Gareth RvR - Biggest Let down ever?


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Finally got ready for rvr here, great full temp, great cl xp all to find that rvr on the most populated cluster consists of two ways of doing it.. labyrinth or 8v8. For some this may sound like heaven but gdamn does it suck.. seems mids on this cluster dont want to roam, dont want to siege, nothing. Heck i got booted from a group for suggesting we roamed in NF instead of running with the 4fg assist midnoob zerg chaining every solo in laby.

And even when they finally do get out to do roaming.. there are some terrible players, i mean seems like hardly any of the players pan, and if they loose after 1 run.. they log.. its pathetic. There never a bg up so no siege and even if you do take a tower or keep noone bothers to defend it (albs do, but impossible to take a keep there) or noone bother to try take it back.. its just leave it and go to laby.

Only decent fun in rvr ive had on there is with small groups.. is avalon still good ? ;D?


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Eversmallx said:
Finally got ready for rvr here, great full temp, great cl xp all to find that rvr on the most populated cluster consists of two ways of doing it.. labyrinth or 8v8. For some this may sound like heaven but gdamn does it suck.. seems mids on this cluster dont want to roam, dont want to siege, nothing. Heck i got booted from a group for suggesting we roamed in NF instead of running with the 4fg assist midnoob zerg chaining every solo in laby.

And even when they finally do get out to do roaming.. there are some terrible players, i mean seems like hardly any of the players pan, and if they loose after 1 run.. they log.. its pathetic. There never a bg up so no siege and even if you do take a tower or keep noone bothers to defend it (albs do, but impossible to take a keep there) or noone bother to try take it back.. its just leave it and go to laby.

Only decent fun in rvr ive had on there is with small groups.. is avalon still good ? ;D?

I see.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
HUGE zergs from all realms, was realy funny last night getting into an Alb <-- Mid <-- Hib (sneaky!) zerg sandwich. Chaos.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
who/what needed then, cba with solo leveling again ;p


Sep 20, 2006
going out at 49 and seeing 3fg mids on stick at 3am US time made me think fuck this, that and sorc being the dullest class to play ever


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
exact same thing happend to us! fucking yanks...

avalon seems to be the rox. and the albion comunity is really nice.

i just cant wait to own daymr/pollys group.. le free rps! =)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Never played US, but doesn't sound so different to ava. Just I think these high pop servers need some mental adjustment after playing pryd/excal, about what to do, where to go...


Loyal Freddie
Nov 10, 2006
Commandment said:
exact same thing happend to us! fucking yanks...

avalon seems to be the rox. and the albion comunity is really nice.

i just cant wait to own daymr/pollys group.. le free rps! =)

Gay rerollers


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Commandment said:
exact same thing happend to us! fucking yanks...

avalon seems to be the rox. and the albion comunity is really nice.

i just cant wait to own daymr/pollys group.. le free rps! =)



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Why not give it a bit longer till you give up on it? :)
Or play with us when we get to go RvR - we'll play our own fooking rules :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 4, 2006
Nothing wrong with RvR on Gareth imho and I have been there since the start on the server. The problem you have is that there are a lot of established guilds in all realms that are self sufficient on making groups and game play. So I do understand the frustration of people new to the server trying to have fun.

The lab can be fun but as you said very zergy however when you are low rr it is a good way to build up some ra’s. If you go out to nf with a low rr group you will get rolled by very high rr group just by the length of time they have been on Gareth. Also in the lab you will find it easier to get a PUG and compete because more are playing there and the los issues that mid always suffer from can be counteracted by using all the corners and steps to fight clever.

On siege SD’s do knock over a Crau or Beno tower and farm it but it’s quite hard to do as the response with the high population is swift and heavy. Mid’s unfortunately have the worse siege classes and since the server opened we have been all on the defensive or trying to get our relics back so we are not used to being on the offensive. The attitude in mid atm seems to be wow we have our relics back lets not rock the boat and loss them again.

On BG’s this is a frustrating thing and we as an alliance “AJ Inc” are trying to change that and we will always make a /bg if one doesn’t exist. Yes we are the worst realm for it but if we don’t try and change it then we will just get worse.

I know it’s frustrating but Gareth is great and it’s a lot of fun you just need to stick with it until you get a little more established.

If you need any help let me know.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
the grp i was in that didnt want to roam in NF mainly consisted of rr9-6's with me the only lowbie ;/

the responce was naff rhys, i was roaming around crau and hibs didnt even care about the port.

spose i havent been around this long, but to me its a let down after being hyped up that it is this superb great non-stop rvr, to now what it is which is struggling to make 10k in 3hrs of play.

and also the times i played in labyrinth meant 5fg of mids trying to farm the odd duo or small grp of hibs/albs..great way to build the rps lol


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 4, 2006
Blame the response on Mythic as the patch has put 150% rp's on agro island so lots of groups have gone there. There are a few VN posts on the subject as 8 mans are complaining about having their 8V8 zone being ruined and others saying that they are there for the bonus. It will settle back down again when that is stopped and a lot of groups will be out there fighting again.

SD's ran the lab Sunday Euro evening time for 3 hours and pulled 50k each. I agree it's not the greatest RvR but you go where the rp's are and 50k isn't shabby.

Just play what is fun and go with the flow especially as there are some bad ass hib/alb groups out there and they will rip you to pieces just because of their set-up and not bad play on your own part.

I have a sb in CV that I chill out on when main RvR is frustrating me.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
redstar_barum said:
Blame the response on Mythic as the patch has put 150% rp's on agro island so lots of groups have gone there. There are a few VN posts on the subject as 8 mans are complaining about having their 8V8 zone being ruined and others saying that they are there for the bonus. It will settle back down again when that is stopped and a lot of groups will be out there fighting again.

