For you that wanted USA to invade Iraq, suck on this..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
mr.Blacky said:
But what does it mean? eye lashes?

It's daoc retardspeak for "cry more", an abbreviated form of "cry more noob" which is itself code for "stop whinging and get used to it". The 2 Q's are supposed to represent eyes with tears coming out of them.

It's used by the idiotic in lieu of actually using language since their command of language is so poor :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
granny said:
It's daoc retardspeak for "cry more", an abbreviated form of "cry more noob" which is itself code for "stop whinging and get used to it". The 2 Q's are supposed to represent eyes with tears coming out of them.

It's used by the idiotic in lieu of actually using language since their command of language is so poor :)

not really defending most daoc people who use it (as its usually used as a flame), but you use smileys yourself and its easier to just type two letters and as long as people understand what you meant to say, doesnt it really matter how you said it?

I do think that typing QQ is often an addition to the thread. However so is "stop whining and get used to it".


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I resent the application of QQ in any thread in the general forum as, much like the rest of DAOC, it really is rather sad pathetic and lame. It's one of those things that make you lost just that little bit more faith in humanity. Every time you use it, God cries inside.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
It's typical that such a phrase gets developed within a total virtual fantasy environment, which obviously has its constraints and bugs, and so actually needs this kind of sentiment, to be expected. But to transfer it to real life issues must really indicate how detached a person must be from it all.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Driwen said:
not really defending most daoc people who use it (as its usually used as a flame), but you use smileys yourself and its easier to just type two letters and as long as people understand what you meant to say, doesnt it really matter how you said it?

I do think that typing QQ is often an addition to the thread. However so is "stop whining and get used to it".

First point - I would never respond to a serious thread with just a smiley, and I would condemn anyone who did do that as postfarming. In addition none of the smileys I ever used have such a pointless, anti-social meaning to them - I would guess that 99% of the time I would use smileys to clarify the intended mood of something I said, for instance to indicate I was making a joke so as to avoid being misread.

Second point I have yet to see any instance either here or on the daoc boards where QQ actually contributes anything other than a greater understanding on everyone's part that the poster is, in fact, a fucktard.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
granny said:
First point - I would never respond to a serious thread with just a smiley, and I would condemn anyone who did do that as postfarming. In addition none of the smileys I ever used have such a pointless, anti-social meaning to them - I would guess that 99% of the time I would use smileys to clarify the intended mood of something I said, for instance to indicate I was making a joke so as to avoid being misread.

Second point I have yet to see any instance either here or on the daoc boards where QQ actually contributes anything other than a greater understanding on everyone's part that the poster is, in fact, a fucktard.

you can post QQ sarcastically or to tell the other person to get over it (200th whine about some daoc class being over or underpowered or about zergs). You dont have to just post QQ aswell. Its simply an abreviation off a mood/words on itself it cant be bad. The way it is used can be, but doesnt have to be.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
This is anal and off topic.

This is clogging up my inbox with reply notifications and I keep on being greeted by this drivel.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Big G said:
This is anal and off topic.

This is clogging up my inbox with reply notifications and I keep on being greeted by this drivel.


I'm literally crying with laughter now :D I'm easy to amuse :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Driwen said:
I do think that typing QQ is often an addition to the thread.

Lol. That's one of the stupidest things I've read on this forum since it was created.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Dillinja said:
Lol. That's one of the stupidest things I've read on this forum since it was created.


*laugh irl mucho (really)*


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I migh went to far to call soldiers for murderers but thats what i thought in the moment i wrote that post.

I think most of you are tools of the American propaganda (atleast the ones supporting USA in this) because we all know there is no WMD and they wont find anything (unless Americans plant it there themselves).
Big contracts were written with big companies in USA before the war about the "big" oil reserve that Iraq has, big contracts with companies that the leading Republicanpoliticians had worked for....
Several politicians (and now even more neutral and important witnesses) has come out and said that there were never a big threat from Saddam.

Saddam were and is not a good person, i hate him because i have several kurdish friends that has lost relatives thanks to him, he was and is a evil person that has to be punished by someone (in this case USA)... but to lie and then bring death and plague to the people in Iraq doesnt justify this war.
Like someone said: Killing for peace is like f*cking for virginity

Another thing i never understod is why UK always has to have their heads up in the American butt.... why not work for a stronger European union instead of following a country that is bullshitting us all and try to make them only look good in the end story, why shouldn´t we create something big instead of making USA richer and more powerfull each day ?
Why shouldn´t we be making the rules, after all i think the whole europe united would be more powerfull and economicly safe then USA will be and ever was if we just were united, USA tries all the time to make trouble between countries in Europe so that something big comes up that might break up the EU because they are afraid of what we are capable and what economic recourses we got here.

