funnest moment`s



I`ll start it off.

while playing axis and on the carrier the allies had already sunk the other ship in 2 mins of starting and 20 sec later the carrier was going down, so I abandon ship and swan for the Higgins boat get in it and I see on me map a friendly in the water calling out, so I powered up the boat (them things are a pain to turn about) he was someway off
I manage to get the boat about and head for him while all the time the allies was still bombing and striating me, I get to him he boards, and say thanks I reply np:)
The bombs still coming down on us I am weaving the thing all over the place, he shooting at them we get with in 30 meters of land and we take a direct hit.
After all we went through and what I did I could have left him to the sharks but I didn’t, I went to save him and we died, dam them allied bombers they wasn’t happy with the ships they had to get the last 2 :p

great fun



Super_Gray[SG] ran me over yesturday!! Nooooooooo.... Oh and Mas- I love the flying lesson images :D


Funniest moments...hmm...jumping out of an exploding tank just to get it to crash on top of me.

Or the tank rolling off a hill :)

Odd moments were when the carrier was sunk and the landing craft appeared in the water, but upside could enter them but then everything was upside down as well and you couldn't move. Funny to see a person swim towards it and then entering the boat :)


I've had / seen several LOL moments so far but the one last night was kinda special.

I'm in tank and enemy jeep goes flying by on my right hand side so naturally I fire a nice ol' shell in his direction. The blast kicks his front end into the air and he goes rear wheeling up a hill stunt man style.

Quite impressive so far but then I fire the next round when he hits the top of the hill and the jeep goes flying into the air, does a 360 degree back flip and mid air roll, lands the right way up directly in front my of turrent and the bastard still lives and drives off!

One lucky mofo :)


Last night as an allied engineer I grabbed a Sherman early on and waged merry hell in it, the best night in a tank so far for me.

Defending the airfield I managed to pick off a couple of maniacs doing suicide runs in Jeeps before they crashed into me, but as I was returning from a resupply a Jeep and a Halftrack both came careering into the compound at me, I got a shot off on the Jeep at close range which impressively cartwheeled harmlessly over the top of the tank, but it was too late to reload for the Halftrack.

Then some helpful soul flying a fighter came over my head and crashed straight into the Halftrack saving my ass, it _looked_ intentional, so thanks whoever you were !

The night before I managed a brace of air kills using the Destroyer main guns, but my best moment so far was whilst lying mines on the South Beach road, I saw four Axis running from a Landing Craft, two hopped in the Jeep and then ran over my mines, I then popped up and using the engineer rifle managed to headshot both the other two in a row !


heh, i had a laugh with Landmines a few days back, i was an engineer on the Airstrip, when a Jeep come into the area and *tried* to run me over, he was unsuccessful for about 2/3 times.. anyway, i pulled out a landmine and dropped it at the very last minute :D he went so high :D


I was messing around with a mate on his server, we decided to do a race in the jeeps, we had to go from the top left of the island to the botom left. However i got my jeep from the bottom left of the map, and i was going to the top left to meet up.

However on route i planted satchels on the bridge at the bottom so that i could easily jump out if i was ahead or behind and blow them up while they where next to his jeep. I also planted a few mines around the airfield under bushes and on top of the hill inbetween the top right flag and the airport.

We started off, and i was in the lead then i snidely moves right a bit, and let go of forward and he shot by. I got right up behind and with a cheesy grin on my face watched him go up the hill between the top right flag and the airport knowing that my mine is waiting on the top of the hill ready to explode.



I moved the Destroyer just off the coast of the north base, and was happily firing the guns onto the land, when an allied plane started bombing me... eventually the destroyer started sinking, so I made a run for the boats at the back... on the way I fired my machine gun up at the plane that'd sunk me... imagine my joy when it erupted into a flying ball of flame and crashed about six feet away from me. :)

On the stupid side, in one of my first games I drove a landing craft up to a beach as fast as it would go, and dived out the moment it hit the land, ready to take on anyone in my path... only for the landing craft to continue up the beach, plough into my back and mow me down. :(


An axis plane flew over me once and dropped a couple of the ol' bombs...i'm thinking "lucky i'm far enough away from that plane that I wont be killed"

Well to my surpise a jeep exploded, flew a few hundred yards and cracked me right in the gob :)

Everyone found this highly amusing. I would have laughed had my head not been removed. :D


I just got reminded of when I was using the Destroyer main guns, other than rack up kills on aircraft, I was pounding the bases and as a previous occupant had marooned the ship on the coral, it was close enough for me to see in gory detail the effects of the blasts.

