Get our Damned Relics Back!



To be honest i think we have enough fire power to claim back relics now, If you noticed Hibs took one of ours last night.

We as a Realm are to busy bickering with each other to pull together so we will lose simple as that.

I say stop bitching at each other inter Guild inter Alliance, put all your differences aside and help Midgard as a whole.

This may be a pipe dream, but if we dont do it please get used to being at the bottom


Originally posted by svendoc
To be honest i think we have enough fire power to claim back relics now, If you noticed Hibs took one of ours last night.

Whot are you talking about, we had only two power relics for since we took them from albion about 2 weeks ago...


Originally posted by Perplexed
Erm erm... firstly you dont LOSE 10% by not having a relic, the enemy just gains 10%, and you dont GAIN 10% by having your own relics back, which was the topic of the original thread. Hardly any classes fight with both melee and magic so you cant add the advantages together. So with all 6 relics, albs would hit 20% harder than us. Ok so I was 10% out, still closer than your 80% and still not enough to counteract the effect of numbers.

let me explain it a little more simple for you, Sorry i did not the first time.

first of Thanes and Skalds use both, these 2 classes make a large amount of the realm, any case, we should be working has a team or in good groups so that means we make use of both.

Now lets say we all know how the relics work.

Now Lets say again that for the example and to make it easy Alb have all 6 relics

If we had all relics we would be 40% stronger has a realm, now not having the relice does not give us an -% but it does mean we dont have the 40%. These means we lose 40% so we can then say we have a -40% bonus to what we could have

Albs have all relices so they do have +40%

us not having and them having is theirfore an 80% diffrence in Bonus

Brannor McThife

Strange? No...simple.

Many of Midgard "grew" up with the 40% bonus. So that's 40% between 40% and 0%.

If you lose those to the enemy, that means your opponents becomes 40% tougher, while you've been reduced to the base 0%.

Hence, 40% "lost" added to 40% stronger opponents, means an effective 80% difference. Sure we've only gone DOWN by 40%, but with them going UP by 40%...get it?

Anyway...I should hopefully hit 50 with 2/3 weeks. After that, all the relics WILL be ours, even if I have to drag every friggin' one of you with me.



Originally posted by Fafnir
Strange math

its not that strange its alonge the same lines

say we both do a test i score 90 out of a 100 and you get 80 out of 100.

you can say that i did 2 times better then you.

but you need to view it form a diffrent angle to do this.

If i it was out of 100 it means i got 10 wrong and you got 20 wrong

so in get 1/2 has many wrong has you. i did 2 times better :D

Its just maths


So if you have 200 euro, and i 0. Then i steal your 200, so i get 200, then i have 400 more than you. :)


Originally posted by Fafnir
So if you have 200 euro, and i 0. Then i steal your 200, so i get 200, then i have 400 more than you. :)


I would of lost 200
you would of gained 200

If that had a Direct affect on me V's you their would be a 400 eurp diffrence from the orginal point of me starting with 200.


Originally posted by Fafnir
So if you have 200 euro, and i 0. Then i steal your 200, so i get 200, then i have 400 more than you. :)

Lets say we compare my amount of money to your amount of money.

Then before you took my money the difference from my perspective was +200. (200 more than you)

After you took it (you bastard!) the difference from my perspective is -200. (200 less than you)

So say we get points from having a possitive difference compared to eachother. Then my number of points has derceased by 400.

Now i suppose you cant count this way when there is a third party invoved unless you add both of them together against yourselfe.

(did i mention i hate maths?)

Besides there is too much other factors than who deals the most damage, like who mess first and who had the greatest number of peoele at that specific battle.

Sooo, 80% or not the point was that as you take relics from someone you not only make yourselfe stronger but you also make him weaker. Want fire wizzies to not hit so damn hard? Go and grab albs power relic! (oops we already have it, nm) :p

Anyway! I say we go and grab all the damn relics just to show 'em that midgard still rules, and always will!!!


Albs get the relics of us so we -40% the albs go up +40% but to us its not a + it’s a – so you have –40

-40 + -40 = -80%


Originally posted by svendoc
To be honest i think we have enough fire power to claim back relics now, If you noticed Hibs took one of ours last night.

Did we?

hmm... I must be colour blind :(


Think the doc has been playing to much with his own medicines...


Err.. and how many Alb/Mid classes use both melee and magic? Minstrel, bard, champ is all I can think of. We are talking about Alb having all 6 relics so it's only 1 class out of 23 we might come up against.. back to my original point - who really cares? And yes you could argue that we with 0 relics are 40% worse than with all relics, but how often does 1 realm own all 6 relics, thats just a stupid way of looking at it. Albs with 6 relics are 20% better than if we all have equal relics, and if they do then Hibs are just as weak as us, it's all swings and roundabouts as they say

Sigurd Volsung

We used to own all 6. It was a lot easier to win battles then...


bs, have u even rvred for any decent amount of time? at high lvl? its numbers that win battles, not relics

Roo Stercogburn

Going back to Sigurd's original post and to cheer up some of you other Middies:

The various alliances are actually talking to each other. We saw a good example of it tonight retaking Nottmoor where members of 3 separate alliances got together. Great fight btw, Hibs took many of us out and it wasn't certain by any means til we got reinforced a bit - we were using many lower level guys (who all played as team I was pleased to see, even those from different guilds and alliances). If a Hib force had showed before our reinforcements got there though you guys would have cleaned us up.

