Ooooo, I am so going to enjoy finding and killing all you des losers
Destruction - Ubercybor the Sorceress.
I held out so bad on buying this....gah!
See you aidsmonkeys in game.
Woot! Ello Xtro
Drop me a line if you need a guild... I've joined up with Ancient Shadows and they're kinda fun
What, yet another tank in penta thurst?
Oh well, a solid defensive line infront of our two healers then
Green and stink like something that died last week? Sounds Like Blackorcs to me..oi We're not fun, we are evil old farts!!
Happy to help, just give me time. I am on rank 16... But so far I havent met any other Penta Thrust member. Looking forward
Righto, add your ingame names here so we can find each other
Iaerjupitus is mine