Again sorry for calling your soldiers for murderers, i would probably support soldiers from my country if they were somewhere fighting. :(

Sorry for spelling but English is not my native language.
Edit: Peace to all people.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
n00b said:
I migh went to far to call soldiers for murderers but thats what i thought in the moment i wrote that post.

I think most of you are tools of the American propaganda (atleast the ones supporting USA in this) because we all know there is no WMD and they wont find anything (unless Americans plant it there themselves).
Big contracts were written with big companies in USA before the war about the "big" oil reserve that Iraq has, big contracts with companies that the leading Republicanpoliticians had worked for....
Several politicians (and now even more neutral and important witnesses) has come out and said that there were never a big threat from Saddam.

Saddam were and is not a good person, i hate him because i have several kurdish friends that has lost relatives thanks to him, he was and is a evil person that has to be punished by someone (in this case USA)... but to lie and then bring death and plague to the people in Iraq doesnt justify this war.
Like someone said: Killing for peace is like f*cking for virginity

Another thing i never understod is why UK always has to have their heads up in the American butt.... why not work for a stronger European union instead of following a country that is bullshitting us all and try to make them only look good in the end story, why shouldn´t we create something big instead of making USA richer and more powerfull each day ?
Why shouldn´t we be making the rules, after all i think the whole europe united would be more powerfull and economicly safe then USA will be and ever was if we just were united, USA tries all the time to make trouble between countries in Europe so that something big comes up that might break up the EU because they are afraid of what we are capable and what economic recourses we got here.

Again sorry for calling your soldiers for murderers, i would probably support soldiers from my country if they were somewhere fighting.

Sorry for spelling but English is not my native language.

Well done for returning and making a more reasoned and thought-out post. I'll only pick up on one thing - you say "Another thing i never understod is why UK always has to have their heads up in the American butt" - did you not see the anti-war demonstrations here? Some of the largest demos in the UK for decades, there is no question that there is a strong and widespread anti-war sentiment here. Don't generalise and assume that just because the UK has a historically pro-american political stance that all of it's populace feels the same.

I might just as well accuse all Swedish people of being nazi sympathisers because Sweden supplied Germany with most of it's iron supplies during the 2nd world war in an effort to preserve it's neutrality - it's clearly a ludicrous and potentially offensive thing to say.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
To paraphrase another quote, from slashdot i think, "Some say 'Killing for peace is like fucking for virginity' well i say, do you know a better way to make virgins?'

But seriously, why I do believe that the USA and the UK went in there for completley the wrong reasons, I do support what they're doing. Granted the US section is creating an absolute cock-up compared to the British section but then the US has always tried to limit itself in such ways.

Was just reading an article about how the US army has stretched itself to the limit by taking on two fronts, Iraq and Afghanistan. They're bringing out soldiers who suffer from disorders, have just undergone recent surgery etc. and bringing them into combat situation despite being medically unsound and unadvised to do so. When they get medevaced, the Pentagon pressure them to resign, thus reducing the compensation and disabilities benifits they have to pay. Bit underhand I'd say.

But yes, whilst I'm glad that Saddam is out of power and, at least the British, are restoring Iraq...I think this should've been resolved within the first Gulf War. We knew what he was doing and what he was capable of and we should've finished it all.

And as they say, Hindsight is the best form of criticism.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
granny said:
Well done for returning and making a more reasoned and thought-out post. I'll only pick up on one thing - you say "Another thing i never understod is why UK always has to have their heads up in the American butt" - did you not see the anti-war demonstrations here? Some of the largest demos in the UK for decades, there is no question that there is a strong and widespread anti-war sentiment here. Don't generalise and assume that just because the UK has a historically pro-american political stance that all of it's populace feels the same.

