German mana eld pov video


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Just dl'd NetLeech cause VF said my downloading be of gr8 r0x0r! (wtf?!)

And I am totally new to the program and I cant find the URL for the video :(

Help meh plz!

PS: I know I am gimp -.-


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 10, 2004
Belomar said:
..and I am sure there are primary healers who play like this even here. Hopefully, they are not RR11-RR12, however. ;)
from what I seen the druids on exc/prydwen are much better. Dreami, Ramble, Fiontan and more.. much better interupting, healing and positioning.

this druid aint something special :<


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
The video rocks, editting wise :)

The druid isnt that good, in 1 scene he's standing next to the eldritch, who gets AE interrupted by a sorc spamming AE-root.

Then when she gets out of the root, u would think she move out? Nope, moves on top of the eldritch 'Me big firby! Me step infront of luwi, evul sorc cant see eldritch so solved'

But still, if u get RR12, u obviously play alot, but if she really is shit, she wouldnt keep getting groups, atleast I think.


Jan 15, 2006
Belomar said:
My experience from Eviona (albeit very limited, so I am sure I am wrong): When fight starts, immediately stop and start casting spreadheals. If low power, cast RP or MCL, depending on what's up. If interrupted, pop MoC3 and continue spreadhealing. If interrupted and MoC is down, do nothing. If low power and RP and MCL are down, do nothing. :p
like 99% of mid healers?


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
The same could be said about Clerics and Druids. However, most of the good ones don't, in my experience (or rather, by definition). ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Groupstealth + pb bomb was really funny, rest of the movie was pretty mediocre, was ok to watch though.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Belomar said:
My experience from Eviona (albeit very limited, so I am sure I am wrong): When fight starts, immediately stop and start casting spreadheals. If low power, cast RP or MCL, depending on what's up. If interrupted, pop MoC3 and continue spreadhealing. If interrupted and MoC is down, do nothing. If low power and RP and MCL are down, do nothing. :p

That's so like 99% of the Pry/Excal population even seen some rr11 play like that :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Eva said:
It's one of the older Avalon players, she only have 9 fingers. She has a rr11 daughter so quite possible the forbidding her to play part is true. She have a son aswell dunno exact rr of him tho. I dunno how true the cutting off a part of her finger part is, but she's playing 24/7(or was, atleast) and as said above she only have 9 fingers. :p

Oh and it's far from fake, the screenshot atleast since it's our group. We've heard the same story since we started on avalon, so must be some truth in it.

Wierd things you posted. I have no idea who this rr12 druid is or how bad he/she is. But you gloating in some story that just have to be made up?

And dont you spend your awaken time at the PC aswell? how are you to mock others then? :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Just a quick question,

Ok say you play a healer, how do you play a good one?

I keep hearing about interrupts. Now I know my healer has amnesia AOE spell that has a looong range and does blue things on the enemy - is this interrupting them?

And when playing a PAC Healer, basically do you just run in, Insta AE Mezz, then move out the way and start healing? Normal AE Mezzing? (is it on a different timer?)

I watched one video where the healer never used the Stun or AE Stun - I take it that this is bad for the enemy to have immunity to?

And when your PAC Healer is getting interrupted, do you just MoC and carry on trying to keep the group alive and the enemy mezzed?

What do healers do when MoC and Purge are down? Back to interrupting?

All I remember was that playing my healer in RvR (this was a couple of years back) was a blast, but bloody hard work, and one or 2 mistakes and the group would disband :(
I imagine coming across high RR optimised groups leaves a lot less room for error?

Do most fights go in a certain order? Can you predict what an enemy will do next? What target they will go for first?

So many questions :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Belomar said:
The above works wonders if you have a strong group to support you, and I am sure there are primary healers who play like this even here. Hopefully, they are not RR11-RR12, however. ;)

nope, i'm only RR9 yet


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
illu said:
Just a quick question,

Ok say you play a healer, how do you play a good one?

I keep hearing about interrupts. Now I know my healer has amnesia AOE spell that has a looong range and does blue things on the enemy - is this interrupting them?

And when playing a PAC Healer, basically do you just run in, Insta AE Mezz, then move out the way and start healing? Normal AE Mezzing? (is it on a different timer?)

I watched one video where the healer never used the Stun or AE Stun - I take it that this is bad for the enemy to have immunity to?

