Games For the life of me...


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Yep, just had trial acc's of AOC and WoW and ofc have tryed WAR - among others. For the life of me, I cannot see why any of you - not just the peeps that troll this forum - but also those of you that were here, decided in your wisdom to jump ship from daoc.

Ok, things weren't rosy with GOA, but wtf, you all smoking drugs or sth? None of those games (with the exception of lotro) comes even close. So, now I am sitting here with my arms folded and saying to myself that there must be another reason that I've not yet figured out because it's still the best mmo out there by a long shot. So here's your opportunity to pick an option of what suits you best.....

1 DAOC was old and I just cba with it any more and Ywain just makes me cum at the sight of it.

2 We all got tired of GOA smoking drugs while GM'ing the game and we wanted some of the action - the bastards wouldn't share!! :(

3 Wanted kiddie mode for a bit and then realised I made a horrible mistake but was too embarrassed to go crawling back.

4 Bahu's grip on Camlann Botox was just too stlong and we had to run from the fjeersome paladin because Yeppy said it was the right thing to do :(

5 But but but, this whole thread is a complete lie and it's Imgor that's smoking drugs and will he share some :s

6 I really dunno.... :p

7 Errr what the hell is this thread on about I am confused when he mentioned daoc....I can't remember what it is :(


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
DAoC got old and boring. They made it easymode when doing anything so there was no sense of achievement. You were pretty much made to pay for two accounts just to be able to compete, they added in fucking ROFL classes like Warlocks and Vamps.

Thats why I left. If you still love it so much, go back and play with yourself on Dyvet cluster of w/e, and realise that it's not as amazing as you remember it being and that fluffly pink feeling of nostalgia is making you post that shit.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
DAoC got old and boring. They made it easymode when doing anything so there was no sense of achievement. You were pretty much made to pay for two accounts just to be able to compete, they added in fucking ROFL classes like Warlocks and Vamps.

Thats why I left. If you still love it so much, go back and play with yourself on Dyvet cluster of w/e, and realise that it's not as amazing as you remember it being and that fluffly pink feeling of nostalgia is making you post that shit.

Can't stick to topic = slap - were given an option to choose, not to make a comment about my style of posts.

The thread was actually made to comparison to what other games are on offer atm and what they have to offer by comparison. DAOC dwindled much due to the games I mentioned and players on this forum actively saying they were moving because of the crap they went to tbfh. Try remember other sources to why people left before you remark on my posts in a defamatory way. Choose an option as I posted.....

And fyi you left after i did, and i still do play but i can't talk about the way i play on these forums :p


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
If it was a poll, why not make a poll?

Any good polls have a "none of the above" option and mine would have been that. Or of course you could have made an;

9) DAoC got old and boring. They made it easymode when doing anything so there was no sense of achievement. You were pretty much made to pay for two accounts just to be able to compete, they added in fucking ROFL classes like Warlocks and Vamps.

option and it would have been that.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
If it was a poll, why not make a poll?

Any good polls have a "none of the above" option and mine would have been that. Or of course you could have made an;

9) DAoC got old and boring. They made it easymode when doing anything so there was no sense of achievement. You were pretty much made to pay for two accounts just to be able to compete, they added in fucking ROFL classes like Warlocks and Vamps.

option and it would have been that.

Or you could have answered agree with 1 but not the end - stating why or answer 5 and then summaried....

What's there to poll about? You've all left and voted with your money :) And besides it makes it more interesting because people are actually stating what option and thus leaves it for others to openly debate their statements....


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Or I could have just typed what I did, stating why and also stating my own opinion.. Oh! Wait... I did that!

If you wanted people to state there opinion, don't give them options to choose from...

Just for the record, when at its peak, there hasn't even been a MMO as good as DAoC. It even is in my top 5 games list of all time. Hell, I spent 5 or so years playing it. But thinking back, how many days of that 5 years did I spend just sitting in Ligen while the stealth zerg dissapated? How often did I get pissed at iwin button classes like Sorcs or WL's and BD's?

Yes it was good, but I don't regret quitting and I certainly don't have rose tinted specs for it as so many people do.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Or I could have just typed what I did, stating why and also stating my own opinion.. Oh! Wait... I did that!

