Just fitted a 8x 4200 and I'm getting strange diagonal white lines scrolling across the screen, this only happens playing DAOC, doesn't appear in any other game or the desktop, it isn't even there in char select screen, only while actually playing?
Funny thing as well, the game has taken a frame rate drop from my gforce 2!!!!
Guess the mb/chip is too slow, only running a 4xagp/1.2 duron/133 memory.
But all other games are much faster??
DAOC engine really is chronic.
Using latest detonator drivers.
Funny thing as well, the game has taken a frame rate drop from my gforce 2!!!!
Guess the mb/chip is too slow, only running a 4xagp/1.2 duron/133 memory.
But all other games are much faster??
DAOC engine really is chronic.
Using latest detonator drivers.