SD's ran the lab Sunday Euro evening time for 3 hours and pulled 50k each. I agree it's not the greatest RvR but you go where the rp's are and 50k isn't shabby.

Just play what is fun and go with the flow especially as there are some bad ass hib/alb groups out there and they will rip you to pieces just because of their set-up and not bad play on your own part.

I have a sb in CV that I chill out on when main RvR is frustrating me.
I went agramon last night hoping to find some soloers (this was 12am+ UK time) and i ran arond and found nothing.. no fgs :( soon as i went near alb or hib lab tower tho i got rolled everytime by fgs going tower.. or duos+

but i agree with rhys on the most part rvr on gareth is good.. LOTS of fgs.. ok not that many that respect 1v1 or fg v fg fights. but there are some darn good fights to b had if u get a half decent group and roam


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 24, 2006
Well avalon's got one of the hardest 8v8 zones ive seen.

Obviously theres no labrynth there so the zergers tend to form big groups and roam about NF fighting huge battles.

The zerg areas ok for 8 man groups too since if you run cleverly you can avoid the 3 zergs and have 8v8 fights or just farm the reinforcements heading to the zerg.

If you're dumb and run to bridges and near portal keeps expect to face 100+ people that will insta kill you.

Obviously we prefer the 8v8 zone but when its not an option you can have fun roaming NF zerg area...its just some nights feel like you just getting zerged to death, other nights you have some really good fights there and alls well.

I wouldnt want to play on Avalon without a set group though....running in 5 FGs has no appeal to me at all.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I played champ a bit on avalon yesterday, and the action was really great. Every group played fair and we never had to roam long to find a fight.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
going out at 49 and seeing 3fg mids on stick at 3am US time made me think fuck this, that and sorc being the dullest class to play ever

Put more spells on qbar than just lifetap it is a fun class to play.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
.. is avalon still good ? ;D?

Avalon rocks hard still!:)

Its just getting better and better as you get into it...

There are any kind of rvr you like, and since lyo joined in, its made the Hib/Mid/Alb ratio have evened out abit...meaning that Hibs (that were way smaller than the rest) actually are making their presence noticable and kicking some Siege butt too!:)

So come to Ava, im pretty sure any of the realms have english cluster guilds that would happily take you in. !:)



FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Avalon rocks hard still!:)

Its just getting better and better as you get into it...

There are any kind of rvr you like, and since lyo joined in, its made the Hib/Mid/Alb ratio have evened out abit...meaning that Hibs (that were way smaller than the rest) actually are making their presence noticable and kicking some Siege butt too!:)

So come to Ava, im pretty sure any of the realms have english cluster guilds that would happily take you in. !:)


yeh i will, got a 30-ish menta, that could be some fun heh


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
There are any kind of rvr you like, and since lyo joined in, its made the Hib/Mid/Alb ratio have evened out abit...meaning that Hibs (that were way smaller than the rest) actually are making their presence noticable and kicking some Siege butt too!:)


can't say i agree. mid owns the frontier and mainly fights albs. some of the time the albs fight back but are mostly defeted at last by the mid powerful PvE crew (not unlike certain ppl on dyvet). there's no hibs only hibgardians and albernians that come alive whenever mid or albion decides to attack eachother (and sometimes not even then).

i didn't RvR yesterday or today but it seems that hib has taken the relics back so they might have gotten some backbone, but it's probably only because albion is sieging midgard. hopefully though it's back to the beginning of the cluster where hib owned the frontier for like a day or two only to become the whipping boy it's been since i started playing avalon.

(this being my view of the ''regular RvR'', not the fg scene. haven't spend enough continious time there to make up my mind since we can't get a stable grp going)


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004

o well any guild got room for me xD?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2005
Nothing wrong with rvr on thsi server, but if you expect to find rvr just after your head every night, and you have only been on the server for 14 days since start?

if you aint giving it a chance, you aint getting any :)


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Nothing wrong with rvr on thsi server, but if you expect to find rvr just after your head every night, and you have only been on the server for 14 days since start?

if you aint giving it a chance, you aint getting any :)

you really believed that ;)?

look at sig etc


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
can't say i agree. mid owns the frontier and mainly fights albs. some of the time the albs fight back but are mostly defeted at last by the mid powerful PvE crew (not unlike certain ppl on dyvet). there's no hibs only hibgardians and albernians that come alive whenever mid or albion decides to attack eachother (and sometimes not even then).

Well I agree with you!:)
Hibs do mainly come out when there are already fights between Mids and Albs, but they do come out in force at those times, and often succeed in getting a keep or 2 and farming some rps with a zerg of their own. Before the cluster they had problems even adding on the Huge zergs of Alb and Mid.

And yea its a powerful Mid night crew over here, but it doesnt matter to much since the amount of people makes the frontier full of action even after that and with ports broken etc. Its waves back and forth all the time between Mids and Albs, and Hibs hit us both in every way consivable!:)

yeh i will, got a 30-ish menta, that could be some fun heh
o well any guild got room for me xD?

We are on Alb so cant help you but there are several english guilds on Hib so shouldnt be much of a problem!:)


ps. Im still looking for you to spank out there Nata, so please stand somewhere out of sight from others and go afk and ill do it quick!:) ds.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2005
you really believed that ;)?

look at sig etc

my sig or yours?

but sure, run as fast as you can from the underpopulated realm :)

atm hibs own half of our frontier, and we are 3fg tops defending vs the double, they are attacking 3 times at once etc :D

so in my world, ppl that are leaving mid is because of our low numbers, but things will only get worse and you will enter a alb vs hib situation instead.

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