For all those obsessed.....Please read




I am a normal guy - I play loads of sports - I go out - I get pished - I dance with girls...if im lucky.....What i am saying is that I am generally normal - and to be honest a good egg all round.

I am becoming increasingly worried by the amount of level obsessed people that are starting to flood the servers. These people are really starting to really piss me off. Last night I was called a moron....ok I dont mind someone taking the piss and having a laugh - but this guy was deadpan serious. This is not a rant about making a mistake.....hell I did get these ppl killed coz I ran off too early...but hey these things happen (rarely).

Some people really need to chill out a bit - mistakes are made, people are here to enjoy themselves and some people are actually here to converse. The be all and end all is not to reach level 50 as fast as possible - well not for me. For those that this statement relates sincerist apologies. Please have the curtesy to realise that not all "GAMERS" see this as a job.

This has also had an affect on my guild - with many people saying that they are going to leave the game because the inhabitants of the servers are turning (or showing themselves) in to dickheads. I have to group with my guild who are all absolute gems - the fact that some of you [edit by Farnis] seem good to insult these good people has made me lose all focus in this game and its "community". This is not a rant at everyone - this just relates to those people who see fit to insult others because they play this game as a hobby and nothing more.

I don't care if you must hit 50 fast - I really dont - but the next time one of you sad [edit by Farnis] calls me a moron...well I wont be as cordial - put itr that way.:upyours:

For all my friends out there - and I have many - Ill see you soon . For eveyone else - get a heal off someone else - coz I aint listening anymore. Get a life - get a sense of humour and get out of my face....NOW!



Every online game will have its share of children (I mean in a mental age sense , not physical age). But they also have their fair share of stars. Avoid the babies, enjoy the stars.


Ah, i realized your problem when i got to your signature. You're in the wrong realm! We have none of those tendencies in good ole' Albion. All merry chaps here. Take your healing knowledge and bring it here and let those filthy Norsemen and smelly Dwarfs have the cold north to themselves.


I generally don't have that problem. the groups I have in Spind are overall great.
Some exeptions are there, but they're easily straightened out if you remember them who stands between getting XP and being ripped apart by a Scav


For the first time ever I witnissed this last night myself.

A group invited me to join as they needed tanks. We had a warden in the group who only ever healed himself, and essentially pulled 100% for about 5 minutes. He didnt care about anyone else - just getting to level 10 as quickly as possible.

Someone else wanted to group his response was not no- we dont need them (perfectly adequate responce) but no it was No I will lose Exp.

disband time I think. There are some very selfish people at the moment who seem to be obsessed with just sorting themselves out. Don't get me wrong here - if I was in a roleplaying group and somone was playing a cowardly ranger or selfish elf etc I wouldn't bat an eyelid. This wasnt the case here

If I dont want to look after people or worry about a group I go solo - and I don't mind the slow exp grind. What I despise are people who join groups - act as thought the group is there to get them exp and nothing more and generally ruin the experience of that group for the time that they are with them.

needless to say I made my apologies and left ..

Btw if anyone ever fancies doing some roleplay /send revor for a druid or tabor for a tank - it depends what mood I am in as to which char I am playing. Tabor is a firey celtic Spear hero, Revor is a quiet retiring druid - he seldom speaks (in character) and when he does speak its very slowly



Ill make sure I only look out for the stars........

Although I must admit - nobody out there is as handsome or indeed as funny and charming as I....:D

PS As a dwarf - is it considered bad form to fancy Avalonian women....


Originally posted by Farnis

PS As a dwarf - is it considered bad form to fancy Avalonian women....

It would be worse if you took a liking to female firbolgs. :p


I've encountered several (too many in fact) people who dont want extra people to join the group because the xp will reduce even further.

What they dont realise is that the only valid excuse is because the group is full and that adding more people will only mean we'll have to find more or harder mobs to kill instead in order to keep the xp coming at a respectable rate. This would not cause much hassle to do unless a dungeon is mega full and all the campsites are taken.

