Friday news!!


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Cluster to be annouced next week xD lets see if it happens this time :m00:


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
time to start spamming Rightnow with bainshee abuse xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
leviathane said:
Cluster to be annouced next week xD lets see if it happens this time :m00:

I tought there was no clustering before every-one has his/her stuff back?

Hope they keep their word !!!


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
read article for yourself if you don't believe me :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Any 1 able to put up the news here for us at work on night shift and they don't like you looking at gaming sites :mad:

Jun 21, 2004
[21-10-2005] The Camelot Reporter

This week's news deals with the clustering of the English servers, a review of the Monde du jeu, a quick overview of the SMAU in Milan, the new Dark Age of Camelot trailer and some other tidbits of information. No background piece or tip of the week, but they will come back soon.

Clustering of the English servers
The next step before tests on the Classic servers, the clustering of Excalibur and Prydwen, is planned for next week. We will announce the exact date to you very soon. In the meantime, we remind you that if you wish to play characters of different realms on these two servers, you will have to create them before the clustering. After the clustering, it will be impossible to access two different realms if you don't already have characters of these realms on these servers.

Connection problems on Thursday evening
A network incident that affected the platform of our host last night caused a high number of disconnections from the game and prevented players from logging back onto the server for about one hour. At 22 :26, the service returned to normal for the game servers.

Several more disruptions affected the community website but the router where the problems originated has been replaced and there are no consequences to follow regarding this incident.

Review of the Monde du jeu
The salon was much larger this year, with more space dedicated to video games, especially with the running of the French qualifying rounds for the World Cyber Games. With over 25,000 people, the number of visitors considerably increased as well as the noise. Thanks to our new stand which was introduced at Leipzig it was easier to move on the Dark Age of Camelot booth however it was still a little crowded at some times since many players came to meet us. After a relatively calm Friday mainly dedicated to the configuration of the computers for the tournament by part of our team, Saturday and Sunday were very animated. The matches were followed with great interest and in spite of a delay caused by a few technical issues on the first day, the atmosphere remained very friendly. A round was shifted from Saturday to Sunday so that we could make up for the delay and the final was held on time.
It was a Midgardian team, the Leviathan, who usually play on Ys that won the contest after an exemplary run.


The 8 members of the Leviathan team, winners of the tournament

The other event of this salon was the conference of Jeff Hickman on Saturday afternoon. First, Jeff presented the new trailer for Darkness Rising and the contents of the expansion, and told us the first game experiences.
One of the assets of this new expansion is that it is accessible to all players. Every player is offered the chance to enter the service of the King to become Champion of the Realm. While some of the players may prefer to become Champion through RvR combat, others prefer doing so by doing the Champion quests, while fewer people do them through PvE. In addition champion weapons are more specific than artefacts, since they are designed particularly for each class.
Of course, there were questions about the future evolution of Dark Age of Camelot. Mythic is currently in a study and decision stage but Jeff announced that an update of some old classes was being considered, in order to bring them up to the new classes' level and revive interest in them. It is also question of rewarding different styles of play and also crafting in RvR situation. Finally, the schedule allows that a free expansion could be released during summer 2006 and a retail expansion during winter 2006-2007.


Big audience during the matches


Ssiena & Nof, two kobolds well known by the French Community

The New Dark Age of Camelot trailer
Presented on Saturday in preview at the Monde du Jeu, the new trailer of the game was really appreciated by the audience. Here it is, now downloadable on the official website, in the Gallery section. You can also directly download it by following this link.

Live from the SMAU in Milan
Thousands of visitors rushed to the SMAU in Milan and peacefully invaded our stand to get to know Dark Age of Camelot. Computers, prepared for the occasion, enabled them to discover the game by logging onto our servers directly from the salon. Some Italian volunteers are there to explain to the visitors the basis of the game. But the climax is anticipated this weekend with several meetings organised by the players and the coming of Yvette Nash, International Producer of Dark Age of Camelot.


Job Offer : English speaking community manager
We are sorry to say goodbye to Zenythe who is leaving us for an extended period of time. For personal reasons she will be away for several months. We wish her and her family well and look forward her future return to our team.
In order to make up for her absence and to reinforce the English community managers team, a job offer for a Community Manager can be found in the Jobs section of the website.

Bug exploitation by Bainshees
We notice that a certain number of Bainshees use a conic point blank area of effect spell though walls and keeps or towers doors, which put them out of range of their adversaries in RvR. Until this is fixed, we are asking you to tell the bainshees that these spells must not more be used like that. If this bug exploit continues, we will be led to take measures against the players who use it.

