Foundations - post your questions here!



I´ll start with my first one:

If I get a house, does the rent increase with the items and NPC´s or does it stay the same as when I bought it?


it stay's the same yes.
npc's and items are a one time cost only
but if you upgrade to a bigger house rent will increase.


if u upgrade to a bigger hosue u get the cash back on teh first 1 ?


What advantages can be had from buying a bigger house?


Nope, you don't get the money back if you downgrade or upgrade your house.
The advantages if you get a bigger house are more hooking points for merchants and tools.
You can i.e. only have a forge or an alch table or a lathe in a cottage, while in a villa you can have all of them at once.

It's possible to buy all three tools and place them as needed tho, so while salvaging put the forge at the hooking point and replace it with the alch table when spellcrafting.
This is possible with merchants, too.

[edit] Uh, got a question, too:
At which price will the reverse auction start? At 100P as in the US? and how fast will the price go down? Couldn't find it in the manual :/ [/edit]

Just found this one on the US Boards:
Please note that you will lose the total cost of the original house. So if you have a mansion and downgrade to a cottage, you are out 100p. In the last patch Mythic change it so that when you upgrade your house you get the deed back from the lower house type, but this only applies to upgrades.
No clue in which patch they changed it tho :) [/edit2]


I didnt found the answers to my questions yet and lazy as I am ill just post them here.

Are the merchants you can "buy" for your cottage the regular ones you find in the realm? Or are there also unusual ones.

Maybe someone has a list of merchants you can "buy" ?


Originally posted by old.Sandariel

[edit] Uh, got a question, too:
At which price will the reverse auction start? At 100P as in the US? and how fast will the price go down? Couldn't find it in the manual :/ [/edit]

i belive they go down 1 plat a game hour so loook to buy lots on tuesday unless u ubar rich :D

they go down to 1 plat .. or used to in 1.63 1.64 they go down to 800 gp akaik


Not realy a question, More a responce to some others :)

Revease auction, This (should if memory serves me right) start at 95P for the plot, Going down at 1p an hour till it hits 1p (800g in later patch). This is JUST the price of the land, Once land is owned, rent starts ticking, If theres no house there on rent day, Plot goes back on sale. Buy a house quick :)

Rent. rent is 10% of house value, It won't go up or down coz of merchants or items, It is set at that price, Cottage cost 1p, rent 100g per week, every week, forever :) (worse then being married :p)

So far, (land 95P - 1p per hour) + 1p for cottage + 100g for ever per week.

Items, These you can buy for inside and outside your house, Shit isn't cheap. Some chairs cost loads ;) Buy what you need, Don't buy fluff coz it looks good, Lets the fool that didn't read proper do that. Have a budget, Just coz you got merchant outside selling anything you want to sell, Doesn't mean your going to be rich, Everyone else has same merchant.

Ok so far we have, (land 95p - 1p per hour) + 1p for cottage + 100g per week for ever + consignment merchant 1p + porch for merchant 1p + merchants in house (these range from 500g to 1p, So lets say you spend 3p for your trade) 3p + tools (not cheap :p) 1p + fluff (this stuffs scarey, Allow a few p i think) 2p = 1 rich mofo daoc player :)

My advice to anyone wanting a house is don't rush in and buy first vacant plot you see. Wait a few weeks, even a month, You'll get a cheap plot, Buy a nice house/merchant/porch and live within your means, Don't have a rent at 10p a week if your only pulling in 1p a week, its not a good way to run a house.

Abive all, Have fun. decorating a house is a real laugh and showing it off gives a nice sense of pride.

My screenies from Gorre.


This was posted on a Newsgroup a few days ago... A Euro-player asked the US players "How much do you buy your lots for, and was it for a private or guild house"

Her reply:

Right now we pay 300 gold for all lots, no matter where they are or what will be built on them.

Then you pay 1 plat for cottage and 20 gold per week thereafter.
House (2 story) is 10 plat and 200 gold per week thereafter.

Villa (3 story) 40 plat and 800 gold per week (around 4 plat per mo) I am not 100% sure, but that about the approx rent.

Then the mansion; kind of a waste and even few guilds have them will run 100 plat and about 8 plat per month rent thereafter.

If you do a lot of RvR you can keep your rent paid through bounty points.