If you wanted people to state there opinion, don't give them options to choose from...

Just for the record, when at its peak, there hasn't even been a MMO as good as DAoC. It even is in my top 5 games list of all time. Hell, I spent 5 or so years playing it. But thinking back, how many days of that 5 years did I spend just sitting in Ligen while the stealth zerg dissapated? How often did I get pissed at iwin button classes like Sorcs or WL's and BD's?

Yes it was good, but I don't regret quitting and I certainly don't have rose tinted specs for it as so many people do.

The options were there for good reason, and you already got suckered into them :p


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
I was simply opening up the thread for a discussion which you seem to want!

and In response to your neg rep comment, I didn't see what I posted as flaming really, if you are refering to the use of 'shit' then it was just used as a term for 'stuff'. And I have no idea what Ywain is :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 18, 2005
Well, I had the same feelings as OP, till I actually recently bought 2 US accounts and started DaoC all over again...
And it bored me after two days. As Pikeh said, there's no sense of achievement anymore.

The only place where DaoC is still fun, and still as you remember it, is one particular freeshard, which I won't cite here for obvious reasons.

And even there, I just can't get into it anymore...

Still, there's no MMO that will entertain me like DaoC used to...not even close. (And I've tried EQ2, EVE, WOW (yes, I know, I'm ashamed of that too), LOTRO, Archlord, DDO,...)

Maybe KOTOR online will change that :)


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
The main reason I quit DAoC and now play WoW instead?

Because I can login WoW once a day and play for 20 minutes and still achieve something, I couldn't even get to the enemy frontier in 20 minutes with DAoC let alone kill something because I didn't own a buffbot account.

Let's not even mention how much more entertaining classes are when there aren't 14 of them per realm doing close to the same thing, or how nerfs basically forced you to reroll or quit if you liked to stay competitive.

DAoC was good, don't get me wrong but it's seriously outdated when it comes to MMO's.

edit: people probably would use your voting options if they werent excuse me saying; utterly shit.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
AoC could be better, if the scrapped that stupid starter island and let you straight into the action. But i still prefer AoC over DAoC. Nice graphics and character customization :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 18, 2005
AoC could be better, if the scrapped that stupid starter island and let you straight into the action. But i still prefer AoC over DAoC. Nice graphics and character customization :clap:

How's AoC now?
I've heard the bugs and lack of content got vastly that so?


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
How's AoC now?
I've heard the bugs and lack of content got vastly that so?

Yeah, there is a lot of new content actually. And even more with the new big patch released. Tho there is one feature missing. Powerlevelling :(

Also there is an expansion coming soon.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
DAoC lacked the fun of WoW.

WoW makes fun of itself in a good way and doesn't take itself too seriously, yet it's not just a piss-take.

It's casual MMO and it fits better then DAoC did, in my personal things that is.

Also, i think i left DAoC for something like...EVE perhaps? That's just apples and oranges right there.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
I played USA servers and got a bit bored of the same area's running solo/duo/trio etc. I dont really care much about 8v8 so the repatition ground me down.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The population died on my sever and I didn't want to start over from scratch without my friend community.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
i dont like DAOC much more just cos nobody wants to group if they dont have to, but thats most likely to do with buffbots than people. i'd rather have some co-operation and team play between players. was fun for a while though ill admit but got boring for me


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I play WoW, its not to bad really. I raid the high end content 2 nights a week (we are close to downing Yogg) but its to easy these days. I only really play now for the social aspect of the game and "playing" the AH.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Why is it that some of you seem to throw pot shots at me for even daring to bring this up? This isn't a flame thread. Some of you have admitted that it's still up there - yet you have a bag of complaints to throw at it.

I don't work for GOA/Mythic/EA - I had an interview once with GOA and any possibility of me ever working with them is now closed via me as I wouldn't ever consider working for them at any juncture or any other gaming company for that matter.