I might just as well accuse all Swedish people of being nazi sympathisers because Sweden supplied Germany with most of it's iron supplies during the 2nd world war in an effort to preserve it's neutrality - it's clearly a ludicrous and potentially offensive thing to say.

sorry man, i know UK has alot of good people, i dont mean to be bashing on the "citiziens" i meant politicians, just forgot to type it ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
n00b said:
Another thing i never understod is why UK always has to have their heads up in the American butt.... why not work for a stronger European union instead of following a country that is bullshitting us all and try to make them only look good in the end story, why shouldn´t we create something big instead of making USA richer and more powerfull each day ?
Why shouldn´t we be making the rules, after all i think the whole europe united would be more powerfull and economicly safe then USA will be and ever was if we just were united, USA tries all the time to make trouble between countries in Europe so that something big comes up that might break up the EU because they are afraid of what we are capable and what economic recourses we got here.

I agree with your point here, I too am always suspicious of American motives to undermine European Union, basically because a third economic powerhouse (the other being the Pacific Rim countries; Japan, Korea, Taiwan, etc), would seriously deplete American trade across the world. Individually the Euro countries cannot have much influence, together they would be able to create an internal market rich enough to remove dependence on foreign imports.

However, the Americans do not have to do much to break up European diplomacy. France has been a long time enemy of the UK, the whole idea of a European Union was concieved before WW1 to counter the might of the British Empire, when the UK campaigned to be included in the EU after WW2 it went against everything the French (and Germans) had ever planned, so since then they have opposed the UK as a dominant partner too.

I agree with your attitude that the UK should reduce its dependency on the US and strive to achieve a better position amongst it's European partners, something that I should add your own country has taken a long time to do. This is not made easier by French and German anti-UK attitudes, I find it increasingly hard to support EU policies when other Euro countries are set against the UK and make the rules so.

I definitely do not agree with your "head up the US ass" argument. The UK has no need for dependence on the US other than as part of an international military which would include other countries as well, in all other respects the US is our opposition in finance and trade, not our friend.

My opinion is that the UK did the right thing, morally and ethically, by kicking out the Iraqi government after the UN failed to appease it, a deplorable strategy against a regime that had invaded two of its neighbours, and I'd argue that this was not a lap-dog attitude, just a union of countries who believed in the same thing.

The US and the UK are not the only ones who saw to profit from Iraq, other countries stood to gain from Saddam _remaining_ in power whilst he continued to butcher people and remain a threat to his neighbours and possibly to a wider community as well, I'd rather see countries profit from his downfall than ones benefit from his continued existance.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
n00b said:
I think most of you are tools of the American propaganda (atleast the ones supporting USA in this) because we all know there is no WMD and they wont find anything (unless Americans plant it there themselves).
Several politicians (and now even more neutral and important witnesses) has come out and said that there were never a big threat from Saddam.

Saddam were and is not a good person, i hate him because i have several kurdish friends that has lost relatives thanks to him, he was and is a evil person that has to be punished by someone (in this case USA)... but to lie and then bring death and plague to the people in Iraq doesnt justify this war.
Like someone said: Killing for peace is like f*cking for virginity

Another thing i never understod is why UK always has to have their heads up in the American butt.... why not work for a stronger European union instead of following a country that is bullshitting us all and try to make them only look good in the end story, why shouldn´t we create something big instead of making USA richer and more powerfull each day ?
Why shouldn´t we be making the rules, after all i think the whole europe united would be more powerfull and economicly safe then USA will be and ever was if we just were united.
First of all how would remove Saddam from power? The embargo's didn't help, in a way they hurt the people more then Saddam.
Imho he was the largest threat to peace, mainly because he wanted to hurt the west more then any other ruler of a country.
To me there were no other means to remove him from power. As for the death of Iraqies I feel sorry for their families but we don't know how many deaths Saddam would have caused.

As for the UK and the EU. I would love to see a stronger EU but I don't see that happen in the short term. Too many countries have too strong ego's (the politicians) and the culture of the countries involved are too diverant.
Look at the diverance between Greece and Sweden for instance, while I trust Sweden to keep their accounting books in order I can't be certain about Greece.
Also I believe if the EU were to become the largest kid on the block instead of the USA, the EU would become the most hated country in the world.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
51st State or part of a European Superpower? Well considering some of the crazy legislation to come out Brussels, I'd take the 51st State option thx. At least petrol would be cheap. It would also mean that we wouldn't be in the same country as Germany, France and Sweden.

*puckers mouth round America's butt*


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Bodhi said:
51st State or part of a European Superpower? Well considering some of the crazy legislation to come out Brussels, I'd take the 51st State option thx. At least petrol would be cheap. It would also mean that we wouldn't be in the same country as Germany, France and Sweden.

