Friar and Cleric who does what?



Um. OK then.... if you intend to be a crap healer, you evidently don't care much about how much you are supporting a group; you want to be a main damage dealer.
OK, fair enough; you are not an idiot so you realise that AE smite is virtually useless, unless mass-mezz-breaking in RvR appeals to you for some reason. You therefore don't spec above 48 in smite (for the last dd)
This leaves you with enough points to get 23 in rejuv and at least get the first effing group instaheal.
Smite is an RvR skill since you will never be REQUIRED (not saying it's not possible, but your group will not be EXPECTING it of you) to be a main damage dealer in a PvE group. Therefore FUCKING GET 23 REJUV SO THAT WE DON'T HAVE TO DIE TO FIND OUT YOU'RE A SMITE CLERIC?


(yeah.... i hate smite clerics. 1 AE is not a lot to sacrifice for decent heals and 2 instas. Apologies for somewhat angry post, but hey....if that angers you you're a smite cleric and i hope you die)

Edit: yeah. sorry... i know shouldn't tell people how to play their classes, but don't expect ever to be invited to my group if i know you can't heal for toffee. If i want nukes i'll get a wizard, regardless of your chain armor & mace. It's not as if clerics can tank red/purps anyhow, so why don't i get a proper healer and a proper nuker?
Wow, long edit. :rolleyes:


There has been a lot of rubbish spouted so far on this thread

Smite Clerics have the ability to heal and should use it. Equally they have many other useful abilities and should be allowed to use them too.

Some bad smite clerics have given the people who can play the class a undeserved bad rep.

A smite cleric is possibly the ultimate utility class considering all it's abilities and to people who say Smiters can't heal - Bollocks.
I can heal perfectly well to support a group when needed but my other abilities make sure I don't need to heal so much.

A well placed mes or stun can save a lot of healing power so groups shouldn't take the stance that clerics must ONLY heal. Afterall no-one tells any other class not to use some of it's abilities. This kind of arguement only crops up with Smite clerics.

In response to the original question it all depends what the spec of the friar and the smite cleric are, what the levels of them are and what mobs you are fighting. I've been in positions where I let the friar fight, equally there have been positions where the friar heals.

Further comments about smite clerics can be found in my spiel about smite clerics on the thread below:


Actually i get many people ask me to join their groups and i always tell them im a smiter and usually decline even when they say they dont mind. Most of the time the groups have a main healer and wish a backup healer and wont mind if i stun or smite as long as i can heal when needed. I play with some friends and we are very effective without having to join multiple groups of strangers every day. The game aint about hitting 50 in 2 weeks its about fun an i have had no problem getting to 36 so far.

Am i going to rvr solo? Why not, smite clerics are great in rvr and can solo anyone in a half decent situation. From 95% of the rvr i have been in its rarely ever 1 on 1 its 30 on 30 and i dont think being grouped is going to make a slight bit of difference.

I play daoc to have fun and i have fun playing with friends on here and i love to smite smite stun smite smite smite pbaoe melee enemies and watch them die with hardly any of my health gone. Im pretty darn good taking out orange undead solo in Barrows and with another smiter i usually group with we take down multiple oranges with little downtime.

Most groups are idiots from long experience playing usa retail, euro closed beta and now retail here and daily im forced to run out of barrows because some idiot in a nearby group of 8 decides to take a swing at a mob i pull and causes me to get a 3 add pull the next time because of the baf code.

I have been in groups that have ended up swearing at each other and arguing and its just boring if i want that i wouldnt be playing daoc. I have been in groups with guildmates who are higher lvl than me an i heal no probs but do i do this sorta grouping much? nope because its not fun its actually boring.

(oh and if gemkat reads these boards heres a little bit of info for you as you seem to be too stupid to understand, if i cast a 4 sec smite in barrows at a mob and another group are pulling same mob from around a diff corner and im about half a sec b4 its gonna cast and i see they pull my target im afraid i cant stop my smite in time. I can try to sit quickly but theres no way i could do it that fast or move to break the spell but no way in time i could do that so dont sit next to me and say i sux for kill stealing and then hahahahahahahhahahahaha at me when i get annoyed at your ignorance. If i accidentally pull someones mob i always go over and apologise as i did in this case. I dont need little brats like you whining. No wonder you play an armsman......brainless)


Originally posted by Vae
There has been a lot of rubbish spouted so far on this thread

Smite Clerics have the ability to heal and should use it. Equally they have many other useful abilities and should be allowed to use them too.

