From a hibbie: Why were my realm mates at the albion mile gate in odins last night?



Originally posted by Eleasias
why do i think macmilliam is organgrinde i think its cause all the posts are full of crap and with no sence and they all look the same and obviously the writer is nto very smatr SNAKES OF PANAKER ;(

actually i was thinking he was Karam for exactly the same reasons :)


i think it was great to get the msg in the relic carryer group that hibs are at our wall!! and we really diden't knew wtf was going on!

this is a game and after most of us has reached lvl 50, it's a matter of gameplay, so i really think it's kinda funny how the hibs was trying to steal the relic! it's making the game more tense..

Maybe in the future we will see the hibs try to get the relic in a more old fashion way ;)

and stop all that moanin(no point) if it really was that bad you woulen't be playing (or shoulen't)


- When you are carrying a Relic and are killed, the Relic will now drop on the ground where you died.

Take a look at the patchnotes from 1.46, if its implemented then ,means we cant do it yet doesnt it?

We cant capture it yet, i was never there to capture it, i was there to stop the albs from getting back home with the relic and getting more powerfull than they need to be, they have the numbers, last thing we need is them having the relics too to make them even more powerfull imo, i dont care who has the relics atm, as long as the albs dont have them.

That was why my msg on the alliancechat said "lets stop the albs from getting the albion relic" and not "lets steal the relic from the albs"

We never helped the mids, they werent interested in our help either, killing the few reinforcements that was comming to the amg. They died for that, all 15-20 of them. After wich we were totally overwelmed by the albs, to be honest i cant think of a time ive been ganked worse in my entire DaoC career than at that wall

It IS a 3-way war, and i will never submit to helping neither albs nor mids in any way, that be stopping albs from getting home with the middy relic or whatever happens.

This time we didn't get enough ppl on such short notice to Odins, but who knows maybe next time on of our fellow hibs in yggdra see a bunch of albs attacking a relic down there we can put together a better welcome.


anyone smell the name calling))
lighten up its a game.
sorry i used a quote of yours did not think you take it too personally as to name call.
i bet none of us are really firlorgs or highlanders in real life at least i hope no one thinks they are hehe


I didn't mind Hibs at AMG in Odin's found it rather cool then just a simple walk in the park (I think we need some light posts near the roads ;)) Let's Royal Rumble =)

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