Friday news!!


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
they really need to put that trailer out on tv's and such, it really is quite a kewl trailer tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 23, 2005
Great trailer! Airing stuff like that could get a lot a new ppl to play!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Am i only one thinking that trailer gives totally wrong image out of game.

"Everyone's is happy and noone adds and you get to RvR straight away"


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Downanael said:
Am i only one thinking that trailer gives totally wrong image out of game.

"Everyone's is happy and noone adds and you get to RvR straight away"

Wouldn't be a good PR vid, if it showed some guys levelling solo with only his buffbot for company for a few months, flaming ppl on FH for stealing his artis, farming scrolls till he lost all will to live, only to go out and get nuked to death in 3 secs and then spammed with /laugh and /rude emotes ;)

Thought it was a very nice vid personally, that valk savage looked uber.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
think they couldda made it better, but with the resources they obviously had, it gives quite a good impression of the game. Which is what would be needed to give the game a new lease of life, and new blood :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
i only have a 56k so cba to download it

Eggy u only live a few miles up the road from me , send me a disk with it on lol


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2004
the trailer is good for classic servers :p

Not the retarded toa selfish server :)


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Very nice trailer, probably the best DAOC trailer I've seen yet. Get that damn thing on TV now!

I still think the trailer I came up with a script for would have been even better, though...

<Music: eerie ambient chords>
A misty sunrise in Hadrian's Wall...
Camera pans through the trees and across a river to the opposite bank
<music: 'Mars, Bringer Of War' by Gustav Holst>
Paladins and Armsmen are seen emerging from the mist to the faint rumbling of the opening bars of music, armour glinting in the early light. Half-Ogres follow, with a phalanx of spellcasters behind...
<music builds slowly>
From dense forests, Shar and Firbolg come running, Lurikeen weaving nimbly through their ranks...
<music builds>
Grim, gigantic Trolls lumber through an icy waste, Valkyries in their shining armour right behind...
<music builds>
<rapid montage of shots>
A dragon turns its mighty head towards the camera...
A swarm of Essence Shredders charge the camera...
Apocalypse spreads his skeletal wings...
A hammerhead shark swims dangerously close...
A huge Griffon snarls in a giant ice cavern...
Chimera roars at the heavens...
A Gargoyle cavorts in the Veil Rift...
Shraogh snaps at the camera lens...
Chaosians and Succubi flap madly above a chasm in Darkness Falls...
A Raukomaz swoops from a blasted, barren peak above a lake of lava...
Laodemia and her gorgons stalk towards camera...
Nosdoden lunges at the camera...
Beliathan emerges from a huge crevice in the depths of Darkness Falls...
The Glacier Giant stomps past, blotting out the sun...
An enraged Cthonic Knight slashes at the camera with a giant glowing sword (camera shakes)...
<music hits crescendo>
<slightly less rapid montage of shots>
A Troll smashes his huge hammer into camera (camera shakes)...
Gouts of flame shoot from a caster into a battlefield swarming with figures...
A keep wall disintegrates under massed siege-engine fire (camera shakes)...
A full group of Hibernians charge out from tree cover and falls upon a group of Albs...
An archer shoots from a high keep wall...
An Armsman in shining platemail fends off a Blademaster's attacks with a dragon-emblazoned shield...
Two huge melee forces smash into each other...
A stealther uncloaks to stab a Norseman operating a Trebuchet...
Small figures swarm through a gap in a keep wall, casters pouring spells into them from the high walls of the central keep...
A huge, frenzied Berserker hacks a fleeing Elf into the ground...
A spectral Bainshee shrieks and fells those around her...
The camera pans to follow a Wizard's fiery bolt as it hammers into an unlucky Celt archer...
<music calms down a little>
Longer panning shots of the most photogenic areas of each realm intercut with a lingering shot of:
All the classes and races of Albion shown gathered outside the walls of Camelot, the Albion cup in the sky behind them.
All the classes and races of Hibernia shown standing in front of the woods by Tir Na Nog, the Hibernian tree in the sky behind them.
All the classes and races of Midgard shown standing in the icy foothills just outside Jordheim, the Midgard hammer in the sky behind them.
<music builds again>
A huge zerg-sized force is shown from an aerial perspective streaming towards a keep...
A convoy of attack ships unleashes a hail of siege-engine fire at a keep...
Grim-faced Briton archers nock their bows as silhouettes are seen swarming over a nearby hilltop...
Figures leap from a bridge to chase others into the water...
A giant Troll readies a massive black two-handed cleaver...
Siege fire impacts on the top of a tower (camera shakes), dust engulfing everyone around...
An imperious Elf swirls her hands, magical fire blossoming...
<music reaches crescendo>
<rapid montage between text>
A dragon breathes fire and fells numerous figures below it...
A ground-level camera shows a Troll falling to the ground in the midst of battle, cut down by a Highlander Mercenary...
Figures swarm around a Prince of Darkness Falls as he swipes at them...
text: AGE
<music still building in volume>
An Avalonian caster is hacked down by the Troll we saw earlier with his giant cleaver, who then charges past the camera...
Typhon lunges at the camera...
An archer unstealths and fires past the camera...
text: OF
<music reaches final crescendo>
Medusa glares at the camera...
Camera over the shoulder of the Elf caster we saw before, spells flying from her to her targets who fall in the distance...
A two-headed dragon breathes fire and slaughters all in view...
Aerial shot shows three distinct armies smashing headlong into each other...shot fades to title screen of game (with all the copyright stuff etc on it), this fades to black and music fades with it.

