Free levels (Albion/Prydwen)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2005
Hello all,

I play a cabalist on Prydwen named Ulalis, Im a returning player after a long abscence. I came back on the Wednesday that the servers were patched to 1.71.

Anyway, after the servers came up on the Wednesday i logged in about 7pm GMT and my cabalist was level 37. Over the next few days i leveled him upto 38, this should allow me to claim a free level on the following Wednesday(Last Wednesday). Sure enough i got the pop-up window saying i should claim my free level, i did and now my character was 39!

After claiming my free level, i went out and leveled to level 40. I thought to myself that next Wednesday(Yesterday) i will get another pop-up window saying i had another free level to claim! At about 8pm last night i logged in expecting to have the pop-up message saying "Claim your free level", i didnt get one. This morning i tried again and still nothing :(

Anyone having the same problem with not receiving their free levels?



Fledgling Freddie
May 3, 2004
i assumed it was a free level a week after your first natural level - so you will get it 7 days after you dinged 40
i could be totally wrong - i havnt looked into the free levels as i dont intend to level any more chars (except maybe a heretic for the fun of it :))


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 16, 2004
If you level a charachter and lets say from level 39-40 after you ding the 40th level in exactly 7 days time you will get the pop-up box saying that you are indeed entitled to a free level...... But if anyone gets the pop-up box and does not go to their trainer straight away and get their free level, and go off to exp solo/grouped if you get about 5 levels and then go back to get your free level it will not give it to you. This is because the free level gives you the amount of exp you need at that level to get the next level, so basically what i am saying is as soon as you get the box for the free level go get your level otherwise you will not be happy expecting one when you dont get one. I know this because my friend did it and he got pee'd off then i explained it to him, also my 41 Necro on PvP should be getting one this friday :D . If that was any help at all i'm glad to assist ;).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2005
Ahhhhh! So it is 7 days after you ding?

I thought that it was 7 day periods, like if you ding in the middle of the period you get a free level on the 7th day of that period, not 7 days after you ding. After that a new period starts and if you ding in that period naturally you get another free level at the end of the period! I only came back because i thought the grind would have gone, guess the grind now is staying offline for 7 days.

If it is 7 days after you ding, im a little put off. What about us PvE only characters that dont plan on doing RvR, would i be better off moving to Hib with everyone else?

They say Hib is underpopulated but the last week or so there have been more Hibs and Mids then Albs :(

Oh well, ill carry on logging in get 1 level logout, wait a week then log back in. Hopefully ill be 50 by the time Catacombs is out.

Thanks for the replies all.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Side note: the free level only works upto level 47; after that you're on your own :eek6:


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
I logged in my L31 sorc, who hadnt gained a level in months. Got him to 32, and got the box up straight away that I had gained a new level. I though I'd have to wait 7 days, but no, got it straight away.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2004
Reading Mythic's page on this it appears the timer starts from when you firtst log a character in after the patch. The timer then starts again when you get and use a free level. I think...

"Q: The system went live yesterday, and I earned enough experience to level. Will I get a free level?

A: No. The system needs a seven day “history” to check, first. The very first time stamp was measured as the day and hour you first logged in after the new patch went live. If you logged in the exact minute we brought the servers back up, you can be eligible for the free level no sooner than 168 hours (seven days) after that moment.

Q: I leveled up from level 1 to 2 on June 8th (by getting experience), got the pop up, and used my free level, which took me from 2 to 3. I leveled up from 3 to 4 (by getting experience) on June 12th. Did I get a free level on June 12th?

A: No. The system took note of the exact moment you told your trainer that you wanted to use your free level, and started the seven day clock over again. You will get a pop up on June 15th (or whatever day it is exactly 168 hours after you used your last freebie) that awards you your next freebie."

Read it here:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
The free lvl thing might be a little broken, created a cleric on Camlann beginning of last week now its lvl 41 and no sign of any free lvl :(, have RightNow'd it and waiting for response atm.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2005
Well, i have been waiting 9.5 days now for my free level. I do think either my character is bugged or there is a problem with the free level system :(

I was looking forward to comming back to DAoC after a long holiday, but now im considering leaving again :(

Hope everyone is having better luck!


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
The seven days starts after you speak to your trainer and actually get your free level, not seven days after you get the pop-up.
If it's been seven days since you last recieved a free level and you've gained at least one normal level in that time then you'll get a pop-up. If you haven't gained a normal level in that time then the next time you do, you'll get a pop-up.

I've had many people appealing free level issues through RightNow and I have yet to see one character that was actually bugged or one instance where the free level system wasn't working properly.

If you haven't seen a pop up, then it's possible you did get it but missed it in the thick of the action. Try speaking to your trainer and see if you get a free level anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
Requiel said:
I've had many people appealing free level issues through RightNow and I have yet to see one character that was actually bugged or one instance where the free level system wasn't working properly.

Apart from people not getting a free level when Naturally dinging 47? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2005
I spoke to my trainer on the Wednesday night (around 7pm) after the patch 1.71 went live, as i wanted to respec my character. At that time i was level 37, by 10pm i was level 38. The following Wednesday (around 11pm) i logged in and indeed got a pop-up telling me i had a free level. Sure enough after talking to my trainer i leveled to 39 :clap:

On the Thursday i leveled to 40, so being i leveled naturally from 39 to 40 i should be awarded a free level the following Thursday (7 days). It is now Friday afternoon, i have had no pop-up, my trainer is not giving me any free XP.

So either my character is bugged, leveling from 39 to 40 isnt recognised or Albions 7 day free level option has changed to be longer :(

Guess i'll fill out ANOTHER RightNow form as no changes to the 7 day Albion option have been mentioned. Maybe since everyones moved to Hib (for FOTY Vampiir, with catacombs) they thought Alb was dying and removed free levels for that realm.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Requiel said:
If you haven't seen a pop up, then it's possible you did get it but missed it in the thick of the action. Try speaking to your trainer and see if you get a free level anyway.

Possible but unlikely, Cleric doesn't do 'action' ;). Will check with my trainer anyway.

Btw ta, your post was so much nicer than the response to my RightNow request: 'you just never bothered to go talk to the trainer' :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2005
Well my responses from RightNow on the matter have been pitiful to say the least, I just gave up in the end.

What is strange though is, i leveled naturally from 39 to 40 and didnt get the free level. As soon as i leveled to 41 about 20 mins ago i goto to my trainer and get leveled to 42!

So it looks like there is a bug with free levels. In my case the system didnt recognise my level from 39 to 40. So in essence GOA owe me a level :wanker:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 16, 2004
Well i haven't had any trouble with the free lvl's so far AT ALL! so i dont know wether the rest just complain for no reason at all or they just want to get all the way to 47 by doing nothing but saying they have got a lvl and now deserve a free lvl :confused: . Well anyway my Necro only started getting the free lvl's at lvl 38 i logged got the pop-up box obviouslt go to trainer ding 39. Then i got from 39 to 41 obviously go trainer when next logged in ding 42. This weekend i got from 42 to 44 so when i next logg in i will get 45 i dont know what the fuss is all about it all seems to be going fine for me! 'In fact it seems to be going a little too well, Hmmm :eek7: '.

Anyways i hope you ALL get the free lvl's you have either not got because of some reason and for gods sake dont just logg get a lvl, logg free lvl, logg get a lvl, logg free lvl.... so on and so forth. Have fun!! dont just lvl the easiest way possible go out RvR/PK/PvE. And dont forget a good long break every now and then for a good refreshing amount of these :drink: !

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