Gameportal and BW Servers



Yawn, yawn, yawn
God your boring:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:


Good piece of software but the BW servers have come back to me in game and I already use GameSpy so I won't be keeping it.....

p.s. leave it Shinara :p


More than happy to :) if only others would do the same :p
Still thanks for the info anyway as i have been unable to locate them and i actually like play on them as well.


Im unable to sort by ping with Gameportal, anyone else having that problem?


Nope, I click on the "ping" column header and it sorts no problems.

old.{ velvet }

Originally posted by Shinara
Yawn, yawn, yawn
God your boring:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:



/me holds you back :)
errrrrrrrr what am i holding you back from?

old.{ velvet }

Yawning my way into the record books from reading another one of your posts showing no understanding that some of us prefer Game Service Providers that don't list corporate lameness above all their other qualities.



sorry but you have completely lost me?????????
ahhh well i'm just a simple gamer here for the fun.....i'll leave all the sniping and bitching to you corperate types :)
In fact i'm sure it will make many of here extremely happy judging from the posts...and i won't post on BW again so you can sit here enjoying your little digs in you seem to enjoy them so much
I'll go and join the rest of the llamas on NGUK servers then!
And i thought it was just a game!
You can flame away to your hearts content now as i won't be reading it anyway.......what a world !!!!!!! even the games aren't fun anymore


Yes well im sure it is more fun playing on NGUK when your in EMS.

Just back from damnation only server were things were fun, teams were roughly balanced, it was fun lil kickabout. Then about 5-6 EMS guys come in, and ALL join the same same team, their team have at least an extra 4 players.

I ask if EMS could split up across teams to even things out a bit, all i get in "no" and laughed at. Then what happens is one of the EMS guys has admin access and proceeds to force switch all the non EMS guys across to my team.

Game proceeds as a sham as my team is majority unclanned and team sizes are small (bout 9-10 a side) so team balance just went out the window and a prompt 6-0 victory goes to EMS team.

Next level loads and i say "Well done EMS you know how to switch teams and own pubbies".

5 seconds later im kicked. Nice to know youve got real responsible admins to make NGUK stand out above the rest.

P.S id post this on the NGUK boardroom but it doesnt seem to be working atm.

This is mostly a flame against the EMS admin ive seen lots of teams switch to be on same side and tbh that alone doesnt really bother me.

old.D R E ad

Originally posted by Stabs
Next level loads and i say "Well done EMS you know how to switch teams and own pubbies".

5 seconds later im kicked. Nice to know youve got real responsible admins to make NGUK stand out above the rest.

Stabs mate, I was not in that game but I have spoken to the EMS members that were there in IRC yesterday (we were trying to find out in an admin meeting who did it and why after seeing this post). You seem to have forgoten to mention the fact that you also told the admin to "Fuck off" a few times for some strange reason :rolleyes: You were also warned before you were kicked. As for the switching teams business, they switched people who where last to join the game. Which is the most fair way to go about it. They also said that the had always seen you as a fair and decent player and were suprised at you comments in game. Like I said, I was not there but the EMS lads are a top bunch and to kick people for no real reason and force players to switch at random or who were in the game for a while would be very out of character indeed.

{EMS} [)REA[). NGUK public admin.


Regardless as to whether he said "fuck off" or not - why are the admins switching people's teams on public servers?

And no I'm not indulging in BW v NGUK v whatever as I couldnt give a damn where people play T2 as long as they enjoy the game.

As admin myself I would never switch people around. If people want to change side they do it themselves.

old.D R E ad

Have you never been in a game, Tribes 2 or otherwise, where its like 16 V 8 and no one will change teams? Well obviously not, so let me enlighten you --- It's bloody annoying!!! For the many years of online gaming before I was an admin I was always glad when there were admins to help out and even the teams up and make the game fair when the players won't, so long as its done in a democratic way. Thats what admins are there for, to help the game run smothly and fair. We always anounce that the teams are unfiar and ask people to change over. It's not until then and only if the teams are REALLY unbalanced that we would do it. The funny thing is that I have never seen anyone complain and hardly ever do people switch back. In fact the most common thing I see in the chat box is "Thanks". What might slightly annoy one person usually please's the majority. The only way to admin servers well is - democratically. If its only the persons choice to change then thats like saying its the persons choice to teamkill if they want and thats absurd.

But anyway, this post is clearly just intended as another sad dig at NGUK and us independant gamers who are just trying to make Tribes 2 more enjoyable. The guy who once said that there are never enough admins around is now atacking us for doing our job :rolleyes:


Firstly - I wasn't having a dig at you or NGUK so please don't a) presume that you know my gaming history and b) patronise me.

"Have you never been in a game, Tribes 2 or otherwise, where its like 16 V 8 and no one will change teams? Well obviously not, so let me enlighten you"

1. of course I have seen many a game like that.
2. I dont need you to "enlighten" me to the joys of public servers, adminning or anything else.

"The only way to admin servers well is - democratically."

Your idea of democracy is forcing people to change teams? Remind me to brush up on Mein Kampf.

