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I'm posting this here so no one can say they didn't know later

Kama and Talivar's Galla hunt Thursday 7pm gmt.

ours was cancelled today, after 3 days of planning and announcing on /as because another guild decided it was ok to do a galla hunt 2 hours before us.


Correction, I'm doing my hunt tonight anyways, at 6gmt.

<puts foot down and refuses to give in>


Originally posted by -Dreama-
I'm posting this here so no one can say they didn't know later

Kama and Talivar's Galla hunt Thursday 7pm gmt.

ours was cancelled today, after 3 days of planning and announcing on /as because another guild decided it was ok to do a galla hunt 2 hours before us.
looooooool ur messed up seriously. we have decided this for long or do we gotta do /send kama pls kama can we do a galla raid, PLSSS.
ffs this is the 2nd time this happens, last time tali made one when we was INSIDE and he know we were doing one. Your just lame imo.


Originally posted by -Dreama-
I'm posting this here so no one can say they didn't know later

Kama and Talivar's Galla hunt Thursday 7pm gmt.

ours was cancelled today, after 3 days of planning and announcing on /as because another guild decided it was ok to do a galla hunt 2 hours before us.

I personally never heard about u doing one today tbh.


exactly, just bullshit imo , been online allmost 24/7 these last 5 days and ur GALLA raid has neva come up, so pls lay off.


ours been on topic in #vgn for about 6days or so, which would highly indicate its not vgn at fault in this case.


I know Galla aint owned by anyone etc, but VGN have had the raid in their topic for about a week, planning to go today at 5pm (we'd even got people sorted to help with the raid).

I know it's probably really bad timing on all our behalfs, but you originally agreed to cancel, and then turn round sayin your going ahead, but instead bring your raid 1 hour forward. Surely it would be better to arrange yours for tomorrow when there will be a full dungeon and therefore you'll get more drops for your raid members.


My hunt was announced on /as, and in the last hunt CG, and a couple vgn ppl were on that hunt. It's common knowladge that we do one every 3 days. I would have put mine aside no problems, however, when I'm told that I can "Just move it to TS or Fomore beacuse we have Galla" I tend to dig my heals in and refused to be pushed around by people. No one owns Galla, you're welcome to hunt there anytime you like, and so are we, and we're doing it now.


Originally posted by -Dreama-
My hunt was announced on /as, and in the last hunt CG, and a couple vgn ppl were on that hunt. It's common knowladge that we do one every 3 days. I would have put mine aside no problems, however, when I'm told that I can "Just move it to TS or Fomore beacuse we have Galla" I tend to dig my heals in and refused to be pushed around by people. No one owns Galla, you're welcome to hunt there anytime you like, and so are we, and we're doing it now.

it was not announced on /as once in the last few days that anyone i know of saw, i played 14hrs+ last couple of days and never saw anything, and the fact that u pushed ur raid forward an hour just to try and piss people off was plain spiteful, you need to grow up.


Ahh ok so next time we want to do anything as a guild we must /send Kama to make sure it's not interfering with your plans. We had been planning this for a week and now you bring your raid forward to 6pm just shows your pettyness, gg Kama :great:


We had our raid planned since last one...

cant think of anything nice to say so i will say nothin... least not till i spoken to Tyka... as of his asking me not to flame his guildies but to talk to him first.. so i will!!!!

KTHXBYE... if u wanna whine then do so...


when this happened to em i was threatened with GOA and told whole realm thinks less of me :p


I knew of this raid from last thursday I think, another one I can't go on either :(

Personally I think it's best to arrange raids in a rotating order for maxium gain for all concerned and in a way raid leaders can agree on before the idiocy really takes over.


And TBH u cant do a guild galla raid thats just stupid its an EPIC dungeon for WHOLE realm, designed for 100+ ppl not 3fg :)


Originally posted by elerand
I knew of this raid from last thursday I think, another one I can't go on either :(

Personally I think it's best to arrange raids in a rotating order for maxium gain for all concerned and in a way raid leaders can agree on before the idiocy really takes over.
sounds cool, but then its gotta be our turn this time then since we havent done it in .. ages? kthx, leave now etc. and tali continue doing ur raids with ur zergs, fun aight.


yesterday VGN was in galla in morning and at night fyi :p


eh, with 1 fg? u mean , scout for this day. k


BUT from now on lets try to say on here if we wanna raid?


Originally posted by Freppe^^
sounds cool, but then its gotta be our turn this time then since we havent done it in .. ages? kthx, leave now etc. and tali continue doing ur raids with ur zergs, fun aight.

