friday news


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
Those who await the "classic" servers can discover their names in this week's piece of news, since we are approaching their opening date. Many other information is also available in this week's Reporter, as well as a background piece about the origin of Dwarves.

Opening of the "Classic" servers on Wednesday, the 7th of December D-Day is approaching for those who wish to test the "Classic" rules-type servers. The German server has been given the name of Salisbury and the English server will be called Glastonbury. The tests are still running smoothly which enables us to plan the opening for Wednesday the 7th. If somehow the release has to be postponed until Thursday we will of course inform you as soon as possible. In any case news will be published the day before the event in order to specify the opening time.We remind you that the /level command will not be activated on these servers and that you can consult in details the special features of these servers by consulting the release notes of version 1.77.

Publication of the release notes of versions 1.79/1.80The release notes of the next versions for which test begun two weeks ago have just been published in the "Test Notes" part of the website.

XML data back in testNews that will interest those who use XML but also the whole community since it announces the return of the Roll of Honour. The XML data of the game are since yesterday once again updated. We still need to check that everything works as intended but the websites that use these data can once again use them. But keep in mind that we are still in a test stage. Once this first step is over the work will continue on the Roll of Honour whos interface will also be updated with the new guild emblems and the new housing zones, as well as with the weekly guild realm points.…

More cheaters banned While the sanctions have already born their fruits, there are still a few indomitable people who keep using radar and other third party programs which hurts the game for the perverted pleasure of a few careless people. Several tenth of them have therefore just been permanently banned from the game, much to the delight of the honest players !

Emails and virusesA new series of viruses seems to spread, using the infected Computers' address books to spam itself. Some of you may have received mails with an attached file sent by GOA that were blocked either by your internet service provider or by your anti-virus if you have a sufficient protection. These emails were, of course, not sent by GOA but by an infected computer that has this address in its address book. But at this occasion, we remind you that you must not open attached files from suspicious messages and that your computer must always be updated with the latest anti-virus protections and firewalls.

Reminder of the rules to contact the technical support serviceIn order to obtain quicker answers we remind you that when you address a demand to the technical support it is essential to give the following information : - the name of your server - even if your servers are clustered- your realm- the name of your character(s) - if you encountered a problem : the date and hour it happened- if NPCs are involved : the name of the NPCs- if it concerns zones or quests : the name of the zone or of the quests involved (along with the steps of the quests)- if it concerns housing zones : the lot number and the name of the owner.If your indication are not sufficient, the customer support will have to ask you details and will only be able to deal with your problem after they receive your answer.

Fixes of the week - In order to avoid a bug exploit present in this version we ran a fix concerning the Spymasters' Poison Spike a few weeks ago. Unfortunately this fix brought back this master ability to its first state in that it was no longer usable in combat. After talking with Mythic it turns out that it is impossible to have a better fix - which would avoid the use of the bug while enabling a normal use of the traps when in combat - before the release of version 1.80.We therefore decided to bring back this master ability to its former version, starting today, in order to avoid punishing Spymasters who use the ability properly. - Thjodvitnir can no longer be charmed.- The Arawnite Assassin will no longer be attacked by the guards during the Rebellion quest of Albion.

Update of the underpopulated realms While you can now see the underpopulated servers on the server browser window, the bonus granted to each server are specified only on the official website and generally in the Camelot Reporter.The table below gives you the updated bonuses. While the situation, of course, never changes on Camlann, this won't be the case for the "Classic" servers where bonuses will be applied a few weeks after their launch.

Level Reward Bonus Camp Bonus RvR Bonus Hookpoint Purchase
Excalibur/Prydwen Albion 7 82% 0% 100%
Midgard 7 94% 0% 100%
Hibernia 3 104% 5% 50%
Glastonbury Albion 7 100% 0% 100%
Midgard 7 100% 0% 100%
Hibernia 7 100% 0% 100%
Camlann Albion 7 0% 0% 100%
Midgard 7 0% 0% 100%
Hibernia 7 0% 0% 100%

A few novelties concerning the Necyomancer recipes - From next Tuesday, the Necyomancer Apprentice should be able to give you information about a former adept who might own a forgotten recipe. - The Infernalist's fingers are now easier to get and can be stacked by 10.

Point background Midgard : The Origins of Dwarves

Dwarves have walked a long road before they became the tough people they are today, with an immoderate taste for good food, the art of forging, braided beards and of course, brawls.

During ancient Norse mortuary rituals - rituals older than the arrival of the Ases or even the Vanes - the body of the dead were placed in a foetal position within the ground. And these dead were given a power that only the giants, bound to the powerful natural forces, shared with them. A power that has always been the most envied by the ancient Norse : the power to know. Especially the knowledge of subterranean and buried things, the secrets of gems and metals that earth hosts deep within and the art to warp on them to create tools, weapons and precious objects.

Because of the position they had in their graves the buried dead were called the 'twisted', 'dverge' in ancient Norse. This is at the origin of the word 'dwarf' in English and of the word 'Zwerg' in German. It's thanks to the assertion of the gods in their role that the dwarves begun to take their current appearance : indeed, isn't it Odin, Vili and Ve who offered them a human shape when they spurted out from the dead body of Ymir, reduced then to the state of worms ?

At last, if it is now admitted that the common dwarf is short, one must remember that it is not the case for all of them, as for instance, those whose names are the four cardinal points and who carry the sky with their arms…

The Tip of the Week Commands available to estimate distances This week, you can find two little-known commands that will enable you to estimate distances which are not always that easy to judge. The /range command enables you to get the distance that separates you from a selected object. For a ground target, you can use the /gtrange.

