For all you US haters out there :)



wow! Psi! didn't expect you to still play :D

means I can still get my revenge :clap: :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by Soulcatcher
wow! Psi! didn't expect you to still play :D

means I can still get my revenge :clap: :clap: :clap:

now that was funny

Uncle Sick(tm)

I don't know, I lived in the US for about 15 years and am still trying to figure out what the rest of the worlds problem with this country is...

I know anti-americanism is "in" at the moment but if you judge a country and its people by their administration... feck, then we Europeans might all hide in shame as well.



Nala Lionne

From my few holidays to the US, I can say they are generally very nice people, from the shop owners to the people you pass in the street. Lots of very nice, chatty, warm and friendly people. Of course it's impossible to know if this was a true sample of the general populus, or just I got lucky and ran into a lot of good people.

Anyway, 1 stereotype that I did see was the "walk out house, get in car, drive to shop which is 15 metres away, buy stuff, drive home". I know some people actually beeped their horns at us because we were walking somewhere once.


Sorry that you:

- live in a country that deserves every ounce of derision it gets;
- can't take a fucking joke;
- think you're important enough to warrant an apology;
- think the rest of the world wants to be like you;
- ever found;
- come from a nation where more than a few citizens think the size of your military reflects their own personal importance in the world;
- read this far and expected us to really mean it;
- have a government that can't stay out of other nations' business;
- don't make cars as well as the Japanese, Germans or Swedes;
- are portrayed in your own media as jokes;
- got your poor widdle feewings hurted;

What more did you expect? Now fuck off
Hilarious shit... got to read the rest a bit later.



:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

"If I had all the money in the world, Id buy america and burn it"

-Lead singer of The Cardigans


Originally posted by sickofit...
I don't know, I lived in the US for about 15 years and am still trying to figure out what the rest of the worlds problem with this country is...

I know anti-americanism is "in" at the moment but if you judge a country and its people by their administration... feck, then we Europeans might all hide in shame as well.

As for administratoin.... well 60 billion dollar debt tell ya anything mate ? The board in NY says it all :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Ivan - I see the it more from "the people's" view.

You could argue that the Clinton administration had the debt lower than any government before (like the Reagan/Bush sr. adm. - who fudged up the finances in the first place).

Like I said - I see it from the people's view. One cannot claim to be 100% anti american. They are human beings just like everyone else. Not crazier than some russians rolling naked in the snow after getting drunk on vodka in their sauna ;).

If I would judge a whole country by what I read in the 'news', I would think that every person in Belgium is a pedophiliac monster with children bodies in their basement... every Russian either some right-wing Shirinovski lover or ultra orthodox revanchist communist... etc. etc. etc.

I don't judge people by their governments. Those come and go.


Originally posted by sickofit...
I don't judge people by their governments. Those come and go.

neither do i... but the yanks are mad :)

oh, better change that.

MOST of the yanks are mad :)


I blame America for political correctness and the general lack of ability to have any discussion without some moron saying "whoa, whoa. Guys. Relax. No need to fight"


yeah, lets all have a have a big murderous rampage about smelly socks (albs?) - there might even be deaths.


political correctness is TEH SUXX0R!!!11
non voilent arguments is TEH SUXX0R!!!11

and the next person that tells me to calm down will get large, pointy, midgardian hammer rammed up their arse.


Uncle Sick(tm)

Agreed, Landshark. They don't live up to the responsibility they have...

The Bush administration is openly abusing their powers -> Iraq.

You can blame the american public for not going out on the streets to demonstrate after the elections. Certainly.
The elections were openly manipulated and a farce.

It's the same sheepish "follow the leader" phenomenon the Germans suffer from.

The only 'public' opinion and solidarity I can respect is the the French's.

If some politician peeves the masses off, they go out on the street and demonstrate until they get their will. That's what I call democrazy.

It's all about governments and people's general attitude.
We Europeans are not any better than the average American citizen...


why hasnt anyone told me to calm down yet? i wanna ram some hammers up places!



Originally posted by old.tRoG
why hasnt anyone told me to calm down yet? i wanna ram some hammers up places!


calm down :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

Nearly impossible to calm him down once he has gone into Bessy rage... :m00:


*rams his large, pointy, midgardian hammer up soulcatchers arse*

Nala Lionne

Is this the fabled BESSEH RAEG(tm)!!1

Must say I'm a little dissapointed :(

Uncle Sick(tm)

Blame Mattwanks for it... he really pissed the Trogger off :(

Nala Lionne

Does tRoGgles need some hair ruffling action?


I just thought ill put that comment so that everyone understood that America aint the Super Candyland :)

Originally posted by sickofit...
Ivan - I see the it more from "the people's" view.

You could argue that the Clinton administration had the debt lower than any government before (like the Reagan/Bush sr. adm. - who fudged up the finances in the first place).

edit : Aye he at least rearranged the budget around a little bit from "Necessary Defense" to Education and Welfare.

Like I said - I see it from the people's view. One cannot claim to be 100% anti american. They are human beings just like everyone else. Not crazier than some russians rolling naked in the snow after getting drunk on vodka in their sauna ;).

edit: But some people either seem to be looking through pink glasses, or have that stupid inbred prejudice also known as "American patriotism". But i dont blame them if you get taught in school that you won the second world war <and most americans never get past high school> by everyone you start really believing yourself.

