I'm after a gaming laptop for around £600 can anyone point me in the right direction?
I've always had gaming pc's and gaming laptops always seemed a bit well odd...can I get a decent gaming lappy for 600 or am I kidding myself.
I've not been here for ages, and was having a chat with an old friend today and we were talking about playing cs on barrysworld many moons ago, which got me thinking about this site and here I am! then someone asked me about a laptop and boom 2 birds one stone.
Have to say the old XPS gaming one i had years ago was crap two, spent more time away in repair than anything else. Graphics Card went twice in it followed by the Mobo. Gave up after that. Never buy another that is for sure, but I know a few people that like them.Dells always break, they're shit that way. Every dell that has ever been made has broken, thats a nate fact.
You can take that one to the bank.