For all you US haters out there :)


old.Gombur Glodson

sicko hast du mein Lederhosen gesehen?


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
sicko hast du mein Lederhosen gesehen?

Checking my rusty German.... Glombor said: Sicko have you seen my leather hose ? :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Gombur is such a perv :D -> see gh3y fan fiction..bwhaha

old.Gombur Glodson

Schwul Parade zweitausendundzwei


Originally posted by minstrel_kyra

well i certainly stumbled upon the wrong thread here.

but i would like to say this... its our country so any anti-america from other americans is our right. you don't hear the average bystander complaining about those damn brits/french/whoever.

edit: Thats true Europeans are more snobbish by nature :)

no, usually instead we are wondering why we are sending more troops/money/food to whatever country has asked our leaders for help this week.

edit: Food/Money maybe... but troops.... America never "sent military help", US simply followed their own agenda trust meh.

admittedly, a few times that the US has "helped out" might have been of our own inititive. but you see, that's the great thing, we can own up to that too. all i ever here is how wonderful things are over there and how your countries are so much better. its not very often that people in europe are willing to admit the problems of europe.

edit: I know my country's problems mate, i live with it every day.

hmmm...socialism good... ahh okay sure. wait you say, we aren't socialists.... i beg to differ there. the name might change but the thought and practices are the same. you pay outrageous taxes, most of you have joined the eu, and your governments monitor every move you make (and your computer chats too). Then there is the infighting that you can't even control yourselves: the catholic/protestant fighting, the christian/muslim fighting in east europe... shall i go on?

edit: Im paying 13% off my salary thats all <i doubt its outrageous> , the council tax is bearable. And dont forget its "Democracy" or should i now call it "Republic" in US too my man. As for monitoring your every move.... Im affraid to say... we got it from the US. Infighting.... America = Chinese, Mexican, African, Ukranian, Jewish... the list goes on. Do you not have internal Racial issues ?

the point is this... no country has it all figured out, but yet we all want to think that our own has all the answers. people get very touchy when you criticize a country you don't even live in. i realize that the above link is just the author's way of voicing his/her's opinion. doesn't mean i have to like it, however.

/emote Nods

i love my country as much as i am sure you love yours. but most of all i love my country because i can say how i feel about my government and its policies. and if i don't like what the current laws support, i can run for office and change the laws to better serve the community. i know that i don't have to worry about being checked up by the internet police. I take comfort in knowing that a person born in utter nothing can someday become a successful person. there is so much available to us in my country, all you have to do is work for it. I am relieved that we only pay 30% in taxes, instead of 60 or 80%. Why would i bother to work at all if 80% of my money i worked so hard for is going for some 20something person who would rather go clubbing and spend all day on the computer instead of getting off their ass and getting a job too. What is the initive to work if so much of your money doesn't go to your own family?

edit: Because we in Eastern Europe do not have decent Unemployment Benefits unlike US. To eat you have to work. As for taxes you are mixing up PI tax and Corporate :)

Anyway, feel free to flame as I know you will but keep this in really have no idea about what you are talking about until you live here and you know what being an American is really all about.
edit : Dont treat it as personal.. but thats what i meant by Looking at the world through pink glasses.

Proud to be an American !

edit : Proud of what a bunch of European immigrants achieved in such short time :)
Nothing personal in this post as usual, used quotes are for easier reference to stated questionable facts :m00:


sickofit, you misunderstand me.

I never said that the US is better than any other country, in fact i am quite aware that we have our problems. Yes I am sure that the administration of my country thinks it is however, but come to think of it, bet yours does to. I haven't heard Tony Blair come out and say "Hey we suck, might as well pack up and move to Germany." I was upset by the comments made that only tend to concentrate on what is wrong with america. (yes I know it was a Let's Slag America post)

The biggest problem that most anti-america have (as I see it) is that we refuse to submit to letting the UN have a say over what we do. Second is the Kyoto protocol. Solid suggested that we are taxed hmm how did he put it? Oh yes...

should be taxed thru the roof, they are singlehandedly the most pollutng nation on gods great earth and yet they refuse to acknowledeg let alone act on reducing it.

That money that he (and others) are demanding would not really come directly from the companies that are doing the offending. Instead it would come out of the pockets of those who need it most. Struggling to get by, paycheck to paycheck...hoping that the extra overtime that Bob (? first name i thought of) worked will pay for the necessities his children need for starting school. Or worse, that factory will close down and Bob will be without a job. You see, the companies, no matter what country they are based in, look out for profit first so it won't be the CEO who gives up his 1m raise. In defense of the US, our companies are doing quite a bit to reduce pollution, despite what you are hearing over there. That right now is President Bush's biggest complaint about the Kyoto protocol... that right now with our energy shortages and just coming out of a recession, it would hurt our country even more. You make it sound like we don't care, but we do... a lot.

Anyway, it was us who helped form the UN. We give a lot of money to the UN (don't know exact amounts sorry but if you need to know I can look it up) as do many other countries. The UN was started to secure peace for the world. Now they do exactly what the US is accused of, they step in and tell people how to run their government. If anything, people should be mad at the UN. Have they helped cure aids? NO. Have they stopped the injustices that plague women and children across the globe? NO. Have they ended hunger in the African nations? NO.

