Fridays news -> on Thursday....


Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
GoA said:
Buffbot limits on all servers ;

Are you fucking kidding me?
Are the people at GoA really that retarded? Way to kill the game even more, worse than useless.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
If they introduce that I may as well dump any solo play I get down the toilet. Besides, I thought thats what the classic servers are for.


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
I'm assuming they mean classic style buffbot limits, therefore if your solo without buffs other soloers will also not have buffs.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
DocWolfe said:
I'm assuming they mean classic style buffbot limits, therefore if your solo without buffs other soloers will also not have buffs.

except classes with self buffs or vamps...


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
that buffbot thing is going to hurt bad if it goes live. but i doubt


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
If they removed buffbots -they would loose a good amount of their revenue, as people wont bother to run 2 accounts


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Cozak said:
Are you fucking kidding me?
Are the people at GoA really that retarded? Way to kill the game even more, worse than useless.

U know that is one of top 10 PLAYER choices. Oh and it´s still not GOA that makes any changes in this game, it´s Mythic

GOA said:
Meanwhile, here are the ten most requested changes from the earlier consultation by European players
- General review of tradeskills : to make them more fun, enable the creation of more effective objects and introduction of jewelcrafting ;
- Class balancing, revision of combat styles ;
- In game mailing system ;
- Thorough support for XML ;
- Fixing line of sight bug exploits and problems ;
- Buffbot limits on all servers ;
- Setting artifact encounters in instanced zones ;
- Fixing problems encountered when shifting between above water swimming and diving ;
- Graphical update of the Classic zones.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
player choise or not, buffbot limits will never happen since they'll loose tons of cash from it.
And I do wonder who voted for that.... ofcourse vamps and ppl without a bb :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Must be an awfull lot that only play vamps or do not have a BB then consider it made it to top 10


Loyal Freddie
Jul 5, 2004
Comos said:
player choise or not, buffbot limits will never happen since they'll loose tons of cash from it.
And I do wonder who voted for that.... ofcourse vamps and ppl without a bb :p

and don't forget the egocentric 8vs8 guys.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 10, 2005
If you need buffbots to compete - that isn't a reason to keep them - that's a reason for class balancing.

Why should a guy who gets paid more and can afford 2 accounts have an advantage?

This is good news imo


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
bb limit will kill they stealther zergs (yeyyyy) but it will be more ppl that will bring there bbs close and hide them so they have buffs...and only grps will have bbs with them


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Rhubarb! I don't understand where everyone is coming from concerning ranged buffs. In the (same) thread in the excal rvr section people are going on about "oh how easy it will be for visual solo'ers who can afford to have a bb on /stick". Well there's nothing stopping this happening now to gain from DI, and I don't see all that many visible "soloers" joined at the hip with a bb on /stick. In fact if anything - the main character classes doing this right now are in fact stealthers, utilising the spymaster hide ability or hiding the bb under a bridge or in a castle.

I'm all for ranged buffs - I think its absolutely absurd that you have to have a bb to solo. How many people are put off (and went to WoW?) because they were fed up with paying for two accounts just to play on an even playing field?

As for "its unfair as FGs will be able to be buffed", well how many soloers take on a FG now and expect to win? Only the already overpowered classes - sorcerers, warlocks (and they expect to kill and then be killed), BDs (with pets which have received a lot of BB 'luvin Hi Brite!). If these current top-tier classes are going to be affected the most is this such a bad thing?

Sure other classes would move into solo "premier pwn class" - most notably Vampiirs of course, but also self buffing classes friars, heretics, rangers, champs, hunters, even Thanes :D. I just see the balance of power shifting - I fail to see why this is such a bad thing (unless of course you only play a class to pwn and therefore just throwing your toys out the pram because you might not be top of the tree anymore). If buffs were ranged I'd still prefer to take on a vampiir solo (as an armsman) than a Warlock. One of them represents a good challenge, the other is just suicide.

Another benefit of ranged buffs would hopefully be fewer bb, and therefore more people forced to group in pve to do the level grind. Even with clustering there seems to be precious few groups about, which I believe bb to be a main contributing factor. People might be finally forced to help each other do artifacts rather than just get a necro or minstrel buffed up to the nines to camp the areas 24/7 "soloing" the encounters.

Remove buffs from solo gameplay, the best idea since sliced bread!


Of course its going to be a very brave Mythic (or GoA if they are allowed to tweak this aspect of the code) to do this anyway - I estimate they'd loose up to 30% of their revenue overnight.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
saying 'how many solo'ers can kill a fg anyways' is not a good reason to apply buffbot limits. It doesn't have to be near a fg, any duo with a buffer would be a lot stronger vs a solo'er. It's also unfair that some classes would still be able to get these buffs in the form of selfbuffs while everyone else won't without sticking a BB to you when running in rvr.

If you want to get rid of buffbots, apply the max stat enhancements a buffbot would give for every stat to all classes and then remove all buffs; almost the whole 'enhancements' line and replace it with other sorts of spells.
Classes that can enhance their own stats in the same way a buff from a BB could, should ofcourse no longer have access to these selfbuffs since they too would have gotten all their stats enhanced to max buffed state.
Buff shear could still exist in a sort of debuff form from then on, so the enhancements lines could still be useful that way. Make them time based debuffs, castable ones ofc just like the shears.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Comos said:
It's also unfair that some classes would still be able to get these buffs in the form of selfbuffs while everyone else won't without sticking a BB to you when running in rvr.
You do know that classes with self buffs get them instead of something else don't you? They get a buff line rather than getting something worth sinking points into. It's a class balancing thing so that not all the classes are identical. Adding buffbot limits will make selfbuffs worthwhile again rather than just a waste of specpoints - how many rangers use their durational selfbuffs when they can get better concenration buffs from a druid who'll have capped +buff bonus safely parked at DL ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Lets remove bb so vamps, warlocks even maybe heretic can be more even more overpowert :cheers: Maybe they trying to get ppl to quit so they can close the servers an play wow :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
well if i cancel my second account that means bye bye to my heretic my warlock and my healer. So tbh having a second account is still a benefit but more in pve than in rvr.

