For all those obsessed.....Please read



Originally posted by Lanceloc

Oh yeah, "No its a guild group only" !!!!!! Some people.....whats more important, being a helpful, respectable person or getting xp

What's wrong with guild only groups? Guilds often fight together and guild only groups are a good way to get used to fighting with people in your guild. Adding other people can skew the whole group dynamic meaning you loose that. Also with a guild only group it's a lot easier to filter out the idiots...


Guild groups are selfish and serve to alienate some people from that guild.

But thats my opinion, I have to live with it and I can't do anything about it except do the opposite and encourage others to be as "up-for-fun" as myself.

Generosity will earn you fame. Selfishness will not.


Mmm guild groups...... wish my guild was big enough for them :p

That said I don't agree with 'guild only' groups... yawn :)


This is a really nice thread 'n all, and i hate to put a damper on your little happy-party, but just because you view DAoC as "Only a game", doesn't mean you shouldn't respect other peoples views to take the game as seriously as they wish. I won't insult you all by suggesting that you are lying about "taking dying as a laugh" all the time, i sincerely can say that you may be that sort of person. But in my experience in DAoC i very rarely find anyone who will laugh at dying (Unless it really IS a funny death ofc :D). Personally, i can take dying with a laugh, if i happen to be in a good mood, if i happen to be levelling well, if i happen to have just levelled and dont have 5 hours worth of time spent levelling down the drain.. You see what i mean? I may be the bad guy in the thread, but im honest. If some idiot gets me killed for a stupid reason (Such as pulling a bunch of mobs while we're all resting at 0 mana and no endurance) they can expect at least some comment from me. If i happen to be in a bad mood at the time, have been gaining no XP all day and you just lost me a full bubble that has taken the whole morning to gain, you can expect a mouthful of abuse. Call me obsessed, call me an addict, i honestly dont care. But if you want people like me (and i reckon most of the other players around who won't just take dying lying down (Excuse the pun)) to ease up on the abuse when you get us killed and waste te couple of hours XP we get a day for s tupid reason, then you should respect the fact that some peope dont get to play constantly, or whenever they wish, and if they get a bubble from the hour XPing they do in a day, they dont want you to blow it all because of pure stupidity. Perhaps they *can't* just get that XP back whenever they wish?


Originally posted by ViscountCharles
God, that "Pets leach XP" is my second biggest bugbear! As you say, it's anessential part of the class FFS. Bit like telling a fighter not to wear plate/chain.

My main irritation though is the AE spells whining. For the same reason. The number of times I've heard "Please don't use AE" from a player in the group ...

In a nutshell, casters have two resources: power is obviously the first, but the second - casting time - is probably more important (particularly in a close fight). Hitting two mobs with an AE spell is more efficient in both time AND power than using one spell twice, and against 3+ mobs it's a no-brainer.

Of course we can get an extra add if we do it wrong, and it will break mezzes and the like - so we should be careful when we use the spells. But I think that - for example - my level 31 Thane has a pretty good idea when it's good to use an AE shout, when it's safe, and when it's going to get us all killed.

So can we stop telling each other to play with one hand tied behind our backs, whether it be pets or spells?

Yeh the amount of times I have been asked not to cast my runemasters AOE on mulitple mobs, I mean come on I have played this character since level 1 for gods sake. I know what I can do and I do it well, before I cast a AOE spell I check a few things first.

1) other mobs nearby that could agro.
2) mezzed mobs and balance that against the groups general health. If the Healer is out of power and tha tanks are not being healed break out the nukes, cause if you dont as soon as the mezz wears off the groups dead anyway.
3) always target the AOE on the mob with the less health cause they will take more damage and hopefully finish it off for the tanks.

The amount of times people have stood there and just said " wow whats that " after I have used a AOE astounds me still, even more when they are one or two levels above or below me.


Don't worry Rawker you aint raining on anyones parade....