Nothing persoanl freppe but nothing you've said has been particulary mature and you seem to forget things at your leisure, maybe if someone who is actually leading the VGN raid talks to kama you can come to a more amicable arrangement, bring forth the organ grinders...


But don't you think it's kind of lame to jump on the back of some other raids hard work which they have done clearing mobs etc for another raid to just run straight in and kill the bosses?

I know if it was the other way round i would think twice about it, as i wouldnt want to be seen as gettin easy drops when i hadnt done the initial tunnel mob killin to be able to kill the bigger bosses without risk of huge adds through walls. Just my thoughts i guess.

Oh and afaik Sinta did speak to Kama about the clash of raids, and originally Kama announced on /as that she was going to cancel her raid (which i thought was extremely reasonable). But 20 mins later it was back on and 1 hour earlier....


scout=look, u killed mobs and a boss=raid kthxs :)


sure things , sounds okey, but kama, for me , its sounds like u own galla, "It's common knowladge that we do one every 3 days."
NO it isnt. so pls lay off for 2day thx, would be awesome.


Originally posted by old.Garax
But don't you think it's kind of lame to jump on the back of some other raids hard work which they have done clearing mobs etc for another raid to just run straight in and kill the bosses?

I know if it was the other way round i would think twice about it, as i wouldnt want to be seen as gettin easy drops when i hadnt done the initial tunnel mob killin to be able to kill the bigger bosses without risk of huge adds through walls. Just my thoughts i guess.

Well the last time I was there we did have to kill mobs to get to a boss, few people died on the way in fact and when we saw you we turned around and left you to it.

Yes I can understand that some people feel it's a bit of a rip but it's not like anyone has 100% right to any mob in the place unless they are basically camping it.
Now, without continuing to split hairs, as frayed as the ends may be I think a more mature approach is called for, notification in advance of raids IS a more sensible option, means everyone in the realm gets a chance and without putting more noses out of joint, regardless of previous behaviour, comments and attitudes I think everyone needs to take a step forward to make this work :)


Originally posted by elerand
Nothing persoanl freppe but nothing you've said has been particulary mature and you seem to forget things at your leisure, maybe if someone who is actually leading the VGN raid talks to kama you can come to a more amicable arrangement, bring forth the organ grinders...

Okey elerand, that is ur point of view. Everyone have an opinion. First of all, they lie bout its been on /as several times. WHICH IT havent. Since basicly i guess i play more than you, played allmost 24/7 this last week cus of im off from school. And how tali and kama speak maybe SOUNDS mature to you perhaps, for me , its just an insult of me and the ones that have planned this raid for days. Also to come here bw and bring it up , is just lame imo. Accutally i dont really think kama had a raid going up, ive grped with u 2day and u and the rest of the 3fgs( cf etc) didnt mention it ONCE. So imo just lay off.


Originally posted by Freppe^^
Okey elerand, that is ur point of view. Everyone have an opinion. First of all, they lie bout its been on /as several times. WHICH IT havent. Since basicly i guess i play more than you, played allmost 24/7 this last week cus of im off from school. And how tali and kama speak maybe SOUNDS mature to you perhaps, for me , its just an insult of me and the ones that have planned this raid for days. Also to come here bw and bring it up , is just lame imo. Accutally i dont really think kama had a raid going up, ive grped with u 2day and u and the rest of the 3fgs( cf etc) didnt mention it ONCE. So imo just lay off.

I can't speak for Kama since I dont' know her very well, much like you from what I've seen she too can be tempestuous.
I know talivar well though and he deserves none of your previous comments and low attempts to diminish him.
Can't say anything about it being mentioned on /as either since I personally haven't noticed it, I know it was announced last week at the very least however but that's up to seperate raid leaders to learn to deal with.

Another thing, I wasn't on today till my lunch break and was playing my VW, unless that comment was aimed at Kama ofc :)

Forums are a place to air views, lame or not so lame, kama started it with an announcement of an intended raid, ok so it's possibly contentious but like I said before, you get nowhere by just slinging mud, be mature and MAKE it work, goes for kama and every other hib who plans to lead raids there.


why should we lay off?? cos your ego needs the extra space??? im sorry but i descided to refrain abuseing people seems it doesnt work well for me... We had our hunt organised well in advance, shabbywolf i am pretty sure wass one who was on our raid..... we do this for the benefit of the realm not just ourselves.. people enjoy our hunts cos they are no preclaim...

Personally i dont give a rats arse what u lot wanna do..

Have fun on whatever raid u attend... may u live a long and fruitful life.

for the record Kama announced it on /as, i believe gray announced it on /as.. and so did i... so plz Freepe think before u open your mouth
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