Friars vs Tanks


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Having read several threads about this I think it is time we saw some real data on this and ended this argument once and for all.

Can a Friar beat a Tank? Is it even a close fight?

I would like to know. :)


I'd rather fight a merc/armsman/pally over a friar anyday :eek:


friars dont worry me :p

we get crush resistant armour tho which helps alot im sure.. friars get bonus dmg vs arms/pallys/bards/bms/rangers = ouch ;)


What's the point of the question, with all due respect ?

Friars are hybrid arms users and spell casters. They were not designed by Mythic to stand in the middle of Odin and be able to solo shadowzerkers ! Pure arms classes WERE designed to do this.

Both hit hard, true, but with styles, ya gotta pick a merc or armsman over a friar for 1-2-1 combat any day of the week.


Very high shield spec tank is a pain in the ass. (50 shield, MoB etc.) Others are easilly doable.


I've dueled every type of albion tank class.

I've buffed all of them that fought me.

Several of them used IP.

I've lost only one duel, and that merc used dirty tricks (nothing wrong with that).

Only class that gives me a hard time is other friars :p


I have a 34 Friar, so perhaps I'm just too low level or ignorant. Either way, I thought Friars could only wear leather armour ? Some dude claims he wears chain...or is that going on pure stats ?


buffed or unbuffed

that is teh question :D

erm someone made a good analogy before:

friars are like little dinky sportcars, whereas the main tank classes are like formula one cars minus the engines (buffs)...


Originally posted by Genesis_of_Ak
I have a 34 Friar, so perhaps I'm just too low level or ignorant. Either way, I thought Friars could only wear leather armour ? Some dude claims he wears chain...or is that going on pure stats ?

leather has 10% absorb

45 enhance gives you +15% absorb

thus, equivalent of chain armor

Cap'n Sissyfoo

What's the point of the question, with all due respect ?

The point of the question was to find out ...

Can a Friar beat a Tank? Is it even a close fight?

Sorry if I didn't make that clear in my opening post. :bore:

Its called curiosity and it needs to be quenched from time to time. ;)


Originally posted by Pin
Give Reaver-Friar duels :D

fought a Reaver with my armsman in BG1, we were having duels at atk.

I managed to beat him with 10% life left, another minstrel and friar couldn't kill'em :)

Might be interesting to test that out sometime


Had 1 duel with Arezina (sp?) in Odin's at the weekend. That was a bit 1-sided, but I was buffed (so was she, ofc).

Probably could do with seeing an alchemist before taking you on unbuffed ;)


Arezina will use IP in duels, and if she wins she'll go off flaming how bad you are. One of the albs that makes this game dull to play tbh :eek:


Originally posted by Trinilim
Arezina will use IP in duels, and if she wins she'll go off flaming how bad you are. One of the albs that makes this game dull to play tbh :eek:

well, we were just standing on hmg without much coming and she didn't IP ;)

I was on ~90% to her ~10% when we stopped though :D


Originally posted by Trinilim
I've dueled every type of albion tank class.

I've buffed all of them that fought me.

Several of them used IP.

I've lost only one duel, and that merc used dirty tricks (nothing wrong with that).

Only class that gives me a hard time is other friars :p

Trinilim wash your mouth out!! When we're both buffed I win every time, when you don't use self buffs I win everytime and when Im not buffed and you use your self buffs (which is of course how it should be) we're about 4-6 (in your favour) and always close ;) And I've never used an active RA against you :)


My Friar does pleasantly surprise me at times.

Eg. Not only managed to hit purple mobs, but actually caused enough damage to decrease their hit points.

On the otherhand, my friar can return some strange results.

Eg. Will sometimes get beaten by orange con undead without being able to hit them once, yet more often than not, will be able to hit a red con every single time and even take it down to 10% health before it lands me my death blow

On the whole I DO love playing my friar, and I see mine as a solid all-rounder. I'm personally uninterested in whether I can out-tank a tank. I'm a hybrid arms and magic user, not pure arms, so I won't ever disappoint myself if I lose duals against pure tanks.