Second of all, we as a nation have a long history of taking care of ourselves, the only people our leaders should answer to is its citizens. I am sure that pisses a lot of people off that we are unwilling to let others outside our country tell us how to run the country, but that is just how we are. Besides, those outside of the US tellling us how to run things aren't exactly having the best of luck with their own countries, so why really should we listen if it will only cause more harm than good, such as put more people out of work?

It is truly a shame that people of other countries are unable to be proud of their country, and to look down at those who do so. We all should be proud of our heritage and the country that we live in. I am not saying that this allows anyone to think they are better than anyone else, but a little (genuine) pride in the achievements of others (and yourself) can only promote good will, not squash it.

I do think that the intentions are peace, end life-threatening dieseases, and slow/stop pollution. I certainly do not envy these people for the jobs they have to do, especially when with every decision you make you are faced with criticism.

All I am saying is that no one is perfect. I personally do not think I am better than anyone else, nor will you ever hear me say so. I have a roof over my head, my husband works hard for what he provides for us, I recycle and I make sure my children are raised in a well-educated and colorless environment. I give to many charities and I volunteer at the local hospital and homeless shelter many times a year. So you see, not every American is greedy or selfish....many of us do all we can to help as many as possible. I am very proud that my husband served in the Army and served time overseas in the Gulf War. Every man in my family for 6 generations has served in the military in some sort or another. So I very much care about defense spending, that was for 8 years, part or most of our income (for my husband and myself). I feel very blessed with all that I have been given and I do not take anything for granted.

Not every American is illiterate and ill-informed, just like not every French person smells and just like not every English person has bad teeth and speaks cockney. *hope i spelled that right* SEE...assumptions and predjudices hurt and are untrue.

I understand your arguments but instead of complaining, instead of worrying about what we are doing over here, concentrate on what you can do yourself. Try and be kind and considerate of others, and hopefully others will look out for you too. Its all we can do as a global nation. After all, every little bit helps.

P.S. the outrageous taxing and welfare system I was speaking of is not that of Eastern Europe. I was speaking of what I have been told by my friends in the Scandanavian countries.


Originally posted by minstrel_kyra

It is truly a shame that people of other countries are unable to be proud of their country, and to look down at those who do so. We all should be proud of our heritage and the country that we live in. I am not saying that this allows anyone to think they are better than anyone else, but a little (genuine) pride in the achievements of others (and yourself) can only promote good will, not squash it.
edit: From my personal experience <lived for a few months in NY> : Americans are patriotic in a very strange sort of way --> Most seem to understand "being patriotic" as going around saying your counrty sux and my homeland is da Bomb <if you see what i mean> instead of saying why exactly you love your homeland so and so much.

All I am saying is that no one is perfect. I personally do not think I am better than anyone else, nor will you ever hear me say so. I have a roof over my head, my husband works hard for what he provides for us, I recycle and I make sure my children are raised in a well-educated and colorless environment. I give to many charities and I volunteer at the local hospital and homeless shelter many times a year. So you see, not every American is greedy or selfish....many of us do all we can to help as many as possible. I am very proud that my husband served in the Army and served time overseas in the Gulf War. Every man in my family for 6 generations has served in the military in some sort or another. So I very much care about defense spending, that was for 8 years, part or most of our income (for my husband and myself). I feel very blessed with all that I have been given and I do not take anything for granted.

edit: Amen to that, but i hope you realise that you are a minority right now. But with Generation X growing up i dont actually see any future for these charitable actions :/

Not every American is illiterate and ill-informed, just like not every French person smells and just like not every English person has bad teeth and speaks cockney. *hope i spelled that right* SEE...assumptions and predjudices hurt and are untrue.

edit: Just to back that up Portugal is the most illiterate country in EU. Statistically America is somewhere close too, but may i still emphasise that the "me-american=me-da best" line of argument <not present in your posts Kyra> are just ridiculous. And that cannot be lined down to pure Patriotic nature of its roots. As for prejudice --->
Q: Hey man where you from, you speak with weird European accent ?
A: Im Russian.
Q: Is that true you Drink vodka everyday/are a Secret Agent/ Hate Americans/ Carry an AK in your pants/ are Druglord/mafia........the list can be extended upon demand :m00:
A: ............òèïè÷íîå àìåðèêàíñêîå ïàëåâî

I hope you see the pictucture with prejudice.. i take it as an unavoidable fact you just have to live with. Every damn time i have to break that shell of prejudice to talk normally to people :)

I understand your arguments but instead of complaining, instead of worrying about what we are doing over here, concentrate on what you can do yourself. Try and be kind and considerate of others, and hopefully others will look out for you too. Its all we can do as a global nation. After all, every little bit helps.

P.S. the outrageous taxing and welfare system I was speaking of is not that of Eastern Europe. I was speaking of what I have been told by my friends in the Scandanavian countries.

edit: But as for UK tis actually true i earn much more in RF than in UK due to tax difference :)


Originally posted by Octanion
ivan can I see your AK? :)

No, only fine Norsewomen can see that.......
MON THEN Jexa Teh_Legs :p


Originally posted by ivan_tribbiani

No, only fine Norsewomen can see that.......
MON THEN Jexa Teh_Legs :p


Damn I miss Laird :(

Orin Askhammare

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
sicko hast du mein Lederhosen gesehen?


I found them near the Glacier Giant who was smoking a cigarette...


yes I know it was a Let's Slag America post

it was actually meant as humour, albeit at the cost of americans, but still humour. and not a slag anything post

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