Some bad smite clerics have given the people who can play the task a undeserved bad rep.

A smite cleric is possibly the ultimate utility class considering all it's abilities and to people who say Smiters can't heal - Bollocks.
I can heal perfectly well to support a group when needed but my other abilities make sure I don't need to heal so much.

A well placed mes or stun can save a lot of healing power so groups shouldn't take the stance that clerics must ONLY heal. Afterall no-one tells any other class not to use some of it's abilities. This kind of arguement only crops up with Smite clerics.

In response to the original question it all depends what the spec of the friar and the smite cleric are, what the levels of them are and what mobs you are fighting. I've been in positions where I let the friar fight, equally there have been positions where the friar heals.

Further comments cabout smite clerics can be found in my spiel about smite clerics on the thread below:

A Cleric is the most balanced support class in the game. Nothing else comes really close, but a Shaman is just about in view of a Cleric in comparison.

To take advantage of that capability, how you spec is important.

Once you have the spec right, how you play your character in any situation, really outweighs everything else.

Many people are drawn to the Cleric for the wrong reasons (their temperament doesn't suit the support classes). Saying that, a Cleric does allow people to have a lot of fun even so, and good luck to them. So even the wrong reasons can be very right for the particular individual.

On the other hand, you then have a situation where those playing other classes have unreasonable expectations from the support classes. Many of those players have never played support, and their expectations can be a bit unreal to say the least. To them I say, if you want a personal healer purely devoted to yourself, then play a Smite Cleric. You can then see for yourself what happens to your own power bar. Many of them do precisely that, which is why some other classes can have a bit of a problem with them. ;)

Again, there are people for many reasons that want to play the game solo, for their own fun, and want to be left alone. They aren't in any rush to get to 50, and are having a good time while playing. An example of this for instance, is people who hate typing while in a game - and they do exist - so grouping is a positive nightmare for them. To reduce downtime while soloing, a character like a Smite Cleric is ideal. Damage output and self healing is a great help.

It is no good "getting at" these people, they pay their money, they do what they like, and hopefully are having fun. Getting grief off other players while they are minding their own business, just reduces their fun.

A bit of consideration, a bit of thought, can help everyone along. Not much of that on Alb/Excaliber though, which is a great shame really.


Originally posted by Bowen

So in a group of 4/5 and you were smited up and the friar was staffed up - would you say sorry I'm a smited and that was that or would you offer to heal?

Well obviously unless you were fighting undead mobs, when the cleric smite is gonna be far more effective, you would expect to heal, as I would expect the friar to do if the remainder of the group was made up of tanking or nuking characters.

If the rest of the group is scouts or infiltrators, you're all gonna be in trouble ;)
(The above is a joke btw)

But it will always depend on the individual group circumstances. The point I was making is that you should let your group know if you aren't a heal specced cleric so they don't get surprised when your heals are utter shite.


Re: Re: Re: small correction

Originally posted by Bowen

I guess I have just been unlucky as when I was on the american servers it seemed most clerics knew how to play

Urm, who the hell says the US players know how to play just because they happen to play how YOU think a cleric should be played?

If smite had no value, it wouldn't be there as a line for the cleric to spec in for gods sake.
It's up to the individual what they do with their character and if someone wants to spend every single point they get in smite it is no-one else's business but theirs.

The only responsibility a cleric has is to the group they are grouped with - so long as that group is told how the cleric is specced and know what to expect, then there should be no problem.


Originally posted by Vae
Some bad smite clerics have given the people who can play the task a undeserved bad rep.

I guess this is the case, I live in hope that the bad ones may have got something from this post.

Thanks for your comments everyone


errrr, anyway I've observed there are too many angry young men on this board to have a decent debate.

But I'll post a little info some might find interesting. I had a lv24 Friar, full staff spec, who would heal for anything from 15hp to 140hp or so.

