Get our Damned Relics Back!


Sigurd Volsung

Greetings, my comrades. Many years ago (months in real time) I, mighty Sigurd, looked out across the plains of Midgard and liked what I saw. The Charter of Realms displayed our Glory. We owned the Relics of Strength, the Relics of power, and most of the Enemy Keeps bore the Sign of Thor, the Hammer of Midgard. The crumpled corpses of our foes lay at our feet, and we bathed in the glory of the Aesir! Now look at us... a shattered remnant of what once was... a slice of the past. We are no longer in control. All will soon be lost, if we do not act soon! Our loyal soldiers will give up the uphill struggle and turn to the soft soils of Albion. We will grow less, they will grow more, day by day, UNLESS: We unite! Combined, we take back our relics! And we take back those of our enemy, because we ARE strong enough. I assure you, all we need is a leader. A seasoned veteran. And a will to be the best. I offer you my services as your leader. I will fight for you, I will listen to each and every one of you, I will make sure we damn well win! Now, who is with me? Who will help me reclaim our lost relics?


Typical, some new guy tries to make a change and gets immidiately some bullshit to hear. :rolleyes:

I'd say, give him a chance, maybe he's the next 'great' leader.
If not ... no matter, wouldn't be the first time we don't succed :p

Best would be you contact the guild leaders though, explain them your plan and what you need for it. If it sounds reasonable they prolly give it a try ;)


well it was just a question :p sorry if it sounded insulting, i just dont see the point of relics really, it wont save u from the usual emain zerg, 95% of rvr is just who has the most numbers, and occasionally who is the best CCer. but if ur willing to try and lead a force to get back some relics gl to you..

Sigurd Volsung

Hopefully a lot of people do give a "crap"

Now if you level 50s can stomach being led by someone lower than you (despite the fact that if I'd played solidly or xped solidly I could have had several level 50s by now) I really think this can work.

Yes, I'll try to contact the guild leaders. I hope to form a command squadron too. We will need a lot of people for this to work, once I have all the guild leaders we need I will discuss my plans...


Originally posted by Sigurd Volsung
The crumpled corpses of our foes lay at our feet, and we bathed in the glory of the Aesir! Now look at us... a shattered remnant of what once was... a slice of the past. We are no longer in control. All will soon be lost, if we do not act soon!

oops the albions and hibernians arent grey con anymore? :p


personally i dont care anything at all about some silly relics...


Originally posted by old.Hellskor
Typical, some new guy tries to make a change and gets immidiately some bullshit to hear. :rolleyes:

I'd say, give him a chance, maybe he's the next 'great' leader.
If not ... no matter, wouldn't be the first time we don't succed :p

Best would be you contact the guild leaders though, explain them your plan and what you need for it. If it sounds reasonable they prolly give it a try ;)

well said and a lot of ppl do give a crap.

we just need to start working on cross allaince comms a little more.

Then make a PLAN :)

Sigurd Volsung

Look you bastards, it is people like you who are destroying this realm, if you don't care then don't play the damned game, I swear I am furious now, why even bother replying to my thread you useless son of a bitch, I can't believe I even bother trying to help people any more, humanity is one self destructive mess.


I am the person who 'obviously has no clue and can only complain' and I am open for every plan not going like this:

1. gather shitloads of people
2. make them wait 2 hours
3. let them charge into 20 Uber guards and 100 Albs
4. /release
5. whine
6. goto 1

Our guild leader is Jeron. Assistant Guild Master is Ozird.


Originally posted by Sigurd Volsung
Look you bastards, it is people like you who are destroying this realm, if you don't care then don't play the damned game, I swear I am furious now, why even bother replying to my thread you useless son of a bitch, I can't believe I even bother trying to help people any more, humanity is one self destructive mess.

i shouldnt play the game cause i dont care about relics? :p
thats like telling all high lvl ppl that they're destroying the realm cause they dont spend 24/7 RVR'ing and play an alt instead... everyone does what they wanna do.. if it means exp to 20 and then start over or if it means powerexping to 50 just to go expkill some greys..

relics is just 1 part of the game.. they make u stronger.. i dont need some silly relics to beat up some alb/hib/mid..

but hey if u wanna take some relics go ahead.. and good luck... and stuff.. dont go calling all that dont come and help shit though.. i thought we had some relics now dont we? ive got no clue really


Re: Re: Get our Damned Relics Back!

Originally posted by ignore

oops the albions and hibernians arent grey con anymore? :p

Quite. But not only that, Alb also got far superior numbers = game over (see 'Zerg'). But we'll keep trying, there's a chance we could take those relics if we attack at the right time of day (3am or so, i think)...

old.Gombur Glodson

you already have 2 relics, you cant have anymore


The bitching here is precisely why we are losing the war. We just don't play as a team.