Don't suppose to suppose that I dont take it seriously...I take it as seriously as any other game I play....All im saying is that people get much more cocky when hidden by anonymity...its funny that.. - they suddenly develop a heart as big as a lion when there is no you must appreciate whenever you have flamed someone *less experienced* than you for getting you killed.

Just get some manners. Thats all. Have the decency to acknowledge a learning curve - (not aimed at you Rawker...just aimed at..well...Id rather not say).

Farnis - still learning about mmorpg's - please forgive my idiocy.


Thats a fair point, and i dont flame people because they are new to the game and they make mistakes, we were all newbies once. But i will lose my temper and i'm sure a lot of others will when someone get them repeatedly killed, or killed for stupid reasons after they are told that they shouldn't do something.. Everyone has makes mistakes, but i dont have patience with people who won't listen and then get me killed, or get me killed twice with the same mistake after being told what they have done wrong..


Tbh the game in itself is boring to me right now. I simply cannot solo, or group with people that don't have a laugh, as the game itself is so boring. I NEED to have people around I can chat to and generally piss about with, and have the game going on as a background thing.

Of course as a cleric its a lot easier to piss about when you've got a theurg with 6 sec BT ;)


Actaully - the bit Ive enjoyed most so far was giving all level 1 chararcters new bronze weapons - and all level 7 free iron weapons...

I only did it for a laugh - but i shifted about 30 of the little bleeders in about 2 hours while i was trade skilling. I kept getting messages back saying that the weapons were wicked and they were soloing yellows with ease...gave me a nice warm feeling...

Hell - it is the only thing you can do to get over the tedium of tradeskilling :)


Farnis - stop bloody posting just to keep this thread high on the list. I know your sort, always wanting your name in lights, attention hungry, desparate to be noticed.

Pack it in.

You're not impressing anyone.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


He's banned from posting on his own threads now?

Dont be so damn stupid, its hardly like these forums are really busy and he's knocking important threads down.


This happened to me once, it was my first or second time in Spindhella Caves, didnt really know where I was going and what mobs added etc.
I managed to get into a group, said Hi, noone answered me, thought this a little strange, but carried on, got the general gist of where we were supposed to be going.
Eventually ended up in the scavs room, and as we were the only ones in there, there was quite alot of mobs, none of the group said "INC" they just picked a mob and started attacking it. Unfortunately cos I was feeling the tension a bit I made a mistake and targetted the wrong mob, hit it and of course a few of us died :(
Then they did start speaking to me :)
Basically it was Disband Haf now!!
I made my apologies and obviously released.

I'm sure this was just an unlucky group I was in, as I have not really come accross this attitude at all whilst playing. And the majority of the non guild groups I have joined have been first class. Loads of good banter and generally a good time. I feel the really serious people who think that it is a matter of life and death are few and far between.

Basically at the end of the day it is a game, and yes it is nice to do well in a game, but because of the type of game it is, there are many ways of doing well, one of them being able to socialise and make friends.

I hope this makes sense.

Haf, lvl 34 warrior


Originally posted by Rawkeer
Thats a fair point, and i dont flame people because they are new to the game and they make mistakes, we were all newbies once. But i will lose my temper and i'm sure a lot of others will when someone get them repeatedly killed, or killed for stupid reasons after they are told that they shouldn't do something.. Everyone has makes mistakes, but i dont have patience with people who won't listen and then get me killed, or get me killed twice with the same mistake after being told what they have done wrong..

Story of my life, I feel your pain...

Also, when someone else has made a mistake and I've died saving them, and got no thanks or apologies. :mad:


I usually find if yer fighting somewhere that you can't make a mistake without everyone dying then you're in too nasty a place...

If you can make mistakes and only lose one or two then it's probably not too bad... otherwise you're gonna be losing more xp than gaining.

That said, no matter how good the xp - a friendly group, and some interesting chat makes the time fly past. Much more important in my opinion :)


Hey All

If someone gets us killed by making a mistake - I dont mind so much - what annoys me is when they blame someone else. Thats just irritating. When people do that I tend to find an excuse to go solo for a while.