Now, my lv10 cleric who is full smite(well smite at 8, and I'll raise rejuv to 7 at lv11) has a much tighter heal variance. His 50hp heal is almost always close to the 50hp mark.

At least it feels to me that clerics are naturally better at healing then friars.

Fortunately most groups I've been in, the cleric and friar decide who is primary and who is backup. I always prefer frairs as back-up because they can do damage, without using mana. Nothing worse then a cleric shouting "OOM" after spending the first half of the battle smiting.

Oh forget smite clerics, melee clerics are the worst! You know, they guys swinging their puny hammer and when it's time to heal, first they have to secure the hammer to their belt, then wave their hands about and concentrate for the heal, timing it perfectly so that their groupmate dies with white sparkles around him :p

Although I'm relatively new on the cleric scene, my strategy when joining a group is the save my mana for heals and judging by the performance of the group, I'll throw in the odd smite, or stick to healing.


I hate smiting clerics, I think it is not their job... but friars are different :)
Friars are so damn awesome with their staves, gotta love them... I was taking aggro off armsmen in Keltoi with my friar and then occasionally healed if the cleric was having a hard time. I love the class.


Originally posted by Witchunter
I always prefer frairs as back-up because they can do damage, without using mana. Nothing worse then a cleric shouting "OOM" after spending the first half of the battle smiting.

That is the bottom line for me. How is a smite cleric a backup healer if all/most power is used on smiting? :rolleyes: I am not down on all smite clerics cause I know some nice ones, but I think the majority are giving the minority a bad rep. :p


all these are very valid points and it does sound that quite a few people have had a bad experiance with clerics.

And IMHO, being a smite speced cleric, it totally depends on the group how many are in the group as to what roll the cleric takes if there are loads of nukers and tanks the heals arn't really needed due to the fact that the mobs drop so fast so smiting helps them drop even faster. then a heal afterwards while the rest get there power back up.

where as i was in a group with two lvl 14's and i was lvl 10/new 11, and the other members where a cleric and an armsman, basically in that group the lvl 14 cleric smitted and i healed, in a small group like that i would have healed anyway.

so it really depends on what kind of group you are in as to what type of char you are, obviously you will get people that will not heal but then it is an RPG and they can play how the hell they want.
i will play as i have siad above and have been a valid member in a lot of groups, and have been asked back in those groups, i have also been asked and excepted membership to a guild.

still it is only my opinion ther will always be armsman yelling at me to heal when i am healing them :D

PS my new char name also lets people know that i am a Smiter (see sig)


Originally posted by dittytwo

still it is only my opinion ther will always be armsman yelling at me to heal when i am healing them :D

Why do people do that?!! It is soooooo annoying to have people scream 'Heal heal heal mezz heal mezz heal heal heal' at you! People please: We know how to do our jobs! You do not need to tell us to heal! (With a few exceptions of course - but just don't group with them again). It really really is not necessary to shout Heal everytime you get hit!


I wondered how long it would take for the anti smite cleric brigade to make its way over from the USA. Anyway just a few points i thought i'd make and i am not a anti rejuv/enhance cleric at all but i thought i would make these points.

1) As a cleric the most commonly used healing spell is the one with little square. This heal spell is not a spec based line but rather a standard one.

2) Group heals are a huge no no when fighting groups because there aggro magnets.

3) Any decent smite cleric knows that rejuv 23 is a bare minimum which means they get the 2 insta heals. Also rejuv 23 is more than capable of healing well till level 50.

4) Enhance is very good but limits you as a cleric tremendously. It also limits your rejuv spec skills as well if you go full enhance and yet again your rejuv suffers

5) Rejuv going high is an option but if i'm honest in RvR the chance and possibilities to heal are very limited and less successful.

6) Penthouse rez's rock, pure and simple and i will not quibble with that. Only problem is that it eats mana big time and takes longer to cast resulting in a then posible death for the cleric.

7) Pure rejuv clerics are less able to solo than smite clerics and are more group dependent. This may be good or may be bad but when you hit the 40's + and are having to wait a long while for Tanglers groups what do you do? The most in demand people come level 40 are casters/tanks/mezzers. Some groups don't even need a cleric :)

8) I personally love rejuv clerics and am all for them - in fact my guild has a few high spec'd rejuv based clerics and the effectiveness of grouping both rejuv and smite based is very good.