And when your PAC Healer is getting interrupted, do you just MoC and carry on trying to keep the group alive and the enemy mezzed?

What do healers do when MoC and Purge are down? Back to interrupting?

All I remember was that playing my healer in RvR (this was a couple of years back) was a blast, but bloody hard work, and one or 2 mistakes and the group would disband :(
I imagine coming across high RR optimised groups leaves a lot less room for error?

Do most fights go in a certain order? Can you predict what an enemy will do next? What target they will go for first?

So many questions :>

Oli - Illu

don't know much about healer but AoE-amneisa isn't the best interrupter since it makes clears your enemys spell list (they forget the spell) so you have to keep it spammed to keep interrupting, which takes alot of power. the single target one is quite nice since it's grey con and don't uses much power. AoE-mez is good for interrupting since it works like a spell (you get a X second delay until you can cast again).

allthough i'll leave this to some experienced healer :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 16, 2005
Overall a really cool vid imo, I like the ones that are very edited, like this one. Fights didn't seem very good though, the bombs are always funneh but 8v8 was kinda boring.

Just 2 things, sometimes you use so much slowmotion that you have 1 or 2 fps, and sometimes you zoom so much that you see big pixels on the screen, which is just over the line imo. Much editing is fine, just as long as you still see what's going on. Sometimes when you used many effects when pbaeing, all you could see was someone using a pbae spell, nothing else.

Intro was probably one of the best i've seen though.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
illu said:
I keep hearing about interrupts. Now I know my healer has amnesia AOE spell that has a looong range and does blue things on the enemy - is this interrupting them?
It interupts when it's resisted, else it cancels the enemies spell, but definately not the best tool for interupts. Aug healer has alot more use of this just because he will be positioned at the back of the fight. As pac you will be more in the middle. Basically just spam mezz on targets, if they are immune you root them instead, or if you got a good box of people just keep on spamming the ae mezz to keep them interupted.
illu said:
And when playing a PAC Healer, basically do you just run in, Insta AE Mezz, then move out the way and start healing? Normal AE Mezzing? (is it on a different timer?)
I always aim to get the leader with a single insta so the group will stop up, then get a castable mezz off on the rest. This combo gives you so much more if you pull it off then just dumping ae instamezz. Always try to get as many people as you can mezzed if you win the mezzwar, i just keep spamming ae mezz until i get interupted or so. There will almost always be someone that unsticks and dont get caught in the initial mezz, try to get him aswell!
And aslong as you got the upper hand, no reason to pull back and wait for people to start taking damage. Keep them under pressure all the time!

illu said:
I watched one video where the healer never used the Stun or AE Stun - I take it that this is bad for the enemy to have immunity to?
Stun is a very nice tool, that should be used alot, but not too much. It's better to save the immunitys for when u really need it. Say an enemy support is moc'ing, throw a stun on him and a part of his moc gets wasted. Stunning targets for tanks is also very nice. But don't ever stun a banelord tank with castable stun unless your 100% sure he has used Zone of Unmana, else u will get tendrilspammed, and thats a bitch as healer. :D
illu said:
And when your PAC Healer is getting interrupted, do you just MoC and carry on trying to keep the group alive and the enemy mezzed?
A simple answer to that question is: MoC when stuffs is getting out of hand. Personally i'm no fan of it, played through 10 realmranks without it, but then again, i was playing easymode! :)
illu said:
What do healers do when MoC and Purge are down? Back to interrupting?
They aren't stuff you should have to 'rely' on, don't really understand this question. :p

illu said:
I imagine coming across high RR optimised groups leaves a lot less room for error?
Indeed it does.
illu said:
Do most fights go in a certain order? Can you predict what an enemy will do next? What target they will go for first?
Opted grp vs opted grp usually switch tactics alot, so no you can't really predict.

Healers is prolly the most fun class in this game imo, just because you got so much to do(Together with druid). You can't just say "do this and that and you will win", it's all about what the situation requires. Making the right decisions whether to heal or interupt, keep good view on the fight, helping your groupmates in every way you can is stuffs that define a good healer imo.

