French Servers.... and Camlann



Interesting to see all German and English servers are down with the exception of camlann which is enjoying 3400 players + population (imo keep it that way) and yet French servers remain unaffected ...... if some french noob triped up.. and holds a grudge i would ask someone plz slap him......

Well the point i will try to make is take the all servers down 1 hour at off peak times on daily or weekly basis ... and give them a rub, scrub and some good loving.... if it meant the servers were up and performing well at peak times..... besides all this lag and zone crashes etc... which happen all too often....

If someone says its got to do withthe patch 2moro. then wtf - why are the crashing 2day..... if patch is monday thent he patch is monday should be no interference until then .... really i think the team consists of 13- 18 year olds school kids bein taught by a moron on "how to run game servers"

I dunno just my 2 cents if it makes sense to any of you...


Its probably a pre-patch getting ready for tomorrow and they tested it on English and German servers first just incase something went wrong, as French people are better and shouldn't be inconvenienced.


Home sweet home for the Friday news.

This week, no surprise, the news will be about the coming of the free Foundations add-on and the patch 1.63. Information about the patch, the patch notes and finally the tips of the week. Enjoy !

"Foundations" & the patch 1.63

Here it comes : the long awaited "Foundations", the first free add-on for Dark Age of Camelot Europe, the famous patch introducing a complete housing system.

We received the final missing bits and they are currently being tested. The planning for now is to patch "Foundations" on all live European servers on Monday 17th of November. This last weekend before going live, Gorre will be updated to the German version of Foundations for the last couple of checks.

We invite you to read the 1.63 patch notes detailing all the changes that will be introduced by this quite important patch. You are also invited to download the "Foundations" add-on already (around 55Mbs) in order to be ready for Monday. Finally, you will find the online manual of "Foundations", a must if you are planning to buy yourself a house in game.

Patch notes 1.63 : click here
Foundations Download : click here
Foundations manual : click here

"Foundations" is a tough patch and the patch day will be a long one for everyone here. The servers will come down quite early in the morning (probably around 8am CET) and the maintenance will probably take the whole day.

TBH today equals another GOA screw up and yet they expect to keep their so called VALUED customers...

I really don't blame the people to quit and leave the game and be it sell their accounts for ££ before the world realise how worthless they are gona be soon....


When GOA refer to testing they mean on Gorre, the dedicated testing server not the game servers.

This is NOT a test for 1.63. it IS a technical fault affecting English and german servers and is being looked into as we type.

However this fault COULD hold back the release of 1.63 depending on its nature.

oh and PVP server suck... bleh


Well I'm hoping they've decided that since german/english servers are having problems anyway they might as well keep them offline and do tomorrows patch anyway. That'd make sense to me, but since we don't know what the problem is I guess it's all in the laps of the gods at Goa



still sound a like the team of n00bs who are too busy looking up and their wrists hurt to much to fix the problem......


Originally posted by Laviski
Interesting to see all German and English servers are down with the exception of camlann which is enjoying 3400 players + population (imo keep it that way) and yet French servers remain unaffected ...... if some french noob triped up.. and holds a grudge i would ask someone plz slap him......

Well the point i will try to make is take the all servers down 1 hour at off peak times on daily or weekly basis ... and give them a rub, scrub and some good loving.... if it meant the servers were up and performing well at peak times..... besides all this lag and zone crashes etc... which happen all too often....

If someone says its got to do withthe patch 2moro. then wtf - why are the crashing 2day..... if patch is monday thent he patch is monday should be no interference until then .... really i think the team consists of 13- 18 year olds school kids bein taught by a moron on "how to run game servers"

I dunno just my 2 cents if it makes sense to any of you...
Hmm... why not start a new thread on the matter...


And I guess you'd do a lot better work of it, Laviski? :rolleyes:


I couldn't resist it

went to french servers
created a toon Franceestfout (french is wrong)
and did make a /rude gesture to every frenchman i saw

Goa thanks again


schedule maint. is the key imo..
I have no objection in it, cause it will improve the general performance of the servers. Beside the Sunday blues... and its not the first time nor it will be the last and that my friends is the worst thing. This will happen again and another sunday afternoon thinkin you will have a few good games and chill... think again :(


Originally posted by belth
And I guess you'd do a lot better work of it, Laviski? :rolleyes:

Damm right if i fucked up free mitrils for all :D

who wants a day compo - givf mitrils compo ;)


Originally posted by Laviski
schedule maint. is the key imo..
I have no objection in it, cause it will improve the general performance of the servers. Beside the Sunday blues... and its not the first time nor it will be the last and that my friends is the worst thing. This will happen again and another sunday afternoon thinkin you will have a few good games and chill... think again :(

They could learn a lot from the way the Ultima online servers are run, weekly maintenance just to "tidy things up" and returning from patches with half the problems GOA seem to have. We all know that it'll be tuesday/wednesday before we can really count on the game working properly at all.


And all this cos the french lost the rugby?
Sore loosers or what!

England 24-7 France


Originally posted by sindala
I couldn't resist it

went to french servers
created a toon Franceestfout (french is wrong)
and did make a /rude gesture to every frenchman i saw

Goa thanks again

wow. it seems you are very stupid. Do you play a troll ?

PS : "France est fout" means absolutly nothing.


It does....