If I would judge a whole country by what I read in the 'news', I would think that every person in Belgium is a pedophiliac monster with children bodies in their basement... every Russian either some right-wing Zhirinovski lover or ultra orthodox revanchist communist... etc. etc. etc.

edit: Zhirinovski aint that bad... he points out things rather well and can talk allright but no action will ever come from this guy. 'News' arent there for the news ..... they are there to make money and 'sell' information to the public.

I don't judge people by their governments. Those come and go.


Hey I liked Bill Clinton, he was so....well.....flawed in a charismatic leader kind of way, and I thought he was fantastic, Dubya McJunior on the other hand is a dick, plain and simple, using his stance on "terrorism" to massage his ego.

Just finishe dup reading about the Earth Summit in RSA and surprise Surprise then fucking yanks yet again refuse to buy into anything that benefits the whole bloody earth instead of lining their own pockets.

The Kyoto protocol is #1 on my list, fuckign cunts should be taxed thru the roof, they are singlehandedly the most pollutng nation on gods great earth and yet they refuse to acknowledeg let alone act on reducing it.

I got no sympathy for americans, esp the administration, they are so inward looking its WORSE than Castro and Cuba at its Communist peak.

They preach freedome for all and civil roights and all that shit withint their own boundaries but they wanna dictate in foreign affairs that have diddly squat to do with em.

ANY F'ing wonder so many people hate their guts?

[Disclaimer] This is addressed to the power hungry Administratoins in the US and not the average suburban family dood or any other Jedd Blixx or Jayny Deen Public :)


lol, bill clinton :D

That was a truly SHP4MZ0RIFIC post!



well i certainly stumbled upon the wrong thread here.

but i would like to say this... its our country so any anti-america from other americans is our right. you don't hear the average bystander complaining about those damn brits/french/whoever.

no, usually instead we are wondering why we are sending more troops/money/food to whatever country has asked our leaders for help this week.

admittedly, a few times that the US has "helped out" might have been of our own inititive. but you see, that's the great thing, we can own up to that too. all i ever here is how wonderful things are over there and how your countries are so much better. its not very often that people in europe are willing to admit the problems of europe.

hmmm...socialism good... ahh okay sure. wait you say, we aren't socialists.... i beg to differ there. the name might change but the thought and practices are the same. you pay outrageous taxes, most of you have joined the eu, and your governments monitor every move you make (and your computer chats too). Then there is the infighting that you can't even control yourselves: the catholic/protestant fighting, the christian/muslim fighting in east europe... shall i go on?

the point is this... no country has it all figured out, but yet we all want to think that our own has all the answers. people get very touchy when you criticize a country you don't even live in. i realize that the above link is just the author's way of voicing his/her's opinion. doesn't mean i have to like it, however.

i love my country as much as i am sure you love yours. but most of all i love my country because i can say how i feel about my government and its policies. and if i don't like what the current laws support, i can run for office and change the laws to better serve the community. i know that i don't have to worry about being checked up by the internet police. I take comfort in knowing that a person born in utter nothing can someday become a successful person. there is so much available to us in my country, all you have to do is work for it. I am relieved that we only pay 30% in taxes, instead of 60 or 80%. Why would i bother to work at all if 80% of my money i worked so hard for is going for some 20something person who would rather go clubbing and spend all day on the computer instead of getting off their ass and getting a job too. What is the initive to work if so much of your money doesn't go to your own family?

Anyway, feel free to flame as I know you will but keep this in really have no idea about what you are talking about until you live here and you know what being an American is really all about.

Proud to be an American !

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by minstrel_kyra

Anyway, feel free to flame as I know you will but keep this in really have no idea about what you are talking about until you live here and you know what being an American is really all about.

Proud to be an American !

Well, you have certainly provided alot of flamable material here...

I guess in the end it's the US administration and the blatant, blown up patriotism in conjunction with a holier than thou attitude towards other countries (ie disregard of agreements, treaties and generally giving a shit because the US are a super power yee-haw! etc. pp.) that pisses people off... who can blame them?
Bush is a freaking, powerhungry maniac and a good portion of people finally come to realize it.

And hey - I lived in the States for 15 years, my wife is American, my kids are American citizens... so I think I can say a few words about the rest of the worlds problems with Gods own country.

What about the infighting in the US? KKK, Arian Brotherhood, Black Panthers, gang wars et all? A good percentage of Americans cannot even read or write... millions are homeless in this great land of opportunity...

What about the health care system? Are you insured? What if you get cancer and your bills consume your kids college money?

Hey! Wal Mart is great! And their prices are so low!! Yes... because they pay minimum wages and their suppliers are sweat shops in Asia...

My point? I don't think you can really make a point.
The States are not better than any other country.
Americans are not better than any other people.
... and vice versa.

We will go back to the US one day (when a democratically elected President is in office... hey, didn't Gore win the public vote? Gee... what a democrazy!) and I am looking forward to it actually.

I love the country and I like the people (in the New England area at least... Rednecks should be smothered in their cribs...;)).

But for fucks sake... knock off the holier than thou attitude.
Am I proud to be a German? Fuck no.
Am I proud to be a European? Fuck that, too.
Will I be proud to be an American if I apply for citizenship on day? Bahaha...

I am proud to be tolerant enough to stand above petty 'your country sucks and mine doesn't... and I am proud to be blablabla'.

This is the 21st century, people. Welcome.. folks.

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