French and Germans getting expansion first >:(



well the daoc official site has said we can *soon* for over a month now.

I'd rather buy it from my local game shop on day of release but it's highly unlikely they'll actually get any copies seeing how horrendous it was to get hold of the original game.


Actually the original DAoC EU release was widely available in Denmark the day of release, so I expect the expansion to be as well.

Why we have to wait I don't know tho, if it's a distributing problem or something. But as long as I will be able to play it on the week-end I will be happy :)


i think you`ll find when the expansion is released in france and germany they will be able to use it there and then.. on there own servers. whats the point in GoA releasing the game on the 19th if no one is gonna be able to play it.. what i would like to know though is if the french and german servers are patched so they can use the expansion would that include camlann as well ? if so then why the hell is the english version 2 days later ? who gives a rats ass about games are released on a friday.. not all games are.. not like its a tradition or summit.


There's nothing to stop them updating all the servers on 19th (or before) as you will be able to play 1.57 with the classic client. But this will potentially mean English servers seeing french and german people using the new classes while we wait *grrrrr* Alternatively we could then import the french or german versions to play it earlier and delete the language.dat file... hmmmmm reckon this would work?

old.Trine Aquavit

As someone said, games are released in the UK on a Friday - it's a dsitribution thing.

Having said that, if you're really desperate you might want to check out PC World as some of their managers don't appear to know what a release date is: Asheron's Call 2 was widely available from PC World a couple of days before its Friday release date.


Nerf Goa and sell to sombody who knows what there doing !!!!


Originally posted by Delket
I agree also this sucks, they dont even have to translate it for us UK peeps, why not ship it the previous friday and say you cant use it till wednesay?

Because under French law, anything sold in France/from France has to have French language content, whether its shampoo, beer, cigarettes or a computer game.


I've known several games to come out on different days in the week in the UK...

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