geforce 7800 gtx


Fledgling Freddie
May 7, 2004
hey didnt rly know where on earth to put this but i hope som1 can help. I got a new pc which is a beast n has a geforce 7800 in it. It runs everything fine, except CS:S. I have no idea why but some of the textures appear as white mesh lines or just a purple blured mess. I've got the latest drives, most up to date patch of CS:S and yet it still continues to do it. As most can imagie Steam customer (lack of) support has said sweet FA about my question in 4weeks so im hoping some1 can give me some ideas as to what actually is wrong as I'm rly looking forward to DoD:S n I've got a bad feeling it'll do the same in that :S
thanks again


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Not sure about the white mesh, but I know in HL2 that if you change resolution or any of the video settings and dont restart the game, you get some really freaky purple and black kinda chequered effects.

Not sure how this helps your problem though.......

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