Friendly Msg To Technodave


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Can understand why a few ppl think its unfair, but its the principal i think ppl are whining about, Id be a bit pissed if for example ml10 loot wasnt lotto'd (in no way in same league as crappy ml6 drops) . regardless if it was a well run raid or not. its Tradition for loot to be lotto'd after :'(


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Recently dave has come under alot of flack from certian people who seem to flame him for things that arent that bad, when compared to the kind of things he does to help people.

IMO appreciate what it is he does(lead raids) and stop posting threads like this, which really do seem to be aimed at causing people trouble, by trying to make them look bad when they really arent doing anything wrong.

If he had said "haha im taking the drops KKTHXBAI" and logged half way through the raid, that would be one thing, but he lead a successful raid, lotto'd most of the drops and then logged when something came up that needed dealing with.

Its his raid, so its his rules, if he wanted to lead a raid and pre-claim everything, then he could, no one would have to go. As it stands he leads raids and lottos the stuff off as he can, when somthing like this happens then he does his best. Flaming him for it like this is wrong.

Hes a good bloke, you lot treating him like this really does piss me off.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Red HATred said:
kids like you should be trashed a lot more

ps, i can notice by the way you react... you know you have no valid point...

but still you try to crawl in the tiniest corner to squize urselfe out of this one mate ;-)

muchos appreciade

or how is it spelled

WTF are you on about?

Dave leads raids, he does it rather well and you saying things like this is fucking wrong.

"you notice the way he reacts" do you? If I was him I'd have told you where to shove your stupid arsed comments. He has every valid point, you are the one who has no point, as all your trying to do is piss someone off who has put himself out to lead raids.

Dave does not need to crawl into any corner, you are the one who will be heading that way before long.

I've spoken to you ingame and was rather suprised by the fact that you seemed like a decent person. Why then do you act like a prize prick on here? All I have seen you do is flame whine and generally make a fool of yourself while trying to bring down decent people with you.

Leave off dave, hes a good person and what your saying is plain wrong.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
oo joy once again in albion :D

credit > loot except ml10

totally agree - ML's are FAR more important than drops - this is a whine thread just for the sake of whining :twak:

you got ml6 ffs- if u want the mace of apollo - just goto toa, farm some cash and buy the fecking thing.....

we all need ML's so we can fook the middies and hibbies, not the mace of apollo cos it looks cool on my BB


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
don't think this thread is made just to whine, ironheart just has a strong opinion about how things should go :p needs of the community first, shame the community doesn't really want him or his rules

or thats what it looks like to me :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
don't think this thread is made just to whine, ironheart just has a strong opinion about how things should go :p needs of the community first, shame the community doesn't really want him or his rules

or thats what it looks like to me :p

this time ironheart spoke for 40 people who were left in the bg.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
have those 40 people not got a voice of their own?

So instead you bring it to FH rather than speaking to dave in game?

Only reason Ironwanker brought on here was to have a pop at Dave and try and show him in a bad light.

Last note: Ironwanker, why the fuck do you say : last note, then proceed to post even more horseshit?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
you got ml6 ffs- if u want the mace of apollo - just goto toa, farm some cash and buy the fecking thing.....

Didn´t know that raidleaders are excluded from getting ML credit.

I wasn´t on the raid, and this is not geared towards any of the sides. But I can´t see a reason why people should go and farm money to buy a drop that´s "crap anyways" (as people said before), especially not in such a patronizing "you´ve got credit, so what more do you want, greedy bastard" manner.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Marc said:
have those 40 people not got a voice of their own?

So instead you bring it to FH rather than speaking to dave in game?

Only reason Ironwanker brought on here was to have a pop at Dave and try and show him in a bad light.