This weekend I've been playing in Alb a lot, on Excal. Sure, it has morons too. But I've never seen Midgard level 50s hang around the newbie areas during RvR quiet time, handing out huge buffs so that new players make 5th level in 30 minutes.

The Albs have been levelling a lot faster than us recently too. While we all have our heads down in Malmo, waiting 6 hours on the list, they are out actually XPing, and in areas close to the teleport too.

We have a number of disadvantages, and will continue to lose until we think about what is going wrong and how we can fix it as a realm.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Splitting forces, taking more than 2 keeps at a time, then quickly amassing at a relic keep may be a viable tactic for any realm. Not sticking to roads but to zone walls and going through monster areas decrease the chance of being discovered.

However, Midgard may not have the coordination, or the elements of luck that are involved as well, to pull this off.

Despite Albion's numbers suggesting an unwashed mass they've always seemed more structured and tactical in keep taking, the hive mind if you will; it's something I guess I'd see Albion do before Midgard.


Originally posted by Sigurd Volsung
Look you bastards, it is people like you who are destroying this realm, if you don't care then don't play the damned game, I swear I am furious now, why even bother replying to my thread you useless son of a bitch, I can't believe I even bother trying to help people any more, humanity is one self destructive mess.

Rule #1 for Leadership : Don't bitch at the people. Calling them 'bastards' and stuff will turn more people to leave than you actually gain for giving it a try.

old.Trine Aquavit

I think it's fair to say that there are many Midgardians who have spent a fair amount of time on (mostly failed) relic raids. Just because we haven't got them all doesn't mean we haven't been trying. I was on a relic raid a couple of weeks ago (when we didn't have any of em), and it involved a lot of work, a lot of time and a lot of staying up late (I didn't get to bed until 4am and that was on a week night).

We failed, not through lack of effort (though we were a small force), but through lack of basic tactics fighting the guards at the relic keep. We had the numbers, we had the rams, we had the battlements covered, but we failed in dealing with the pops. In fact, we fought like total newbies in many respects - the skills and tactics built up through months of levelling were pretty much ignored in favour of the zerg. I'd love to see a relic raid where the guard pops were dealt with using the tried and trusted tactics of MA, Crowd Control and Peelers. Even better would be to have two such groups, one dealing with pops on the left side of the doors and the other on the right.

Sigurd Volsung

Sorry, but when people only reply to this thread to take the piss, it shows why the realm is falling apart. And you know, we actually outnumber the albs still, I am almost certain, its just they are united and we are not. I'm going to have a few talks with people, see if certain things I am thinking of are possible.... then I will sort out a battle plan.


I actually think all 3 realms are doing great now,you can't say midgard arent we see them non stop in sauvage taking keeps even trying relics fairly often.


Ayyyyeee... I started reading this thread and I thought "Great ! A good guy with enthusiasm, we need more of those in Midgard to motivate our people".

Then I read:

Originally posted by Sigurd Volsung
Look you bastards, it is people like you who are destroying this realm, if you don't care then don't play the damned game, I swear I am furious now, why even bother replying to my thread you useless son of a bitch, I can't believe I even bother trying to help people any more, humanity is one self destructive mess.

My friend, as much as I appreciate your willingness I fear you may not have the patience or leadership qualities (i.e. respect for divergence of opinion/tolerance for those less constructive than you) to carry something of this magnitude successfully. If you have in mind a 'Do as I say and shut up' raid you may be here for a disappointment: Midgardians are strong-hitting, strong-headed bastards ! I should know, I'm one of them.

If you can organise it, I will come. But I am not optimistic you will get that far. Abusive language is never the way to convince people to think your way.

In my case, rather the opposite. Although I do care about the relics.


Re: Re: Re: Get our Damned Relics Back!

Originally posted by svartalf
Quite. But not only that, Alb also got far superior numbers = game over (see 'Zerg'). But we'll keep trying, there's a chance we could take those relics if we attack at the right time of day (3am or so, i think)...

If you check the stats I think you will find that there is not such a massive discrepancy in numbers between Albion and Midgard, although Albs have slightly more overall, Mids have a higher number of level 50s....

What is blindingly obvious to anyone with the slightest amount of common sense is that you appear to have less because you simply refuse to cooperate with one another... look at all the dirty laundry that's been washed on these boards over the past couple of weeks and you can't fail to see what I mean. I feel truly sorry for the smart guys you do have for the loud voices shouting them down at every opportunity.

If you want to be on top again you have the numbers to do it. All you need is the desire to do so and sufficient committment to hold your tongues and let the quiet brainy guys set the plans...

I probably shouldn't have told you all that.... I'm going away now.