I find the biggest problem with groups is communication. Yes we may know how to play OUR characters - but do we know how to get the best out of each others? I always like a group when the tanks start off with who do we guard/protect and the ranged combat say things like right who pulls etc. This way I know I have people in the group who know how to use their character to the best and how to let the rest of the group know what they are doing.

This allows me to do my job and use all my buffs on the combat and wizard chars and just heal and poision as needed.

Those sorts of groups are excellent. I find that I level very quickly - almost without knowing its happening and that the time flies by as we hit mob after mob.

As regards guild only groups - I often answer this to requests when people ask to join a guild group. The main reason I do this is because I organise exp picnics where any interested guild member meets and we wander off to koalinth caves or Spraggon den and hit mobs. I do this so that lower level guildies can get good exp and loot - thus levelling quicker and so they can learn how to fight the mobs in spraggon den with high level ppl who can get them out of trouble if they make a mistake. I don't like to burden non-guild members with this - so I normally say guild only. If I do let non guilds in I always say - its a guild trip so there will be low levellers here - if you dont mind the exp cap fine.. if u do.. another group is your best solution




Nonono, there mistakes, such as having the wrong instrument out to mezz with as a minstrel.. Then there's really MISTAKES, such as comaping a room and some ijut cabablist sends his pet into the middle of the 20 aggro mobs pulling them all on top of you.... (These are example btw... Not real situations)


Originally posted by Rawkeer
Nonono, there mistakes, such as having the wrong instrument out to mezz with as a minstrel..
that is not fair do you know who many instruemnts we have to swap in and out of our hands along with the sword and/or sheild it is a nightmare.....

Then there's really MISTAKES, such as comaping a room and some ijut cabablist sends his pet into the middle of the 20 aggro mobs pulling them all on top of you.... (These are example btw... Not real situations)
This is just pure stupidity by the time that you have got to a dungeon level you must have known how to group properly or else been highly anti-social
Or just dune as a laurf (I have been the ones killed by “it was just a laurf mate”))


Originally posted by dittytwo
that is not fair do you know who many instruemnts we have to swap in and out of our hands along with the sword and/or sheild it is a nightmare.....

What is even worse about swapping instruments is if you have been hunting for a while, and your pack is full (pack fills quicker than some other classes because of having to carry 3 instruments). So, there you are, with a full pack, and the rest of the group is yelling at you to play, e.g. speed song (maybe you have all decided to run back to town to sell). First thing you have to do is unequip either the drum or flute (any good bard who is the only one in the group keeps both equipped), but ..... where do you put it? Your pack is full!!! Do you risk dropping it on the ground, with the potential for a bug and not being able to pick it up again? No Way!!! So .. you either have to drop a piece of loot, or destroy one. Hmmmm .. now how much was this piece of loot worth, compared to that piece? Okay .. you select a piece of loot to drop, move your equipped instrument to the empty slot in your pack, then go back to the place in your pack where you put your speedsong instrument, and equip it, then hit your speedsong button. Don't forget to pick up the dropped loot, and you are finally ready to run back to town.

Non-musicians .... it often takes a little time to switch instruments, so please don't get angry with a musician in your group if they seem a little slow at switching songs. For those who know me, a gentle prod is all I need if I have forgotten to switch songs. Often it's because single clicking on a song doesn't always work, and I'm so busy looking at my mini-group and healing so I can keep the group healthy, that I just don't notice that the right song isn't playing.


im one of those guys who do take this game seriously. I see no other way to play it, but i try very hard to be as forthcomming to different people's needs as possible. If a RP'er RP's me ( :p ) i RP him back, altho i am not in essence a RP'er. Had i been a RP'er, i would not expect people to RP me, but most ppl seem to do so.

