Get it off your chest

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The Fonz

Originally posted by Embattle
Yes they do but they still control them quite tightly.

Do they?

Even so, GOA still pickup thousands and thousands of pounds in subscription fees a month for running about 10 servers.

My point is that if GAME.NET want to make money from running online gaming servers then they need to maybe think about MMORPG's. The customers and money are out there.


Originally posted by nath
if you don't have anything more than ":rolleyes:" to add after pointing out my slightly inconsequential mistake, then is there really any point in making a post at all?

For every :rolleyes: smiley there ought to be a :gouge: smiley.


The main point being is GAME is unlikely to get much out of it and it really has nothing to do with what is currently be talked about.


What's wrong with the idea of allowing unsubscribed people on to the server for 20minutes before banning their ip for 2 hours, or something like that. Only allowing a max of 4 unsubscribed people on a server at once. Wouldn't that get the ball rolling at least?

The Fonz

Well I disagree about your first point but agree on your second. I shut up now. :D


Originally posted by nath
What's wrong with the idea of allowing unsubscribed people on to the server for 20minutes before banning their ip for 2 hours, or something like that. Only allowing a max of 4 unsubscribed people on a server at once. Wouldn't that get the ball rolling at least?

It doesn't fit 'the system'.


Jonny_Darko is a good egg in my book. He has a Futurama quote in his sig.

Scooba Da Bass

Until yesterday I was a liaison for bf42. Unlike a lot of the 'long time' liaisons and admins I paid my subs, not only for myself but for 3 other friends.

I applied for the liaison job in the hope that I could try and get a few people onto the servers. After 2/3 months of 10 odd people turning up, most of them from either G or KEA, I got fed up.

We've been told for how ever long it's been now 'just wait something's coming', we've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and still nothing has changed. The launch of game in store was possibly the biggest anti climax ever. Sorry to all the guys at Game, but you fluffed it. You can't just keep on saying things will be alright without anything to demonstrate the opposite.

Surely the fact that the people who 'love' the place the most are loosing all faith in it should mean something to you? I've spent probably hundreds of hours playing on BW/game servers and posting here, and right now the only thing I feel about here is 'meh'

Sorry for the confused nature of this post, I'm just rambling on the subject, I would try and be a bit more forceful on the matter but I'm too apathetic to care.


I'm going to post my ideas and comments on this thread tomorrow. Tired now and I have Bab 5 to watch.


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass

I've spent probably hundreds of hours playing on BW/game servers and posting here, and right now the only thing I feel about here is 'meh'

All nighters on AQ2 servers :)


tbh this thread is long & boring, so i'm ignoring everything except GDWs first post. Anyone with subs fancy an enemy territory game at some time cos everyone can get a copy & its a laugh?


Originally posted by Embattle
Well least there will be 1 on each side ;)
Shooting Deady would be worth the price of admission alone, so more fool you.

Besides, I know you'll pay to shoot at me, who on this forum could say they wouldn't? ;)


Originally posted by MYstIC G

Besides, I know you'll pay to shoot at me, who on this forum could say they wouldn't? ;)



*pays money*


I'm not a subscriber, though I briefy considered it two weeks ago. However, cheap though it is, I have £400 of debt and I want to sort that out first. I just wanted to state that in case it does make a difference to my input.

If there's one thing I've noticed as a kind of Reg/Lurker crossbreed, it's that, despite GAME's best efforts, there is clear separation between the three or four GAME employed forum members and the rest of us. I think it's great that Jonny and CJ and Da Gaffer are looking in here - so many "worse cases" where they wouldn't, but, sadly, something hasn't clicked.

I would like to suggest that the problem is openess. I know that as a business you are probably restricted on "ooo we can't say that" type matters, but so horribly often in these discussions about the service, it's always clear that we aren't getting the whole picture. I don't deny that it's difficult for you GAME guys to break that trend, but I honestly believe that you need to embrace the entire community's ideas much more - even if it is to give a defined "no" to something. Ideas fly around here for months cause there's never been a "This is why not" answer.

