Funny advert


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
In no way do i condone selling accounts on Ebay, i do not know this character (I think) however i find the stupidity of the advert plainly funny and therefor must be shown

So on the realm forums on my realm we had a post of people who have posted advertisements on things like Ebay etc to sell their accounts, they have mostly been found out and therefor had the actual accounts banned.

The most common way is to of course, post IMAGES of how your character looks, but the necessary step to take before putting up said images is to censor out the name - We dont want your character being banned now do we?!

Like this guy, whos up on Ebay [I think?] at this present time:

On the character selection screen, he did the wise choice in censoring all of his characters names [Nice!] only he kinda forgot to censor out the name in the middle of the screen, you know, the one in BIG BOLD LETTERING.

Had me in giggles


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Rofl, didn't see his mistake at first.
Some people are complete idiots.

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