<stealths and is gone>



we just need waite all these powerplayers, who has move from mid -> albs, are now moving to hibs, 1.52 are hib loving patch, get they high lvl chars, so alb are maybe? lower number of players.
after this is piece of cake.
afterall, we mids at prydwen are doing fine job against bigger numbers, and more effective chars.


Originally posted by Sigurd Volsung
Sorry, but when people only reply to this thread to take the piss, it shows why the realm is falling apart.

No one was taking the piss, i tried to make that clear in my 2nd post, it's just that some ppl dont care if albs/hibs are gonna hit 10% harder cos if they outnumber us anyway they're gonna win... likewise if we outnumber them the 10% diff wont save them. And different people enjoy the game for different reasons, just cos some dont care about relics doesn't mean they can't play the game, as spamb0t so rightly pointed out :p


Originally posted by Perplexed

No one was taking the piss, i tried to make that clear in my 2nd post, it's just that some ppl dont care if albs/hibs are gonna hit 10% harder cos if they outnumber us anyway they're gonna win... likewise if we outnumber them the 10% diff wont save them. And different people enjoy the game for different reasons, just cos some dont care about relics doesn't mean they can't play the game, as spamb0t so rightly pointed out :p

10% ??

Lets say albs have them all.

That give them +20% in melee
That give them +20% in Magic

Thats makes a total of 40% bonus against us.

Now you need to add in that we dont get any of the bonus so you can easy say we are working on a -40% effectiveness to what we could be.

Which when i was at school made an 80% diffence in power,

this inclused exp and Iteam hunts at 40% and RvR at 80%.

Also you can up this number even more with Keep bonus and and allaince Keep bouns.

Not say you have to be intested just saying it has a bigger effect on Hunting and RvR them a lot of ppl think


And different people enjoy the game for different reasons, just cos some dont care about relics doesn't mean they can't play the game, as spamb0t so rightly pointed out :p

If you dont care then stfu. No need to ruin the great spirit that the original posting had.

I think mids have had enuf of owning the relics. It was fun to rule everything for a while but then most moved on to other things (like getting tons of rps for themselfes). And ppl stopped caring.

However there are those of us who want all the relics again cause we think that is fun. The silly bonus isnt everything. Its the feeling when you type /relic and it sais Midgard everywhere. Yes we been there, done that and now its albs turn. Mebbe after them hibs and then the next generation of midgardians will own every keep and relic. Always one step ahead :)

Anyway, this game was intended as a Realm Vs Realm game which means the whole realm work together to beat the other realms. I think its kinda sad that so many play it just like diablo or quake, just set out in emain and try to kill as much as you can and not get killed, and when you get killed just repeat the procedure until RR10. I must admit it is kindof understandable tho, since getting and defending relics does not provide that much variation. But before discouraging those who want to play it like it sais on the box think twice damnit!

Midgard forever!


Originally posted by old.Khain

10% ??

Lets say albs have them all.

That give them +20% in melee
That give them +20% in Magic

Thats makes a total of 40% bonus against us.

Now you need to add in that we dont get any of the bonus so you can easy say we are working on a -40% effectiveness to what we could be.

Which when i was at school made an 80% diffence in power,

this inclused exp and Iteam hunts at 40% and RvR at 80%.

Erm erm... firstly you dont LOSE 10% by not having a relic, the enemy just gains 10%, and you dont GAIN 10% by having your own relics back, which was the topic of the original thread. Hardly any classes fight with both melee and magic so you cant add the advantages together. So with all 6 relics, albs would hit 20% harder than us. Ok so I was 10% out, still closer than your 80% and still not enough to counteract the effect of numbers.

Like ive said twice now im not trying to take the piss or put anyone down, just pointing out that some people aren't interested in relics, as the original poster said something along the lines of "if you don't care about relics then don't play". If u think me not enjoying the game for relic status makes me a "bastard" and "son of a bitch" then mebbe YOU shouldnt be playing this game as u obviously take it too seriously


Originally posted by old.Khain

Thats makes a total of 40% bonus against us.

Now you need to add in that we dont get any of the bonus so you can easy say we are working on a -40% effectiveness to what we could be.

Which when i was at school made an 80% diffence in power,


and hey this is a forum.. ur supposed to post stuff :p


one day

This is just a lul in the storm.
We owned while the Albions built up strength.
Now They own and we are building up strength give it some time.

try helping lower levels to get into higher levels increase our numbers and teach new players what you have learnt.

What harm can it do realy?
As was said earlier lvl 50 Wizards and Theurgists sit at Pyrdwen Bridge handing out dmg add buffs and dmg shields to the lowbie players there because it helps them get up fast
Maybe some of you guys at Gna should do something similar when you can because every little helps :)

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