For me the game is about (in order of importance)

a) having fun
b) levelling

This leads on to another issue:

My group arrives at a typical camp spot, e.g. vigilant souls in the stonehenge barrows....There is already a group there...
Other person: "This is our camp spot, please go somewhere else"
I say: "Surely we can share 9 spawning vigis?"
Other person: "No! We got here first, so go somewhere else"
I say: "Everywhere else is camped though, be a gentleman and share the mobs please?"
Other person: "Right thats it I'm reporting you to the GMs to get you banned mate!"

What is wrong with sharing ffs?

Selfishness abounds in every realm I bet...

Comon gimme some opinions on this issue please.


So what's he gonna report you for? (and to what GM's? :p )
Tell him to shut up and grab your fair share of the mobs.
If he start harrassing you, turn on chat log and send it to RightLater.
(Things will get so much easier when we get the PvP server :rolleyes: )


I don't understand this whole - we got here first thing.

Are groups supposed to take a ticket and wait their turn?

If there are two or three groups camping the same area as me - I will either leave them to it and bugger off or come to an agreement where we take one side and they take another - then if neone in either group needs help and I can respond - I will.

At the end of the day its all about being reasonable and not thinking that buying the game automatically gives you the right to expect first 'dibs' on all of the monsters/items/dungeons/quests/ etc.




There is actually nothing more I hate than people seriously obsessed with this game. I always feel like saying "GODDAMNIT IT IS ONLY A MOTHERF*ING GAME! *sigh*" but I don't because I want to be a sensible and respectable individual who is part of this great community.
I really don't find it very normal to be so obsessed with a game that a small mistake makes you go apesh*t resulting in a series of insults and flames.
I myself, as stroke already said he is, am a normal guy who takes part in such sports as snowboarding, aggressive skating, mountain biking, drinking, partying, general screwing around and I really can't stand people who would almost kill just because their character died twice in a row and they lost an hour of "precious gaming time".
Lighten up is all I can say, for some I could say that go outside, breathe some fresh air and feel like a human again, not an organism who has merged with a machine.


Yeah well, theres always those who play for fun, and those who set high goals and want to really achieve something that others think is well done aswell. Sure, theres no reason to be a roughtmouthed punk with bad attidute and greed all over... But on some circumstances I can understand why people want to lvl fast and effectively. And for the fun part, some people think its fun to lvl fast and with a tight friendly grp. I can understand that.

Just be polite and make damn good excuses ;-)

BTW, 2 grps camping vigs... and if every spot is camped, take a trip to lyoness... Or some other place. Surely Barrows isnt THAT great place to exp.


Nice responses there peeps.

I always laugh when I die, I especially like major group wipeouts, they are even more amusing.


Anyways, nothing ever fuks me off really. I just dont understand how some people can take the game so seriously.

Oh yeah, "No its a guild group only" !!!!!! Some people.....whats more important, being a helpful, respectable person or getting xp



Originally posted by kr0n
Yeah well, theres always those who play for fun, and those who set high goals and want to really achieve something that others think is well done aswell. Sure, theres no reason to be a roughtmouthed punk with bad attidute and greed all over... But on some circumstances I can understand why people want to lvl fast and effectively. And for the fun part, some people think its fun to lvl fast and with a tight friendly grp. I can understand that.

Just be polite and make damn good excuses ;-)

BTW, 2 grps camping vigs... and if every spot is camped, take a trip to lyoness... Or some other place. Surely Barrows isnt THAT great place to exp.

I agree that one should try to make a group efficient. For example, being level 40 I would only group with 32 - 48 because of xp cap reasons. Thats unless I'm helping powerlevel a friend.

Its not fun getting poor xp but sometimes u have to hack it as there may not be an available group or enough players to make a group that can handle purples. I've had instances where there wasnt any suitable group in Barrows or Lyonesse and my only choice was soloing which I think is not bad fun but groups are so much better of course.

Btw, I still havent done any work at the office today yet :p


I used to group with you as much as I could Lance - liked your groups...

I found it very hard to get groups (always full when I was on to play) and then the numbers started dropping after the free time ran out just making it that much harder.

Got a bit bored with playing a tank mind, so I started in Hibby (excal) as a chanter.

