i would like to hear your opinions, my personal opinions is they should stop them. Now myself i could make one as like alot of people in this game i have more than one account and more than one pc, however i refrain from doing so as i see it as cheating personally. Now this aint having a dig at people like alpha male and yog as i have seen alpha male destroy a full group and was thoroughly is awe of him he was fantastic, and i have also seen yog take apart a troll zerker. So here is my point should they be able to??? i think not. No one player should be able to take a full group apart one at a time. Also no stealther should be able to take apart a zerker one on one. This i here is being addressed, which in my humble opinion is a good thing. Also i notice today a lvl 45 necromancer which is an achievement and a half but was most disappointed to see towed behind it was a full enhancement cleric of 50 seasons. This kind of cheating should be stopped, i personally think it is spoiling the game but would love to hear your opinions for buffbots and against buffbots please.