A few changes for objects of the GOA animations
If you possess objects that come from events run on our servers, you may have noticed a few changes. Cloaks with unique skins are now grey or have the colours of your guild because of the change of code due to the integration of new guild emblems with version 1.76. Even if they still have the same name, it is for the moment impossible to give them back their original colours.
Besides, the rewards granted to the winners of the Atlantis Regatta have been replaced by other objects. If you wish to retrieve them in their original version, please contact our customer support.

Class ranks issues
A shifting in the titles of the classes has been recently spotted. It has no effect on game play but the wrong rank title is displayed for the class of the character. For instance, the rank a level 45 should have is displayed for a level 50 character. This will be shortly fixed.

How to exchange your Artifacts
If you wish to exchange an Artifact into another version, please keep in mind to first talk with the Artifact Scholar in the Hall of Heroes. You cannot exchange any artifact until you have accepted the warning from the Artifact Scholar.
After you accept the fact that you'll get a level 0 artifact as exchange, you can give him the mentioned artifact. You can make exchanges as often as you want.

Tip for the server clustering
When the clustering is run, one of the servers will be considered as the "main" one and one of the main after-effects of this appears in the character files of the second server. Those are then considered as characters of the first server and are duplicated in your game folder. You may have noticed that the names of the characters are followed by a number in your game folder, for instance, mike-177.ini. Those numbers correspond to a server and in this case, 177 is for Prydwen. When you play your character on the cluster, a new file appears, mike-33.ini, which corresponds to Excalibur. It's this file that will now be used by the game, since Excalibur will be considered as the "main" server. But when you will play your character on Prydwen for the first time after the clustering, you will notice that you will have to redo all your settings, quickbars, etc. To avoid this, you simply have copy the file of your character and to create a new one by replacing 177 by 33.
But this is possible only if you don't already have a character with the same name on Excalibur, because, in this case, you would already have a file name mike-33.ini. The easiest way in that case, is to contact the customer support asking (exceptionally) to rename one of the two characters. Give a list of 5 names you would like to give to your characters. But if you really want to keep both characters with the same name, there is another solution : copy in a folder your Prydwen character file and in another one your Excalibur character file and then place the one you want in your main folder before playing. You will have to take care not to overwrite the other file when you copy them before switching from one to the other, since they will both have the same name - mike33.ini here. Besides, note that we will not restore any character deleted on Prydwen and Excalibur, be it before or after the clustering. As it has already been indicated, if you have characters of different realms on these servers and you delete all the characters of one server, you will only be able to create characters of the realm of the other server for this one. So, think twice before typing "yes" to confirm the deletion.

Have a nice weekend and nice game !


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
happy reading xD if sammy had been arsed he could inserted the pictures aswell xD


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Zenithe leaving :(

wish her/him/it all the best for the future


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
that is a damn fine trailer.

would be good to see that on tv, i agree.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
The next step before tests on the Classic servers, the clustering of Excalibur and Prydwen, is planned for next week.

Where i heard this before now :p

No surprises Mids won the tournament if all relics were even either.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 10, 2004
That trailer is absoluty awesome! Imagine what that could do if it was shown on tv, or even just advertised properly on the net. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2005
Ryuno said:
That trailer is absoluty awesome! Imagine what that could do if it was shown on tv, or even just advertised properly on the net. :)

Totally agreed, that was one fantastic trailer! They should spread that thing all over the place I think, it would certainly attract new people.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
tht would mean they'd have to spend precious money, which they're hording somewhere in france/ us.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Cluster before all players has gotten there items back sucks big time...refund chars first then cluster fgs


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dwali said:
Cluster before all players has gotten there items back sucks big time...refund chars first then cluster fgs

They can do it after!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
woooh the trailer roxx seriosly.....lub it, US one is good but ours is far better as allwasy


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Noob here, er in the vid the burning buildings, does that happen in DAOC or is that an effect for the vid?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2005
dayum, now i wish i was back on my old savage....they looked freking BOSS in that trailer, among many other things.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Equador said:
Totally agreed, that was one fantastic trailer! They should spread that thing all over the place I think, it would certainly attract new people.

OR, we as the playerbase could send the link in to various game sites. couldent hurt really. infact, think im gonna do that.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
I liked the trailer, although the scout "assisting the groundtroops" and the fire wizz doing /wave and /smile made me laugh xD

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