Freelancer Noob?



Hi there :)

I have spoken to one or two peps about freelancer and I would just like to know if its my sort of game.

I hear its a bit like Priv and elite i.e you can just a) mobe cargo b) steel cargo etc etc and taht there is a story line to go with it too.

Also whats it like online? I looks deep enough offline! :)

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks :)


Offline, could have been better the space is a bit big to begin with, but you get to learn shortcuts.

The Single player is very involving range from easy missions, to down right tear hair out missions.

Generally a great game, the Credit system is great at the moment, everybody loves me a Leeds and says hello Trent how are u? which is cool.


WOW :)

Just DL the demo its quality!

Funny that Im in Leeds ;)

Anyway I orderd it from Game from the net too Darn busy at work at the mo to go get it!

Another question is when your playing online can you join clans and go into formation and attack other clans? Also is the credit system the same when you are online as single player or is it changing everyday?

Thanks :)


im not into clan pla y with FL, im more the loner, pissabout. help the n00b guy. but i have seen servers that have there own rules regarding clan play so in answer to ur clan question would be a yes, depending on which server u play on. i've not tried the SP, but AFAIK its exactly the same as SP - 2xsystem and story

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