had decency to let me level up but when asking nicely if he would mind moving all I got was No English / Don't understand.He broke no CoC in pulling the mobs but as he was Chain pulling he took whatever mobs that I was going to do making it a wasting my time in arguing with this person.

This is my only Downsight while playing Classic hope no one has same experience with our Bretheren but I do wish they respect that.By being Dumb towards english speakers only will cause conflict.


1) ...glastonbury is flagged english server => its against CoC to actually be iggnorant like that and just speak french...
2) if he saays no english dont understand then he prob just pulling the piss m8...u should of spammed pb or sumthing and QQ if he pulled mobs into u :p
3) ...tell him to FOAD...if he does understand tell him, got u..u speak leave my spot ^^ :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
My respect to everyone who speaks english in-game, the french on glastonbury make me realise how much effort the rest of the world make in comparrison.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 5, 2004
English is an international language french is ocasional
So thats why all do an effort to speak english not french


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
shaark said:
Most of the french on clasic speak english but they dont even bother to use that they prefer to speak french coze they french and yeah they French lol

So says the village idiot.

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