Friday news!

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The friday news !

This week, once again, the Friday news is on…a Friday ! On the list this week : news about the 1.52, some information about the DAoC knowledge database and a little warning regarding the command /salvage.

Patch 1.52

The tests on the French version of the patch 1.52 are now over ; the main bugs have been identified and fixed. Our initial plan was to patch to German today and start the German testing, sadly, we are still missing some German files and we will not be able to do as planned. The tests are therefore postponed a bit and the patch 1.52 should arrive on all servers on the first week of November.

DAoC knowledge database (

New FAQs are added to our knowledge database regularly, do not hesitate to do weekly visit there, just to check the new ones. You can already find the patch notes for 1.51 and 1.52 there, among many other FAQs.

In the last Friday news, we talked about the deleted characters and how we could restore them. Many of you asked for such restoration. Please remember to include in your report the exact name of the character to restore, the realm and of course the server you are playing on. Also, please include at least one name of an active character on your account ; this will help in the search of your missing characters.

Finally a little note : if your character cannot be restored (due to you deleting too many characters), we can not rebuild it, your character will be forever lost. The only case when we may rebuild your character is when the character was corrupted, this being extremely rare.

The /salvage command

Our customer support team received some reports from players, pointing out that some high level items disappears before the end of the /salvage timer. We asked Mythic for a solution to this problem but, for now, we advise everyone to be careful when salvaging high level items.


Thanks for posting that, I couldn't go and read it myself ! ;)


what i dont get is why didnt they patch to the english version instead of waiting for the so called missing files for the german version.. would have saved time instead of another delay.. kinda getting used to that now :/


thats exactly what i thought...

why didn't they change it to english to save time, or have they already patched to english while i wasn't watching? :/


Heres a dead horse....flog it somemore

They can't patch just one language, it's all three or none.

Dont ask me why, cos i dont know.

C'est La Vie


They mean patching Gorre to Excalibur while they wait for the missing German files ;)


GOA are starting to sound like a school kid who didnt do his home work. "Sorry miss I lost my maths book", next week aliens will steal the servers.



makes me wonder if they have discovered the internet yet ? after all the files arent exactly going to be that big for them to get transfered to them :/

But then i suppose even the simplest of tasks can be difficult when you have monkey doing the work



This is ridiculous every patch is like waiting for Duke Nukem Forever.

It does feel like that the-dog-ate-my-homework syndrome.


Sigurd Volsung

Round of applause is in order. Well done GOA, you are delaying the only reason to stay playing this game. Keep it up, morons.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Sigurd Volsung
Round of applause is in order. Well done GOA, you are delaying the only reason to stay playing this game. Keep it up, morons.

They delay it by a week *gasp*.
Time to light up the torches and to gather the mob, eh?

Do yourself a favor, Sigurd. Fuck off and see how deep the rabbit hole goes...

Sigurd Volsung

Hopefully it goes into your house... you wanker.

Sigurd Volsung

Now you do, in the future you will live to regret your insolence. I shall waste no more time speaking with you, lesser being. Now, begone, back to your filthy hovel, I'll have it burnt down in the morning :)

And please do our gene pool a favour by removing yourself from it.

Uncle Sick(tm)


Sigurd, I know you have issues... but do yourself a favor, please?
If the other kids keep giving you wedgies, just go and tell the teacher instead of coming here to vent your frustration.

Gombur - please hug Oddball here... he needs one badly.

Sigurd Volsung

Originally posted by Sigurd Volsung
Now you do, in the future you will live to regret your insolence. I shall waste no more time speaking with you, lesser being. Now, begone, back to your filthy hovel, I'll have it burnt down in the morning :)

And please do our gene pool a favour by removing yourself from it.


sickO: they havent delayed it by a week, but 3 afaik

middle october was what I heard before

Uncle Sick(tm)

One week, three weeks... it's not a matter of life or death, Arnor. ;)

Well... it might matter to our mad nutter, Sigurd........... :m00:

old.Gombur Glodson

I'd rather not touch him, he's just a little kid, you dont know where he's been.


Originally posted by Sigurd Volsung
Round of applause is in order. Well done GOA, you are delaying the only reason to stay playing this game. Keep it up, morons.
Your highest character is level 40 and you say that the only reason to stay playing is 1.52 around the corner. What a joke.
1 week, so what? Level that character in the meanwhile, maybe when you ding 50 you will realise that "Hey, this extra waiting aint so bad since I have so much more to do now."


Sorry to sound so negative, but wasn't it initially meant to be given to us by the middle of october, then the end, now november, so thats 3 weeks so far not 1. And it wont come on the first week because they havent tested for a full week in English and German, and they usually have about 10 delays :/

That said, I CAN wait, and usually never moan. Just saying, its more than 1 week late :)

ps. Getting a char from 40-50 if you don't enjoy levelling is NOT a reason to keep playing, whats wrong with only having a level 40 char??? you saying theres nothing to play for unless you level to 50 ?? pfft :p


The /salvage command
Our customer support team received some reports from players, pointing out that some high level items disappears before the end of the /salvage timer. We asked Mythic for a solution to this problem but, for now, we advise everyone to be careful when salvaging high level items.

Anyone who is anyone would have already known this surely?

this info is availiable on the tradeskills forums.

DF BP degrades before its salvaged. 1 second of salvage time per bar given so in theory BP gives over 180 bars :)



Originally posted by old.Biffsmash
ps. Getting a char from 40-50 if you don't enjoy levelling is NOT a reason to keep playing, whats wrong with only having a level 40 char??? you saying theres nothing to play for unless you level to 50 ?? pfft :p
No, there is plenty (well at 36-49 less than at 50) to do such as go on guild raids, craft :)p), and exp. Now some classes can enjoy RvR between the levels 40-49, but some just can't. Then again that ones that do usually pick off and single classes and generally are unoticeable a.k.a. stealth.
But at 50 all classes can begin to enjoy RvR. They have loads of time to help others, craft, and generally look at the game in another way.
MOSTLY, people with a L50 character are the ones who truly await 1.52.... people without a L50 should exp imho and not complain because it really doesn't make shit difference to them in a sense... that's what I am doing too. Exping, exping and exping.


Originally posted by SFXman

... that's what I am doing too. Exping, exping and exping.

And posting posting posting :rolleyes:

:D :D :D :D :D :D :clap: :m00: :p




Sigurd Volsung

Hey look, it's another of those "he's not level 50, he must be a newbie" imbeciles. Fuck off SFXman, I could have had several level 50s if I could be tossed, but some of us don't have the time or patience to sit levelling the same character for weeks. Funny, I've actually done everything you can do in this game pretty much, in all 3 realms, so I think, yes, they do need something new. Plus prydwen is so jam-packed full of complete assholes that I want my chance to slaughter them in pvp. Soon.

old.Gombur Glodson

We just think you're newbie based on the content of your posts.

Sigurd Volsung

And I know that virtually every other player out there is more of a newbie than me, do some research kid.

old.Gombur Glodson

Yes, but atleast they dont act like an attention seeking little kid.
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