And tbh most guild groups run with 2 clerics/1sham/2 druids anyways so i cant see what the fus is about 8v8 being hurt by loss of boofs.

only people it will effect are solo stealthers and solo normal people.

People who have friends wont notice the problem :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Awarkle said:
People who have friends wont notice the problem :D

Tar !! hear hear mate, and thats what the game shuld be about, not raising your e-peen by single handedly taking everyone out solo and thinking your some kind of god of gaming and that people will actually care. And if they do care theyre just as sad tbh. Its a GAME , funny how some people dont understand the meaning of that word anymore.

Im all for dropping Buffbotts tbh. Though yes theyll need to sort out Vampiirs somehow, how about they make it vamps can only be used in outside zones during the night <in game> lol. Cmon itd make it more suited to the class

PS. I hate vamps


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
I'd say just reduce the effects of buffs - that way you slow down RvR by reducing the damage by everyone and also lower the divide between buffed and unbuffed.

Btw: the Leipzig convention is hardly "uzbekistan" - it's the biggest gaming convention in europe ;) but then again facts never get in anyone's way on FH :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 10, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
it's the biggest gaming convention in europe ;) but then again facts never get in anyone's way on FH

Thats not entirely true. This year it certainly is, and it is "emerging" as one of the big conventions, but previous years I wouldn't say that is true. :)

Still your point is made, this isn't just Daoc in a random choir hall in some far of eastern country, lol.

E3 is basically the big daddy of all conventions. Europe has had some bloody good conventions itself. A year or 2 ago, some of the conventions in London were supposubly bigger than E3, however this year, the whole conventions have gone tits up. The main London convention was the biggest pile of shite ever. There was about 10 cubilcles, mostly retail crap and the developer presence was a bit slim. I spent most of my day in the pub with the rest of the developers. Fun, but not exactly what we all came down for ;)

That said this year Leipzig is a good place to show of Daoc, and impress people with the new shit. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Btw: the Leipzig convention is hardly "uzbekistan" - it's the biggest gaming convention in europe ;) but then again facts never get in anyone's way on FH :)

Not sure why you're bringing Leipzig to the table, I was of course refereeing the DAoC Milan convention .....

Rigga Mortice

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
I'd say just reduce the effects of buffs - that way you slow down RvR by reducing the damage by everyone and also lower the divide between buffed and unbuffed.

Spot on imo.

Damn you, stop making coherent sense, especially at this time of the morning :touch: <goes off to perform osmosis on a vat of coffee>


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Not that manny BBs will be closed. There will still be a need for them in PvE when people are doing artis/ML/PL/and so on. But some of the new Cata classes will have to be nerfed hard as they are made for an RvR that use BBs for all chars.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
i have a BB and would prolly if i knew where the survery was voted to have the BB limits, i'd prolly still keep my BB for PVE purposes, but for RVR i'd prefer it if there there were BB limits, also the vamps are worrying, but for RVR just remove the raising stats, and make them buffable.

one other thing couldnt help but notice

" Setting artifact encounters in instanced zones "

bring it on, no more running to every artifact encounter in the game to find it camped or not up.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
I'd say just reduce the effects of buffs - that way you slow down RvR by reducing the damage by everyone and also lower the divide between buffed and unbuffed.

I would agree damage would be lower....
But are you not forgetting something?
So would defences (evade, parry, block etc) and more importantly everyone would have 20%-30% less hit points, no spec AF, no Base AF etc…

So it "may" well decrease times of fights not increase....

It will also increase the divide, as people will still be botted.... they will just /stick them along or they have real BB's in group.
There will also be less sharing of buffs..... there will not be that pool of BB's at the Border Keeps... as all BB's are now in the battlefield and being killed / rezzed all the time.

Secondly certain class's can't really tag a BB along.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
imo most peeps here are saying BBs ftw, this idea sux...but thanes/champs etc..peeps that selfbuff have been put outta the rvr scene and sum here are saying its not fair that the game changing this way...wat about the peeps that play thanes/champs..dont u tink its fair they got their turn to shine just like ur gettin atm ?? ye must stealthers in rvr run buffed now..but imo it would be alot better if stealthers didnt have the buffs...the outcome of the fight would depend on the skill of the player and the effectivness of their more cheap temps wit 5str/5dex cap...u would spent the time and effort on ur temp so that u can actually preform well, and who knows...w/o BBs we might just be able to see wat agramon is actually like w/o getting PA'd (x2) in the face while crossing the bridge etc..

:fluffle: ...tbh i h8 BBs...i dont use them coz 1) dont wanna...2) i like winning a 1v1 fight and scrolling up and seeing all the guys buffs just drop off!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Cozak said:
Are you fucking kidding me?
Are the people at GoA really that retarded? Way to kill the game even more, worse than useless.

it was never the intention of mythic to make RvR only competitive if you had a BB, it was a bad design decision on there part. i think having buffs on a range limit as per classic is a good thing. Its not going to stop people running around with a DI/BB on stick but then again people can that now.

People rely on BB's to much to play the game, so much so that they are now seen as an integral part of competitive play, and not a playable class.

Mythics "evolution server" (if it ever happens) is really how daoc should of been 4 years ago, with better class balance, more likely you will see buffs spread acrosss multiple classes so that BB's do not exists.

I would prefer for instance to see more clerics played, then just looking at the wall in portal keeps. :mad:


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