I guess its how you see your character, and therefore how you spec it that makes the difference.


only duelled 1 friar, I won with about 5% hp left, only fighter class I´ll have any trouble with in a duel really - friars are good


Fought a fair few friars multiple times and the fights are always 50/50 I've beaten as many as i've lost to, its always a matter of wether they Evade my Defenders chain or not. If they evade there gonna win, if it lands, there dead.

So yes, friars are tough and can beat heavy tanks, but they are far from unbeatable, just unlike most of albion classes, friars are on the better side of well balanced.


ill be in cs from 8pm for duelling fun, try me ;)

b0red to death of getting zerged lately...

crush resist is about 10% from cap atm, just to slip in the excuse in advance (just in case) :p


Originally posted by K0nah
ill be in cs from 8pm for duelling fun, try me ;)

b0red to death of getting zerged lately...

crush resist is about 10% from cap atm, just to slip in the excuse in advance (just in case) :p

That an open invitation or friars only? :D


leather has 10% absorb

45 enhance gives you +15% absorb

thus, equivalent of chain armor

Not true, higher armor type gives you also a higher AF.

So with more AF you get hit for a lot less damage.

On topic:

Frairs are one of the best duel classes becouse they have a lot self buffs + base con buffs.

Alltough in real RvR nearly every one is buffed so frairs lose there bonus there. Most frair defences are at the front ( evade, parry) unlike armor that protect from all sides, and advanced evade that works at all sides of a merc.


Originally posted by Wou
Not true, higher armor type gives you also a higher AF.

So with more AF you get hit for a lot less damage.

Errrr... Why do you think that is? Could it be the absorb factor? Hmmm... What does a Friar absorb buff do?



Originally posted by Wou
Not true, higher armor type gives you also a higher AF.

So with more AF you get hit for a lot less damage.

On topic:

Frairs are one of the best duel classes becouse they have a lot self buffs + base con buffs.

Alltough in real RvR nearly every one is buffed so frairs lose there bonus there. Most frair defences are at the front ( evade, parry) unlike armor that protect from all sides, and advanced evade that works at all sides of a merc.

mate, 100 af makes about 10 damage difference.

ABSORB, however, that's how much damage you take and don't get affected by.

Let me give you an example:

500 damage dealt to you

you have, lets say 750 af, and are wearing plate.

That's 35% absorb.

AF takes in part of it, so take off 75 damage.

Then 35% of the rest of the damage (465) is absorbed. For those of you mathmatically declined, I'll go ahead and give you the answer. that's 162.75 (rounded to 163) damage taken off.

Now let's say you have 26% resistance to whatever damage is being dealt to you.

26% of what's left (302).

So overall the damage deal to you is 223.

OK, still with me?

That's for you're average lvl 50 plate armsman.

Now for a 50 Friar (will use my own stats).

629 af, 25% absorb, 26% weapon resist, 500 damage being dealt.

500 - 63 damage (AF) - 109 damage (absorb) - 85 (weapon resist) = 243.

Armsman damage taken: 223
Friar damage taken: 243




When it comes to armor, Friars are just as good as mercs (a tiny bit less AF), and almost as good as armsmen/paladins (a bit more missing AF).

This is NOT including damage types that the person is weak to, so, the damage that was dealt will be considered slash, as albion is neutral to slash.

Feel free to prove me wrong, but as the math shows it, Friars are just as good as armsmen (tanks), but without the extra bit of health. We also, however, have evade, to compensate for the lack of health.


Hmmmm I don't have anywhere near 750 AF and im level 50 plate lol, think its something like 670, RR5 + will be higher but I doubt its that much higher (though nice if it is).

Thats not counting paladins with there chants which should be a hell of alot higher.


Originally posted by Kagato.
Hmmmm I don't have anywhere near 750 AF and im level 50 plate lol, think its something like 670, RR5 + will be higher but I doubt its that much higher (though nice if it is).

Thats not counting paladins with there chants which should be a hell of alot higher.

random af, just divide your AF by 10 and that's how much damage you're NOT taking ;)


My friar wins most of the fights no matter which char.

But got some problems with with some dude's
like a polearm armsman his stunn lands to often
and when they have really high shield and you get slamm around
youre head couple of time's :(

Good thing is since most friars are drunk 24/7 we forget easy don't feel afterpain and will never get a trauma exept when ale turns out to be alcohol free :clap:

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