9) Rejuv is more effetive for PvE

10) Smite is more effective for RvR

11) Enhance is effetive in both RvR and PvE

12) A cleric/friar is not a personal ambulance

13) A cleric/friar can spec however they like it is their character and their money they are spending.

14) Don't tarnish all smite clerics with the same brush

15) If you don't like smite clerics and feel that the realm are in need of rejuv based clerics stop moaning and do something about it and make one yourself :)

Please try and understand that all clerics are invaluable, SMITE based, REJUV based and ENHANCE based. I agree that the tendency is towards smite at the minute but as i said it's their choice.

Please also take this post as it is intended, just another point of view on what seems like a witch hunt. Please also don't start giving me grief in game if you don't like my post :)

Krillin lover of all Clerics but Smite spec'd

Hope i don't get flamed for trying to defend all clerics :(


I'm just gonna pick up on a few points here. I'm not flaming, I just disagree on a few things you said.

Originally posted by Krillin
1) As a cleric the most commonly used healing spell is the one with little square. This heal spell is not a spec based line but rather a standard one.
That may be so, but the effectiveness of your helas is dependent on your rejuvenation spec. The higher you spec, the better your heals are.
2) Group heals are a huge no no when fighting groups because there aggro magnets.
Actually, group heals are incredibly useful in this situation, especially if you have a second healer. If your group is in trouble, cast it. The mobs come after you -> run! Run like the wind! This then gives the second healer and all tanks a chance to rest mid fight while mobs are chasing you, so they can do styles/have more power to heal etc. The mobs will give up chasing and go back to the group - who are now fully ready for them.
3) Any decent smite cleric knows that rejuv 23 is a bare minimum which means they get the 2 insta heals. Also rejuv 23 is more than capable of healing well till level 50.
Quite true. Any decent smite cleric will know that, and the better ones will know to get that as soon as possible. There are some, though, who will just go smite 100% and not get the insta heals until well into their 40's. If you want to do that, fine, go ahead, but I really wouldn't recommend it.

4) Enhance is very good but limits you as a cleric tremendously. It also limits your rejuv spec skills as well if you go full enhance and yet again your rejuv suffers
It may limit your cleric, but the rest of the group will be hugely more effective with a decent enhance spec cleric.
5) Rejuv going high is an option but if i'm honest in RvR the chance and possibilities to heal are very limited and less successful.
True, agree completely.
6) Penthouse rez's rock, pure and simple and i will not quibble with that. Only problem is that it eats mana big time and takes longer to cast resulting in a then posible death for the cleric.
Actually, the spec heals use exactly the same ammount of mana as the one you get at level 10.
7) Pure rejuv clerics are less able to solo than smite clerics and are more group dependent. This may be good or may be bad but when you hit the 40's + and are having to wait a long while for Tanglers groups what do you do? The most in demand people come level 40 are casters/tanks/mezzers. Some groups don't even need a cleric :)
Maybe, but personally I hate soloing. I'm sure most people do. Getting into a group, if you have a good reputation as a healer, is incredibly easy, whatever level you are. Fact is, top-notch healers are in short supply - I've even been asked to group with people 15 levels higher than me because they needed one.
8) I personally love rejuv clerics and am all for them - in fact my guild has a few high spec'd rejuv based clerics and the effectiveness of grouping both rejuv and smite based is very good.

9) Rejuv is more effetive for PvE

10) Smite is more effective for RvR

11) Enhance is effetive in both RvR and PvE
I disagree there. Smite is more effective for solo RvR. But in large scale battles, a rejuv/enhance cleric is much more useful.
12) A cleric/friar is not a personal ambulance

13) A cleric/friar can spec however they like it is their character and their money they are spending.