Just last word is dutch
And french are arogant in general

So don't blow up
And have a nice day


Originally posted by sindala
It does....

Just last word is dutch
And french are arogant in general

So don't blow up
And have a nice day

Sure that to go on french servers and /rude everybody is not arrogant !
Do the french playing on these servers /rude everybody this afternoon ?
I bet you have never been in France.


Just tell me one good reason why German servers and english servers are down.

And french servers are still up

Well I will tell you

Thats because the sysadmin doods are playing on french servers instead of trying to solve the problems.

I hope i did a /rude to a GoA member....

And like before with problems in the evening or in the weekend, Servers are shutdown and porblems won't be solved untill tomorrow

So yes /rude fer french incompetence in administrating their servers.


And yes i have been to france (as i live only 2 hours driving from there)

They even have destroyed the disney tale there
Talking about incompetence.


Originally posted by sindala
They even have destroyed the disney tale there

Well that's not a big loss... Disney's distorted every story they've lain their hands on.


Originally posted by sindala
Just tell me one good reason why German servers and english servers are down.

And french servers are still up

Well I will tell you

Thats because the sysadmin doods are playing on french servers instead of trying to solve the problems.

So explain why Camlann (English) and Gorre (German) are still up ???????

Thats because the sysadmin doods are playing on french servers instead of trying to solve the problems.


I hope i did a /rude to a GoA member....

And like before with problems in the evening or in the weekend, Servers are shutdown and porblems won't be solved untill tomorrow

So yes /rude fer french incompetence in administrating their servers.

Sure that GOA = all the french.
You generalize everything as a fascist do.


"So explain why Camlann (English) and Gorre (German) are still up ???????"

Nice try, but Camlann is the PvP server (and i believe the only one, unless i'm blind), and Gorre is the test server, again the only one - unless of course i am blind.

The fact is, and try and wriggle around it, ALL the French servers are up, and the MAIN German and English servers are down.

So, the question is, WHY (i'm using capitals on the main words so you can easily see them) are they doing "stuff" to these groups or servers and not doing "stuff" to the French servers?

(And no i'm not a France hater, but generally interested to know why all servers and user communities are not treated equally).


I have dealings with French companies in my work and yes 90% of them are arrogant and don't really have a clue what they are doing.


Originally posted by baerf
"So explain why Camlann (English) and Gorre (German) are still up ???????"

Nice try, but Camlann is the PvP server (and i believe the only one, unless i'm blind), and Gorre is the test server, again the only one - unless of course i am blind.

The fact is, and try and wriggle around it, ALL the French servers are up, and the MAIN German and English servers are down.

So, the question is, WHY (i'm using capitals on the main words so you can easily see them) are they doing "stuff" to these groups or servers and not doing "stuff" to the French servers?

(And no i'm not a France hater, but generally interested to know why all servers and user communities are not treated equally).

do you really think that GOA send an employee on sunday in their offices to shutdown all the non-french servers and to lose 3/4 of the customers ? It would be like a suicide !
Maybe the english and germans servers are in the same room. And the french servers, Camlann and Gorre in another room. And the problem comes from the room (electricity, fire, ....)


They're doing "stuff" because it has to be done. I think we should quit the conspiracy theories and racist remarks..

I'm glad I'm not English since they're getting a pretty bad name on this forum..


Originally posted by Ravenbourne
I have dealings with French companies in my work and yes 90% of them are arrogant and don't really have a clue what they are doing.

Yeah, 40% of the games are distibuted by french companies (Vivendi (distibution of DAOC US), Ubi Soft, Infograme(Atari now), Wanadoo ...) but they don't know what they are doing .... They got 40% of the market whitout knowing what to do.

PS : By reading english players on this forum, I'm beggining to understand why most of the english see Europe as it was 50 years ago.


Completely turned my post around and changed into a french hating one. Fair play.

I didn't say anything about "conspiracy theories" nor said they "sent an employee round to turn off the non-french servers".

I asked a question. And i thought it was a fairly simple question. If you can't answer it, then fair play, you can't. I'm not expecting any questions from god or anything, just if anyone who has been playing on the Euro servers longer than i have (for me it's been about 3 weeks) and has more experience with GOA and how they patch, then i was hoping someone could shed some light on the matter.

I was just wondering why they do "stuff" on the UK and German servers before the french servers (?)

Was my original post that insulting? :(


Originally posted by baerf
Completely turned my post around and changed into a french hating one. Fair play.

I didn't say anything about "conspiracy theories" nor said they "sent an employee round to turn off the non-french servers".

I asked a question. And i thought it was a fairly simple question. If you can't answer it, then fair play, you can't. I'm not expecting any questions from god or anything, just if anyone who has been playing on the Euro servers longer than i have (for me it's been about 3 weeks) and has more experience with GOA and how they patch, then i was hoping someone could shed some light on the matter.

I was just wondering why they do "stuff" on the UK and German servers before the french servers (?)

Was my original post that insulting? :(

They are not patching on sunday.


So what have they done to all the servers which are down? If it was a server wide change (if they did do a change, i read on this board something about pre-patching) why are only a select few servers unaffected?

It just seems odd.


Originally posted by baerf
So what have they done to all the servers which are down? If it was a server wide change (if they did do a change, i read on this board something about pre-patching) why are only a select few servers unaffected?

It just seems odd.

I don't konw. Maybe a fire ?

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