If i am in a Guild Group, and we've all decided, that this group stays Guildish, i appologize to any newcommers, and say its a guild group. If this guild group somehow breaks up ( as they do ), i try to remember those people, and send a tell, explaining that the guild session is now over, and that i have a spot for him, if needed. if i have a 7 tank group, no healer, i reserve the right to keep last spot for a healer. Can i not find a healer, i take who ever is available. this has resolved into very obscure groups. Best one: 2 clerics, a friar, 3 infils, a cabalist and a scout. oh man we had fun :D

Among alot of ppl on my level, i seem to have the reputation of a guy who is always in a good group. this leads to alooot of requests, so i'd like thank all of you for doing that, and for respecting a no, for which ever reason there might be.

I've only ever kicked one person from my group. Ill rather talk about it, and tell the guy what the problem is (it is usually a guy, who doesnt even know he mess up. break mezz, for example).
Ofcourse, all of us has met mister no-brainer, and so has I.

The point about laughing at death.

Rarely do it. Sucks to die.

I do it, however, if it is in a humorous way.

if the group _knew_ we would most likely die, but all agreed to pull those 5 purples.

Im an infil. people must put up with a lot of crap from us. we suck healers mana. we outdamage most tanks. etc etc etc etc..

Therefore, nothing NOTHING brings me greater pleasure, than to repay those people's respect for me. This can be done by, for example saving someone's life, all tho you KNOW it will get you killed. if you manage to hold the aggro from 3-4 mobs just long enough for the rest of the group to run to safety. its well worth it


Conclusion. People. get along. its not too hard.



oh, and btw.


A cabalist friend of mine, has conducted experiments.

The pet sucks about 20% if SOLO.

as soon as you group, the drain is radically reduced.
in a 8 man group, she could hardly notice the drain at all.

So its bullocks.

And if you ever see a caba send his pet into a room. its most likely not his fault. 1-2 of the simulacrums are bugged, movement wise, and will get fixed in 1.48 :D


Yeah - cabalists pets are a little on the insane side :)

Got a lvl 8 alt - and the second pet is unusable, after it kills its first monster it either goes into a sulk and refuses to move or it teleports all around the zone.


Originally posted by dittytwo

that is not fair do you know who many instruemnts we have to swap in and out of our hands along with the sword and/or sheild it is a nightmare.....

Yes, i do know about minstrels, my brothers is level 46 and i've played it enough.

This is just pure stupidity by the time that you have got to a dungeon level you must have known how to group properly or else been highly anti-social
Or just dune as a laurf (I have been the ones killed by “it was just a laurf mate”))

Did you not read the bit about examples?
And now, you dont have to be a great player to get to dungeon levels, you can go to mithra at level 8, keltoi at 15-17 (depending on class), catacombs at 23.. These are still learning levels, a lot of the players don't know what they are doing around this level.
(And if you dont believe me on that, take a trip to keltoi alb/excal sometime)

old.Burgess Prime

Regarding not allowing people into groups...

Myself and Branak share our own mini-LAN and broadband connection, so we usually play as a team. Our entire guild (of 4 people :D) knows each other in real life. As a result of these factors, we usually prefer to stick together for maximum efficiency. Especially as me and Branak can talk to each other directly.

Is that so bad? Excluding others because we work better as a team? Isn't that what guilds are all about?


Keri: Equipping instruments

Keri, you do know that you can have one instrument in your two-handed slot and one in your ranged weapon slot?

(Not sure about bards but most minstrels keep the flute and drum equipped usually. Any time you are playing the healing song, it'll probably be during downtime and you'll have enough time to search your pack for the lute.

Sure, I still occasionally get the wrong hotbar or try to hit things with the drum by mistake, but it does get much rarer now, with practice.)



Lol you think this is bad

I found that all the people in DAoC that I have been alright to me and polite when either unable or unwilling to-do or answer some thing I have asked them about or to-do, Unlike I must say UO -Ultima Online for those unfamiliar with it- Where most people would avoid contact with you and be very untrusting or when you placed misguided trust in them shafted you which was a great experience as a new person to the world of online gaming. Anyway just thought I would have that said, so think you’re self-lucky.

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