I have a house and a cottage. One is a guild house. I have enough bounty points to pay for the cottage for the next 8 years.
On the house enough to pay rent for the next 2 & half.

Then there is the problem of what you want, what is your better value. If you need more hookpoints & merchants, be better to buy multiple cottages.

Depends on how many lots are available. Most have quite a few.

I still feel the prices are too high on the house & villa. Not to mention the rents.


How many "hookpoints" does a house have?

I was planning to buy a house and make it our guildhouse .. but if there is not enough place for a bindstone, some porters a healer. crafttools and merchants there isn't much point :( ..


A house has 4 merchant hookpoints, 2 tool hookpoints, 2 vault hookpoints and 1 bindstone hookpoint.
A cottage has 3 merchant hookpoints, 1 tool hookpoint, 1 vault hookpoint and 1 bindstone hookpoint.

Well, you can always build one guildhouse and have a guildie build a cottage or another house next to it and allow your guildies to use it.

Tesla Monkor

[At which price will the reverse auction start? At 100P as in the US? and how fast will the price go down? Couldn't find it in the manual :/ ]

The lot prices will start a lot higher than 100P. (According to Kemor.) Because we've had a lot more time in between patches to save up money, the starting prices will be higher, but will slowly drop as is normal.


Can all the guildies use the portals to get to the guild house or do they have to get a horse there?


Is the server outage just an excuse so they can delay the foundations patch another couple of weeks?


Originally posted by galdora
Can all the guildies use the portals to get to the guild house or do they have to get a horse there?

house is just like a bind point, can't port there, but you can /release house to get there upon death. Also nice to have guild cetral location for meeting and item exchanges. Just think of it as CS or Goth harbour but with decorations :)

Originally posted by -nicolas-
Is the server outage just an excuse so they can delay the foundations patch another couple of weeks?

Yes :p


Do we install Foundations now or wait until patch day?


Originally posted by bob007
house is just like a bind point, can't port there, but you can /release house to get there upon death. Also nice to have guild cetral location for meeting and item exchanges. Just think of it as CS or Goth harbour but with decorations :)

What are the portals for then? svasud/aegirs/vind/jord?

Asked the same question on VGNBoards, got the following reply:

Any guild member can port to the guild house using the portals. There are new medallions in the portal keeps and new scrolls in the SI starting town.


got a Q aswell.

Why even bother with a house patch?


Originally posted by froler-mid
got a Q aswell.

Why even bother with a house patch?

Because it includes the ASD nurf patch :clap:


aye rent is 2% not 10% :)

100p for a mansion, 2p per week rent.


Originally posted by Arnor
Why the fuck do we need this?

Originally posted by froler-mid
got a Q aswell.

Why even bother with a house patch?

a) Some people might actually want the housing for the sake of having housing. Shock! Horror! Not everyone wants to wtfpwn in RvR etc.

b) Housing has a lot of useful things such as a place to bind by a healer and where you can port to both BK's as well as have vaults, merchants etc all there.

c) The house merchants provide a great way for crafters to sell their goods and a central place for crafters to work from (bar Diogel in Albion).

d) Guild vaults

As several people who play in the US have said - they can't imagine playing without housing now


Q. How quickly does foundations download?

A. From the website at work, i got 3 mb a second.

52.9 mb downloaded in less than 20 seconds :)


Where is the entrance to the housing zone,, ive spent 30 mins trying to find it,, im not much good with locs but got as close to the loc as i could, no joy :/

Please can someone explain where the entrance is :)

edit: lol in hib. maybe i should of posted in excal hib DOH :)



It's not on Excal just yet, to find it you'd have to go on Gorre.

But when it is available, follow these simple instructions to find it - Leave TNN from the North gate (connacht exit), then follow the road (west?) towards Cliff of Moher, and keep an eye on your left - pretty soon you'll see what looks lkind of like a house, set in the side of the hills. Thats the entrance.


downloading the patch now do i just need 2 download the patch and go or do i need 2 open the foundations file and instal it if so what do i install it 2?



In a guild house can everybody access the vault or do you need a vault keeper NPC?

I suppose the question really is if theres a vault in the house does there also need to be a vault keeper NPC?


To Solarius: Thankyou :)) On foundations manual it says look right lol

But just realised i didnt have foundations at all.. i figured it just patched itself :rolleyes:

lol :)

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