Friars vs Tanks



Absorb and AF are not the same.

AF: how much base damage you get.
absorb: reduses the base damage you get.

Last time I readed about a test they done, it stated very clealy that there is a diference in AF between armor types ( could be wrong though, but thats what they said).

Here is how damage is calculated, from this topic:

"Basically its...
Damage = WeapSkill/AF * WeaponInfo * (1-Resist) * (1-Absorb) * ConMod

Where WeapSkill/AF caps at 3

WeaponInfo = DPS * Spd * 2HndMod * SpdMod

ConMod = Modifier for enemy's constitution
2HndMod = Modifier for 2Handed weapons which increases with spec (~+15% at 0 spec, ~40% at 50 spec, but dont quote me on that)
SpdMod = Modifier of a small % increase in DPS as weapons get slower and slower."

500 damage dealt to you
you have, lets say 750 af, and are wearing plate.

That's 35% absorb.

AF takes in part of it, so take off 75 damage.

You turn the whole thing around: AF is before you have damage.
Also what you make out of it isn't rigth.

Some one with 1300 WeapSkill attacks someone with 750 af = 1300/750 = 1.733 X 16.5 weapon = 28.59 dps

Some one with 1300 WeapSkill attacks someone with 629 af = 1300/629= 2.066 X 16.5 weapon = 34.08 dps

It looks small, a little difference gets big after other modefiers like speed etc, and then absorb and resists get off it.

I didn't said frairs suck in group vs group, but you do lose a lot bonus's you get in 1 vs 1.


Originally posted by Wou
I didn't said frairs suck in group vs group, but you do lose a lot bonus's you get in 1 vs 1.

very true, but again, someone said Friars couldn't be counted as tanks, that we were just damage dealers.

Both yours and my math calculations show opposite.

I agree we lose SOME bonuses we get in 1v1 when in group vs group, but hardly enough to consider Friars as not a tank class, we're still almost as hard as armsmen :p


<shrug> I'll duel any friar or merc and expect to win at least 50/50. I can drop a rr6 slash merc and beat a rr5 crush merc 50/50. I haven't duelled any friars recently, but when duelling first came in i won and lost a few. Armsmen, peh, they really dont have a chance.. Although khalen did beat me once :)

And my af is 933 btw :p


Fear the robe wearing evaders! Impossible to hit, and hit u back like a bus :)

Heavy damage dealer that can help out with healing when things start to feck up.
One of the best and funniest chars in game imo. Mine solo yellows with almost no dt at lvl 12. (Kill blue mobs in 3 hits. sometimes 2 if i crit ^^. That was goblins, they might be weak, i dunno. but its still pretty good) And thats with pretty low weap spec, low buffs, no resist buffs and the end regen drains alot of power at these lvls etc. Cant wait for lvl 33+ :p

Have seen a few duels, both in rvr and in their own realm. Friars seem to be a pain to face...


Originally posted by Pin
Errrr... Why do you think that is? Could it be the absorb factor? Hmmm... What does a Friar absorb buff do?


Seems to me you neglect the difference between AF and ABSORB.

Higher armour-type (cloth, leather, studded, chain, plate, in that order) gives a higher delved AF.

That it ALSO has a higher absorb has nothing to do with the higher AF.

That's why I ask a paladin in a group always to run AF-chant (I am a caster) since most paladins can increase my AF by 20% (!) and some even more (!!!!)

And yes, that does help alot. My theurg has around 500AF, with a high-chant paladin (give more off them!) that's over 600AF. Makes a huge impact on the damage taken, more then 3% more or less melee-resists.

Strange thing btw: Necro's absorb buff doesn't stack with a caster his own absorb (10% from caster, 9% from necro) but it does stack with my friar his absorb-buff. I wonder if this is done on purpose (wow a caster with studded absorb but neutral to all melee-attacks) or a flaw...


Originally posted by Trinilim
fought a Reaver with my armsman in BG1, we were having duels at atk.

I managed to beat him with 10% life left, another minstrel and friar couldn't kill'em :)

Might be interesting to test that out sometime
Saw a friar and a inf dueling in bg3, killed them both and got 300 rp. Bgs are a bad place to duel :) Friar was owning the inf tho.


only thing i cant stand are champs - nasty buggers :(


Originally posted by Tasans
Saw a friar and a inf dueling in bg3, killed them both and got 300 rp. Bgs are a bad place to duel :) Friar was owning the inf tho.




Dont think ive lost a solo fight to a friar yet, they are close fights tho, most time im unbuffed when i meet one in odins so its hard for me to say for sure what it would be like Full buff V Full buff.
im 63 shield 28 parry 64 blunt so i get a lot of blocks in :)


lets bring out a duel next time we meet in sauvage Chipper/Konah !


Lies , all lies!!

LEzz get thingies Straight

-I only used once IP in a duel (was against abraxis cuz i couldnt take it that a rejuvfriar was kicking me but :p)

-I do not flame people when they loose

-I got screwed by Jiggs and his hammer

-I won from Trilinim in a duel

-Reavers whipe me bum :(

-Buffed tanks whipe me too (well, if they're not 2h paladins)

-I dont like Trilinim's behaviour as a friar

I've u got further problems with me , pm me ingame

Arezina Calyptra lvl 50 friar
Gorgothi Pants lvl 41 infgimp


Re: Lies , all lies!!

Originally posted by Woutman

-I do not flame people when they loose

Odd, I seem to recall you /laugh spamming myself, Stone, Cellex, and a few others after we dueled you?

And made a few particular insults at stone as well.

Originally posted by Woutman

-I dont like Trilinim's behaviour as a friar


how so?

well, nvm

Blow me :kissit:


Originally posted by Tasans
Saw a friar and a inf dueling in bg3, killed them both and got 300 rp. Bgs are a bad place to duel :) Friar was owning the inf tho.

I only have experience with BG1 chars, but there i dueled almost every class.

Surprisingly i have to say that no tank-class was even close to kill me... (did most of the duels 2-3 times b/c of angry opponets :p)

Due to my thrust weapons even reavers dropped very fast...

The only thing that had a 50/50 chance of killing me was a damn friar (this time i was the angry one asking for more duels ^^) :>... Some evade sprees are rediculouse and they really hit like busses.

(lvl 24 Mercfiltrator with 25 envenom)


Pfff /laugh is a flame ?

When i won from stone , i said:

'Mercs suck without Dirty Tricks'

Sofar the personal insult + I apologized meself for that ( yes , Stone was upset about it).

Btw , that was something between me and Stone , mind your own business.

Arezina Calpytra lvl 50 friar
Gorgothi Pants lvl 46 infgimp


He's a guildy, and he was put off by it, it is my business.

And hmm, lemme see.. laugh spamming a flame? well.. does it degrade another person at the other's benefit and satisfaction? yep.. so I guess it would count as a flame.

So feck off, arrogant twat


Hmmzz , you take anything for a personal insult.
U can't take anything , whinewhinewhine , blablabla: But what are u gonna do about it? Make me a 'better' person (or any other person) ?

I think you are the arrogant one, and you always want to have the last word, can't take shit, always has to use filty words, blablabla whinewhinewhine , this is going nowhere.

Get some character

Arezina Calyptra lvl 50 friar
Gorgothi Pants lvl 46 infgimp

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