14) Don't tarnish all smite clerics with the same brush

15) If you don't like smite clerics and feel that the realm are in need of rejuv based clerics stop moaning and do something about it and make one yourself :)
Bah! I'd rather not! Ugly tin cans! And you don't even have any midgets!
Please try and understand that all clerics are invaluable, SMITE based, REJUV based and ENHANCE based. I agree that the tendency is towards smite at the minute but as i said it's their choice.
Hmmm. I would say that rejuv clerics are invaluable, and smite/enhance are just valuable. But then I say tomato and you say tomarto.


well thanks for not flaming me and it's nice to see someone elses point of view. i never intended for me to sound like i was a know it all if thats how it came accross, just my point of view from a smite based cleric :)

thanks again Vell :D


May i ask a question here then about a cleric i've been thinking of making...

Ultimately, saying that s/he reaches level 50 my final spec would be something like

50 enhance, 20 rejuv

This is just a basic template, since i've always wanted to make an enhance cleric. But a slight variation on that may be

48enhance/23 rejuv

which would be prefarable to groups etc, is the last dex/qui buff worth missing out on an insta heal ? and have i just quoted a well used/known template in writing this with knowing it :p

There isn't any smite, but would it be worth also just taking a copuple more points off enhance to gain the AE mesmerise?

Surely Smite clerics aren't that useless?


I've heard bad things about full enhance clerics...
mainly that it's really really really easy to hit the caps on the buffs :(

Not to say it won't change in the future though - I can't see Mythic leaving the lvl 46 skills doing exactly the same as the lvl 36 ones...

Go for it, see how it works, and if it's not your cup of tea, you'll be able to respec one of these years.


Very good post, Krillin, and I agree with just about everything in it. But I'm not so sure that there is any anti smite cleric brigade here... If there is, I'm not part of it, since I am myself a smite cleric... :)

What irritates me (and probably most people in that brigade ;) ) is a smite cleric who plays like a jerk. Of course everybody has the right to choose how they want to play their characters. So if a players says: "No, I'm not gonna heal, I'm a smite cleric", that's OK with me. He can do that, but he won't be doing it in my group... As you so rightly pointed out, a smite cleric at lvl 50 will surely have at least 23 in rejuv and that is quite enough for healing. So I think that people talking about not being able to heal because they are smite specced, don't know what the hell they are talking about.

My cleric is quite heavily speced in smite, but in a big group, fiighting hard (purple or maybe red) mobs, it's very clear that my best contribution to the group lies in my heals and sometimes in stuns and mezzes.

Let's say I'm in a group fighting Lesser Telemons, who are disgustingly purple to me. My smites are usually resisted, and if I DO hit with one, it will probably take an amazing 15-25 hp off of the poor thing. Wheee.... :eek:
But if I concentrate on healing, it will make a hell of a difference. If I play well, we stay alive and get shitloads of exp. If I mess up, it's just a matter of time before people start dying...

If you think it's boring to just heal, then I would say yes, sometimes it can be. That's usually in the well balanced groups where you all have the situation under control and the exp is just pouring in. I can take at least a little bit of boredom, now and then, if I can get exp at that rate... :)

But most often I think it's not very boing at all. In fact it can be quite stressful. Try fighting the Telemons I mentioned earlier, at my level. When you have to start healing a guy the very second he takes the first hit (or in the case of spellcasters: BEFORE they get hit), otherwise there's a good chance he/she will die before you can heal, then it's not boring... :)

Boy, this post got a bit long... Well, anyway, if you're a smite cleric and refuse to heal, I personally think you don't know how to play this class, BUT it's your choice to make. So go ahead! Just please tell the group about it, and accept it if they reject you, in favour of a cleric who is prepared to do some healing...

Actually, to me it seems that a smite cleric, with at least 23 in rejuv, is the best kind of cleric. That is if you can stop trying to be a wizard... :)


I would recommend that you get the insta heal. It has saved people in my groups soooooo many times I can't even count. It would probably be worth it getting some smite too, for the mezz, but not too much if you want to go Enhance.


the 48 enhance 23 rejuv would work better for the 2 insta heals you would then get

50 enhance and 20 rejuv means you only get individual insta

you would also be able to smite as well and dish out reasonable damage as well as you would get your non spec smite line.

You could use a possible 48 enhance / 24 rejuv template if that is possible?

That would be good as at rejuv 24 you get rez with half HP.