Last note: Ironwanker, why the fuck do you say : last note, then proceed to post even more horseshit?

im not saying i agree about bringing it to FH, tbh i even said it in bg to not post and multiple people wanted to have gm contact first but then again it aint really a good idea to go pm people that are ingame having fun with 40 at a time.

everything has a yes and a no.

and we couldn't talk do dave ingame, simply because he logged.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Thorwyn please read my complete post and dont post snippets - - i never said or inferred that raidleaders are excluded from getting ml credit :twak:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I know what you wrote, rampant.
Still, your argument sounds like everybody on a raid should be happy to get credit and now stfu. Getting credit on a raid doesn´t have anything to do with the drops from the raid. You got credit, so be happy could also be an argument for the raidleader. You can´t say credit is more important than drops because you can´t get one without the other. Ml raid kills mobs = credit and drops. And if someone on the raid is keeping a drop for himself, saying "hey, it´s a crap drop anyways and btw, you got credit, so what do you want, go and farm money, so you can buy it (oh, talking about which: I´m selling it if you want", then we might not see many open ML raids at all in the future.
It´s all about how people are being treated. And the connotation in your post was definitely of the there-you-go-now-f00k-off kind.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
no m8 - its just the proliferation of threads against raid leaders that pee me off - the only drops im interested in is rolling for the keys MP's and remains - rest i cant be arsed waiting around for a couple of hours lottoing rog drops

im not good or experienced enough to run my own raids, so i rely on the good leadership of others to run them - fair payment for a raid leader to get some drops is all i think.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
That´s different things again. Like you, I couldn´t care less about what´s happening with ROG´s or generally stuff that I`m not interested in. But apparently some people do and it´s not up to me or you to tell anybody what he´s supposed to be interested in. My point here is not about the drops, it´s not even direcly linked to this particular case. All I said is that you can´t say "you´ve got credit" and take this as an argument for irregular/dodgy/questionable things on a raid.

Fair payment for the raidleader: sure! Any times! It´s only fair to get some kind of reward for the efforts. It´s his raid and his rules, but the rules should be known before the raid. If I´d join a ML 9 raid with my ML 10 Scout to a. help the raid and b. maybe get a chance to roll for Pants of Transfixer (which can be found in quite many templates and usually goes for 45p on CM´s) and half way through the raid, the leader decides to "pre"-claim the pants, I´d be pretty pissed off. :)
That´s why I say: if there´s a raid, state the rules in advance and stick to them to avoid any confusion/discussion afterwards.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Technodave said:
the my raid my rules was about lottoing 4 it after the ml7 raid :wanker:

so..... ppl have to come on ur ml7 raid to be eligible for ml6 drops..... right... that makes sence

even so u said u havent actually got the mace so therefore we cant lotto for it then even, tbh i didnt care about the mace, jus thought it was childish how u just logged off mid lotto, + said that all the rest of the items were rogs.

U didnt even think 2 mention that 1 of ur treasurers had to log mid way thru the raid until ppl started questioning about the drops.

a little explaination without prompting would have seemed more honest tbh.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
you guys should be gratefull you have people willing to lead ML raids tbh


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Xenny said:
so..... ppl have to come on ur ml7 raid to be eligible for ml6 drops..... right... that makes sence

even so u said u havent actually got the mace so therefore we cant lotto for it then even, tbh i didnt care about the mace, jus thought it was childish how u just logged off mid lotto, + said that all the rest of the items were rogs.

U didnt even think 2 mention that 1 of ur treasurers had to log mid way thru the raid until ppl started questioning about the drops.

a little explaination without prompting would have seemed more honest tbh.

Tell u the thruth i had enuff of the stupid PM's, I was a little pissed of that the BG loot didnt work right at the end of the raid and the remain's and the lgm heat comp went awol.I logged after the lotto in my eye's had finished no 1 wanted th crap rog's that was left, they just wanted to spam my pm's with crap about the missing stuff
Lookin back now, i now why ive not lead an ML raid in a while and after the ML7 raid ive posted i doubt ill lead another


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
To all the people here that are whining. Try running a raid and see how annoying it is, maybe then you'll realise how much crap you get for it and why theres only 1 or 2 active raid leaders.

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