For instance, I've been reading the threads that suggest having the servers public for a few hours a day, but we've never had a definate answer on it. It doesn't matter who thinks it's a good idea and who doesn't, an answer is what we want. If you came back and said: "Well we can't implement the scheduling on Quake 3 servers because they don't support it" or suchlike, then it opens the door for wide eyed forumites to come back and say "Well, actually there's this handy underground app that will do it for you". Presto, an answer to the sticking point. But for the community to do that, they need to know the big picture on ideas, so that if someone does have an idea, or a solution, they don't run into a taller brick wall when they come forward.

As has been said, Barrysworld has been community led for most of its life, and it's worked. I genuinely believe that if you were to try and wipe the slate and engage with the forum on more issues, we will be far more likely to find sucess. Issues like policies, how you're encouraging people to play - subs or no subs, I'd love BW/GAME.NET to be a sucess and others here would too. Even just those of us with 2-pennies worth here and there would want to contribute to "The Plan". I know a lot of regs have dubbed the problems as being part of "The System", I don't go in for that. However, if we're going to have a "System", surely it would be foolish to ignore a hundreds strong thinktank that will give you their opinions and many, many intelligent ideas for free right here?

I guess the test goes like this: I've acknowledged what you Game employees do do, I wouldn't dream of taking that away from you, so you don't need to defend yourselves. But what about the ideas? And not just mine. (Though I'd, like anyone posting ideas, appreciate some answer to my suggestions, I may well email it CJ-wards tomorrow since that's what you're encouraging).

I hope I've come across clearly at this late hour.



There seems to be a misconception here that "The General Forum" IS Barrysworlds community.


As the suits say couldnt all these great suggestions be dealt with via pms? If i was a potential customer and i happened to look at these 'community' forums at the moment id laugh and not open my wallet

A lot of people are kicking themselves in the arse really...


Well maybe there needs to be a new forum for it then? Suggestions by email and PM are all very well, but the only way you get new ideas to develop is by having them discussed openly.

Anyway, I guess we'll wait and see what the feedback is before getting concerned over how best to go about something that may be unwelcome.


Another way to discuss what tho? its been covered on at least 5 threads so far and hasnt got anywhere.

People are upset about people being banned from what i can make out and if theyd behaved like i would behave in a general way it wouldnt have been banned, as far as i am concerned there needs to be more players on the servers too but that got bugger all to do with miscreants getting the boot


I think it would be a good idea to have free public servers offering a basic service whilst subscribers have other benefits.

What those benefits would be? I don't know...but booking server time, community nights, having access to FTP, the forums and such, what we already have I guess...well it's a start.


Originally posted by (Shovel)
I think it's great that Jonny and CJ and Da Gaffer are looking in here - so many "worse cases" where they wouldn't, but, sadly, something hasn't clicked.

I would like to suggest that the problem is openess. I know that as a business you are probably restricted on "ooo we can't say that" type matters, but so horribly often in these discussions about the service, it's always clear that we aren't getting the whole picture.

Upon rolling out of bed this morning this is the point I feel I most have to respond to. Yes, there is a division, but that has, to be frank, been placed upon us by most of you. When you immediately label us as "suits" or corporate whores before getting to know us it puts a lot of silly ideas in heads. Don't any of you work for businesses? And does that make you devoid of morals, or an asshole? No? Do you care about what your customers think? If you're any good at your job then yes.

The really frustrating thing is that the thing about openness *is* rubbish. When we can, we have responded quickly and with the truth, when we can't, (like revealing our plans for all and sundry - including the competition), then sorry, we just can't.

Example: Thread the other day saying "Why are you cheaper online, doesn't this mean you're ripping people in stores off?". Kieron came on and said, and truthfully, A, B and C reasons, and what happened? Heaven knows how many pages followed of people saying "Well, thanks for that answer GAME, but frankly, I don't buy it. You rip off merchants."