Bakon (35 Armsman - Pred)
Bacon (23 Chanter - Excal)


I'm pretty happy to group with anyone. Obviously if I join a group of people higher lvl than me I get lots of xp, but on the other hand i've group with people that are all lower than me and got hardly any xp. Bottom line is that i'm not that bothered. I'm hopefully gonna play for a good few months yet and i'm sure i'll get to lvl50 eventually. If I help other people lvl quicker then that makes me quite happy.

I agree with the first posters point. Some people take it far too seriously. I find that the communications skills that some people have are seriously lacking. I've asked group leaders looking for people if I can group and then got rather rude replies back - "no", "want healer", etc. I've stood by and watched a group get massacred by purples and then had people from the group message me for not helping (although i'm experienced enough to know i'd have got killed and lost xp - not good when i'm 1 bub from lvling). I've had people stand and watch me killing a mob, then for no reason get a few hits on the mob, then when the mob dies they just say "sorry". They then proceed to do the same a bit later. All a bit annoying, but I appreciate that in a game like this you are bound to get a fair share of young kids, selfish people, no lifers, etc.

old.Trine Aquavit

I tend to find that good XP is a by-product of a fun group, not its goal.

Most of the best groups I've been in have got good XP because, to me, a good group is one where everyone is contributing, everyone is busy and the mobs are coming thick and fast.

If everyone is having fun at what they're doing it often means there's more banter and less people being distracted by other things.

I've also been in groups that have made XP, and risk-free XP, their goal and have been less fun because of it.

XP increasing / fun reducing activities include:

1. Not taking on other members (at the right level)

I think it's pretty valid to refuse to group with people at an inappropriate level (though you should ever kick out an existing member for this reason). There are occasionally other valid reasons for keeping a group small, though, particularly when a large group is unmanageable (esp. in dungeons).

2. Only fighting non-social/non-agressive mobs

This can be a killer in the fun stakes (though not always fatal). Running the risk of an 'add' is one of the fun things, as is properly dealing with multiple mobs. Any crowd-control capable group should be trying to get that group bonus.

3. Telling the pet class to kill the pet "'cos it steals XP"

Each class should be free to use the best tools available to them. For many pet classes their best tool is their pets (and they have saved a group on many occassions). Let pet classes use their pets (so long as they don't break my mezzes ;))


God, that "Pets leach XP" is my second biggest bugbear! As you say, it's anessential part of the class FFS. Bit like telling a fighter not to wear plate/chain.

My main irritation though is the AE spells whining. For the same reason. The number of times I've heard "Please don't use AE" from a player in the group ...

In a nutshell, casters have two resources: power is obviously the first, but the second - casting time - is probably more important (particularly in a close fight). Hitting two mobs with an AE spell is more efficient in both time AND power than using one spell twice, and against 3+ mobs it's a no-brainer.

Of course we can get an extra add if we do it wrong, and it will break mezzes and the like - so we should be careful when we use the spells. But I think that - for example - my level 31 Thane has a pretty good idea when it's good to use an AE shout, when it's safe, and when it's going to get us all killed.

So can we stop telling each other to play with one hand tied behind our backs, whether it be pets or spells?


i agree that to a point groups that are fun usually get more exp :) some examples

a while ago i got in a group with a few people around my level (level range 35-41ish), and we went down coruscating mines to find abysmals and weeweres all fully camped, and someone pointed out teh abysmals can be hunted from teh other side :) the catch being you have to fight through one spawn spot (weeweres), an aggro-spawning corridor, and a small pit. we chose to go through, and made it with no casuatlys :D which was close, ended up totally out of end and mana by the end of the run down and run out but it was great fun :) after we got wiped there (trying to fight way back up) we went to play in mount collory, massacred one grovewood spawn, went to another and pulled no less than 12. we killed all of them at once with no deaths :D :D :D :D :D


also the only trip ive been on to sheeroe was pretty good :) kept getting aggros from the glimmerlings, so there was constant flow of exp coming in :D but was fun rushing around trying to killl the latest add group, we got wiped soon after we started camping though ;)

the game is here to have fun :) so play it how you like to get the fun otherwise theres no point :)


i agree, its fun when theres a constant inflow of mobs... and there's awesome xp for the group bonus :)

lol, group chat gets a wierd at times

'mes the add!'
'which one?'
'any one!'
'they're all dead.'
'oh well.'