Loads more to say, but frankly i cba.
This felt like writing an essay, bored while pl'ing! :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Eregion said:
Healers is prolly the most fun class in this game imo, just because you got so much to do(Together with druid). You can't just say "do this and that and you will win", it's all about what the situation requires.
Agreed. I've found my calling in DAoC, and all other classes pale in comparison when it comes to fun factor. :)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Imo it was one of the best edited daoc movies ive ever seen + it was good to watch.. a strong 9.5 out of 10.. Sure gameplay might not have been all that but it was fun and not repetative


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Eregion said:
It interupts when it's resisted, else it cancels the enemies spell, but definately not the best tool for interupts. Aug healer has alot more use of this just because he will be positioned at the back of the fight. As pac you will be more in the middle. Basically just spam mezz on targets, if they are immune you root them instead, or if you got a good box of people just keep on spamming the ae mezz to keep them interupted.

I always aim to get the leader with a single insta so the group will stop up, then get a castable mezz off on the rest. This combo gives you so much more if you pull it off then just dumping ae instamezz. Always try to get as many people as you can mezzed if you win the mezzwar, i just keep spamming ae mezz until i get interupted or so. There will almost always be someone that unsticks and dont get caught in the initial mezz, try to get him aswell!
And aslong as you got the upper hand, no reason to pull back and wait for people to start taking damage. Keep them under pressure all the time!

Stun is a very nice tool, that should be used alot, but not too much. It's better to save the immunitys for when u really need it. Say an enemy support is moc'ing, throw a stun on him and a part of his moc gets wasted. Stunning targets for tanks is also very nice. But don't ever stun a banelord tank with castable stun unless your 100% sure he has used Zone of Unmana, else u will get tendrilspammed, and thats a bitch as healer. :D

A simple answer to that question is: MoC when stuffs is getting out of hand. Personally i'm no fan of it, played through 10 realmranks without it, but then again, i was playing easymode! :)

They aren't stuff you should have to 'rely' on, don't really understand this question. :p

Indeed it does.

Opted grp vs opted grp usually switch tactics alot, so no you can't really predict.

Healers is prolly the most fun class in this game imo, just because you got so much to do(Together with druid). You can't just say "do this and that and you will win", it's all about what the situation requires. Making the right decisions whether to heal or interupt, keep good view on the fight, helping your groupmates in every way you can is stuffs that define a good healer imo.

Loads more to say, but frankly i cba.
This felt like writing an essay, bored while pl'ing! :)

Thanks for the tips :> It will help if I ever play healer in guild group, and I get illu, my original pac healer toon out of the cupboard.

Oli - Illu


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
seeing the rr12 druid standing next to eld just spamming SH/moc/rp almost made me cwy, i think im better druid and mine is only lvl 30 on Pry :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
gotta agree that pac healer is a real blast to play, you gotta work hard if you wanna play it right :)

3 forms of CC, demezz, heals, lullaby, RA-s list goes on:p

so much to do, fun class for sure (tho 4 forms of insta cc is a bit lame:))


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
i liked playing aughealer post-toa, pre-nf :D make fop and spam spreadheal for 15 min while poky and the crew chain grp after grp on ridge :p

shame it was only one night :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Dorin said:
so much to do, fun class for sure (tho 4 forms of insta cc is a bit lame:))
Well, you only use 3 of them really, I try to only use 2 tho! :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Someone mirror this !

I thought i'd leave it for a bit as RPGfilms would be getting hammered. but... 31.7kb/s is just zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !

please i'll give ya a nice shiney rep !


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
roflcopter @ eviona, she cast: spreadheal, moc3, rp3.. Nothing else in entire movie, cant believe ppl like that tbh :eek:

some nice editing tho, still sucked imo


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
It was entertaining to watch, some really nasty zergs there. Editing was also pretty good. Although I must say, and this is not saying that my playstyle is perfect because its far from perfect, but that druid in movie, Eviona, what the fuck is she doing? Pointless spreadheal spam, most of the time she just stands around, and at some point she completly wastes moc for no reason, the positioning is awful at times too.

Not related to movie but I agree with posters saying healer classes are probably the most fun class to play, you constantly have to change your playstyle as the type of rvr changes and also healing classes never gets non-fotm and are always needed in grps even if grp setups change ( hybrid, tank, casters etc).


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 10, 2004
I found the editing to be well done but way overused.
Would rather be able to see his ui and how the action really looks from his pov than all that special effects showcase.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
mms dont wanna make a new spam thread for old vids really but, if anyone is interested i put links to my old vids in sig

bard vid is a 4 min duel between me and ekydus, eld vid is the first vid i released where i die 24/7 :p

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