Unfortunately, these commands do not function on mobile objects like NPCs, monsters or other players.

Have a nice weekend and a nice game, and see you on Wednesday for the exploration of the new servers.

now its just to search ROH and see who dont have any rp at all last week ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Elitestoner said:
5 days till classic, r0x

5 days till information about Dark and light classes comes out, 6 days till the prequal game to it (SoG) comes out... i wonder where i be!


Corran said:
5 days till information about Dark and light classes comes out, 6 days till the prequal game to it (SoG) comes out... i wonder where i be!

I bought a SOG key so I have access but I still will play on DAOC Classic and only play around a bit for fun in SOG. :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Broniah said:
I bought a SOG key so I have access but I still will play on DAOC Classic and only play around a bit for fun in SOG. :)

Classic is pointless. Solo wont exist unless your a vamp or warlock (or maybe other self buff class but vamp = buffs and speed)

And i cant be arsed to dedicate time to a guild group now :D


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Corran said:
Classic is pointless. Solo wont exist unless your a vamp or warlock (or maybe other self buff class but vamp = buffs and speed)

And i cant be arsed to dedicate time to a guild group now :D

Anything without ToA is worth it.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Corran said:
Classic is pointless. Solo wont exist unless your a vamp or warlock (or maybe other self buff class but vamp = buffs and speed)

And i cant be arsed to dedicate time to a guild group now :D

Wont work

Nf was made because of toa, making the toa abilities more usefull(ie siege bonuses to warlord, reaver), banelord + reaver bomb for tower defense/offense, stormlord for tower/keep defense)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Eversmallx said:
Anything without ToA is worth it.

I went from 20-50 and fully toa'd in under 2weeks... would take me longer to catacombs equip myself then to toa myself :D

say 45minutes per raid, needing most likely 20+ raids to fully equip the group.. no thanks. Least with toa you do it once then purchase the artis :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
toa is a pain to ppl who cant play much..

and if you thing it will be easyer to get equped on classic.. think again... lots of DS raids!!

ofc if someone doesnt give you the howl set right away..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Been to 2 ds raids on US classic and got a fully equipped toon with 6 ds jewelríes.... at the beginnin ds stuff will be expensive but after a while prices will drop fast


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2004
Corran said:
I went from 20-50 and fully toa'd in under 2weeks... would take me longer to catacombs equip myself then to toa myself :D

say 45minutes per raid, needing most likely 20+ raids to fully equip the group.. no thanks. Least with toa you do it once then purchase the artis :p

so u can get ml10 all arties needed jewels faster then DS? lol :twak:


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
toa is a pain to ppl who cant play much..


At one point, i was only getting half a ml raid done, took me about a year to get my first char to ml10 and fully sced + toaed

And it was damn well worth it in the end


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
about classic.. are there tradeskills? if so.. who will be arsed to make a LGM??

not like i'll be going classic but still ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I really dont see how equiping yourself would take longer on classic - with the new Epic armours with their nice statcaps, and a a handfull of DS raids you should be able to cap your 2 most important stats. Even easier with Champion weapons which you get almost for free, when DR is out. Only thing ill miss is a few of the ToA questjewelry items like Ebon Hide Bracers, but there are nice utility items in Cata (and DR) as well.

Besides, you dont even need to cap everything to play at the top - the difference between someone with say +15 cap in 2 stats and +100 hits etc (very very easy to get), and someone with +25 in three stats and +200 hits(harder to get), isnt nearly as great as someone with 2-3 halfdone artifacts, and therefore halfdone sc, and ml5 or some such vs someone with a complete template featuring 6 artifacts, everything max overcaped, +all toa%bonuses maxed and ml10 - The difference between someone with all the goodies and someone with only some of the goodies is much more pronounced in ToA. Not to mention the buffbot issue.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2004
Devilseye said:
about classic.. are there tradeskills? if so.. who will be arsed to make a LGM??

not like i'll be going classic but still ;)

have fun on the empty servers ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Who the hell came up with the name,Salisbury is decent but English name is just stupid :(


Dec 22, 2003
Downanael said:
Who the hell came up with the name,Salisbury is decent but English name is just stupid :(
Because something like Mönchengladbach dosn't really fit in with the daoc theme.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
gratz on not 1 mention of the lag + 4 days of no daoc for many players


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Downanael said:
Who the hell came up with the name,Salisbury is decent but English name is just stupid :(

Glastonbury Tor was an earthly aspect, or part, of the faerie realm Avalon - it is where King Arthur was taken upon his death to pass into faerie and heal to once again rise in the hour of Britains greatest need.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Eversmallx said:
Judging from your sig you enjoy pve :p?
As much as RvR.

bottler said:
so u can get ml10 all arties needed jewels faster then DS? lol :twak:
Most likely, yes. TOA can be over pretty quickly if you're clever about it. (ie; start it at level 40 instead of 50, you'll ding 50 halfway through ML7-ish)
Apr 20, 2004
Heh this is just gonna go on forever :p "omg classic will ruin teh servers" "woot classic r0x and will fix alot of things!".... imo the thing that ruined the servers in the first place was letting GOA host them and TOA.... so no classic won't ruin the servers as such... population will drop slightly but not just from the english servers.... french/german etc :twak: so you won't lose that much pop... as for classic fixing alot of things... yes and no if they allowed buff bots on classic i'm sure alot more people would play due to it being TRUE classic then.. atm its just a false wannabe.. i admit i myself will try classic although i probably wont keep playing it for long as i still play WoW... anyway! 2 things to say!

1. to the people that whine about classic.. its coming so stop the whine? fuck all you can do about it...

2. to the people looking forward to it! cya on the 7th ;) IF it arrives on time

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