3 second pause on black screen

<two-second brief 'surprise!' shot>
Final stab of music as Leviathan lunges at the camera, tooth-lined mouth engulfing it as screen finally goes blank.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Awsome trailor! Agreed! get it on tv asap :D


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Deepflame said:
Why don't you go and make that one Svart? :)

If I had the faintest idea how, I would...I shall infiltrate GOA and plant seeds from within.

Or something.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Svartmetall said:
If I had the faintest idea how, I would...I shall infiltrate GOA and plant seeds from within.

Or something.
Get Fraps, get Adobe Premiere, get a lot of spare time and get recording. ;)
Problem is the heavy crossrealming needed because otherwise you can't organize and properly time the nice battles you listed. :p I believe this is against the CoC. :/


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
makes me laugh ok bainshee's should not cast through walls but arrows can penetrate 3feet thick walls if bainshees are bug abusing then so are archer classes

and no don't own a bainshee


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Job said:
Noob here, er in the vid the burning buildings, does that happen in DAOC or is that an effect for the vid?

its in game feature when you siege a tower down to 0% (razed), it will slowly regain health over time until its at 20% again and will be rebuild.

when a tower is razed it cant be repaired, upgraded etc. before its rebuild and you wont get +1 to tower takens while a tower is razed, but it still count for DF.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Behmoth said:
makes me laugh ok bainshee's should not cast through walls but arrows can penetrate 3feet thick walls if bainshees are bug abusing then so are archer classes

and no don't own a bainshee

if the scout or any bow user have los at the very moment the arrow fires he will hit you (it can ofc miss, get blocked etc.). a bainshee dont need los to fíre trough walls.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Lejemorder said:
its in game feature when you siege a tower down to 0% (razed), it will slowly regain health over time until its at 20% again and will be rebuild.

when a tower is razed it cant be repaired, upgraded etc. before its rebuild and you wont get +1 to tower takens while a tower is razed, but it still count for DF.
Actually, he was referring to the town that was on fire and the hibs are like, all sad over it.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Deepflame said:
Actually, he was referring to the town that was on fire and the hibs are like, all sad over it.

The oh-so-badly neglected roleplayers :>.

And yes as dowhineael said it is a misconception of what daoc is about.

Since there is a roleplayer hidden within me I truly wish daoc was like that video. A fun, story driven game where people help each other. Daoc is not designed to encourage people to help each other. This isn't the players fault, more like daocs fault. It has no story about why people kill each other (apart from the propaganda in each realm, albs= oh noes the mids and hibs are invading us hibs= insert alb version but with mids and albs mids= insert alb version with hibs and albs), to get to the point of the enjoyable endgame (pvp, I think we can agree that most of us don't play daoc to bash pve monsters) you have to accomplish a lot of tasks, way more than it is pictured in the trailer. Now I'm not saying it's a BIT more than the amount of pve shown in the trailer, but more like enormouslyunspeakablyscarily more. It's also hard, you have to compete over items with other players to have a viable character and be accepted into random groups and then IF (huge if) you're lucky you might get into a group of people who play together. The other scenario is that the individual gives up and zergs away because he just can't get himself to waste that much time on the game, which is understandable.

Any new people gathered by that video will get scared away by how the game actually is and in the end you all won't see nothing come out of it.

I envy the daoc shown in the video. Fun, epical, friendly.