This happens all the time. How can we be open if you've already judged us as evil, money-grabbing, corporate lyers?


Some good comments - look forward to reading PMs and any e-mails later.

And GDW, I think I've figured out where you're coming from with the 'faceless suits - but don't take it personally.'

It's like school, yeah? No-one likes it when the teachers go 'hey, call me Geoff.' You need to rebel man, and that's, like, fine and very natural. Fine, I'll stay away and you can Call Me Mister;)

People want a company that treats them in a professional manner, and anyone associated with GAME is instantly labelled as a 'a boss', or a customer services person who must say 'thank you for your enquiry' and stay polite. This *is* an issue, as it means that no person employed by GAME (who doesn't have a BW background) is going to be welcomed on here as anything but the above two; which spells danger for this community. That's why you need to start seeing us as individuals, not because we're poor little lambkins who want to be loved. It's not for our benefit, it's for yours.

But a new role where comments and complaints can be directed to (in ted's sad departure) is to be filled ASAP. I was just here to see what was going on.

"get people on the servers please." Amen.

"If you don't like it, either get another job or ignore us." OK. (not new job thing)

"wouldn't it be great if there were like NO suits VISIBLE... " Hmmm, missed the point of my post there a bit, fella. Ah well, at your command.

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by Jonny_Darko

you've already judged us as evil, money-grabbing, corporate liars?

naturally :) you can't please everyone all of the time though, it's a fact of life. making some of the people here happy, some of the time is what's been going on for ages. making most of the peeps happy for some of the time would be a major score.

edit: on a personal note, I enjoy the GAME workforce posting here. I also enjoy it when you tell us what's going on in the shop. then again, I talk to can someone change my title to "forum whore" please? :)


I don't mind any "suits" posting on here, they just have to be prepared to have the piss taken along with everyone else. Their points are as valid as anyones about any subjects posted on here. They should be congratulated tbh for sticking their head above the parapet, because wether it's CJRaveys' or Johnnys fault or not they WILL get the blame because they are an easy target.

I only play C.S. and the occasional DoD but the only reason I play is to play with my "mates" (who I "met" while playing - weird uh - it's a kind of organic thing really). I was speaking to a RL mate the other day and I was talking about how I would happily lend money to some of the people on here or invite them to stay at my house - he was amazed (I wouldn''t lend HIM money - the tramp) But that's the power of "community". THAT's what need to foster and recapture without being too heavy-handed (actually you can't foster something and then recapture it - stop - reverse it)

Point 2 - Why CAN'T we have open nights/hours? EVEN AUDI LET YOU DRIVE THEIR CARS B4 BUYING!!1

It could be that people think this community is dying because most of the posts are getting a tad bitter or because some frothy-mouthed regulars have had the boot. Maybe it's dying - I'm not convinced it is dying - because there's no-one playing. An hour in-game with someone can make you their "friend". Even without "coms" a simple "lol" or "wtf?" can help you discern the character of the player - and then you come on here to talk.

O.K. this post has lost focus now so that's it. What I think I'm trying to say is GOOD SERVERS + GOOD ADMINS = BUSY SERVERS = NEW FORUM REGULARS = A BETTER COMMUNITY. or summat.


You lot still seem to be ignoring one of the major suggestions that is being made over and over again. "Make the servers public for a certain amount of time/certain amount of people".

Why is that?


Originally posted by nath
You lot still seem to be ignoring one of the major suggestions that is being made over and over again. "Make the servers public for a certain amount of time/certain amount of people".

Why is that?

That is something that's been discussed - can't remember the outcome, will ask around. Sometimes you will think of an idea that's already been kicked about, rather than being ignored.


Originally posted by cjravey
That is something that's been discussed - can't remember the outcome, will ask around.

We already know the outcome thx.

Why? is the question...
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