Games For the life of me...


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
DAOC is the best MMO on the market, fact.


The market currently is pisspoor, filled with have beens(EQ, DAOC, UO) and absolute flops (WAR, AOC, Darkfall) all ruled over by the marketing powerhouse that is WoW.

For me, nothing beats DAOC as its the only game that actually offers competitve fun pvp(rvr etc), WoW was great doing 1-60(and then 60-70), but the raiding ground down in the end and PvP become null and void.

Main hope for the genre is Aion, which seems to be getting some raving reviews for being the next big PvP game, but imo, i fear the market's pretty much dying as its been dominated by one game.

YouTube - Aion Classes - High Quality is always helpful ;)

However for me this looks like a rehash of RF online :s


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
The barrier to entry was too high towards the end.

If you've got a group class then you need a decent group, or end up yelling "LFG!" at the border keep to get a random group which ends up dying. The "solo" classes require a buffbot, I think the days of me paying two subscriptions just to play a single MMORPG are gone.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
I left DAoC when playing on the US servers, not long after the introduction of TOA and New Frontiers was being demo'd.

Hated TOA with a passion. Endless camping for artifacts and then scrolls. Stupid xp'ing conditions for artifacts. The horrible implementation of the Master Level system, having to complete things in order and earn ML xp which came at a horribly slow rate.

Yet you had to have both to remain competitive. I had a RR7 nightshade and when I lost to a fully TOA'd up RR4 minstrel it was time to call it a day.

Enjoying DAoC a great deal now. Much easier to get into, level up and get artifacted/ML'd. It is true that it is hard to get RvR groups as a new player but I'm having fun. More fun than I had in the piles of shit known as Age of Conan and Warhammer, and way more fun than WoW.


Part of the furniture
Jul 14, 2007
Personally I think it was down to people's play styles... plus unfair play... like relic raids in early hours when no one could defend...

I mean the attitude everyone gave towards each other specially opposite realms (including myself) was discusting and the fact that majority of players took the game too seriously which in a way drove people away?

Or it was something to do with the constant moaning from players (I for one was the worst at that so I hold my hands up on that department) :p

But yes I agree that DAoC is by far the best pve/pvp system has to offer.

I think they could re-sell the original DAoC with the old rvr maps upto 1.65 where I think it was most balanced for all classes and ofcourse upto date graphics.

If that was the case I would deffo play again from scratch knowing what was involved.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Still play it in the US but it's just stupideasy now. Prefered the days when you had to work for levels/items/(even ML's though I hate them)/dying meant you had to wait to be ported back to the action or face the run to Emain.

Now it's just a case of rock up; spend 5 seconds leveling; then listen to the "I want it now" crowd whine about how they can't 1 shot stuff or some other whine of the day.

TBH the PvP in Eve was better but getting good PvP is so infrequent that the more frequent (but not as hard) PvP in DAoC won out for me - though it's a damn sight better that the other rubbish on the market at the moment.


Apr 1, 2008
DAoC may be slightly outdated but it still beats every other online game out there. I can't understand how Mythic didn't make this game bigger than WoW - it puts every other online game to shame.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
the problems with Daoc were many... and most of them were self inflicted by mythic..

ToA... now while the actual masterlevels werent much of a problem for us hibbies on excalibur server (thanks to our wonderful 3 alliance system ;) ) the actual levelling of artifacts was a pain... remember having to kill genies for days on end to get something levelled up?

ofc they tweaked it and made artifacts level from other mobs.. but was too little too late for some peeps

then came New Frontiers.. quite simply the worst thing in Daoc... maps showing where the fights were... what was the point of trying to plan a suprise raid when a map gives away your position?

then we come to GOA... see if anyone remembers this from the cluster ... alb side... volcanus dungeon ml8 was it?

one of the boss stages was bugged... on BOTH sides of the cluster... just darn bad luck or did the same person knack it up.. dunno.. BUT... it took all of 7 WEEKS for them to reset it... it pissed a LOT of peeps off

the dwindling populations ofc were also a problem... not helped by the fact 3 games came out at once (WoW, Eq2, PSOBB) excalibur server lost easily 50% of its population while peeps tried them out..

now i've tried playing on US classic servers, got into a great guild of mainly ex-EU players (Sleeping Dragons- Midgard) but it just didnt have the same buzz of when starting up first time around... wasnt that sense of.. omg im lvl 30 i can go to corus mines and get some weapons that go BOOM!! or omg im lvl 40 time for sheeroe hills or bog of cullen... (what was name of the town down there? forget but it was packed out with peeps looking for groups or running away from siabra that never gave up chasing you hehe)

everything used to be an achievement in daoc but now its almost like if u arent lvl 50, thats just a slight inconvinience that will be remidied in a couple of days (even solo) and the same thing goes with relics...

remember when a relic raid was a HUGE thing? that was really Realm v Realm... now... a fg can do one when everyone in bed getting some kip.

they tried to fix something that wasnt broke.. and ruined it.. but its STILL the best pvp mmorpg around... makes you wonder dont it.

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