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
Lothandar said:
The oh-so-badly neglected roleplayers :>.

And yes as dowhineael said it is a misconception of what daoc is about.

Since there is a roleplayer hidden within me I truly wish daoc was like that video. A fun, story driven game where people help each other. Daoc is not designed to encourage people to help each other. This isn't the players fault, more like daocs fault. It has no story about why people kill each other (apart from the propaganda in each realm, albs= oh noes the mids and hibs are invading us hibs= insert alb version but with mids and albs mids= insert alb version with hibs and albs), to get to the point of the enjoyable endgame (pvp, I think we can agree that most of us don't play daoc to bash pve monsters) you have to accomplish a lot of tasks, way more than it is pictured in the trailer. Now I'm not saying it's a BIT more than the amount of pve shown in the trailer, but more like enormouslyunspeakablyscarily more. It's also hard, you have to compete over items with other players to have a viable character and be accepted into random groups and then IF (huge if) you're lucky you might get into a group of people who play together. The other scenario is that the individual gives up and zergs away because he just can't get himself to waste that much time on the game, which is understandable.

Any new people gathered by that video will get scared away by how the game actually is and in the end you all won't see nothing come out of it.

I envy the daoc shown in the video. Fun, epical, friendly.

To be honest, when I first started playing DAOC was like it is portrayed in the video... lots of people helping each other. But this was straight after beta when there were actually lowbies. The games changed alot since then, and so have the players.

If lots of new people did come to the game, I have little doubt in my mind it would be as much fun for them as it was for me back then. But as it stands now there are very few new players, and those few will have a hard time trying to get to 50 without anyone to talk to, or learn from.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Lothandar said:
The oh-so-badly neglected roleplayers :>.

And yes as dowhineael said it is a misconception of what daoc is about.

Since there is a roleplayer hidden within me I truly wish daoc was like that video. A fun, story driven game where people help each other. Daoc is not designed to encourage people to help each other. This isn't the players fault, more like daocs fault. It has no story about why people kill each other (apart from the propaganda in each realm, albs= oh noes the mids and hibs are invading us hibs= insert alb version but with mids and albs mids= insert alb version with hibs and albs), to get to the point of the enjoyable endgame (pvp, I think we can agree that most of us don't play daoc to bash pve monsters) you have to accomplish a lot of tasks, way more than it is pictured in the trailer. Now I'm not saying it's a BIT more than the amount of pve shown in the trailer, but more like enormouslyunspeakablyscarily more. It's also hard, you have to compete over items with other players to have a viable character and be accepted into random groups and then IF (huge if) you're lucky you might get into a group of people who play together. The other scenario is that the individual gives up and zergs away because he just can't get himself to waste that much time on the game, which is understandable.

Any new people gathered by that video will get scared away by how the game actually is and in the end you all won't see nothing come out of it.

I envy the daoc shown in the video. Fun, epical, friendly.

The l337 idiots who decided that the RvR part of this game should be played more like Quake Team Deathmatch than anything else are largely responsible for that.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Svartmetall said:
The l337 idiots who decided that the RvR part of this game should be played more like Quake Team Deathmatch than anything else are largely responsible for that.



Regular Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Svartmetall said:
The l337 idiots who decided that the RvR part of this game should be played more like Quake Team Deathmatch than anything else are largely responsible for that.

amen! :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
Deepflame said:
Get Fraps, get Adobe Premiere, get a lot of spare time and get recording. ;)
Problem is the heavy crossrealming needed because otherwise you can't organize and properly time the nice battles you listed. :p I believe this is against the CoC. :/
Isen't this why we have camlan?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Dimmer said:
Isen't this why we have camlan?

producers log:

day 1: rain stops filming early, male lead appears to be taking to female lead.

day 2: Filming interrupted by attack of crazy petspamming theurgists. Medical are patching up the crew.

day 3: Have hired on-set security to police the place. Had to have words to quieten them down as part of their security seems to be yelling "LOG MAIN BD" which was distracting the actors and ruining the voice track.

day 4: female lead disliked advances from male lead with fatal consequences. Auditions for new male lead are going slowly, might be the circumstances scaring people off.

day 5: I just want to apologize to Josh's mom, and Mike's mom, and my mom. I am so sorry! Because it was my fault. I was the one who brought them here. I was the one that said "keep filming on camlann." I was the one who said that we were not lost. It was my fault, because it was my project. I am so scared! I don't know what's out there. We are going to die out here! I am so scared!

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