Not sure on how that would work as can't access the player creator at the moment.

Piffany was a enhance/rejuv cleric but she left, her guild mates may be able to shed some more light on how she spec'd and her advantages/disadvantages.

I know our level 50 fire wizard loved her buffs because she never got one shotted with them :D


again just to reiterate what vells said getting the second insta heal is a must in my opinion for any cleric and should happen before you start speccing in smite. The first thing i did was get my rejuv up and in the dungeons of keltoi it proved invaluable and has saved many groups i've been with. Also another interesting point to make is that smiting any purple conning enemy if your a cleric is a bad idea simply because only 1 in 4 will usually connect. Save your mana for heals and just keep the tanks charged. Also try not to use huge heals and instead chain heal with the use of small heals. Less aggro and in my experiene more effective. Also if tackling mobs that are purple con i highly reccomend that the cleric buffs the tanks and if need be goes without buffs himself. The amount of time i go without buffs so as to keep the tanks charged up has been many.

Well thread has been very interesting so far with some interesting points of view :D

Lets keep it this way :clap:


Galatea: Yes, 48/23 in smite/rejuv seems to be an often used template. :)

I'm going for more like 44-45/23-25, but that's cause I messed up and cranked the enhance up to 10. If you want the 48/23 template, you can't have enhance higher than 9.

Hmm, the reason I'm stopping at 44 in smite is that you get the last mez at that level. But correct me if I'm wrong here, but having more points in smite will not give me any more spells, but it WILL make my smites better, right? Erhm... So in that case I might be going for 47 after all... If I get rejuv up to 23 and stop enhance at 13, I will have enough points for it.

No new smite spells, but better in the ones I actually have. Am I right?


what i'd reccomend for you smart is the other commonly used template.

i myself am using smite 48 / rejuv 23 / enhance 9 template but the other one that is very effective is

smite 44 - last mez spell
rejuv 23 - 2 instas
enhance 21 - rejuvenation

this template is a lot more all rounder and through the use if items allows you to still reach lvl 50 in terms of smite. i took a long time deciding over whether to use this template but instead went for the pure miste one. the template above though will be ffective in all aspects of the game though and you will still be very capable of dishing out damage.

also in answer to your question there are 3 spells left after 44 smite.
There is the last DD spell which is smite 48
Then theres the mutliple hitting smite spell at 49
Then theres weapon buff at 50

sorry don't know names :)


Thanks, Krillin, that looks good. :)

But how about getting smite up to 47, even though I won't be getting any new spells? Would that improve my smiting?


After playing a smite cleric to 31 here are my experiences..

Always try to max enhance/rejuv first before raising smite a lot, getting the 23 rejuv and 9 enhance will make you a lot better in groups.

In groups don't smite! I can't stress this enough, fighting red/purple monsters smites hit for pitiful damage, it wastes power, causes more downtime and even deaths when your caught with your pants down.

Only time a smiter should smite while in a group is if theres more then 1 cleric (where the smiter plays backup healer when needed) or if your fighting undead..but even against undead its not worth if your fighting 3 purple mobs.

Sometimes people are suprised when I say im a smite cleric because I never smite while grouped....never, unless im with a minstrel I have power regen problems with just healing let alone smiting aswell.

Really though you just have to be awake and focus, whenever I see a bad player its because their not paying attention (When I have the TV on aswell as being the only healer...sometimes it can cause problems :))

BTW my theory about raising rejuv/enhance first even on a smite is that you will lvl fastest in good groups, and a good group is wholey dependent on a good cleric, if you've got a good cleric then most of the time xp will flow nicely :)


Not flaming, just discussing :D

Originally posted by Krillin
1) As a cleric the most commonly used healing spell is the one with little square. This heal spell is not a spec based line but rather a standard one.

2) Group heals are a huge no no when fighting groups because there aggro magnets.

Not in RvR, which for me is the point of the game.

3) Any decent smite cleric knows that rejuv 23 is a bare minimum which means they get the 2 insta heals. Also rejuv 23 is more than capable of healing well till level 50.

I know so many smite clerics who didn't go past the first insta. It's how they want to spec, so fine.

