FRONTIERS - a la planetside (i like it!)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

5 means of transportation:

- One of them being teleporting from keep to keep which are connected in an uninterrupted chain,
- Speedboats,
- Via dungeons reappearing behind enemy lines

Free 'radar':

- A battle map a la Planetside on which you can see where battles are fought between what realms, what keeps are taken etc..

And some other stuff:

Hand structure of keeps (4towers one keep an analogy with 4 fingers one thumb):

Chain connection possiblities (very Planetside like [great game.. played it when it jsut came out]:

the pictars are taken from VN boards - Frontiers discussion

Tbh it looks promising. Could be fun for the gank guilds aswell as the larger 'role-playing' guilds. Imo it could even turn out to be a WoW killer, when WoW turns out to be a free for-all-no-challenge-comicbookgame


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Impressive to say at least

time will tell

and remember whatever the yanks say

dont bother to take it for a fact

they do spec all their friars 50 rejuv :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
at this point i'm embracing all change to the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I was thinking.. the new frontiers could well mean the end of the current buff bot system. Why? Well it looks as if Frontiers is trying to make rvr more dynamic and faster passed. This could well result in that buffbots will become an annoyence or atleast less used, because the use of them will not be practical. How i see it now, the following could be the case:

You die in battle, /release, rebuff at pk. A battle pops up on the DOAC 'radar'. Your group moves out with a speedboat, or ports to a keep held in enemy territory that is linked in the keep-chain.

Some of you group dies in the action you managed to be at, which you spotted on the radar. Then a new action pops up on the 'radar'. Will you move out fast now, so that you have the chance to get to the action or teleport back to rebuff? The last on is likely to make you miss the action. Now, what if several towers have been retaken of the portal keep in enemy territory and you cannot port back? That would mean a lot of lost time if you decide to speedboat back, just for that rebuff.

All in all this won't be a big earthshaking change to how buffbots will be used. But it could also well mean that they are less used if/when Frontiers turns out to be a major change to the current static rvr system. Ofcourse ways will be found to still make buffbots usable, but as viable and easy to use as in the current rvr system? I doubt it.
Being dynamic could well be the key to being succesfull.

But healer classes rejoice, this could mean new templates with higher buff specline could become viable as group rvr specs. For example albion: 2 clerics, one with atleast 40 rejuv for full rezz, the other alteast 30 rejuv for the first spreadheal, leaving the remainder for enhancement.
With toa increased % to healing and buffing a well set up guild could manage to have top buffs with no buff bot, resulting in them being very dynamic and able to react to wherever fighting is on.

[Just ranting a bit, as notting is know yet, even on the US servers. Further more this herratic view is my own and should be by no means be seen as the opinion of the l33t FL alliance] :eek7:

Cavex ElSaviour

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
or what if the transportation is like zoning :) you will loose buffs when you arrive : would be fun :D


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
well from what i gather its one big area? so porting between shouldnt loose your buff unless they change that :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yep cavex, if that would been teleporting like zoning.. well you would lose buffs. This would force you to take either the speedboat or take bb with you.. risking him dying when keep is taken or stealther gets him etc.

Or when 2 many towers are taken of the keep with the buff bot in it. It cant get out then and has to either suicide or wait for the inevitable.

Like old.windfart :m00: :clap: suggested the spec for clerics with all yellow buffs and toa capped %buffs could be a nice change. Hell i won't drag my bb with me everywhere i go, just for the damn buffs and risking him dying all the time or alt tabbing continuesly to have him follow me.

So im looking forward to further developments concerning frontiers.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
I've been told that buffbots gets stronger. Is this wrong?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Milon said:
Yep cavex, if that would been teleporting like zoning.. well you would lose buffs. This would force you to take either the speedboat or take bb with you.. risking him dying when keep is taken or stealther gets him etc.

Or when 2 many towers are taken of the keep with the buff bot in it. It cant get out then and has to either suicide or wait for the inevitable.

Like old.windfart :m00: :clap: suggested the spec for clerics with all yellow buffs and toa capped %buffs could be a nice change. Hell i won't drag my bb with me everywhere i go, just for the damn buffs and risking him dying all the time or alt tabbing continuesly to have him follow me.

So im looking forward to further developments concerning frontiers.

doubt it, unless it is diffrent zones. if i teleport from druim ligen to Cain i don´t lose my buffs afaik. (pvp server)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
i strongly disagree with keep teleports and free radar :( too much chance of adding which u all whine about...imagine what FH would be like :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
XeffoInfil said:
i strongly disagree with keep teleports and free radar :( too much chance of adding which u all whine about...imagine what FH would be like :eek:

i doubt... for the first many fgvsfg r not near keeps and only take very few min so u wouldnt have time to even find where the fight is b4 it r finished!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Laston said:
doubt it, unless it is diffrent zones. if i teleport from druim ligen to Cain i don´t lose my buffs afaik. (pvp server)

That are the buffs on your friar? If that is the case then your right.. you dont lose buffs on porting.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
theres still hope for this game!

i might buy toa for this after all \o/


Dec 25, 2003
They give us free radar to combat radar cheats... ahahaha, that's a great one... cheaters = owned.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Sigurd said:
They give us free radar to combat radar cheats... ahahaha, that's a great one... cheaters = owned.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

just run duel screen have u bb in pk (if possible to keep buff when u teleport) and look on the map, while u self run around and see all the fights.
yes i know it dont show grps not in fight but still the idea!!

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