Its going to continue getting better too, since we have people who's task it is to make sure the alliances are talking to each other so the old isolated muppet way of doing it will hopefully disappear.

Sigurd, you are right, we need to get our strength relic back.
Spambot, you are right in that anyone can post any opinions on forums and not everyone is bothered about RvR at all - the game provides many ways to play and enjoy.

I'd rather see Sigurd commended for what he's trying to do than hassled though. You can lead keep raids at any level pretty much - I accidently ended up doing it at around level 35 one time because nobody else could be bothered with the hassle. 2nd time I tried it I have to admit I got a lot of sneers from a lot of people when I tried to build on the momentum of the first time but hey - now we take keeps regularly, the knowledge isn't wasted :)

And Sigurd, the realm is not falling apart, we are getting nastier since we can't rely on simple zerging all the time and this is a good thing in my opinion.

Don't let the occasional flame spoil your enthusiasm mate :)

So. About that relic then...

Sigurd Volsung

Firstly.. to perplexed... have you never won a battle with less people then? Strange, I have, using something called tactics. Relics don't just help with the 10% bonus though. They add something called Morale to the troops = people are more willing to fight, to defend them... at the moment people are showing a more defeatist attitude. And what is a few hours of your time, that you might spend in emain, helping get the relics back? I mean, come on, you might as well help. Nothing to lose...

To Roo... thanks for the support... remember when we pulled off those raids? Showed anything could be done when you set your mind to it.... I am sure you hold more sway in the alliance than me, perhaps you could pull a few strings, get some of the major guilds to help?

A plan is formulating in my head... :)


you really think having relics adds "morale" to our "troops" and helps us win battles? get real, its a game not a war, and if we win a fight with less people its because of a good mez or if the opposition were running away or something, not to do with relics. and yes i do have something to lose in that i find fighting npcs and doors with 3fps rather boring, id rather spend my time some other way

Sigurd Volsung

Then spend your time in emain all on your sodding own. And yes, this may be a game but these are REAL PEOPLE playing the game, which makes it a MMORPG instead of an RPG. So I think the relics do help morale. And please stop ruining this thread.


Originally posted by Perplexed
bs, have u even rvred for any decent amount of time? at high lvl? its numbers that win battles, not relics

you only ding 50 a few weeks ago, shhhhh


Originally posted by Perplexed
Err.. and how many Alb/Mid classes use both melee and magic? Minstrel, bard, champ is all I can think of. We are talking about Alb having all 6 relics so it's only 1 class out of 23 we might come up against.. back to my original point - who really cares? And yes you could argue that we with 0 relics are 40% worse than with all relics, but how often does 1 realm own all 6 relics, thats just a stupid way of looking at it. Albs with 6 relics are 20% better than if we all have equal relics, and if they do then Hibs are just as weak as us, it's all swings and roundabouts as they say

is rvr not class Vs Class.

Winning the fights where you are out number is the fun in RvR.l not winning when you have 100s their.

Yes i have seen many time when smaller numbers win.

Saying that albs are easy to rally and run which does help.


Originally posted by old.Khain

you only ding 50 a few weeks ago, shhhhh

Yeah so? ive still played plenty of rvr with this char and with my Ranger on hib, oh and looking at the stats site i already have 4x as many rp as you, so you shhh..

Brannor McThife

Weee! Can we start the arguement again?

All those that believe RP defines how good a player you are, stand over there with Perplexed.

The rest of you can come stand over here with us.

And my dad is bigger than your dad. So whatchit aiight!? Otherwise I'll have him come beat up your dad.



- Pathfinder -

RP obviously defines how good you are. Otherwise people might make rude comments about my skill :m00:


Where did i say anything about lots of RP meaning you're a better play? More rp = more time spent RvRing, Khain made the point that i'd only just dinged 50 so i should shut up, I was just pointing out that I've spent more time RvRing than he has so i've every right to comment on posts about rvr. Is it that difficult to understand?


p.s. Vornung was funny to see that you tried to swap acc. for a lvl 50 alb char, guess you really do care about the realm !!


Originally posted by Perplexed

Yeah so? ive still played plenty of rvr with this char and with my Ranger on hib, oh and looking at the stats site i already have 4x as many rp as you, so you shhh..

see now you making more comments :(


So is that my only char ?? since i been playing since beta.

Agree, i dont RvR as much has others cos I run TU. but thats my choise and a Reason i play online games. but i'm very very sure i have RvR a lot more then you have.

If you want to turn this in to a your game knowlage and skill v's mine. we can you, but lets get back the the the main thing that you will not admit you are wrong about



Originally posted by old.Khain

but i'm very very sure i have RvR a lot more then you have.

that i find funny.. how can someone have ANY CLUE if they have done more RVR then anyone else?

and ive played since beta too ...


no not my only char either.. as i said i also played a 40+ ranger for a while and various alts.. oh and ive been here since beta too.. and no im not admitting im wrong about the relic bonus crap as im not wrong, zergs > relics and everyone with any knowledge of the game knows it

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