You had and continue to have your say about what you think GOA/Mythic is like and I prefer it that you focus that energy away from me thank you. Some of you seem a little blind to the humour I put into the options, time is a good healer I believe :p

But I still keep to the perspective that compared with what's out there, there's so little to match DAOC or even be worthy of kissing its feet. I am not saying that out of pinky fluffy bunny memories of the game, I am talking about my opinion of what I've seen of all mmo's I've played out there on PC genre atm - ie software/gaming. KoToR online may yet change that, but it has to stop following the linage of the likes of WoW and WAR for it to be a success. I have seen so many whines about daoc in and out of game for various reasons. The game was never meant to be stable because of the perma imbalance - which is the only thing truly what mythic did well - imbalance. But no other mmo has found the right balance out there either with regards to pvp - there will always be whiners about what ever. I learned something from a friend I used to play against in Rune. It was a phrase that said,'If it's in the game then don't moan'.

Although mmo's have tested that personal resolve I have had to the limit. I won't tolerate crap games that are purely designed to make a cash cow out of them when they've been poorly implemented. Exceptions come as a rule, Vanguard and lotro being my two - and i've seen so many whines about those too only to find that personal tastes conflict with what the software is actually capable of...

Games like intergalactic from what I see purely from a design and interactive point of view are on to the cusp of something bigger and better. But we shall see how those ideas are translated and elaborated into other games without the cut and paste idea laziness that has been of late...

Therefore I stand by my options and leave the rest of the debate of this thread to ya and at least try see the humour in them....


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
i like to keep daoc in the past, thinking of it reminds me of the good old days of gaming. Going back to it now could corrupt that vision.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
Actually if the Old Republic wants to be a success, it needs to do what WoW does - but better.

There's been 4 "recent" MMO's in the same vein as DAoC, and guess what they all have in common? less than 200k paying subscribers. The onlyone that has a stable playerbase is actually Lord of the Rings online, and only because it does pretty much exactly what WoW does but from another perspective(roleplaying).

From an objective standpoint what DAoC did on its release and a few years after was great, the problem is that standards have risen and a game like DAoC released today would instantly crash(see Darkfall for a good example of how hardcore mmo's just doesn't have a market anymore).


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Yeah, there is a lot of new content actually. And even more with the new big patch released. Tho there is one feature missing. Powerlevelling :(

Also there is an expansion coming soon.
eh? powerleveling exsists. Its quite easy too... but then again i live with 3 hardcore AoC players.

DAoC will still be my most favored game by far. the PvP was the most sublime ever produced for a game to date. 8v8 was great, frustrating, andrenaline-pumping, fun, requiring, captivating and much more. PvE sucked which made PvP much much more fun for me as well. I love the sense of community the game delivered early because you could only grind your way to lvl 50. that required grouping, and grouping usually involved talking and interacting (arranging meetings to level the next day or pm them to join you).
AoC lacks those vital parts for me - i still hope to enjoy PvP when i get to try it because the PvE is seriously boring Leveling.
I would probably start playing again if i was asked to join a set group a couple of days a week - but im not sure i got the time anymore.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
eh? powerleveling exsists. Its quite easy too... but then again i live with 3 hardcore AoC players.

DAoC will still be my most favored game by far. the PvP was the most sublime ever produced for a game to date. 8v8 was great, frustrating, andrenaline-pumping, fun, requiring, captivating and much more. PvE sucked which made PvP much much more fun for me as well. I love the sense of community the game delivered early because you could only grind your way to lvl 50. that required grouping, and grouping usually involved talking and interacting (arranging meetings to level the next day or pm them to join you).
AoC lacks those vital parts for me - i still hope to enjoy PvP when i get to try it because the PvE is seriously boring Leveling.
I would probably start playing again if i was asked to join a set group a couple of days a week - but im not sure i got the time anymore.

3 hardcore AoC players you say. I am going to start playing soon, care to introduce me to them? :D


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Actually if the Old Republic wants to be a success, it needs to do what WoW does - but better.

There's been 4 "recent" MMO's in the same vein as DAoC, and guess what they all have in common? less than 200k paying subscribers. The onlyone that has a stable playerbase is actually Lord of the Rings online, and only because it does pretty much exactly what WoW does but from another perspective(roleplaying).