*puckers mouth round America's butt*

UK would be the poorest US's State, the only state where people vote for a socialist leader, etc. This would also mean no right to have your own opinion (you can have your own opinion in the EU). You're too european to be american. Just travel in Europe and you will realize that it's all the same except languages. And I really don't think Americans want you in their country. They are nice with UK atm because you're helping them to save money in Iraq war. But as soon as you may have your own opinion they will bash you (just as they are bashing Spain in US newspapers atm).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
xane said:
the whole idea of a European Union was concieved before WW1 to counter the might of the British Empire, when the UK campaigned to be included in the EU after WW2 it went against everything the French (and Germans) had ever planned, so since then they have opposed the UK as a dominant partner too.

The idea of a European Union wasn't conceived at all before WWI. France had also an Empire and didn't need to make an European Union to counter the British Empire. In 1904 was signed the Entente Cordiale between France and UK to counter Germany. 1904 was only 10 years before WWI so there were absolutly no idea of European Union at that moment. The European Union began after WWII to avoid France and Germany to do the same mistakes again (wars). A number of European leaders became convinced that the only way to secure a lasting peace between their countries was to unite them economically and politically. So, in 1950, the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman proposed integrating the coal and steel industries of Western Europe. A a result, in 1951, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was set up, with six members: Belgium, West Germany, Luxembourg, France, Italy and the Netherlands. The power to take decisions about the coal and steel industry in these countries was placed in the hands of an independent, supranational body called the "High Authority".

Coal and Steel = exactly what you need to do a war. (building weapons, tanks, planes, etc)

Moreover, the idea of an united Europe has always existed for 2000 years. Europe was nearly united with King Charlemagne.
The main reason why France and Germany were opposed to UK membership was the fact that it would be an US spy that would do eveything to slow down the construction of the EU. And I think they weren't absolutly wrong... (echelon for instance ... but there are hundreds of other examples). UK was for a long time the country that always tried to stop negotiations between EU States. Hopefully this period seems to be over. At last on political side. On popular side, I don't know. But the most sold UK newspaper (The Sun) still bash other european people. I've never seen that in any newspapers from other european countries.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
fatbusinessman said:
Care to elaborate on that point?

I was referring to the way in which Spain have allowed themselves to be manipulated.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Bodhi said:
51st State or part of a European Superpower? Well considering some of the crazy legislation to come out Brussels, I'd take the 51st State option thx. At least petrol would be cheap. It would also mean that we wouldn't be in the same country as Germany, France and Sweden.

*puckers mouth round America's butt*

Bodhi for teh win!!!11

The thought of being ruled by a bunch of failed politicians (Neil Kinnock and Leon fucking Britton have jobs in the Euro Commision for gods sake) in a european superstate with France and Germany fills me a seething desire to emigrate to Cambodia.

Ning said:
Moreover, the idea of an united Europe has always existed for 2000 years. Europe was nearly united with King Charlemagne.
And we would've had an English king on the french throne if Henry V hadn't popped his clogs when he did :p
As for your previous post, I've been to Europe a lot and most of it fucking sucks to be honest. It's not the same at all, the whole take on life is waaaay different to the British, which is why we feel closer to America (even though we take the piss out of them) and why Australia feels WAAAAAY bloody closer.
America has (apart from the War of Independence) historically been our friends and even if this weren't the case, do you really want to cold shoulder the most powerful nation on earth?

Anyway, Iraq war = fair play even if the reasons were borked from the start. Saddam needed a kicking and absolutely nobody in the anti-war camp has comeup with a viable alternative to sorting the situation out other than a full scale invasion.
Which is what we did, and I'm fucking glad for the Iraqi's sake if nobody elses.
And most anti-war sentiment, as mentioned before by someone, is based on general anti-USA feeling rather than a credible argument anyway.

However, the same anti-war camp will be the reason that other mad dictators get away with it. Have a nosey at the French attitude to Robert Mugabe if you don't believe me.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
GekuL said:
I was referring to the way in which Spain have allowed themselves to be manipulated.

Haven't they just. Seems Al' Quada has scored itself a victory and a half.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
GekuL said:
I was referring to the way in which Spain have allowed themselves to be manipulated.

I think the vote was much more to do with the way the Government tried to cover up who actually executed the bombing.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ning said:
But the most sold UK newspaper (The Sun) still bash other european people.

You mean the one owned by an Australian-American gentleman ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
1) Who would you (yes, YOU) consider to be a successful politician ?

2) Who would you consider to be a decent person that just happens to be an MP or Minister or whatnot ?

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