Sorry, but OT is routed to General for a reason, more order and better community integration are aims this time round, i.e. united under Freddy's roof rather than the historic FH/DAoC split.
Sorry to stir anything up but can you explain this to me as i may be a little slow
Are you saying people find it hard to blend with the FH-OT lot? i personally have no problems and enjoy it there, i know a few Generalites didnt fit in, that who you are talking about?
And by more order do you mean more supervised? thats one thing i love about FH-OT, we are left to look after ourselves (i thank you mods for that)
I disagree with the better community integration, we welcome all... up until you act like a mong and deserve it
I'm not trying to start an arguement or flame bait in any way, just trying to understand that is all