5) Rejuv going high is an option but if i'm honest in RvR the chance and possibilities to heal are very limited and less successful.

I disagree here. Yes, running around emain, totally disorganized, healing is next to impossible. However, in a good group it's important. In a keep/relic raid it's very important. I like to think it makes a difference. :p

6) Penthouse rez's rock, pure and simple and i will not quibble with that. Only problem is that it eats mana big time and takes longer to cast resulting in a then posible death for the cleric.

Kinda true, but if it gets bt/mez/other healer/wizzie up and running fast it might be worth it. Okay so the palas come in at the last second and half my power is gone anyhow :rolleyes: This does suck.

7) Pure rejuv clerics are less able to solo than smite clerics and are more group dependent. This may be good or may be bad but when you hit the 40's + and are having to wait a long while for Tanglers groups what do you do? The most in demand people come level 40 are casters/tanks/mezzers. Some groups don't even need a cleric :)

Why solo at lvl 40+??? It's very slow for even the best solo classes. I never have trouble finding a group unless there is no one around at all. Maybe you play on Pryd and it's different, but from my point of view there is no problem getting a group as a rejuv.

BTW - I don't hate smite clerics. In fact I like grouping with them if they know what they are doing because then I can concentrate on healing and yet still have someone to heal me if I get agro. I haven't seen an enhance cleric in a very long time. I see more cabalists!


yes i play on prydwen Kate and unfortunately getting a tanglers group can often involve quite a long wait sometimes :rolleyes:

i'm interested in your opinions and although i seem to be talking the opposite of some people its interesting to hear your opinions :)

hmmm looks like i may need to re-address some of my opinions before someone actually does stress at me :(


Clerics always heal? Hell no, smiters down in catacombs and barrows is a beauty, i'll give you an example:

We were 8 peeps level 32-33 yesterday, got tired of the echos and fallens, so we decided for something new. We went down to the undead druids, our lineup was:

Merc 33 (me)
Paladin 32
Cleric 33
Cleric 33
Cleric 33
Cleric 32
Sorceress 33
Minstrel 33

Pala heal chants on, psycho cleric puller, awesome sorc mezzer and me (the merc) dealing with the few failed mezzed mobs. We had one dedicated healer, the rest smited at will, and after 3-4 hours later, we all dinged 35-36. The smites was awesome , they totally dealt the most damage, and when the clerics got aggroed, they could take the hits, a wizard would have died tons down there. So smite clerics + undead dungeons (and albion only consists of undead dungeons with the exception of Tepoc and keltoi) = awesome. And yes, i totally agree that a cleric should be on main healing duty if he's the sole cleric, but if there's a friar in the team, then let him do the main healing while the cleric smite and backup-heal. The staff is nowhere as good as the smites , especially down in the dungeons, where most people spend their time hunting for exp/drops.

Of course this is just my point of view, but thats how i've experienced it. When i think of friars, im thinking gimped out healers with a cute stick. No offense, of course.

Onysablet, 35 Merc (De Gothia)
Azaroth, 30 Armsman
Malystryx, 34 Cleric (De Gothia)


Originally posted by dittytwo

after the fight I normally then use up any power left to heal all the tanks and anyone else that was hit..

You should aim to finish fights with just over 50% power as your regen rate drops below this point.

If you are a friar and you've been fighting then you can tell the cleric not to heal at the very end of the fight (well unless tank is low etc) and you can finish off the heals so his power regens, or you can go straight back to fighting. Thats what I do with my warden although not so much anymore as bladeturn eats up the power.

For friars/clerics in same groups if you have no rejuvination it really isn't worth bothering to heal unless the situation is very dire. If your part specced check with cleric and agree on something you are both happy with.

And as for a cleric smiting/healing its pretty much commensense, if you have gone 100% smite tell the group at the very start (they'll probably want to kick you out if they have no room for a healer and need one - tough shit you specced that way its your choice how you play the game, and they also have every right to throw you out :p you can throw in 2-3 stuns as these help to prevent damage to the tanks however).

Clerics who take rejuv to about 23 generally heal perfectly adequately for all groups, watch how the first fight or two goes, judge how much healing is needed then you can be smiting/stunning/healing efficiently :)

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