If an absolute TK'er is on...or someone is trying to crash server...etc etc then I intervene. You cannot force people to do something they don't want to do.

"But anyway, this post is clearly just intended as another sad dig at NGUK and us independant gamers who are just trying to make Tribes 2 more enjoyable."

He "accused" EMS not the whole of NGUK and I wasn't there and thanks to Sierra/Dynamix we dont have demos. I'm not getting into all that crap anyhow.

Don't get me wrong - I repeat the fact that I couldn't care less what server people play a particular computer game on and this is not a flame against you Dread or NGUK.

I believe people are free to do what they want, you cannot force "spirit of fair play" into every player that wanders onto a server. As for TK's etc they are just scum.

Bottom line is its rare I intervene - there is a voting system and yes it is far from perfect etc etc but let the players get on with it.
Where does it end? Oh Storm has playerX and Y on and they are too good for Inferno so I swap them about. Gotta draw the line.

Anyway point made and thanks for answering.

old.D R E ad

Originally posted by { velvet }
Yawning my way into the record books from reading another one of your posts showing no understanding that some of us prefer Game Service Providers that don't list corporate lameness above all their other qualities.


Thats odd coming from a former Gameplay employee ;)

Maybe you would care to enlighten us some more Velvet. Over the last few weeks you have had virtually nothing to say other than gripe about the space issue. NGUK provide an excellent service, as do Barrysworld. Most of us get great pings and enjoy the wide range of well maintained servers. Very few people seem to care about how a company chooses to promote themselfs. I certainly don't. I think its rude to imply that your fellow gamers are that shallow and so stupid they would rather play on the first server that apears rather than look at player count and ping. In fact you seem rather obsesed with it rather than bored.

But if you find them so borring why do you find the time to retort with yet another one of your sharp, witty and astonishingly original posts * cough * ;)

PS What makes NGUK more corporate than the EB owned Barrysworld?


Originally posted by D R E ad

I think its rude to imply that your fellow gamers are that shallow and so stupid they would rather play on the first server that apears rather than look at player count and ping.

PS What makes NGUK more corporate than the EB owned Barrysworld?

Hmm, if it's rather rude then why do you use the null characters to put yourself on the top of the list? Maybe you should be extremely polite and use z.

As for NGUK being more corporate than BW, he didnt say that. He said more corporately lame.

old.D R E ad

Xtro, I was not intending to patronise you. Sorry if it came across that way.

I and no other admin I know would ever switch someone based on ablitity. That would be a serious abuse of admin rights. A line has been drawn and if we cross it we lose our admin rights. Simple as that. The head boys at NGUK take it very seriously and we have to be acountable for everything. Every player kick is logged. Your point about "forcing the sprit of fair play into the game" is a fair one. People can play however thay want to play on a public server so long as it does not ruin the game for others. We rarely intervene, most problems sort themselfs. Even if the voting system is slightly dodgy. Which incidently deos not aply to what team a player is on. But what admins should be doing is encuraging team spirit. If the team is like 15 V 4 or something then its a good idea to switch people. If its like 20 V 18 then of course we would leave it. If not, why did Dynamix put it into the game in non-tournament mode?

old.D R E ad

Originally posted by Trebz

Hmm, if it's rather rude then why do you use the null characters to put yourself on the top of the list? Maybe you should be extremely polite and use z.

As for NGUK being more corporate than BW, he didnt say that. He said more corporately lame.

YAWN. Oops, sorry that Velvets line ;)

As I have said many times, I dont work for NGUK. I'm a gamer like you who enjoys playing on both BW and NGUK. I just happen to have been picked for admining NGUK servers.

I'm not saying that the space is wrong or right. What I was saying was rude was that Velvet seems to constantly imply that us gamer are soooo stupid that we don't have the ability to choose servers by ourselfs. We are so dumb we don't look at ping or player count. We are so thick that we blindly click on the first server we see.


You seem to have forgoten to mention the fact that you also told the admin to "Fuck off" a few times for some strange reason .

ROFL oh great, lets add lies to everything else as well. Not once did i tell anyone to "fuck off" in that match, i didnt say a single thing between asking EMS to switch and my comment at the end.

You may well be referring to the previous incident that an EMS admin kicked me from a tournament game, i was planning to leave OAP but was going to play one last game for them for the cup.

I had played for OAP vs EMS a few days previously so EMS knew i was an OAP member. as soon as i join server, all i get was spam from EMS, someone spam flooding "Get clan tag or leave server", over and over again. EMS knew i was an OAP member but were so determined to win they forced OAP to play a man down instead of letting them field me and have even teamsizes. At the time in game community features were fucked, and id been trying for 3 hours previous to match to get clan tag on. No sympathy of course from EMS, when i rejoined server to explain to KW i couldnt get clan tag, EMS guy starts his spam flood again making it very hard for me to sort things with KW. i hate spammers, it only shows total lack of maturity so i told him to "shut the fuck up" as he was really being a pain in the ass. 5 seconds later im kicked. Thats what happened on that game on a completely different incident, and i dont regret saying what is did then as imo he deserved it.

