FYI : Backies :)

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Originally posted by Kagato.
You post something on a public forum then its open to everyone to comment about. If you don't want people to reply to your posts or give there opinions on what you have said, us private messages.

I didnt say you wernt allowed to reply.. but for her to say something like that when she didnt even know what was going on is a little annoying. People can say what they like.. end of the day the man is sick and I dont mind being the one to point it out. People might think I shouldnt of put that but thats me.. I let people know how i feel and when I got the SS he had left and I didnt get to ask him.. seeing this thread.. I just let him know in my own way I knew what he had been up to.. he lied and lied and lied again to everyone.. and now there is proof. Well sorry i pointed it out.. I got lots of people in game sending me messages like " that was so great what you did he is a sicko" and so forth.. those who dont know him.. or those who think they do .. you can post and whine about me all you want. The sicko isnt my friend.


I don't think these forums are made to embarres people in any form. So whatever background you two have, i suggest you take it to pm.

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