Reminds me of films like Blazing Saddles seeing all those bodies fly up into the air, hilarious. Unfortunately I was just too far away for me to id many victims, so they were possibly on my side :uhoh:


My girfriend Jenny has shot a couple planes out of the air with the tanks main gun which seemed to amuse her no end (and impressed me)

I myself still giggle like a schoolgirl everytime I run someone over, not sure that will ever get boring :)


Oh and Summo's Driving.. if you get Car Sick just Stay away from him

Scooba Da Bass

Funniest bit for me is shelling infanty, place the shell at their feet as they jump and they get some serious air going on.

Summo shooting my plane down on a bombing run with the guns on the destroyer was pretty special as well.


you all taking about wanton destruction and mayhem but heres one that i bet you havent tried ???????

Going to the top of the map in planes and doing parachute formationss with your mates :D
takes ages to come dowwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


have and its fun

I have spent a long time getting up there for a 24 sec free fall:p
he ether screams or shouts out geronimo and if its longer than 10 sec you hear something nasty devine wind :) and on a moving ship you can here them being

here`s one for you as a engineer get a jeep put a mine in it wait till is sinks into the ground, remove the mine and lay in it 4 to 20 sticks of plastic, and stand in it all jump and press fire, make sure you have your parachute.

i actually jump up and over a zero wasnt even planned:clap:


I managed to jump onto the wing of an allied fighter on the airstrip, the fact that i stayed on during takeoff amazed me, but due to good flying by the pilot i was able to saty on and parachute off onto the carrier, it was beatiful.


I think me and Scoob where the first to do that, about 2weeks back.. oh the fun of it all.. at first i forgot my parachute.. the landing hurt...

Scooba Da Bass

heh, yeah, that was pretty difficult, especially as the pilot didn't seem to release he should slow down.


I have a couple of questions....

I've tried (as allies) to drive the carrier away, but i assume it's impossible?

why do you sometimes drown in the water, but other times don't?

funnest moment?.....

shootin down a plane with ack ack and then killing the parachutee with same.

Blew a guy up with a grenade today and he was launched about 20ft in the air, his arms pinhwheelin about - awesome

and just generally parachutin or landing on the carrier and shooting the axis planes down.



sharks thats why, you can wade out upto your waste and die,
its all random but it is sharks and cramp.

Panda On Smack

last few times ive ejected my fecking parachute doesnt seem to want to work. the only plus i can see in this is that i will someday land on someone and squash them resulting in me winning the funniest moment ever.


Funniest moment was me getting blown to smithereens. I saw someone standing next to an AA gun and charged up the hill after them and watched them disappear over the rise. Then I looked down and saw the explosive pack they'd left as a little present.



Re: why

Originally posted by wildie
sharks thats why, you can wade out upto your waste and die,
its all random but it is sharks and cramp.

So there is actually sharks in this game? not come across any??

Heh , it would be fun to see this..

Your in the water, middle of nowhere, you have like 15seconds left before you drown.. anyway you should see a shark fin in the distance , and just when your gonna die, it attacks you :D


This is fairly common but it makes me laugh. I was driving a tank with Bids as the gunner. I shelled an approaching jeep which exploded and careered into the air. I heard Bids scream as the wreckage took his head off.

Hehehe. :)

Scooba Da Bass

That happened to me so many times, it's unreal, so I stopped going in the gunner position, since it's just instant death.

PS Summo, come on IRC sometime, we need to sort a clan praccy


Okay! I need to be prompted from time to time. I'm not an IRC bod, see?



Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
That happened to me so many times, it's unreal, so I stopped going in the gunner position, since it's just instant death.
Sitting up there just screams out "Snipe me please".


Gawd I have loads of LOL moments in the past few days since downloading the demo.

One that comes to mind is me legging it into the airstrip trying to snatch it from the yanks. Behind I hear a jeep approaching so I swing round and see it coming straight for me. I start shooting at it while strafing out of the way. It clips me for about half my health and I swing round, ready for it to take another pass at me.

Unfortunately for him, as I was shooting the jeep, a tank had snuck up behind me ready to mash me into the dirt. Seconds after the jeeps passed me, it went crashing into the jeep and sent him and his teammate sky high. :)

Very amusing.

There was one moment where I thought OMG!! This game is so cool...

I was on the air strip again legging it towards a plane. Suddenly from the back of the airstrip a low flying plane swoops up without warning and drops a bommb right down my throat. It looked so cool...for a millisecond! :)

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