Fridays news -> on Thursday....


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
chretien said:
You do know that classes with self buffs get them instead of something else don't you?

yes, change the spells in their self-buff line just like they should change the buff lines of BB's. And give them a respec...


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Xajorkith said:
I would agree damage would be lower....
But are you not forgetting something?
So would defences (evade, parry, block etc) and more importantly everyone would have 20%-30% less hit points, no spec AF, no Base AF etc…

So it "may" well decrease times of fights not increase....

It will also increase the divide, as people will still be botted.... they will just /stick them along or they have real BB's in group.
There will also be less sharing of buffs..... there will not be that pool of BB's at the Border Keeps... as all BB's are now in the battlefield and being killed / rezzed all the time.

Secondly certain class's can't really tag a BB along.

why would having less effect from higher level buffs require people to bring the buffbot with them?

Evade/Parry/Block would indeed be reduced - however most of the damage is tanks on support (no evade/parry/block - at least not much ;)) or casters (doesn't matter).

If need be boost evade/parry/block rates ;)

What I'd like to see is a more logarithmic curve...

e.g. first +60 from buffs on a stat is same as now, anything over that is half effectiveness.
(so +155 would give the benefit of current +103, +100 would be +80...)

would have to make a special case for acuity and quickness though (since they only get a max of +93 or +82).


Loyal Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
if sumth then remove all buff thingys...

dont remove the one thing soloers might have for em...

then solo daoc will be dead


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
bottler said:
again no news about the classic server :(

There it is for this week's news. We hope that we will be able to give you information soon about "Classic" servers because we know that some of you eagerly await them. Tests are still being carried out and rest assured that we will announce the date of their installation as soon as we can. Meanwhile, have a nice weekend and a nice game.

They mentioned it. Not much point in them saying "news about the classic server: it's still in testing" as technically that's not news ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Comos said:
It's also unfair that some classes would still be able to get these buffs in the form of selfbuffs while everyone else won't without sticking a BB to you when running in rvr.

You do realise that every char has it's pros and cons right?
For instance lets say a friar would solo vs an assassin... Friar has buffs, but has leather and a shitty staffstick. I'm sure his buffs compete with what sort of damage the assassin will be able to hussle up.

If that isn't then that's a question for mythic to balance all the classes. It has nothing to do with wether or not people have buffs from buffbots.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
knighthood said:
Tar !! hear hear mate, and thats what the game shuld be about, not raising your e-peen by single handedly taking everyone out solo and thinking your some kind of god of gaming and that people will actually care. And if they do care theyre just as sad tbh. Its a GAME , funny how some people dont understand the meaning of that word anymore.

PS. I hate vamps
i'm no soloer with a warden as my main i need grps, but what about stealthers how would they compete in the game? no one takes stealthers in groups,why even bother having them in the game if they can't compete ? may say all stealther would be unbuffed so its fair but they run into a random toon and druid duo they now have no chance to take them out even if stealther run as a duo as the other 2 are buffed to the hilt.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Keep BB's as they are now, don't change it FFS.



Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
U know that is one of top 10 PLAYER choices. Oh and it´s still not GOA that makes any changes in this game, it´s Mythic

Certainly looks like it from the majority of replies here, its not like mythic/GoA has never been known to make to stuff up before either.

Scorge said:
Its not going to stop people running around with a DI/BB on stick but then again people can that now.

Its also people like that who will make even more people quit if they do decide to go ahead with this, most people can dual-log accounts, not many people can run with a bot on stick with it lagging to hell and back.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Cozak said:
Its also people like that who will make even more people quit if they do decide to go ahead with this, most people can dual-log accounts, not many people can run with a bot on stick with it lagging to hell and back.

who would win? someone with a DI/BB on stick or someone with a BB at keep?

Think who ever had the DIBB on stick would most likely win anyway.



Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
scorge said:
who would win? someone with a DI/BB on stick or someone with a BB at keep?

Think who ever had the DIBB on stick would most likely win anyway.


eh? I think you got the wrong end of the stick.. im saying most ppl can dual-log and not move their bot, thus rendering them unbuffed, so ofc the di bot on stick will win.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Cozak said:
eh? I think you got the wrong end of the stick.. im saying most ppl can dual-log and not move their bot, thus rendering them unbuffed, so ofc the di bot on stick will win.

------ < stick wrong end of :)



Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Mythic/GOA Consultation
After having sent the analysis of your proposals to Mythic earlier this week, we also sent today the results of the survey which was launched on Tuesday and closed today at midday.
Despite the short period, many of you answered this survey and the results are quite clear : you wish the priority to be placed on player class improvements. So now your suggestions will be studied in more detail by the teams in charge of the game's development but it will of course take a little time before we see the first changes coming into effect. Meanwhile, here are the ten most requested changes from the earlier consultation by European players :
- General review of tradeskills : to make them more fun, enable the creation of more effective objects and introduction of jewelcrafting ;
- Class balancing, revision of combat styles ;
- In game mailing system ;
- Thorough support for XML ;
- Fixing line of sight bug exploits and problems ;
- Buffbot limits on all servers ;
- Setting artifact encounters in instanced zones ;
- Fixing problems encountered when shifting between above water swimming and diving ;
- Graphical update of the Classic zones.

Who voted for this /slap !

If they do that then /wave

Friday News

P.S GoA, make a multi choice question air thingy on your website with these and some more as polls and see what gets voted for the most... do it so it atleast last a week long and then we will see what needs to be done !