Not once did i swear though on the public server and no matter how much he tries to cover it up i didnt do anything that warranted a kick. Nor did i get a warning and nor was i moved to observer mode first (which is the official place to take someone to give someone a warning apparently).

Exactly the same as before. Your admin is a power mad nazi, hes allowed to act like an asshole but if anyone responds negatively to it you get kicked.


Have I got fucking talent or what? I can`t even make an innocent post about new software without is turning into a bomb! :D

old.{ velvet }

Originally posted by D R E ad
Thats odd coming from a former Gameplay employee ;)

Maybe you would care to enlighten us some more Velvet. Over the last few weeks you have had virtually nothing to say other than gripe about the space issue. NGUK provide an excellent service, as do Barrysworld. Most of us get great pings and enjoy the wide range of well maintained servers. Very few people seem to care about how a company chooses to promote themselfs. I certainly don't. I think its rude to imply that your fellow gamers are that shallow and so stupid they would rather play on the first server that apears rather than look at player count and ping. In fact you seem rather obsesed with it rather than bored.

But if you find them so borring why do you find the time to retort with yet another one of your sharp, witty and astonishingly original posts * cough * ;)

PS What makes NGUK more corporate than the EB owned Barrysworld?

Corporate involvement is now a pretty necessary part of online gaming. There is a difference between using corporate backing to run an online games service and hiding behind it as an excuse to piss off parts of the gaming public.

In terms of Tribes 2 the NGUK space and the game slowness are the only things I have issues with. No reasons to go on about gameplay changes as they wont get changed, its a new game written how Dynamix wanted so its put up or shut up. The NGUK thing however is something which both can and should be changed and I think its well worth a few minutes here and there to highlight the fact it hasn't been yet.

Any apparent rudeness on my part is simply to encourage someone to give me a reason why the space is allowable and good for gamers. So far I've heard the corporate angle from the great guys at NGUK, but those of you who play there simply defend it with no reason.

Do I find it boring? I presume you mean; "Yawning my way into the record books from reading another one of your posts showing no understanding that some of us prefer Game Service Providers that don't list corporate lameness above all their other qualities."? Answer = no. Its a response based on Shinara's previous reply mocking him into explaining why the space is so good and anti-space posts are so bad.

Why are NGUK more corporate than EB's BarrysWorld? Because EB haven't made BarrysWorld start their server names with 2 spaces.

/me kisses Mongrol


Originally posted by Stabs
as soon as i join server, all i get was spam from EMS, someone spam flooding "Get clan tag or leave server", over and over again. EMS knew i was an OAP member but were so determined to win they forced OAP to play a man down instead of letting them field me and have even teamsizes. At the time in game community features were fucked, and id been trying for 3 hours previous to match to get clan tag on. No sympathy of course from EMS, when i rejoined server to explain to KW i couldnt get clan tag, EMS guy starts his spam flood again making it very hard for me to sort things with KW. i hate spammers, it only shows total lack of maturity so i told him to "shut the fuck up" as he was really being a pain in the ass. 5 seconds later im kicked.

Stabs mate, I think you'll find that the only time we've played OAP was in the UK Cup, the call for you to display your tag or leave was from the UK Cup admin in the server.
As for the kick from the server, the UK Cup games were on the Blueyonder servers, not NGUK, so you weren't kicked by someone on our team, that can only be done by the UK Cup admin.


Regardless of who it was that actually kicked me on that game, its still a totally seperate incident than the BW one, in which dread said i was given warnings and that i was swearing which is just blatantly untrue on that occation.

I really dont have much against EMS, the only reason i mentioned them in the first place was to illustrate the actions of the admin. My only real gripe is with the admin. Everything else is pretty minor suff.

And no, the spam was definately an EMS member, the admin was saying it also but EMS member was spam flooding it, i dont tell tagged admins to shut the fuck up, i mentioned the EMS player by name.


who's the player in question then??
i'll make sure i have words with them.


Heh, unfortunately all I got was "you were kicked by the admin" and i wansnt paying attention to exact name during team switching. It wasnt Shinara though (only other EMS NGUK admin i know, dont think she was even on server at the time).

guess ya could always ask your team who it was?


One thing that I feel I must point out tho is...

Originally posted by Stabs
Then about 5-6 EMS guys come in, and ALL join the same same team

It was actually 7 EMS members who joined the server (not all at the same time mind, this was over the course of about 10-15 minutes). 3 were on 1 team, 2 on another and 2 in observer.
In that time, the only EMS member that was changed by an admin was me, by me, for the sole purpose of "verbally" warning someone who was TKing on that team, then i went back to observer.
A few people shouted for the teams to be evened, but when i checked the score screen it was about 14v14, so it was left, about 2 people swapped themselves onto the other team, making it 16v12, I immediately swapped those 2 people back to their team....... consiquently, these same 2 people were warned and kicked later on for TKing and destroying their own stations.

As for any problems you may have with any {EMS} members or any NGUK admins, I would prefer if you took the matter up with me directly so that I can deal with it, instead of it going onto a public forum and escalating out of control.
I appologise to you for any wrong doings and injustices.


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