From an objective standpoint what DAoC did on its release and a few years after was great, the problem is that standards have risen and a game like DAoC released today would instantly crash(see Darkfall for a good example of how hardcore mmo's just doesn't have a market anymore).

Lifetime subs one off payment on lotro helps, but mythic don't understand what that means... :s


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
Don't over-reacting Img, just maybe a couple of peeps didn't like your tongue-in-cheek options. Could I have options 2 & 5 at the same time?? :p

For me, DAoC was and probably still is the bast MMORPG I've played. I agree with pikeh that it got a bit easymode with some classes, and I agree with Helme that spending 15/20 mins running somewhere for some RvR was a pain. And yet still you'd have to sink rather a lot of time with ML's (or buying ML's if you could) with a new char.

But that's the thing about DAoC - it was really version 1.0 of those games, and others have had time to choose some good bits - likes scenarios in WAR for just a quick 15 minute whackabout if you want it, and ofc the ability to change skills and stuff easier. WoW has some pretty natty features too. Oh and ofc, GOA really are a pile of wanky wank wank.

For me - well I liked the community aspect of Dyvet. I liked running across the same peeps (from all sides). When a lot of my friends moved across to US, I even did that for a bit, but it wasn't the same (plus decent RvR being at 4am didn't help).

I now log on to WAR, twat about for a couple of scens or a PQ here and there if I have time, and drop it again. It suits me nicely. I have no uber chars, none highest level etc. so I'll keep chillaxin' on that.

We could all just go and play Texas Hold'em on facebook apps

<waits for the facebook flames :flame:>


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
Just remembered another reason I quit; when the servers are lagging for whatever reason in WoW it doesn't take them 6 months to fix it while blaming it on their customers internet connections :p


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Don't over-reacting Img, just maybe a couple of peeps didn't like your tongue-in-cheek options. Could I have options 2 & 5 at the same time?? :p

For me, DAoC was and probably still is the bast MMORPG I've played. I agree with pikeh that it got a bit easymode with some classes, and I agree with Helme that spending 15/20 mins running somewhere for some RvR was a pain. And yet still you'd have to sink rather a lot of time with ML's (or buying ML's if you could) with a new char.

But that's the thing about DAoC - it was really version 1.0 of those games, and others have had time to choose some good bits - likes scenarios in WAR for just a quick 15 minute whackabout if you want it, and ofc the ability to change skills and stuff easier. WoW has some pretty natty features too. Oh and ofc, GOA really are a pile of wanky wank wank.

For me - well I liked the community aspect of Dyvet. I liked running across the same peeps (from all sides). When a lot of my friends moved across to US, I even did that for a bit, but it wasn't the same (plus decent RvR being at 4am didn't help).

I now log on to WAR, twat about for a couple of scens or a PQ here and there if I have time, and drop it again. It suits me nicely. I have no uber chars, none highest level etc. so I'll keep chillaxin' on that.

We could all just go and play Texas Hold'em on facebook apps

<waits for the facebook flames :flame:>

Certainly can, but to buy my lighter in game for the drugs will cost you 5 euros 50 cents per month and at least a phone call a week from Elvira :) Upgrades to it will be brought at a later patching stage of the game :p


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
DAOC is the best MMO on the market, fact.


The market currently is pisspoor, filled with have beens(EQ, DAOC, UO) and absolute flops (WAR, AOC, Darkfall) all ruled over by the marketing powerhouse that is WoW.

For me, nothing beats DAOC as its the only game that actually offers competitve fun pvp(rvr etc), WoW was great doing 1-60(and then 60-70), but the raiding ground down in the end and PvP become null and void.

Main hope for the genre is Aion, which seems to be getting some raving reviews for being the next big PvP game, but imo, i fear the market's pretty much dying as its been dominated by one game.

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Population issues drove me away. When my housing village was completely empty apart from my house, and you could walk through emain with the only agro being fauna (or flora, everything's possible in hi(pp|bb)yland...), it got boring, and I didn't want to go and recreate my toons on the german server. I can't stand the language....


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Meeh, 3500 population server inc on the 17th July, Origins in the pipeline, PvP merge.

Seems promising to me heh.

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