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Comos said:
If you want to get rid of buffbots, apply the max stat enhancements a buffbot would give for every stat to all classes and then remove all buffs; almost the whole 'enhancements' line and replace it with other sorts of spells.
Classes that can enhance their own stats in the same way a buff from a BB could, should ofcourse no longer have access to these selfbuffs since they too would have gotten all their stats enhanced to max buffed state.
Buff shear could still exist in a sort of debuff form from then on, so the enhancements lines could still be useful that way. Make them time based debuffs, castable ones ofc just like the shears.

Now there's a good idea, about the same thing I thought about a while ago when people where discussing about removing buffbots.
Remove the entire Enh/Aug/Nurt line, replace it with protection spells (Like in GW) and change buffshears into enchant removal and give everyone capped buffs like vamp buffs.
There would be no more need for a buffbot then, everyone would be equal regarding that and fights would take longer (which is something everyone been wanting also) and you actually have to use someform of skill to beat someone without just dumping all damage as fast as possible.
Protection spells like a shield (not channeling just a buff) that lasts for 10 seconds and when cast on someone the person cannot take more than 10% of his max hp in damage per attack (same spell the had in GW etc).

Would make everything better imo, though PvE would become alot easier but it's easy already so that wouldn't really be any different.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Hypoxia said:
If you need buffbots to compete - that isn't a reason to keep them - that's a reason for class balancing.

Why should a guy who gets paid more and can afford 2 accounts have an advantage?

This is good news imo

problem is that even if they ARE balanced without buffbots, ppl will still want them because they can hit harder/faster/ live longer /whatever. any edge they can get they will get.

its either fully support them or ban them all together.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
everyone seems to think that if buffs were ranged, everyone would be solo and unbuffed. get real, it would be utter shit. casters (cept zzzzlocks) would be fucked trying to solo. and rangers would own stealth wars, also hunters to a lesser extent. most people will use kroj charges etc as well.

everyone who says 'oh noes goa will get 30% less revenue etc' remember bots are also for pve, i know what i would do if this went live, and thats sc my bot with max hp overcap etc, and stick it to my chars and run around doing that. i would like to see a unbuffed stealther kill a buffed bot with 2k+ hp while a fully buffed tank is beating on it, and if i respecced BM, then bodyguard would make me impossible to solo by anything melee, and a lot of other people would do the same, so it would make the gap between casual players and hardcore players even further.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
removal of buffs would mean more vamps (i know i would toa mine) more warcocks, more casters with DI bots /stuck to them (they would still be buffed as they would be grouped and in range) it would kill any shread of the solo game and daoc would lose even more players.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
atm mages are OP. but give ranged buff and stuf flike tha would make te mages soo OP. whit their milllion brittles and so on.

atm sorc is a challenge to kill, but SMs would be impossible. brittles + intercepting pet and strong LT.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
Must be an awfull lot that only play vamps or do not have a BB then consider it made it to top 10

Or there were only 9 decent suggestions.

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
atm mages are OP. but give ranged buff and stuf flike tha would make te mages soo OP. whit their milllion brittles and so on.

atm sorc is a challenge to kill, but SMs would be impossible. brittles + intercepting pet and strong LT.
you forget that the pet only intercepts as much as it does, due to the uber dex/qui buff. should it not get buffed the way pets often do, the intercept rate is a lot lower..


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
People just need to stop QQing and get a buffbot.

I think about 5 people in total in this thread are whining because they dont have one. its bullshit, your basically taking the enjoyment out of this game for all the stealthers, oh wait and everyone else that solo's / duo's etc.

Do you all play vamps? or are you just all retarded?

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Gifv an NPC near the Hastener and near bindstones that if you left click on them they are fully buffing you.

With that of course revamp buff lines.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Limited Range on Buffs will solve nothing, for example :-

Infiltrator spymaster 10 - stealths bot near himself

Tank battlemaster 8 - drags bot into rvr complete with bodyguard & DI3

im sure there are many more ideas :)
Bots came about to give people a certain edge in the game, if they nerf this they will look for an edge some other way, its the way it is.
Would be funny though listening to people whine when they ran too far from there buffer in a full group scenario


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Why does everyone assume that removing buffs will be so bad?

- Remove conc buffs
- Remove self buffs which give stats similar to conc buffs
- Give all classes +125 str/con/dex, +75 int/qui
- Balance any classes needed
- Adjust PvE difficultly slightly if needed (though I'd leave it, people are fedup of PvE being made more difficult)

Adjust enhance lines so that they're designed to reduce damage and not increasing it. Buff shears could be altered into RvR only debuffs, so primary buffers wouldn't be able to debuff in PvE. Varying levels of the high absorb focus shell could be given at lower levels to make it more appealing.

Druids/Clerics would face very few problems with such changes, although the Shaman might not. The conc based endurance regen could be changed into self buff which takes 10-15 seconds to cast, but gives a 1500 range aura/chant once active.

However Mythic would prefer putting fingers in their ears and start shouting "la la la" instead. I seriously doubt the so called "class balance" patch will actually solve this long term problem.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Personally, I don't see what the big issue is with buffs considering everyone has em nowadays + you have buff shears which are just annoying.
If mythic got rid of them and just gave the added stats as normal they'll be eliminating a load of bb accounts as they'll become useless - less money for them.

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