This thread has gone a bit off-topic but oh well.... we were talking about obsessed people and now we are talking about having fun and getting more xp.


Yeah were off thread - but what the hell.....:) Ramble away to your hearts content.



Originally posted by Farnis
Yeah were off thread - but what the hell.....:) Ramble away to your hearts content.

Hehe. Indeed. Topic might aswell be changed to "Isn't this game about fun? Fun groups add to the exp."


i understand allot of what is being said here, i realise its just a game and i do have high goals but only limited playing time, and when the fit hits the shan i usually log off and take a breather. i'm not a total saint though i have had my share of rants at people who have pissed me off, although its probably more my fault that theres, guess i shouldnt try to solo as a cleric :p

i do recall one power gamer, a low lvl at the time, no names though :) that aint fair heh, anyways, i grouped with him one day with an alt and he asked all the questions under the sun about the game, next day i returned with a different alt (same lvl) and he was yelling, and i mean literally at his group, calling them names and all sorts of nonsense, i was disgusted and logged, 2 hours later i went back and solo'd instead, saves me meeting people like that.

so as much as there is idiots, there are good people, if i think i'm right i will argue, if proved wrong i will apologise. shame not everyone is as forth comming.

'life sucks get a fockin helmet!'
-denis leary

dwyte soulavenger


in the end it will be the people having fun and enjoying the game that will be left, and being an asshole wont give you neither.
im kinda glad that the albs are hitting us so hard right now, i think this will force us to cooperate, and i think that the people who think everyone is a "n00b" and seeing the game as the epic adventure of <insert 1337 player name> will not stand for this enforced cooperation and just leave. i for one as a SB try to avoid any conflicts (my greatest fear in a group is the CAPS ppl), and ive been grouped with these people, and they are the ones that leave your group hanging, and they are the ones asking to reinvite when they found that their XP was shit doing there "god-like" soloing, and after a while people dont want them around anymore. eventually they will die out, more are to come but they thin out during lvls (around lvl 10:ish i saw a billion, at 38 i see some, and at 50 i hope to see none :) ). ive played my fair share of games, and in both SC (played that for about 2 years) and CS (2.5 years) its rare to see the most experienced players whine and flame others, its mainly the semi-skilled that think they know everything. guess its similar to aging :)


Hmm, another thing with some people is that they don't like the presence of 2x people in RvR, I find this extremely annoying. Especially when for example I am a scout, I can kill my share of yellow/orange con (to me ofc).... I go to RvR with my 2x scout for the fun of it.... I have a great time, even when I can't find a suitable target (usually there are plenty to kill though).


Agreed SFX. I've been to RvR a couple of times at my lowly level of 18 and some people seem to think you shouldn't be there. But I still do my bit, however small that might be.

Keep raid - bashed the door for 4 damage at a time (woohoo!) and (tried to) smack at anything that attacked us.

RvR melee - helped slice at those purple Middies even if it was pretty ineffectual, every little helps.

The main thing was that I had fun and it didn't stop anyone else from having fun or get them killed. And I've got my 9 RP's to prove it :)

Ignore the arogant, play with the majority who are decent and remember that they were noobs or low levels once too.


Is it okay to whine about GOA's patching ability?



to be honest, the best way to deal with idiots or outright "l33t" arseholes, is not to group with em and /ignore them.
The type that really get me are the ones who refuse to listen to polite, friendly advice. Like an armsman who I tell repeatedly to leave any mob that aggros the healer, because i'll mezz him; and then he goes and breaks mezz endlessly, getting the healer and eventually all of us killed. :rolleyes:
There's a fine line between being good at a game and becoming arrogant about it, and being juuust on the right side of it is a Good Thing {tm}.

Cheradenine - 31 Minstrel (and rising like a good'un)
LandShark - 25 Friar
Albion, Excalibur.

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